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Number of items at this level: 84.


Savage, Dorothy, and Gair, Susan (2020) Confronting the past so we do not disempower families in the present: reflections on use of a digitised case study. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 22 (1). pp. 23-33.

Suleman, Anita, and Chigeza, Philemon (2019) Enhancing participation of first-year education students: focusing on life circumstances. Australian and International Journal of Rural Education, 29 (2). pp. 53-65.

Welters, Riccardo, Lewthwaite, Brian, Thomas, Joseph, and Wilson, Kimberley (2019) Re-engaged students’ perceptions of mainstream and flexible learning environments: a ‘semi-quantitative’ approach. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23 (12). pp. 1315-1331.

Babacan, Alperhan, and Babacan, Hurriyet (2018) Repositioning lifelong learning in legal education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20 (2). pp. 122-148.

Sorin, Reesa, and Porter, Naomi (2018) Squiddle, the octopus with the unicorn horn: (re)engaging students through creative writing. International Journal of Arts Education, 13 (2). pp. 27-34.

Hajhashemi, Karim, Caltabiano, Nerina J., Anderson, Neil, and Tabibzadeh, Seyed Asadollah (2018) Students' multiple intelligences in video-assisted learning environments. Journal of Computers in Education, 5 (3). pp. 329-348.

Carter, Margaret Anne, Pagliano, Paul, Francis, Abraham, and Thorne, Marcia (2017) Australian university students and mental health: viewpoints from the literature. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3 (3). pp. 1-25.

Carter, Margaret Anne, and Goldie, Donna (2017) Educational media: potential impacts on tertiary students’ mental health. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3 (3). pp. 61-88.

Shakarami, Alireza, Hajhashemi, Karim, and Caltabiano, Nerina J. (2017) Compensation still matters: language learning strategies in the third millennium ESL learners. Online Learning Journal, 21 (3). pp. 235-250.

Joyce, Michael (2017) Bullying versus playful aggression: evaluating student dynamics in an EFL classroom. New directions in teaching and learning English discussion.

Maybee, Clarence, Bruce, Christine Susan, Lupton, Mandy, and Rebmann, Kristen (2017) Designing rich information experiences to shape learning outcomes. Studies in Higher Education, 42 (12). pp. 2373-2388.

Livingston, Catherine (2017) IAMS archaeometallurgy summer school. 12th - 23rd June, London, UK. The Crucible, 95. pp. 15-17.

Dillon, Justin, Stevenson, Robert B., and Wals, Arjen E.J. (2016) Introduction. Conservation Biology, 30 (3). pp. 450-455.

Smeaton, Kathleen, Maybee, Clarence, Bruce, Christine, and Hughes, Hilary (2016) Crossing literacy and informed learning boundaries with Manga. Access, 30 (1). pp. 12-26.

Campbell, Claire, Dalley-Trim, Leanne, and Cordukes, Lorraine (2016) "You want to get it right": a regional Queensland school's experience in strengthening parent-school partnerships. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 41 (3). pp. 109-116.

Campbell, Claire (2015) Tips for better parental engagement. Early Learning Review, 1 December 2015. pp. 1-2.

Smithson, John, Bellingan, Michelle, Glass, Beverley, and Mills, Jane (2015) Standardized patients in pharmacy education: an integrative literature review. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7 (6). pp. 851-863.

Lewthwaite, Brian, Lim, Lai Kuan, and Carter, Margaret (2015) Editorial: Education Graduate Student Symposium 2014. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 14 (1). pp. 1-4.

Frewen, A.R., Chew, E., Carter, M., Chunn, J., and Jotanovic, D. (2015) A cross cultural exploration of parental involvement and child rearing beliefs in Asian cultures. Early Years, 35 (1). pp. 36-49.

Anderson, Neil, Timms, Carolyn, and Hajhashemi, Karim (2014) Improving online learning through the use of design thinking. Distance Education in China (Zhongguo Yuancheng Jiaoyu), 9. pp. 5-12.

Simoncini, Kym M., Lasen, Michelle, and Rocco, Sharn (2014) Professional dialogue, reflective practice and teacher research: engaging early childhood pre-service teachers in collegial dialogue about curriculum innovation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 39 (1). 3. pp. 27-44.

