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Number of items: 578.

McCarthy, Breda (2024) Broadening equitable access to solar: renters, non-adopters and the impact of consumption values on attitudes and installation intentions. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management. (In Press)

Hayshida-Boyles, Alana L., McCarthy, Breda, and Connell, Adam (2024) The ‘Greening’ of an Australian University: Onsite Composting of Residential Food Waste. In: Choudhury, Atun Roy, and Palani, Sankar Ganesh, (eds.) Material and Energy Recovery from Solid Waste for a Circular Economy. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. (In Press)

Lignier, Philip, Jarvis, Diane, Grainger, Daniel, and Chaiechi, Taha (2024) How Selective Mobility, Social and Ecological Influence may Impact Geographic Variations in Life Satisfaction Scores: An Australian Longitudinal Study. Social Indicators Research. (In Press)

McCarthy, Breda, and Liu, Hongbo (2024) It Starts at Home: Non-Economic Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Battery Storage in Australia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (In Press)

McCarthy, Breda (2024) Green, guilty, and frugal: Facilitators of energy saving and the choice of energy-efficient appliances in the Australian energy market. Energy Strategy Reviews, 53. 101400.

Welters, Riccardo, Gerards, Ruud, and Mellor, Kyran (2024) Homeownership, the unemployed and financial hardship. Journal of Housing Economics, 64. 101996.

Coggan, Anthea, Hay, Rachel, Jarvis, Diane, Eberhard, Rachel, and Colls, Barbara (2024) Increasing uptake of improved land management practice to benefit environment and landholders: insights through a transaction cost lens. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 67 (5). pp. 1053-1076.

McCarthy, Breda (2024) Moral licensing and habits: do solar households make negligent choices? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 191. 114213.

McCarthy, Breda, Kaur Sabharwal, Jagdeep, and Chawla, Shailey (2024) Old age or cognitive decline? Examining the usability of a mobile health app for older Australians. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 49 (1). pp. 83-97.

Attard, Stephen, Connell, John G., and Chaiechi, Taha (2024) Pathways to Improved Water Quality in the GBR Lagoon—Exploring Opportunities for Broadscale Application of Low-Risk Practices in the Lower Burdekin Irrigated Agriculture Areas. In: Wolanski, Eric, and Kingsford, Michael J., (eds.) Oceanographic Processes of Coral Reefs: Physical and Biological Links in the Great Barrier Reef. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 374-391.

Lignier, Philip, Jarvis, Diane, Grainger, Daniel, and Chaiechi, Taha (2024) Spatial Heterogeneity and Subjective Wellbeing: Exploring the Role of Social Capital in Metropolitan Areas Using Multilevel Modelling. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25. 52.

Grainger, Daniel (2024) Sustainability criterion implied externality pricing for resource extraction. Economics letters, 234. 111448.

Coggan, Anthea, Jarvis, Diane, Graham, Victoria, Pert, Petina, and De Valck, Jeremy (2024) The Sustainable usE And Benefits fOR MariNE (SEABORNE) project: An overarching report of objectives, methods, key findings and reflections. Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Project, for the Great Barrier Reef. CSIRO, Australia. Report. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Coggan, Anthea, Thorburn, Peter, Fielke, Simon, Hay, Rachel, and Smart, James (2024) Understanding the human dimensions to land management practice change. In: [Presented at the 4th Global Congress on Climate Change]. From: 4th Global Congress on Climate Change, 9-10 September 2024, Lisbon, Portugal.

Finau, Glenn, Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, Larson, Silva, Grainger, Daniel, Douglas, Michael, Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation, Barrowei, Ryan, Coleman, Bessie, Groves, David, Hunter, Joshua, Lee, Maria, and Markham, Michael (2023) Accounting for Indigenous cultural connections to land: insights from two Indigenous groups of Australia. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 36 (9). pp. 370-389.

Wang, Pengji, and McCarthy, Breda (2023) Beyond positive and negative eWOM: the role of trust propensity and individuation in shaping consumers’ perception of brand image. International Journal of Hospitality & Administration, 24 (3). pp. 387-414.

Fleming, Aysha, Fielke, Simon, Jakku, Emma, Malakar, Yuwan, Snow, Stephen, Dickson, Stephanie, Hay, Rachel, Prakash, Mahesh, Tijs, Sigrid, and Cornish, Gillian (2023) Co-designing Climate Services for Agriculture – reflecting on successes, setbacks and early lessons learned. Rural Extension and Innovation Systems Journal, 19 (2). pp. 24-34.

Chaiechi, Taha (2023) Creating safe and inclusive cities for an ageing population. Opinion and Blog, 2nd June 2023.

Mayfield, Helen J., Eberhard, Rachel, Baker, Christopher, Baresi, Umberto, Bode, Michael, Coggan, Anthea, Dean, Angela J., Deane, Felicity, Hamman, Evan, Jarvis, Diane, Loechel, Barton, Taylor, Bruce M., Stevens, Lillian, Vella, Karen, and Helmstedt, Kate J. (2023) Designing an expert-led Bayesian network to understand interactions between policy instruments for adoption of eco-friendly farming practices. Environmental Science & Policy, 141. pp. 11-22.

Phan, Chung Phan, Sun, Sizhong, Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Beg, Rabiul, and Ramsawak, Richard (2023) Does productive microcredit improve rural children's education? Evidence from rural Vietnam. Journal of Asian Economics, 84. 101555.

Lignier, Philip, Jarvis, Diane, Grainger, Daniel, and Chaiechi, Taha (2023) Does the Climate Impact Satisfaction with Life? An Australian Spatial Study. Weather Climate and Society, 15 (1). pp. 159-175.

Stokes, C., Jarvis, D., Webster, A., Watson, I., Jalilov, S., Oliver, Y., Peake, A., Peachey, A., Yeates, S., Bruce, C., Philip, S., Prestwidge, D., Liedloff, A., Poulton, P., Price, B., and McFallan, S. (2023) Financial and socio-economic viability of irrigated agricultural development in the Roper catchment: A technical report from the CSIRO Roper River Water Resource Assessment for the National Water Grid. Report. CSIRO Publishing, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong (2023) Firm Heterogeneity, Worker Training and Labor Productivity: The Role of Endogenous Self-selection. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 59. pp. 121-133.

Anwar, Sajid, and Sun, Sizhong (2023) Foreign direct investment and product quality in host economies. The World Economy, 46 (5). pp. 1290-1318.

Whitehead, James, Franklin, Richard, and Mahony, Tracey (2023) How well do we search for missing people in Queensland, Australia? Journal of Search and Rescue, 6 (2). pp. 101-118.

Little, Rod, Lyons, Ilisapeci, Woodward, Emma, Jarvis, Diane, Abbott, Tammy, Hill, Rosemary, Maloney, Keryn, Braedon, Peta, Pert, Petina, Reeve, Rod, and Bubb, Andy (2023) Indigenous Protected Areas (IPA) Program Evaluation Final Evaluation Report. Report. National Indigenous Australian Agency, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Jarvis, Diane, and Mahony, Tracey (2023) Land for Wildlife South East Queensland (LfWSEQ) Membership Survey 2022 Final Report. External Commissioned Report. Land for Wildlife South East Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia.

Coggan, A., Jarvis, D., De Valck, J., Pert, P., Schirru, E., Graham, V., and Newlands, M. (2023) Literature review on frameworks for understanding socioeconomic data on users, uses and benefits of the Great Barrier Reef. Report. CSIRO Publishing, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Jarvis, Diane, Lignier, Philip, Kubiszewski, Ida, and Costanza, Robert (2023) Natural Capital, Ecosystem Services, and Subjective Wellbeing. In: Rieger, Elizabeth, Costanza, Robert, Kubiszewski, Ida, and Dugdale, Paul, (eds.) Toward an Integrated Science of Wellbeing. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 401-435.

Larson, Silva, Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, Barrowei, Ryan, Coleman, Bessie, Groves, David, Hunter, Joshua, Lee, Maria, Markham, Michael, Larson, Anna, Finau, Glenn, and Douglas, Michael (2023) Piecemeal stewardship activities miss numerous social and environmental benefits associated with culturally appropriate ways of caring for country. Journal of Environmental Management, 326 (Part B). 116750.

Woodward, Emma, Jarvis, Diane, Grainger, Daniel, Ewamian Ltd, Ewamian People Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, Tagalaka Aboriginal Corporation, Kooyar Wongi Pty Ltd, Schmidt, Becky, and Tetreault Campbell, Sally (2023) Regional Ecosystem Accounting Pilot projects: First Nations engagement on ecosystem models and recommendations. A report from the Regional Ecosystem Accounting Pilot projects. Report. CSIRO, Australia.

Graham, V., Mann, M., Warcon, L., James, H.G., Johnson, M., Watts, K., Hatfield, K., Mann, A., Jarvis, D., Coggan, A., and Darumbal TUMRA working Group (2023) Report on the SEABORNE workshop for Darumbal. Report. CSIRO, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

McCarthy, Breda (2023) Residential Battery Storage – Disruptive Technology, Disjuncture Between Policy And Reality. In: ANZMAC 2022 Reconnect & Reimagine: Conference Proceedings. p. 102. From: ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect and Reimagine, 5-7 December 2022, Perth, WA, Australia.

Dean, Angela J., Eberhard, Rachel, Baresi, Umberto, Coggan, Anthea, Deane, Felicity, Hamman, Evan, Helmstedt, Kate J., Loechel, Barton, Jarvis, Diane, Mayfield, Helen, Stevens, Lillian, Taylor, Bruce, and Vella, Karen (2023) Scrutinizing the impact of policy instruments on adoption of agricultural conservation practices using Bayesian expert models. Conservation Letters, 16 (6). e12988.

Liu, Hongbo, and McCarthy, Breda (2023) Sustainable lifestyles, eating out habits and the green gap: a study of food waste segments. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35 (4). pp. 920-943.