Baldwin, Adele (2014) Putting the philosophy into PhD. Working Papers in the Health Sciences (1-10). pp. 1-4.

Gair, Susan (2013) Students' responses to vignettes featuring cultural differences: pondering empathy gaps, value judgments, and the promotion of 'partiality' in teaching empathy. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 15 (2). pp. 26-38.

McGuckin, Teneale Alyce, and Sealey, Rebecca Maree (2013) Integrating Facebook into a university cohort to enhance student sense of belonging: a pilot program in sport and exercise science. Australian Educational Computing, 28 (1). pp. 83-91.

Wang, Bingxin, and Greenwood, Kenneth Mark (2013) Chinese students' perceptions of their creativity and their perceptions of Western students' creativity. Educational Psychology, 33 (5). pp. 628-643.

Kennedy, David M., and Fox, Bob (2013) 'Digital natives': an Asian perspective for using learning technologies. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 9 (1). pp. 64-79.

Vallack, Jocene (2012) News from Dodoma: a play about research in Tanzania. Creative Approach to Research, 5 (1). pp. 32-49.

Sproule, John, Ollis, Stewart, Gray, Shirley, Allison, Peter, Horton, Peter, and Gray, Shirley (2011) Promoting perseverance and challenge in physical education: the missing ingredient for improved games teaching. Sport, Education and Society, 16 (5). pp. 665-684.

Bryan, S (2011) Extensive Reading, Narrow Reading and second language learners: implications for libraries. Australian Library Journal, 60 (2). pp. 113-122.

Lake, David, and McGinty, Sue (2011) Using science to re-engage young people in an Australian flexible learning centre. The International Journal of Science in Society, 2 (2). pp. 39-50.

Eley, Diann, Young, Louise, and Przybeck, Thomas R. (2009) Exploring temperament and character traits in medical students; a new approach to increase the rural workforce. Medical Teacher, 31 (3). e79-e84.

Mensinga, Jo (2009) Storying career choice: employing narrative approaches to better understand students’ experience of choosing social work as a preferred career. Qualitative Social Work, 8 (2). pp. 193-209.

Young, Louise, Rego, Patricia, and Peterson, Ray (2008) Clinical location and student learning: outcomes from the LCAP program in Queensland, Australia. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 20 (3). pp. 261-266.

McDonald, Jacquie, McPhail, Janelle, Maguire, Michael, and Millett, Bruce (2004) A conceptual model and evaluation process for educational technology learning resources: a legal case study. Educational Media International, 41 (4). pp. 287-296.

Margolis, Stephen A., and Reed, Richard L. (2004) Effect of religous practices of Ramadan on sleep and perceived sleepiness of medical students. Teaching and Learning in Medicine, 16 (2). pp. 145-149.

Errington, Edward (1991) Looking back: past drama experiences of intending primary teachers at the Western Australian C.A.E. NADIE Journal, 15 (3). pp. 26-31.

Book Chapter

McNulty, Yvonne, and Carter, Margaret Anne (2018) Do international school staff receive professional development training about third culture kids (TCKs)? Perspectives from faculty and parents. In: Kennedy, Kerry J., and Lee, John Chi-Kin, (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Schools and Schooling in Asia. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 280-292.

Campbell, Claire, and Bond, Trevor (2016) Constructing the human figure drawing continuum: one scale is 'good enough'. In: Zhang, Quan, (ed.) Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium (PROMS) 2015 Conference Proceedings. Springer, Singapore, pp. 15-27.

Pagliano, Paul (2014) Including children with sense impairments in the early years. In: Cologon, Kathy, (ed.) Inclusive Education in the Early Years: right from the start. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 441-460.

Daniel, Ryan, and Fleischmann, Katja (2014) Designing a learning space for creativity and collaboration: from studio to computer lab in design education. In: Nygaard, Claus , Branch, John , Scott-Webber, Linda , and Bartholomew, Paul , (eds.) Learning Space Design in Higher Education. Learning In Higher Education Series . Libri Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 191-208.

Lankshear, Colin, and Knobel, Michele (2014) Englishes and digital literacy practices. In: Leung, Constant, and Street, Brian V., (eds.) The Routledge Companion to English Studies. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 451-463.