Gerards, Ruud, and Welters, Riccardo (2023) Unemployment benefit eligibility requirements and perceived time pressure. Social Science Quarterly, 104 (4). pp. 907-917.

Riebe, Linda, Jackson, Denise, Meek, Stephanie, Ogilvie, Madeleine, Kuilboer, Alf, Murphy, Laurie, Collins, Nathalie, Lynch, Karina, and Brock, Mandy (2023) Using an industry-aligned capabilities framework to effectively assess student performance in non-accredited work-integrated learning contexts. Teaching in Higher Education, 28 (4). pp. 802-821.

De Valck, Jeremy, Jarvis, Diane, Coggan, Anthea, Schirru, Ella, Pert, Petina, Graham, Victoria, and Newlands, Maxine (2023) Valuing ecosystem services in complex coastal settings: An extended ecosystem accounting framework for improved decision-making. Marine Policy, 155. 105761.

Mahony, Tracey, Adams, Vanessa, Navarro, Matt, Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, Chuah, Swee-Hoon, and Gelves, Francisco (2023) We like to fish:characterising the recreational fishing population and designing messages to improve compliance. External Commissioned Report. Univeristy of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Jarvis, Diane, Maclean, Kirsten, and Woodward, Emma (2022) The Australian Indigenous-led bush products sector: insights from the literature and recommendations for the future. Ambio, 51. pp. 226-240.

Wood, Jacob, Chaiechi, Taha, and Thirumaran, K. (2022) Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.

Chaiechi, Taha, and Wood, Jacob (2022) Community empowerment, sustainable cities, and transformative economies: proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.

Maclean, Kirsten, Woodward, Emma, Jarvis, Diane, Turpin, Gerry, Rowland, Dwayne, and Rist, Phil (2022) Decolonising knowledge co‑production: examining the role of positionality and partnerships to support Indigenous‑led bush product enterprises in northern Australia. Sustainability Science, 17. pp. 333-350.

Roche, Siddarth, Sun, Sizhong, and Welters, Riccardo (2022) Do Financial Constraints Reduce Process Innovation? Evidence from Australian Firms. Economic Record, 98 (323). pp. 335-353.

Gerards, Ruud, and Welters, Riccardo (2022) Does eliminating benefit eligibility requirements improve unemployed job search and labour market outcomes? Applied Economics Letters, 29 (10). pp. 955-958.

Hernandez-Blanco, Marcello, Costanza, Robert, Chen, Haojie, deGroot, Dolf, Jarvis, Diane, Kubiszewski, Ida, Montoya, Javier, Sangha, Kamaljit, Stoeckl, Natalie, Turner, Kerry, and van't Hoff, Vince (2022) Ecosystem health, ecosystem services, and the well-being of humans and the rest of nature. Global Change Biology, 28 (17). pp. 5027-5040.

Chaiechi, Taha, and Eijdenberg, Emiel L. (2022) Entrepreneurship, knowledge-economy and economic success of cities: a ccoping review and thematic analysis. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 73-94. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong, and Anwar, Sajid (2022) Estimations of product quality in China's food processing and manufacturing industries. Economic Modelling, 107. 105681.

Zahra, Sadaf, McCarthy, Breda, and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Exploring Sustainable Meat Consumption Intentions in a Pakistani Collectivist Culture: Utilising the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 417-436. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

McCarthy, Breda, and Wang, Pengji (2022) Exploring the role of reef-friendly, edible packaging in reducing plastic pollution: proposition of a conceptual model explaining purchase intentions. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 377-394. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Weber, Max, and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Fiscal implications – inclusive growth and climate change resilience: a scoping study of existing policy in selected ASEAN countries. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 587-604. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Foreword- Sustainable and Resilient Economies, Theoretical Considerations. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Lignier, Philip, Jarvis, Diane, Grainger, Daniel, and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Geography, Climate and Life Satisfaction. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies (1) pp. 451-473. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Koczyrkewycz, Michael, Chaiechi, Taha, and Beg, Rabiul (2022) How resilient is the investment climate in Australia? Unpacking the driving factors. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 31-48. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Mahony, Tracey, Chuah, Swee-Hoon, Adams, Vanessa, Jarvis, Diane, Langlois, Tim, Navarro, Matt, Ogier, Emily, Pecl, Gretta, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2022) I need a shift to more pro-environmental behaviours. Other. National Environmental Science Program, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Navarro, Matt, Ogier, Emily, Jarvis, Diane, Adams, Vanessa, Chuah, Swee-Hoon, Langlois, Tim, Mahony, Tracey, Pecl, Gretta, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2022) I need to implement a social and economic monitoring program for an area of marine estate. Other. National Environmental Science Program, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Navarro, Matt, Ogier, Emily, Jarvis, Diane, Adams, Vanessa, Chuah, Swee-Hoon, Langlois, Tim, Mahony, Tracey, Pecl, Gretta, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2022) I need to make a choice between potential management actions. Other. National Environmental Science Program, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Stoeckl, N., Adams, V., Larson, S., Mahony, T., Steel, R., Allen, S., Emmerling, M., Jarvis, D., Ogier, E., Navarro, M., Chuah, S.H., Langlois, T., and Peci, G. (2022) Integrated data requirements for natural resource management. Report. University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Mushaya, Christina Rutendo, Chaiechi, Taha, and Pryce, Josephine (2022) Integrated risk management, a conduit to building resilient and sustainable local government communities: a scoping review. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 515-533. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Castorina, Diana, and Welters, Riccardo (2022) Interregional migration: who decides to move? Bulletin of Applied Economics, 9 (1). pp. 97-114.

Gerards, Ruud, and Welters, Riccardo (2022) Job search in the presence of a stressor: Does financial hardship change the effectiveness of job search? Journal of Economic Psychology, 90. 102508.

Chaiechi, Taha, Gabriel, Jennifer, Esparon, Michelle, and Sievers, Katie (2022) Making Nature's Value Visible: Valuing the Contribution of Nature to Papua New Guinea's Economy and Livelihoods. Report. United Nations Development Programme, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.

Cotter, Graeme, Chaiechi, Taha, and Gopalkrishnan, Narayan (2022) Mining the future: a meta-ethnographical synthesis of the Broken Hill mining community. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 495-513. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

McCarthy, Breda, and Liu, HongBo (2022) Power to regional households: consumer attitudes towards electricity-saving, the solar rebound and the determinants of rooftop solar adoption. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 29 (4). pp. 405-424.

Eijdenberg, Emiel L., and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Profiling the tropical entrepreneur. In: Wood, Jacob, Thirumaran, K., and Chaiechi, Taha, (eds.) Business, Industry, and Trade in the Tropics. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 20-32.

McCarthy, Breda (2022) Renewable energy householders in the Sunshine State: do they perceive a rebound effect? Journal of Resilient Economies, 2 (1). pp. 123-130.

Qian, Long, Li, Feng, Liu, Hongbo, Wang, Lingen, McCarthy, Breda, and Shaosheng, Jin (2022) Rice vs. wheat: does staple food consumption pattern affect food waste in Chinese university canteens? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 176. 105902.

McCarthy, Breda, and Wang, Pengji (2022) Shades of Sustainability: Who are the Buyers and Non-buyers of Sustainable Packaging? Journal of Food Products Marketing, 28 (4). pp. 153-178.

Azzali, Simona, Yew, André Siew Yeong, Wong, Caroline, and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Silver cities: planning for an ageing population in Singapore. An urban planning policy case study of Kampung Admiralty. ArchNet-IJAR, 16 (2). pp. 281-306.

Schurmann, Andrea, Pryce, Josephine, and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Sustainable cities and modern built heritage: the value of art deco in Brisbane. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 269-290. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Zahra, Sadaf, McCarthy, Breda, and Chaiechi, Taha (2022) Sustainable meat consumption intentions: conceptualisation, scale development and validation. British Food Journal, 124 (5). pp. 1659-1679.

Kubiszewski, Ida, Mulder, Kenneth, Jarvis, Diane, and Costanza, Robert (2022) Toward better measurement of sustainable development and wellbeing: a small number of SDG indicators reliably predict life satisfaction. Sustainable Development, 30 (1). pp. 139-148.

Azzali, Simona, Yew, Andrew Siew Yeong, Chaiechi, Taha, and Wong, Caroline (2022) Urbanisation and well-being of ageing population in the twenty-first century: a scoping review of available assessment tools. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 129-149. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Fassina, Caroline, Jarvis, Diane, Tavares, Silvia, and Coggan, Anthea (2022) Valuation of ecosystem services through offsets: Why are coastal ecosystems more valuable in Australia than in Brazil? Ecosystem Services, 56. 101449.

Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, Douglas, Michael, Grainger, Daniel, Larson, Silva, Finau, Glenn, Larson, Anna, Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation, EAC, Barrowei, Ryan, Coleman, Bessie, Groves, David, Hunter, Joshua, Lee, Maria, and Markham, Michael (2022) Valuing Indigenous cultural connections. Report. James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Sugiharti, Dwi, Chaiechi, Taha, and Pryce, Josephine (2022) The application of netnography as a tool for understanding visitors' resilience: the case of villages in Central Java. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 291-314. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Petheram, C., Read, A., Hughes, J., Marvanek, S., Stokes, C., Kim, S., Philip, S., Peake, A., Podger, G., Devlin, K., Hayward, J., Bartley, R., Vanderbyl, T., Wilson, P., Pena Arancibia, J., Stratford, D., Watson, I., Austin, J., Yang, A., Barber, M., Ibrahimi, T., Rogers, L., Kuhnert, P., Wang, B., Potter, N., Baynes, F., Ng, S., Cousins, A., Jarvis, D., and Chilcott, C. (2022) An assessment of contemporary variations of the Bradfield Scheme. A technical report to the National Water Grid Authority from the Bradfield Scheme Assessment. Report. CSIRO, Sandy Bay, Hobart, Australia.

Petheram, C., Read, A., Hughes, J., Stokes, C., Philip, S., Peake, A., Marvanek, S., Yang, A., Devlin, K., Rogers, L., Wilson, P., Baynes, F., Podger, G., Macintosh, A., Stratford, D., Potter, N., Kim, S., Tredger, R., Barber, M., Wang, B., McJannet, D., Jarvis, D., Vanderbyl, T., Watson, I., and Chilcott, C. (2022) An assessment of the historic Bradfield Scheme to divert water inland from north Queensland. A technical report to the National Water Grid Authority from the CSIRO Bradfield Scheme Assessment. Report. CSIRO, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong (2022) The demand for a COVID-19 vaccine. Economics and Human Biology, 46. 101135.

Kapoor, Mansi, Chaiechi, Taha, Deo, Shilpa, Darda, Pooja, Sane, Anjali, and Chitnis, Ravikumar (2022) The kaleidoscope of changing values: are we heading towards responsible consumption and sustainable society? Lessons from Pune, India. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 395-415. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

McCarthy, Breda (2022) The solar rebound and renewable energy adoption in the Sunshine State. Report. Energy Consumers Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

McCarthy, Breda, and Eagle, Lynne (2021) Are the sustainability-oriented skills and competencies of business graduates meeting or missing employers needs? Perspectives of regional employers. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 37 (3). pp. 326-343.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Jarvis, Diane, Larson, Silva, Larson, Anna, Grainger, Daniel, and Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation (2021) Australian Indigenous insights into ecosystem services: beyond services towards connectedness – people, place and time. Ecosystem Services, 50. 101341.

Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, and Bhati, Abhishek (2021) Broadening cultural horizons in social marketing: social marketing case studies in the Asia-Pacific region. Springer Singapore, Singapore.

Hasan, Syezlin, Smart, James C. R., Hay, Rachel, and Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn (2021) Changing fertilizer management practices in sugarcane production: cane grower survey insights. Land, 10 (2). 98.

Saleem, Muhammad Abid, Eagle, Lynne, and Low, David (2021) Determinants of eco-socially conscious consumer behavior toward alternative fuel vehicles. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 38 (2). pp. 211-228.

Chaiechi, Taha, Esparon, Michelle, Spanos, Lizy, and Tinch, Dugald (2021) Developing a framework for the assessment of Ecosystem Services for Papua New Guinea. External Commissioned Report. United Nations Development Program.

Aftab, Hira, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2021) Does time varying risk premia exist in the international bond market? An empirical evidence from Australian and French bond market. International Journal of Financial Studies, 9 (1). 3.

Canning, Adam D., Jarvis, Diane, Costanza, Robert, Hasan, Syezlin, Smart, James C.R., Finisdore, John, Lovelock, Catherine E., Greenhalgh, Suzie, Marr, Helen M., Beck, Michael W., Gillies, Christopher L., and Waltham, Nathan J. (2021) Financial incentives for large-scale wetland restoration: beyond markets to common asset trusts. One Earth, 4 (7). pp. 937-950.

Sun, Sizhong (2021) Innovation and its growth effects in China. In: Song, Ligang, and Zhou, Yixiao, (eds.) China's Challenges in Moving towards a High-Income Economy. China Update Series . ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 134-155.

Hay, Rachel, and Eagle, Lynne (2021) Marketing Social Change: fixing bush internet in rural, regional, and remote Australia. In: Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, and Bhati, Abhishek, (eds.) Broadening Cultural Horizons in Social Marketing: comparing case studies from Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore, pp. 281-293.

Chaiechi, Taha, and Nguyen, Thi Minh Trang (2021) Measuring urban economic resilience of two tropical cities, using impulse response analysis. Bulletin of Applied Economics, 8 (1). pp. 59-79.

Coggan, Anthea, Thorburn, Peter, Fielke, Simon, Hay, Rachel, and Smart, James C.R. (2021) Motivators and barriers to adoption of improved land management practices. A focus on practice change for water quality improvement in Great Barrier Reef catchments. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 170. 112628.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Jarvis, Diane, Larson, Silva, Grainger, Daniel, Addison, Jane, and Esparon, Michelle (2021) Multiple co-benefits of Indigenous land and sea management programs across northern Australia: final report. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Koczyrkewycz, Michael, Chaiechi, Taha, and Beg, Rabiul (2021) Productivity growth recovery mechanisms: an ARDL approach lessons from the United States, Japan and South Korea. Bulletin of Applied Economics, 8 (2). pp. 163-184.

Nyundo, Lucy, Eagle, Lynne, and Whittaker, Maxine (2021) Relevance of social marketing in the Global South's Family Planning Programmes: a case of Zambia. In: Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, and Bhati, Abhishek, (eds.) Broadening Cultural Horizons in Social Marketing: comparing case studies from Asia-Pacific. Springer, Singapore, pp. 181-210.

Chawla, Shailey, Sabharwal, Jagdeep Kaur, McCarthy, Breda, and Erhardt, Rene (2021) Technology acceptance, social marketing and the design of a mobile health app to support active aging amongst senior citizens in the Asia Pacific region. In: Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, and Bhati, Abhishek, (eds.) Broadening Cultural Horizons in Social Marketing: comparing case studies from Asia-Pacific. Springer Nature Singapore, Singapore, pp. 239-261.

Wang, Pengji, McCarthy, Breda, and Kapetanaki, Ariadne (2021) To be ethical or to be good? The impact of good provider and moral norms on food waste decisions in two countries. Global Environmental Change, 69. 102300.

Eberhard, Rachel, Coggan, Anthea, Jarvis, Diane, Hamman, Evan, Taylor, Bruce, Baresi, Umberto, Vella, Karen, Dean, Angela J., Deane, Felicity, Helmstedt, Kate, and Mayfield, Helen (2021) Understanding the effectiveness of policy instruments to encourage adoption of farming practices to improve water quality for the Great Barrier Reef. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 172. 112793.

Wang, Pengji, and McCarthy, Breda (2021) What do people "like" on Facebook? Content marketing strategies used by retail bank brands in Australia and Singapore. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29 (2).

McCarthy, Breda, and Eagle, Lynne (2021) Winds of change: engaging with conflicting perspectives in renewable energy. In: Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, and Bhati, Abhishek, (eds.) Broadening Cultural Horizons in Social Marketing. Springer, Singapore, Singapore, pp. 3-28.

Costanza, Robert, Anderson, Sharolyn J., Sutton, Paul, Mulder, Kenneth, Mulder, Odadiah, Kubiszewski, Ida, Wang, Xuatong, Liu, Xin, Pérez-Maqueo, Octavio, Martinez, M. Luisa, Jarvis, Diane, and Dee, Greg (2021) The global value of coastal wetlands for storm protection. Global Environmental Change, 70. 102328.

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Emodi, Nnaemeka Vincent, Chaiechi, Taha, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2019) Are emission reduction policies effective under climate change conditions? A backcasting and exploratory scenario approach using the LEAP-OSeMOSYS Model. Applied Energy, 236. pp. 1183-1217.

McCarthy, Breda, and Eagle, Lynne (2019) Attitudes of incumbent regimes to a renewable energy transition: a case study of Queensland, Australia. In: Eweje, Gabriel, and Bathurst, Ralph J., (eds.) Clean, Green and Responsible? Soundings from Down Under. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics and Governance . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 227-252.

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Gerards, Ruud, and Welters, Riccardo (2019) Liquidity constraints, unemployed job search and labour market outcomes. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics.

Welters, Riccardo, Lewthwaite, Brian, Thomas, Joseph, and Wilson, Kimberley (2019) Re-engaged students’ perceptions of mainstream and flexible learning environments: a ‘semi-quantitative’ approach. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23 (12). pp. 1315-1331.

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Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, David, Patricia, Willmott, Taylor, Pang, Bo, Eagle, Lynne, and Hay, Rachel (2019) Social marketing theory development goals: an agenda to drive change. Journal of Marketing Management, 35 (1-2). pp. 160-181.

Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, and Saleem, Muhammad Abid (2019) Social marketing’s role in improving water quality on the Great Barrier Reef. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 31 (5). pp. 1308-1343.

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Cotter, Graeme, Chaiechi, Taha, and Tavares, Silvia (2019) State of abandon: the role of governance in the recurrent and cyclical nature of class conflict in the lives of mining communities in Australia. In: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. 95. pp. 1190-1202. From: 33rd Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: wicked solutions to wicked problems, 3-6 December 2019, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Hay, Rachel, Eagle, Lynne, Saleem, Muhammad Abid, Vandommele, Lisa, and Li, Siqiwen (2019) Student perceptions and trust of sustainability information. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, 20 (4). pp. 726-746.

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McCarthy, Breda, Hayshida-Boyles, Alana L., and Connell, Adam (2019) A circular economy model for reducing food waste in the University sector: meeting the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. In: Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. 62. pp. 1089-1107. From: 33rd Annual Australian & New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: wicked solutions to wicked problems, 3-6 December 2019, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Fernandez, Cheryl Joy, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Welters, Riccardo (2019) The cost of doing nothing in the face of climate change: a case study, using the life satisfaction approach to value the tangible and intangible costs of flooding in the Philippines. Climate and Development Journal, 11 (9). pp. 825-838.

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Maclean, Kirsten, Woodward, Emma, Jarvis, Diane, Rowland, Dwayne, Rist, Philip, Turpin, Gerry, Martin, Phoebe, and Glover, Russel (2019) A strategic sector development and research priority framework for the traditional owner-led bush products sector in northern Australia. Report. CSIRO, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.

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Welters, Riccardo, Daniel, Ryan, and Fleischmann, Katja (2018) Creative industries in a regional city: how much work is lost to rivals based elsewhere? Local Economy, 33 (1). pp. 63-84.