Zeyer, Albert, and Kelsey, Elin (2013) Environmental education in a cultural context. In: Stevenson, Robert B., Brody, Michael, Dillon, Justin, and Wals, Arjen E.J., (eds.) International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education. Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 206-212.

Campbell, Claire, and Bond, Trevor G. (2011) Measuring cognitive development in early childhood learning environments. In: Cavanagh, Robert F., and Waugh, Russell F., (eds.) Applications of Rasch Measurement in Learning Environments Research. Advances in Learning Environments Research, 2 . Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 301-324.

Vallack, Jocene (2011) Myth, magic & method: using sub-phenomenology to analyse weblog data. In: Lazarinis, Fotis, Green, Steve, and Pearson, Elaine, (eds.) Developing and Utilizing E-learning Applications. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 246-268.

Knobel, Michele, Lankshear, Colin, and Lewis, Matthew (2010) AMV remix: do-it-yourself anime music videos. In: Knobel, Michele, and Lankshear, Colin, (eds.) DIY Media: creating, sharing and learning with new technologies. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies, 44 . Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 205-229.

Lankshear, Colin, and Knobel, Michele (2010) DIY Media: A contextual background and some contemporary themes. In: Knobel, Michele, and Lankshear, Colin, (eds.) DIY Media: creating, sharing and learning with new technologies. New Literacies and Digital Epistemologies, 44 . Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 1-24.


Raciti, Maria, Eagle, Lynne, and Hay, Rachel (2016) Social Marketing Strategies for Low SES Communities. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

O'Connell, Brendan, Ferguson, Colin, De Lange, Paul, Howieson, Bryan, Watty, Kim, Carr, Rodney, Jacobsen, Ben, Campitelli, Leona, Gora, Yvonne, and Milton, Audrey (2010) Enhancing Assessment Feedback Practices in Accounting Education: issues, obstacles and reforms. Report. Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), Strawberry Hills, NSW.

Conference Item

Carter, Margaret-Anne, and Francis, Abraham (2018) The Second Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference: conference information and book of abstracts. In: AMHHEC - Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2018. From: Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2018, 6-7 July 2018, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Konovalov, Elena, Collin, Rowan, and Munns, Suzanne L. (2018) Support for first year university students in a limited resource environment: recommendations from an Australian University. In: Proceedings of the Students Transitions Achievement Retention and Success Conference. 05B. From: STARS 2018: Students Transitions Achievement Retention and Success Conference, 8-11 July 2018, Auckland, New Zealand.

Carter, Margaret-Anne, and Francis, Abraham (2018) 2nd Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference: conference information and book of abstracts. In: 2nd AAMHHEC Conference. pp. 1-44. From: 2nd Australian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference, 6-7 July 2018, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Carter, Margaret Anne, and Goldie, Donna (2017) Digital health and wellness in higher education. In: The Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017: conference information and book of abstracts. p. 28. From: Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017, 30 June - 1 July 2017, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Carter, Margaret Anne, and Francis, Abraham (2017) The Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017: conference information and book of abstracts. In: The Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017: conference information and book of abstracts. pp. 1-46. From: Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017, 30 June - 1 July 2017, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Eagers, Jackie, Kaeshagen, Colleen, and Sealey, Rebecca (2016) Developing the next generation of occupational therapists: use of learning communities to facilitate student understanding of authentic occupational therapy tasks. In: Abstracts from the NT/QLD Division OT Conference. p. 37. From: NT/QLD Division OT Conference: Pratitioners of the Future, 28-29 October 2016, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Santomauro, Josie, and Carter, Margaret-Anne (2016) Friendly Facts: program to help children explore the complexities of friendship. In: Abstracts from the Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence Conference. E160. p. 50. From: OCALICON 2016: Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence Conference, 16-18 November 2016, Colombus, OH, USA.

Campbell, Claire, and Bond, Trevor (2015) Constructing the human figure drawing continuum: one scale is 'good enough'. In: Abstracts from PROMS 2015: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium. From: PROMS 2015: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium, 22-24 August 2015, Fukuoka, Japan.