Daniel, Ryan, Fleischmann, Katja, and Welters, Riccardo (2018) Creativity in the 'Torrid' zone: policy, creative industries and the vision for Northern Australia. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 24 (4). pp. 451-465.

Nicholas, Christopher, Welters, Riccardo, and Murphy, Laurie (2018) Does social capital help communities to cope with long-distance commuting? Regional Studies, 52 (12). pp. 1646-1657.

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McCarthy, Breda, and Schurmann, Andrea (2018) Risky business: growers' perceptions of organic and biodynamic farming in the tropics. Rural Society, 27 (3).

Esparon, Michelle, Farr, Marina, Larson, Silva, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2018) Social values and growth and their implications for ecosystem services in the long-run. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 24 (3). pp. 327-346.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Larson, Silva, Thomas, Joseph, Hicks, Christina, Pascoe, Sean, and Marsh, Helene (2018) Socioeconomic impacts of changes to marine fisheries and aquaculture that are brought about through climate change. In: Phillips, Bruce F., and Pérez-Ramírez, Monica, (eds.) Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Global Analysis. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, UK, pp. 925-958.

Mustika, Putu L., Welters, Riccardo, and Setiasih, Naneng (2018) Tourist satisfaction and expenditures in a reef-adjoining dolphin watching industry in Lovina, Bali Indonesia. In: Prideaux, Bruce, and Pabel, Anja, (eds.) Coral Reefs: tourism, conservation and management. Earthscan Oceans . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 184-197.

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Li, Qian, Stoeckl, Natalie, King, David, and Gyuris, Emma (2018) Using both objective and subjective indicators to investigate the impacts of coal mining on wellbeing of host communities: a case-study in Shanxi Province, China. Social Indicators Research, 137 (3). pp. 895-921.

Eagle, Lynne, McCarthy, Breda, and Low, David (2018) Winds of change: a study of the acceptability of renewable energy in regional Australia. In: Proceedings of the the International Social Marketing Conferences. pp. 47-52. From: International Social Marketing Conference: broadening cultural horizons in social marketing, 15-17 July 2018, Singapore.

Emodi, Nnaemeka Vincent, Chaiechi, Taha, and Beg, Rabiul Alam (2018) The impact of climate change on electricity demand in Australia. Energy and Environment, 29 (7). pp. 1263-1297.

Thomas, Joseph, and Welters, Riccardo (2018) The importance of belonging: the impact of young people’s belonging at school on their quality of life as young adults. In: McGinty, Sue, Wilson, Kimberley, Thomas, Joseph, and Lewthwaite, Brian, (eds.) Gauging the Value of Education for Disenfranchised Youth: flexible learning options. Innovations and Controversies: interrogating educational change (7). Brill, Leiden, Netherlands, pp. 105-129.

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Larson, Silva, Farr, Marina, Stoeckl, Natalie, Chacon, Adriana, and Esparon, Michelle (2014) Does participation in outdoor activities determine residents' appreciation of nature: a case study from the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Environment and Natural Resources Research, 4 (3). pp. 211-226.

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Kabir, Hadiul, Beg, Rabiul Alam, and Mollah, Nurul Haque (2014) Interrelationships among three South Asian GDP: a cointegration approach. International Journal of Statistics and Economics, 13 (1). pp. 70-78.

Hilbert, David W., Hill, Rosemary, Moran, Catherine, Turton, Steve M., Bohnet, Iris C., Marshall, Nadine A., Pert, Petina L., Stoeckl, Natalie, Murphy, Helen T., Reside, April E., Laurance, Susan G.W., Alamgir, Mohammed, Coles, Rob, Crowley, Gabriel, Curnock, Matthew, Dale, Allan, Duke, Norman C., Esparon, Michelle, Farr, Marina, Gillet, Sarah, Gooch, Margaret, Fuentes, Marianna, Hamann, Mark, James, Cassandra S., Kroon, Frederieke J., Larson, Silva, Lyons, Pethie, Marsh, Helene, Meyer Steiger, Dagmar, Sheaves, Marcus, and Westcott, David A. (2014) Key messages extracted from the Synthesis of Climate Change Issues and Impacts in the Wet Tropics NRM Cluster Region. Report. James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Hariri, Hasan, Monypenny, Richard, and Prideaux, Murray (2014) Leadership styles and decision-making styles in an Indonesian school context. School Leadership and Management, 34 (3). pp. 284-298.

Pryce, Josephine, Bhati, Abhishek, and Chaiechi, Taha (2014) Measuring value in railway heritage attractions. In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference. pp. 532-542. From: CAUTHE 2014: 24th Annual Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference, 10-13 February 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Pryce, Josephine, Welters, Riccardo, Lynch, Paul, Blackman, Anna, Murphy, Laurie, Eagle, Lynne, Case, Peter, and Low, David (2014) Mining through the talent pool of potential fly-in-fly-out (FIFO) workers. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 40 (2). pp. 201-220.

Marsiglio, Simone (2014) Reassessing Edgeworth's conjecture when population dynamics is stochastic. Journal of Macroeconomics, 42. pp. 130-140.

Welters, Riccardo, Mitchell, William, and Muysken, Joan (2014) Self determination theory and employed job search. Journal of Economic Psychology, 44. pp. 34-44.

Gu, Xin, Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2014) What determines China's trade balance dynamics: a disaggregate analysis of panel data. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 19 (2). pp. 353-368.

Blackman, Anna, Welters, Riccardo, Murphy, Laurie, Eagle, Lynne, Pearce, Meryl, Pryce, Josephine, Lynch, Paul, and Low, David (2014) Worker's perceptions of FIFO work in North Queensland, Australia. Australian Bulletin of Labour, 40 (2). pp. 180-200.

Chaiechi, Taha (2014) The broken window: fallacy or fact - a Kaleckian-Post Keynesian approach. Economic Modelling, 39. pp. 195-203.

Mitchell, William, Muysken, Joan, and Welters, Riccardo (2013) The changing nature of inflation control in Australia. In: Proceedings of the 14th Path to Full Employment Conference and the 19th National Conference on Unemployment. pp. 203-214. From: 14th Path to Full Employment Conference and 19th National Conference on Unemployment, 4-5 December 2013, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

Corrie, Kristen, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Chaiechi, Taha (2013) Tourism and economic growth in Australia: an empirical investigation of causal links. Tourism Economics, 19 (6). pp. 1317-1344.

Larson, Silva, Alexander, Kim S., Djalante, Riyanti, and Kirono, Dewi G.C. (2013) The added value of understanding informal social networks in an adaptive capacity assessment: explorations of an urban water management system in Indonesia. Water Resources Management, 27 (13). pp. 4425-4441.

Welters, Riccardo (2013) The Australian Defence Organisation and tropical Australia: its socio-economic impact in Cairns, Darwin and Townsville. Working Paper. Cairns Institute, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Larson, Silva, Stoeckl, Natalie, Neil, Barbara, and Welters, Riccardo (2013) Using resident perceptions of values associated with the Australian Tropical Rivers to identify policy and management priorities. Ecological Economics, 94. pp. 9-18.

Thaker, Darshit A., Monypenny, Richard, Olver, Ian, and Sabesan, Sabe (2013) Cost savings from a telemedicine model of care in northern Queensland, Australia. Medical Journal of Australia, 199 (6). pp. 414-417.

Anwar, Sajid, and Sun, Sizhong (2013) Foreign entry and firm R&D: evidence from Chinese manufacturing industries. R&D Management, 43 (4). pp. 303-317.

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Esparon, Michelle, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Gyuris, Emma (2013) ECO certification and tourism operators: marketing and operational issues. Tourism Issues: tourism sciences review, 16. pp. 59-78.

Daniel, Ryan, Welters, Riccardo, and Fourie, Jonathan (2013) Mapping the Creative Industries in Townsville: a preliminary scoping study. Report. UNSPECIFIED.

Ban, Natalie C., Mills, Morena, Tam, Jordan, Hicks, Christina C., Klain, Sarah, Stoeckl, Natalie, Bottrill, Madeleine C., Levine, Jordan, Pressey, Robert L., Satterfield, Terre, and Chan, Kai MA (2013) A social–ecological approach to conservation planning: embedding social considerations. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11 (4). pp. 194-202.

Sun, Sizhong (2013) Patterns of industrial dynamics in the manufacturing sector. In: Wu, Yanrui, (ed.) Regional Development and Economic Growth in China. Series on Economic Development and Growth, 7 . World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 161-187.

Anwar, Sajid, Sun, Sizhong, and Valadkhani, Abbas (2013) International outsourcing of skill intensive tasks and wage inequality. Economic Modelling, 31. pp. 590-597.

Esparon, Michelle, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Gyuris, Emma (2013) ECO certification in Queensland's Wet Tropics World Heritage Area: is it good for business? In: Tisdell, Clement A, (ed.) Handbook of tourism economics: analysis, new applications and case studies. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, pp. 845-869.

Welters, Riccardo, Lynch, Paul, Pryce, Josephine, Blackman, Anna, and Murphy, Laurie (2013) FIFO workforce in Cairns. External Commissioned Report. James Cook University, Cairns, QLD.

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Karmokar, Provash Kumar, Shitan, Mahendran, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2013) Long-run relationship of the HYV Boro rice yields in the northern region of Bangladesh. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, 11 (1). pp. 441-444.

Chaiechi, Taha (2013) 2000s: painful and turbulent decade of debt. How did we end up in this mess? In: Mirdala, Rajmund, (ed.) Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy. Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy, 1 . ASERS Publishing, Craiova, Romania, pp. 176-191.

Zhou, Zhang-yue (2013) Agriculture in Australia. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China.

Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Chaiechi, Taha (2013) Applying econometric techniques to hydrological problems in a large basin: quantifying the rainfall–discharge relationship in the Burdekin, Queensland, Australia. Journal of Hydrology, 496. pp. 107-121.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Esparon, Michelle, Farr, Marina, Delisle, Aurelie, and Stanley, Owen (2013) Distributional and consumptive water demand impacts of different types of economic growth in two northern Australian river catchments. Australian Journal of Regional Studies, 19 (3). pp. 396-432.

Liu, Hong-Bo, McCarthy, Breda, Chen, Tingzhen, Zhou, Zhang-yue, Song , Xuguang, and Guo, Shu (2013) Dynamics of wine consumption in China: an empirical study. In: Proceedings of the 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference. 216. From: ANZAM 2013: 27th Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference: managing on the edge, 4-6 December 2013, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Privileggi, Fabio, and Marsiglio, Simone (2013) Environmental shocks and sustainability in a basic economy-environment model. International Journal of Applied Nonlinear Science, 1 (1). pp. 67-75.

Chaiechi, T., and Stoeckl, N. (2013) Estimating the costs of conservation in multiple output agricultural setting. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, 78. 316. pp. 1861-1868.

Prideaux, Murray, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2013) Factors affecting occupational choice in Papua New Guinea. Business Review, Cambridge, 21 (1). pp. 119-126.

Ciccotosto, Sue, Pryce, Josephine, Chaiechi, Taha, Hamilton, John, and Loban, Heron (2013) Focusing on people, communities and commerce: interdisciplinary research as a multiple lens. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (1). pp. 42-51.

Onwuka, Kevin O., and Chaiechi, Taha (2013) Foreign direct investment, financial markets and growth dynamics in MENA oil producing countries: a panel investigation. Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 2 (2). pp. 135-159.

Brown, Lawrence H., Chaiechi, Taha, Buettner, Petra G., Canyon, Deon V., Crawford, J. Mac, and Judd, Jenni (2013) Higher energy prices are associated with diminished resources, performance and safety in Australian ambulance systems. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 37 (1). pp. 83-89.

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Li, Siqiwen, and Chaiechi, Taha (2013) Mapping water availability and volatility with climate events: using finance indexing methodology. Journal of Finance and Investment Analysis, 2 (4). pp. 13-28.

Larson, S., Stoeckl, N., and Blanco-Martin, B. (2013) On the use of socioeconomic typologies for improved integrated management of data-poor regions: explorations from the Australian north. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 20 (4). pp. 302-319.

Fischer, Wolfgang Chr. (2013) Private Households and Money Supply. Joseph Eul Verlag, Lohmar, Germany.

Cao, Li-Juan, Tian, Wei-Ming, Wang, Ji-Min, Malcolm, Bill, Liu, Hong-Bo, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2013) Recent food consumption trends in China and trade implications to 2020. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 21. 2. pp. 15-44.

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Pryce, Josephine, Chaiechi, Taha, and Bhati, Abhishek (2013) Visitor interest in heritage railways of Asia. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. pp. 559-566. From: ICMAC 2013: International Conference on Managing the Asian Century, 11-13 July 2013, Singapore.

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Stoeckl, Natalie, Jackson, Sue, Pantus, Francis, Finn, Marcus, Kennard, Mark J., and Pusey, Bradley J. (2013) An integrated assessment of some of the financial, hydrological, ecological and social impacts of 'development' on Indigenous and non-Indigenous people in northern Australia. Biological Conservation, 159. pp. 214-221.

Prideaux, Murray, Hamilton, John, Tee, Singwhat, and Welters, Riccardo (2012) Townsville 400 2012: Findings and Recommendations. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Anwar, Sajid, and Sun, Sizhong (2012) FDI and market entry/exit: evidence from China. Journal of Asian Economics , 23 (5). pp. 487-498.

Nguyen, Dao Thi Hong, and Sun, Sizhong (2012) FDI and domestic firms' export behaviour in Vietnam: heterogeneity and policy implications. Economic Papers, 31 (3). pp. 380-390.

Loban, Heron, Ciccotosto, Susan, Chaiechi, Taha, Pryce, Josephine, and Hamilton, John (2012) Torres Strait fisheries in a global context. Indigenous Law Bulletin, 8 (2). pp. 20-23.

Sun, Sizhong (2012) The role of FDI in domestic exporting: Evidence from China. Journal of Asian Economics , 23 (4). pp. 434-441.

Anwar, Sajid, and Sun, Sizhong (2012) Trade liberalisation, market competition and wage inequality in China's manufacturing sector. Economic Modelling, 29 (4). pp. 1268-1277.

Mustika, Putu Liza Kusuma, Birtles, Alastair, Welters, Riccardo, and Marsh, Helene (2012) The economic influence of community-based dolphin watching on a local economy in a developing country: implications for conservation. Ecological Economics, 79. pp. 11-20.

Everingham, Yvette L., Stoeckl, Natalie E., Cusack, Justin, and Osborne, John A. (2012) Quantifying the benefits of a long-lead ENSO prediction model to enhance harvest management: a case study for the Herbert sugarcane growing region, Australia. International Journal of Climatology, 32 (7). pp. 1069-1076.

Hamilton, John, Chaiechi, Taha, Ciccotosto, Susan, Loban, Heron, and Pryce, Josephine (2012) Deploying tourism destination intelligences. In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference On Business. pp. 273-278. From: 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference On Business, 24-27 May 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Chaiechi, Taha, Ciccotosto, Susan, Hamilton, John, Loban, Heron, and Pryce, Josephine (2012) What shadows will sovereign debt cast across the decade? In: Proceedings of the 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference On Business. pp. 523-542. From: 12th Annual Hawaii International Conference On Business, 24-27 May 2012, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Adams, Vanessa M., Pressey, Robert L., and Stoeckl, Natalie (2012) Estimating land and conservation management costs: the first step in designing a stewardship program for the Northern Territory. Biological Conservation, 148 (1). pp. 44-53.

Myers, Trina, Monypenny, Richard, and Trevathan, Jarrod (2012) Overcoming the glassy-eyed nod: an application of process-oriented guided inquiry learning techniques in information technology. Journal of Learning Design, 5 (1). pp. 12-22.

Chaiechi, Taha (2012) Financial development shocks and contemporaneous feedback effect on key macroeconomic indicators: a post Keynesian time series analysis. Economic Modelling, 29 (2). pp. 487-501.

Liu, Hongbo, Parton, Kevin A., Zhou, Zhangyue, and Cox, Rod (2012) Away-from-home meat consumption in China. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Development, 8 (2). pp. 83-97.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Liu, Hong-Bo, and Ghandi, Vasant P. (2012) Changing patterns of food consumption in India and China. In: Jacquet, Pierre, Pachauri, Rajendra K., and Tubiana, Laurence, (eds.) Development, the Environment and Food: towards agricultural change? TERI Press, Delhi, pp. 102-105.

Stoeckl, Natalie (2012) Comparing multipliers from survey and non-survey based IO models: an empirical investigation from Northern Australia. International Regional Science Review, 35 (4). pp. 367-388.

Zhou, Zhang-yue, Liu, Hong-Bo, and Gandhi, Vasant P. (2012) Evolution des habitudes alimentaires en Inde et en Chine. In: Jacquet, Pierre, Pachauri, Rajendra, and Tubiana, Laurence, (eds.) Developpement, Alimentation, Environnement: changer l'agriculture. Armond Colin, Paris, France, pp. 204-206.

Chaiechi, Taha (2012) Financial development and economic growth through a Post-Keynesian lens: Hong Kong case study. In: Gnos, Claude, Rochon, Louis-Philippe, and Tropeano, Domenica, (eds.) Employment, growth, and development: a Post-Keynesian approach. New Directions in Modern Economics . Edward Elgar, Chelthenham, UK, pp. 188-209.

Zhou, Zhang-yue, Tian, Wei-Ming, Wang, Ji-Min, Liu, Hong-Bo, and Cao, Li-Juan (2012) Food consumption trends in China. Report. Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Altai, Zulgerel, Stoeckl, Natalie, and King, David (2012) Impacts of water demand side policies on Mongolian residential users. Water Practice & Technology, 7 (2). pp. 1-10.

Hariri, Hasan, Monypenny, Richard, and Prideaux, Murray (2012) Principalship in an Indonesian school context: can principal decision-making styles significantly predict teacher job satisfaction? School Leadership and Management, 32 (5). pp. 453-471.

Chaiechi, Taha (2012) Responsiveness and the resilience of Queensland economy to climatic disasters: through a Post-Keynesian lens. In: Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment. 0084. pp. 72-84. From: ACSEE 2012: Asian Conference on Sustainability, Energy & the Environment, 3-6 May 2012, Osaka, Japan.

Fu, Wenge, Gandhi, Vasant P., Cao, Lijuan, Liu, Hongbo, and Zhou, Zhangyue (2012) Rising consumption of animal products in China and India: national and global implications. China and World Economy, 20 (3). pp. 88-106.

Cook, John, and Monypenny, Richard (2012) Self-management of remote community organisations: getting nowhere no-time soon. Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, September 2012. pp. 1-16.

Januchowski, Stephanie Renee, Moon, Katie, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Gray, Sally (2012) Social factors and private benefits influence landholders' riverine restoration priorities in tropical Australia. Journal of Environmental Management, 110. pp. 20-26.

Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam, and Anwar, Sajid (2012) Sources of volatility persistence: a case study of the U.K. pound/U.S. dollar exchange rate returns. North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 23 (2). pp. 165-184.

Biggs, Duan, Hall, C. Michael, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2012) The resilience of formal and informal tourism enterprises to disasters: reef tourism in Phuket, Thailand. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 20 (5). pp. 645-665.

Karmokar, Provash Kumar, Shitan, Mahendran, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2011) Multicointegration analysis on the high yielding Boro rice of six selected districts in Bangladesh. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (19). pp. 4654-4660.

Hoque, M.A., Skerratt, L.F., Rahman, M.A., Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam, and Debnath, N.C. (2011) A descriptive study of the health of ducklings on smallholdings, Hatia Island, Bangladesh. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 20 (3). pp. 335-346.

Anwar, Sajid, and Sun, Sizhong (2011) Financial development, foreign investment and economic growth in Malaysia. Journal of Asian Economics , 22 (4). pp. 335-342.

Sangha, K.K., Butler, J.R.A., Delisle, A., and Stanley, O. (2011) Identifying links between ecosystem services and Aboriginal well-Being and livelihoods in north Australia: applying the millennium ecosystem assessment framework. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering, 5 (7). pp. 931-946.

Farr, Marina, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Beg, Rabiul Alam (2011) The efficiency of the Environmental Management Charge in the Cairns management area of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 55 (3). pp. 322-341.

Chaiechi, Taha (2011) A Post-Keynesian analysis of carbon emission shocks and economic development: case studies of China, Japan and Australia. In: Proceedings of the SIBR-Thammasat 2011 Conference on Interdiscipinary Business and Economics Research. pp. 1-35. From: SIBR-Thammasat 2011 Conference on Interdiscipinary Business and Economics Research, 16-18 June 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.

Osborne, J.A., Stoeckl, N.E., Everingham, Y.L., Inman-Bamber, N.G., and Welters, R. (2011) The economic value of conditioning harvest start date on long-lead seasonal climate forecasts. In: Proceedings of the 2011 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. pp. 1-10. From: 2011 Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 4-6 May 2011, Mackay, QLD, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong (2011) Foreign direct investment and technology spillovers in China's manufacturing sector. Chinese Economy, 44 (2). pp. 25-42.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Esparon, Michelle, Stanley, Owen, Farr, Marina, Delisle, Aurélie, and Altai, Zulgerel (2011) Socio-Economic Activity and Water Use in Australia's Tropical Rivers: a case study in the Mitchell and Daly River catchments: final report for The Tropical Rivers and Coastal Knowledge Research Consortium. Report. Charles Darwin University, Darwin.

Hoque, M.A., Skerratt, L.F., Rahman, M.A., Alim, M.A., Grace, D., Gummow, B., Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam, and Debnath, N.C. (2011) Monitoring the health and production of household Jinding ducks on Hatia Island of Bangladesh. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 43 (2). pp. 431-440.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Hicks, Christina C., Mills, Morena, Fabricius, Katharina, Esparon, Michelle, Kroon, Frederieke, Kaur, Kamaljit, and Costanza, Robert (2011) The economic value of ecosystem services in the Great Barrier Reef: our state of knowledge. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1219. pp. 113-133.

Taylor, Andrew, Larson, Silva, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Carson, Dean (2011) The haves and have nots in Australia's tropical north – new perspectives on a persisting problem. Geographical Research, 49 (1). pp. 13-22.

Liu, Hui, Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Malcolm, Bill (2011) China's wool import demand: implications for Australia. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 19. 2. pp. 16-34.

Larson, Silva, and Stone-Jovicich, Samantha (2011) Community perceptions of water quality and current institutional arrangements in the Great Barrier Reef Region of Australia. Water Policy, 13 (3). pp. 411-424.

Haoatai, Heinarii, and Monypenny, Richard (2011) Export demand for Tahitian black pearls. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 19. pp. 1-15.

Larson, Silva (2011) From Individual Wellbeing to Regional Priorities: concepts and measures to assist policy makers. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK.

Welters, Riccardo, Reedman, Luke, and Mitchell, William (2011) Job impacts of a decarbonised Australian economy. In: Proceedings of the 13th Path to Full Employment and 18th National Unemployment Conference. pp. 234-251. From: 13th Path to Full Employment and 18th National Unemployment Conference, 7-8 December 2011, Newcastle, QLD, Australia.

Larson, Silva, and Brake, Lynn (2011) Natural resources management arrangements in the Lake Eyre Basin: an enabling environment for community engagement? Rural Society, 21 (1). pp. 32-42.

Fu, Wen-Ge, Gandhi, Vasant P., Wang, Ji-Min, Zhan, Jin-Tao, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2011) Rising demand for animal products in India and China: a comparative perspective. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies of Australia: China: economic prosperity and business opportunities in the new decade. pp. 62-104. From: 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia, 14-16 July 2010, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Fu, Wen-Ge, Sun, Sizhong, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2011) Technical efficiency of food processing in China: the case of flour and rice processing. China Agricultural Economic Review, 3 (3). pp. 321-334.

Prideaux, Murray, Hamilton, John, Tee, Singwhat, and Welters, Riccardo (2011) Townsville 400: July 2011 Race and Festival Analysis [Report to V8 Supercars Australia Pty. Ltd.]. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong, Song, Ligang, and Drysdale, Peter (2011) The role of geographical proximity in FDI productivity spillovers in China. In: Xu, Lilai, (ed.) China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment: stock markets, FDI and challenges of sustainability. Edwar Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 142-156.

Jackson, Sue, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Larson, Silva (2011) The social, cultural and economic significance of tropical aquatic ecosystems: a diversity of values. In: Pusey, B.J., (ed.) Aquatic Biodiversity in Northern Australia: patterns, threats and future. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 173-190.

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Sun, Sizhong (2010) Heterogeneity of FDI export spillovers and its policy implications: the experience of China. Asian Economic Journal, 24 (4). pp. 289-303.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Birtles, Alastair, Farr, Marina, Mangott, Arnold, Curnock, Matthew, and Valentine, Peter (2010) Live-aboard dive boats in the Great Barrier Reef: regional economic impact and the relative values of their target marine species. Tourism Economics, 16 (4). pp. 995-1018.

Smajgl, A, Larson, S., Hug, B., and Martins De Freitas, D.M. (2010) Water use benefit index as a tool for community-based monitoring of water related trends in the Great Barrier Reef region. Journal of Hydrology, 395 (1-2). pp. 1-9.

Zhou, Zhang-yue (2010) The global financial crisis — the Asian agrifood market and future trade. Deakin Business Review, 3 (1). pp. 53-72.

Stoeckl, N., Birtles, A., Valentine, P., Farr, M., Curnock, M., Mangott, A., and Sobtzick, S. (2010) Understanding the Social and Economic Values of Key Marine Species in the Great Barrier Reef: MTSRF Project 4.8.6(a) Final Report, June 2010 with a section focusing on marine turtles. Report. Reef & Rainforest Research Centre, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Prayaga, Prabha, Rolfe, John, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2010) The value of recreational fishing in the Great Barrier Reef, Australia: a pooled revealed preference and contingent behaviour model. Marine Policy, 34 (2). pp. 244-251.

Gerards, Ruud, Muysken, Joan, and Welters, Riccardo (2010) Active labor market policy by a profit maximizing firm. In: Proceedings of the 11th Path to Full Employment and the 16th National Unemployment Conference. From: 11th Path to Full Employment and the 16th National Unemployment Conference, 3-4 December 2009, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

Welters, Riccardo (2010) Atypical labour markets require atypical policy solutions. In: Gerritson, Rolf, (ed.) North Australian Political Economy: Issues and Agenda. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, pp. 55-69.

Stoeckl, Natalie (2010) Bridging the asymmetric divide: background to, and strategies for bridging the divide between Indigenous and non-Indigenous economies in northern Australia. In: Gerritsen, Rolf, (ed.) North Australian Political Economy: issues and agendas. Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia, pp. 106-129.

Zeng, Benxiang, Gerritsen, Rolf, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2010) Contribution of Indigenous culture to tourism development. International Journal of Culture & Tourism Research, 3 (1). pp. 165-185.

Castorina, Diana, Stoeckl, N., and Welters, Riccardo (2010) Internal migration in Australia: does it exacerbate or mitigate regional skills disparities? In: Proceedings of 12th Path to Full Employment Conference. pp. 44-62. From: 12th Path to Full Employment Conference, 2 - 3 December 2010, Newcastle. NSW, Australia.

Stanley, Owen (2010) Mining and Aboriginal economic development: expectations unfulfilled. In: Gerritsen, Rolf, (ed.) North Australian Political Economy: Issues and Agendas. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia, pp. 130-141.

Gandhi, Vasant P., and Zhou, Zhang-yue (2010) Rising demand for livestock products in India: nature, patterns and implications. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 18. pp. 103-135.

Mitchell, William, Muysken, Joan, and Welters, Riccardo (2010) Self determination theory and employed job search. In: Proceedings of 12th Path to Full Employment Conference. pp. 222-235. From: 12th Path to Full Employment Conference, 2 - 3 December 2010, Newcastle. NSW, Australia.

Prideaux, Bruce, Hamilton, John, Tee, Singwhat, and Welters, Riccardo (2010) Townsville 400: July 2010 Race and Festival Analysis. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Tyrell, Les, Mellor, Peter, and Monypenny, Richard (2010) Townsville: a regional development case study. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 16 (2). pp. 203-216.

Gerritsen, Rolf, Stanley, Owen, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2010) The economic core? The Aboriginal contribution to the Alice Springs/Central Australian economy. Journal of Economic and Social Policy, 13 (2). 5. pp. 1-27.

Larson, Silva (2010) The socio-economic features of northern Australia. In: Gerritson, Rolf, (ed.) North Australian Political Economy: issues and agendas. Charles Darwin University, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 1-17.

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Jacobsen, Ben, Howieson, Bryan, de Lange, Paul, Milton, Audrey, O'connell, Brendan, and Watty, Kim (2009) Feedback to first year students in accounting: what they perceive and prefer. In: Proceedings of the 12th First Year in Higher Education Conference. 12B. From: FYHE 2009: 12th First Year in Higher Education Conference, 29 June - 1 July 2009, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2009) Achieving food security in China: past three decades and beyond. In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA). From: 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA), 10 – 11 July 2008, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Kang, Xia (2009) China’s grain TRQs: five years since WTO accession. In: Chen, Chunlai, (ed.) China’s Integration with the Global Economy: WTO accession, foreign investment and international trade. Advances in Chinese Economic Studies . Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 161-182.

West, Debbie, and Monypenny, Richard (2009) Emissions trading: an economic business perspective. In: Proceeding of the 13th National Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference 2009. - . From: 13th National Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference 2009, 27-29 October 2009, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, WA, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie, and Stanley, Owen (2009) Maximising the benefits of development in Australia's Far North. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 15 (3). pp. 255-279.

Monypenny, Richard (2009) Re-vitalizing "Think Globally but Act Locally". In: Papers from the 2nd International Unity in Diversity Conference 2009. pp. 1-14. From: 2nd International Unity in Diversity Conference, 12 - 14 August 2009, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Giddings, Mark, and Monypenny, Richard (2009) Three issues of importance to decision-makers in regional Australia. In: Proceeding of the 13th National Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference 2009. - . From: 13th National Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference 2009, 27-29 October 2009, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, WA, Australia.

Tyrell, Les, Mellor, Peter , and Monypenny, Richard (2009) Townsville: a regional development case study. In: Proceeding of the 13th National Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference 2009. - . From: 13th National Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia (SEGRA) Conference 2009, 27-29 October 2009, Kalgoorlie-Boulder, WA, Australia.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Kang, Xia (2009) Uncover the causes of China's low utilisation of grain TRQ. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 17. pp. 22-46.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Prideaux, Murray (2009) A preliminary economic analysis of live cattle imports in Korea. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 17. pp. 1-21.

Prayaga, Prabha, Rolfe, John, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2009) The value of recreational fishing along the Capricorn Coast: a pooled revealed preference and contingent behaviour model. In: Papers from 53rd annual conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society. pp. 1-20. From: Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Conference 2009, 11-13 February 2009, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie (2008) Enhancing the economic benefit of tourism at the local level. In: Moscardo, Gianna, (ed.) Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development. CAB International, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 16-28.

Chaiechi, Taha (2008) Financial development and Post Keynesian economic growth: advancing theoretical and empirical grounds. In: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics. pp. 1-33. From: 10th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, 4-6 July 2008, Cambridge, UK.

Monypenny, Richard (2008) Capacity building through cooperation. In: Moscardo, Gianna, (ed.) Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development. CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 155-171.

Stoeckl, Natalie (2008) Enhancing the economic benefits of tourism at the local level. In: Moscardo, Gianna, (ed.) Building Community Capacity for Tourism Development. CABI, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK, pp. 16-28.

Liu, Hong-Bo (2008) Meat consumption in China: at-home consumption. In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA). pp. 1-24. From: 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA), 10 – 11 July 2008, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Monypenny, Richard (2008) Some practical next steps to grow local cooperation. In: Proceedings of the 12th SEGRA Conference 2008. pp. 1-17. From: 12th SEGRA Conference 2008, 18-20 August 2008, Albury, NSW, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong (2008) Technology spillovers of FDI and their determinants: evidence from China. In: Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA). pp. 1-23. From: 20th Annual Conference of the Association for Chinese Economic Studies Australia (ACESA), 10 – 11 July 2008, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Jackson, Sue, Stoeckl, Natalie, Straton, Anna, and Stanley, Owen (2008) The changing value of Australian tropical rivers. Geographical Research, 46 (3). pp. 275-290.

Chaiechi, Taha (2007) Financial market development and economic growth in Hong Kong: a Post-Keynesian approach. In: CMFS 2007 Conference: Post-Keynesian Economic Policies. pp. 1-34. From: Post-Keynesian Economic Policies, 30 November & 1 December 2007, Dijon, France.

Monypenny, Richard R. (2007) Drivers of regional development. In: UNSPECIFIED. pp. 81-94. From: Proceedings of the Symposium: Cross collaboration in hospitality and related services: Synergies and future possibilities, October 26, 2007, Cairns, Australia.

Monypenny, Richard (2007) Local cooperation, an important driver of regional development. In: UNSPECIFIED. pp. 52-65. From: Proceedings of the Symposium: Cross collaboration in hospitality and related services: Synergies and future possibilities, October 26, 2007, Cairns, Australia.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Tian, Wei-Ming (2007) Demand and international trade of feedgrain in China. In: Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue, (eds.) Supply, Demand and Trade Prospects of China's Feed Grain Market. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, pp. 147-169.

Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2007) Methodology issues on studying the feedgrain's supply and demand. In: Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue, (eds.) Supply, Demand and Trade Prospects of China's Feed Grain Market. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, pp. 7-29.

Xin, Xian, Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2007) Production and circulation of feedgrain. In: Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue, (eds.) Supply, Demand and Trade Prospects of China's Feed Grain Market. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, pp. 71-85.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Tian, Wei-Ming (2007) Summary and conclusions. In: Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue, (eds.) Supply, Demand and Trade Prospects of China's Feed Grain Market. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, pp. 225-230.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Tian, Wei-Ming (2007) Survey of the trend to the livestock feeding modes in rural China. In: Tian, Wei-Ming, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue, (eds.) Supply, Demand and Trade Prospects of China's Feed Grain Market. China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China, pp. 86-116.

Stoeckl, Natalie (2007) Using surveys of business expenditure to draw inferences about the size of regional multipliers: a case-study of tourism in Northern Australia. Regional Studies , 41 (7). pp. 917-931.

Kondisenko, Nicholas S., and Monypenny, Richard (2007) Regional differences in medical presentation rates : an application of the ARIA weighted score. In: Proceedings of the 11th SEGRA Conference 2007. pp. 1-32. From: 11th SEGRA Conference 2007, 17-19 September 2007, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

Monypenny, Richard (2007) Some of the attributes that make us successful. In: Proceedings of the 11th SEGRA Conference 2007. pp. 1-17. From: 11th SEGRA Conference 2007, 17-19 September 2007, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

Haoatai, Heinarii, and Monypenny, Richard (2007) Starting regional development: the case for Black Pearls. In: Proceedings of the 11th SEGRA Conference 2007. pp. 1-11. From: 11th SEGRA Conference 2007, 17-19 September 2007, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

Kondisenko, Nicholas S., and Monypenny, Richard (2007) The corporatization of local service providers. In: Proceedings of the 11th SEGRA Conference 2007. pp. 1-19. From: 11th SEGRA Conference 2007, 17-19 September 2007, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Stanley, Owen, Brown, Vicki, and Stoeckl, Wolf (2007) Regional Economic Multipliers in Australia's Tropical Savannas. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie (2007) Regional expenditure patterns, remoteness and type of enterprise: which tourism businesses spend the largest amounts within their local communities? Economic Papers, 26 (1). pp. 64-85.

Stoeckl, Natalie, and Stanley, Owen (2007) Key industries in Australia's Tropical Savanna. Australasian Journal of Regional Studies, 13 (3). pp. 255-286.

Jacobsen, Ben, and Wybrow, Roy (2007) Property rights, individual incentives and remote-area Aboriginal economic development. Third Sector Review, 13 (1). pp. 21-31.

Fischer, Wolfgang (2007) Survey of traders' procurement policy in the Townsville north Queensland region. In: Fischer, Wolfgang Chr., and Mwenda, Kenneth K., (eds.) Country of Origin: a law and economics approach to the concept of Made in Australia. Josef Eul Verlag, Germany, pp. 75-83.

Si, Wei, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2007) Trade of agricultural products between China and Australia: tendency and prospects. Chinese Rural Economy, 11. pp. 4-14.

Monypenny, Richard (2006) Mentoring three local association staff: our experiences with being integrative and sometimes innovative. In: Proceedings of the 12th ANZSYS Conference: Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital. pp. 177-187. From: Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital, 3-6 December 2006, Katoomba, NSW, Australia.

Monypenny, Richard (2006) Reflecting on the dynamics of our intervention. In: Proceedings of 12th ANZSYS Conference: Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital. pp. 243-249. From: Sustaining our Social and Natural Capital, 3-6 December 2006, Katoomba, NSW, Australia.

Lanphier, Fleur, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2006) Australian wine exports and the AUSFTA. Journal of Wine Research, 17 (3). pp. 173-181.

Chaiechi, Taha, Juniper, James, and Mitchell, Bill (2006) Dynamic investment and financial development, application of Kaleckian, Post-Keynesian model. In: The Constraints to Full Employment Conference (2006) Papers. pp. 69-82. From: The Constraints to Full Employment Conference, 7-8 December 2006, Newcastle, NSW.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Stanley, Owen, Brown, Vicki, Jackson, Sue, and Straton, Anna (2006) An Assessment of Social and Economic Values Associated with Australia's Tropical Rivers: a scoping report to Land and Water Australia's Tropical Rivers program. Report. CSIRO Publishing.

Wu, Yanrui, and Zhou, Zhangyue (2006) Changing bilateral trade between China and India. Journal of Asian Economics, 17 (3). pp. 509-518.

Stoeckl, Natalie, Greiner, Romy, and Mayocchi, Colin (2006) The community impacts of different types of visitors: An empirical investigation of tourism in north-west Queensland. Tourism Management, 27 (1). pp. 97-112.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Wu, Yan-Rui, and Si, Wei (2006) Australia-China agricultural trade: dynamics and prospects. In: Proceedings of the ACESA 2006 International Conference. From: Emerging China: Internal Challenges and Global Implications, 13-14 July 2006, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Kaur, Kamalijit, Rolfe, John, and Stanley, Owen (2006) Benefits or losses from clearing trees to develop pastures in central Queensland, Australia? Agricultural Journal, 1 (2). pp. 81-89.

Mellor, Peter, and Monypenny, Richard (2006) The Business of Health. In: Proceedings of the SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia. pp. 1-12. From: SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia, 28-30 August 2006, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Castorina, Diana, and Monypenny, Richard (2006) Comparative advantage. In: Proceedings of the SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia. pp. 1-10. From: SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia, 28-30 August 2006, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Gong, Wendy, Parton, K.A., Zhou, Z.Y., and Cox, R.J. (2006) Economic evaluation of beef cattle production systems in China. AFBM Journal, 3 (2). pp. 33-43.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, and Tian, Wei-Ming (2006) Evolving trends of grain production in China. Australasian Agribusiness Review, 14. .

Wan, Guanghua, and Zhou, Zhangyue (2006) Income inequality in rural China: regression-based decomposition using household data. In: Kanbur, Ravi, Venables, Anthony J. , and Wan, Guanghua, (eds.) Spatial Disparities in Human Development: perspectives from Asia. United Nations University Press, Tokyo, Japan, pp. 115-132.

Lines, Tracey, and Monypenny, Richard (2006) Industrial clustering. In: Proceedings of the SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia. pp. 1-12. From: SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia, 28-30 August 2006, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Han, Jin, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Zhou, Zhang-Yue (2006) Poverty in mountainous areas in rural China: issues and suggestions to encourage sustainable development. In: Proceedings of ACESA 2006 International Conference. From: Emerging China: Internal Challenges and Global Implications, 13-14 July 2006, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Smith, Amanda J., Lee, Diane, Newsome, David, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2006) Production and consumption of wildlife icons: dolphin tourism at Monkey Mia, Western Australia. In: Meethan, K., Anderson, A., and Miles, S., (eds.) Tourism, Consumption and Representation: Narratives of Place and Self. CAB International, UK, pp. 113-139.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Xin, Xian, and Jiang, Nai-Hua (2006) Regional characteristics of animal product consumption. In: Papers from the International Conference on Transition, Growth and Globalization in China 2005. pp. 123-146. From: International Conference on Transition, Growth and Globalization in China, 7-8 July 2005, Perth, WA, Australia.

Smith, Amanda, Newsome, David, Lee, Diane, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2006) The Role of Wildlife Icons as Major Tourist Attractions: case studies: Monkey Mia Dolphins and Hervey Bay whale watching. Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast, Qld.

Randall, Allison, and Monypenny, Richard (2006) Sustaining competitive advantage in the primary health care by working together to nurture the region. In: Proceedings of the SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia. pp. 1-16. From: SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia, 28-30 August 2006, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Sun, Sizhong (2006) Technical efficiency and its determinants in Gansu, West China. Asia Pacific Economic Papers, 355. pp. 1-25.

Zhou, Zhang-Yue, Tian, Wei-Ming, and Malcolm, Bill (2006) Why projections of China's feedgrain demand and supply differ: a review. In: Proceedings of ACESA 2006 International Conference. From: Emerging China: Internal challenges and Global Implications, 13-14 July 2006, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Arlett, Kevin, and Monypenny, Richard (2006) A baseline for progress. In: Proceedings of the SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia. pp. 1-14. From: SEGRA 2006 Tenth National Conference: sustainable economic growth for regional Australia, 28-30 August 2006, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie, and Mules, Trevor (2006) A travel cost analysis of the Australian Alps. Tourism Economics, 12 (4). pp. 495-518.

Mitchell, William, Muysken, Joan, and Welters, Riccardo (2005) Search behaviour and casualties of the (dual) labour market. In: Proceedings of the 7th Path to Full Employment Conference/12th National Unemployment Conference . pp. 269-283. From: Creating a culture of full employment, 8-9 December 2005, Newcastle, NSW, Australia.

Monypenny, Richard, and Mellor, Peter (2005) Building regional development practitioner skills: a collaborative project. In: Proceedings of SEGRA 2005 The Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia Ninth National Conference. pp. 1-10. From: SEGRA 2005 The Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia Ninth National Conference, 5-7 September 2005, Yeppoon, QLD, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie, and Lanphier, Fleur (2005) Can tourism 'save' other regional businesses? In: Proceedings of SEGRA 2005 Sustainable Economic Growth for Regional Australia. pp. 1-20. From: SEGRA 2005 Ninth National Conference, 5 - 7 September 2005, Yeppoon, QLD, Australia.

Stoeckl, Natalie, and Stanley, Owen (2005) Land rich and data poor: modelling requirements in Australia’s far north. Economic Papers, 24 (3). pp. 230-248.

Sangha, Kamaljit K., and Rolfe, John (2005) Benefits or losses from tree clearing in pasture systems of central Queensland, Australia? In: Proceedings of Australasian Business and Behavioural Sciences Association Conference 2005. pp. 739-754. From: Australasian Business and Behavioural Sciences Association Conference 2005, 5-7 August 2005, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

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Sangha, Kamaljit K., and Jalota, Rajesh K. (2005) Value of ecological services of exotic Eucalyptus tereticornis and native Dalbergia sissoo tree plantations of North-Western India. Conservation and Society, 3 (1). pp. 92-109.

Mules, Trevor, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Cegielski, Michele (2005) The Economic Values of Tourism in the Australian Alps. Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast, QLD.

McPhee, Paul (2005) Strategy response, multiplier behaviour and information driven innovation activity, of New South Wales regional exporters - an input-output approach. In: Proceedings of ABBSA Conference 2005. pp. 1378-1417. From: ABBSA Conference 2005, 5-7 August 2005, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

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Herr, Alexander, Greiner, Romy , and Stoeckl, Natalie (2004) Understanding adoption of on-farm conservation practices in the Burdekin dry tropics, Queensland. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 11 (4). pp. 278-288.

Anwar, Sajid (2004) Capital inflow in the presence of endogenous labour supply and monopolistic competition. Economic Record, 80. pp. 76-82.

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Beg, Rabi (2004) Modeling & testing for volatility of the monthly rate of return on the US($)/AUS($) exchange rate. In: Proceedings of ASBBS 7th International Conference. pp. 124-135. From: ASBBS 7th International Conference, 6 - 7 August 2004, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

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Stoeckl, Natalie (2004) The private costs and benefits of environmental self-regulation: which firms have most to gain? Business Strategy and the Environment, 13 (3). pp. 135-155.

Anwar, Sajid, and Gupta, Desh (2004) The Asian Financial Crisis: lessons for and from Thailand. In: Proceedings of the 2004 Annual Conference of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy. pp. 1-22. From: 2004 Annual Conference of the Australia-New Zealand International Business Academy, 5-6 November 2004, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Greiner, Romy, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Schweigert, Roman (2004) Estimating community benefits from tourism: the case of Carpentaria Shire. In: Proceedings of the 48th Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) 2004. - . From: 48th Conference of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society (AARES) 2004, 11-13th February, 2004, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

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Monypenny, Richard (2003) Regional scale development issues. In: Proceedings of the International Congress on Modelling and Simulation MODISM 2003 (3) pp. 977-982. From: Integrative Modelling of Biophysical, Social and Economic Systems for Resource Management Solutions, 14-17 July 2003, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Stoeckl, N., and Inman-Bamber, N.G. (2003) The value of irrigation water with uncertain future rain: a simulation case study of sugarcane irrigation in northern Australia. Water Resources Research, 39 (10). pp. 1302-1307.

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Mallawaarachichi, Thilak, Monypenny, Richard, and Rayment, George E. (2002) An integrated strategy to enhance profitability and environmental compliance in the Australian sugar industry. In: Enhancing Productivity / Improving Profitability. pp. 99-106. From: 24th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ASSCT), 2002, 29 April - 02 May 2002, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

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Fernandez, Cheryl Joy (2016) Methods for determining how much to spend on flood prevention: an empirical case study in the Philippines. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Jarvis, Diane (2016) The contribution of economic, social and environmental factors to life and tourist satisfaction. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Hong, Meen Chee (2016) The determinants of Chinese Muslims' consumption of halal products: implications for Malaysia's halal export to China. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Sun, Sizhong, and Anwar, Sajid (2014) Do food processing firms in China innovate? In: [Presented at the International Conference of the Chinese Economics Society Australia (CESA) and the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences]. From: Deepening Reform for China's Long-Term Growth and Development: the role of rural development, 11-12 December 2014, Beijing, China. (Unpublished)

Cummins, David John (2014) Innovation in Australian regional small businesses: does its adoption and adaption promote the evolution of innovative capabilities? PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Pryce, Josephine, Babacan, Hurriyet, Blackman, Anna, Case, Peter, Eagle, Lynne, Low, David, Lynch, Paul, Moscardo, Gianna, Murphy, Laurie, and Welters, Riccardo (2013) Contributors to worker induced job separation in fly‐in/fly‐out work arrangements; evidence from Northern Australia. In: Papers from the International Symposium: Contemporary issues in long‐distance commute work in the extractive industries and other sectors. From: International Symposium: Contemporary issues in long‐distance commute work in the extractive industries and other sectors, 8-10 July 2013, Vienna, Austria. (Unpublished)

Farr, Marina (2013) Estimating the demand for and economic value of 'fish' in the recreational fishing and tourism sectors: general methodological issues and empirical findings relevant to the Great Barrier Reef. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Altai, Zulgerel (2013) Urban water demand management in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Chaiechi, Taha, Honeychurch, Shelley, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2012) Searching for cost synergies between market and non-market objectives in Northern Australia: can we improve the efficiency of biodiversity Investment? In: People and Conservation in Land and Sea Country. From: Oceania Section of the Society for Conservation Biology conference, , 21-23 September 2012, Darwin, NT, Australia. (Unpublished)

Gu, Xin (2012) Determinants of China's trade balance. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Osborne, John (2011) Seasonal climate forecasting for sugar cane: an economic investigation of harvest management. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Kodoatie, Johanna Maria (2008) Tax reform and social welfare in Indonesia: an empirical investigation. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Crossman, Peter John (1981) The gross state product and an econometric model of the state of Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 9 22:25:25 2025 AEST.