Taylor, Donnalee B., and Harrison, Glenn J. (2015) Helping biomedical science students struggling with "second-choice-syndrome" to thrive rather than just survive. In: Proceedings of STARS 2015. pp. 1-5. From: STARS 2015: Students Transitions Achievement Retention and Success Conference, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 1-4 July 2015.

Taylor, Donnalee, and Harrison, Glenn (2015) Transition issues for Freshmen and Sophomores struggling with "second-choice-syndrome". In: Abstracts from the 22nd National Conference on Students In Transition. From: 22nd National Conference on Students in Transition, 17-19 October 2015, Baltimore, MD, USA.

Carson, Patricia, and Sorin, Reesa (2014) Symbol mastery and the retention of Dolch spelling words. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Imagination and Education. 1-p. From: IERG 2014: 9th International Conference on Imagination and Education, 2-4 July 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada.

Taylor, Selina, Kirschbaum, Mark, Khalil, Hanan, and Page, Amy (2014) Rural pharmacy placements: student perception and experience! In: Abstracts from the 7th Biennial Are You Remotely Interested Conference. From: AYRI 2014: 7th Biennial Are You Remotely Interested Conference, 30 June - 1 July 2014, Mount Isa, QLD, Australia.

Page, A., Khalil, H., Taylor, S., and Kirschbaum, M. (2014) Through the farm gate: pharmacy students intention in persuing a rural career. In: Abstracts from the 2014 National Medicines Symposium. 224. p. 66. From: NMS 2014: National Medicines Symposium: Medicines in health: shaping our future, 21–23 May 2014, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Wybrow, Roy, Taylor, Pauline, and Smorfitt, David (2013) Designing online assessment for improved student learning and experience. In: Proceedings of the Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australiasia Annual International Conference (36) pp. 524-534. From: 36th HERDSA Annual International Conference: Research and Development in Higher Education: the place of learning and teaching, 1-4 July 2013, Auckland, New Zealand.

Mcnulty, Yvonne, and Carter, Margaret (2013) TCK professional development for international school teachers in China. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. pp. 39-46. From: ICMAC 2013: International Conference on Managing the Asian Century, 11-13 July 2013, Singapore.

Lewthwaite, Brian (2012) Culturally responsive teaching in Yukon First Nation settings. In: Culturally Responsive Pedagogy Series. p. 19. From: Culturally Responsive Research and Pedagogy Symposium, 13-15 November 2012, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Bhati, Abhishek, and Anderson, Robyn (2012) Factors influencing Indian student's choice of overseas study destination. In: Procedia: social and behavioral sciences (46) pp. 1706-1733. From: WCES 2012 4th World Conference on Educational Science, 1-4 February 2012, Barcelona, Spain.

Zuchowski, Ines (2011) Supporting student placements with external supervision in current contexts. In: Abstracts of AASWWE 2011 Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium: Footprints: social work and welfare education making its mark. p. 9. From: AASWWE 2011 Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium: Footprints: social work and welfare education making its mark, 29 -30 September 2011, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Tomas, Louisa, and Mills, Reece (2011) Pre-service teachers' understanding and concern for sustainability issues: Implications for teacher education. In: Proceedings of the ATEA 2011 Conference. pp. 1-7. From: Valuing Teacher Education: Policy, Perspectives and Partnerships, 3-6 July, 2011, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Boon, Helen Joanna (2010) Parental views about science education for informed citizenship. In: Proceedings of 2009 Australian Association for Research in Education International Education Research Conference. pp. 1-13. From: 2009 Australian Association for Research in Education International Education Research Conference, 29 November - 3 December 2009, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Benckendorff, Pierre, and Blackman, Anna (2010) Learning and earning: what can business students learn from part-time employment? In: Work Integrated Learning – Responding to Challenges: proceedings of the 2010 ACEN national conference. pp. 20-32. From: 2010 ACEN Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference, 27 September - 1 October 2010, Perth, WA, Australia.

Taylor, Pauline (2010) A systematic approach to literacy support for first year preservice teachers: implications for practice. In: Proceedings of Australian Teacher Education Association Conference. pp. 1-10. From: ATEA 2010 Australian Teacher Education Association Conference, 4-7 July 2010, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Vallack, Jocene (2009) Students experiences of personal learning environments. In: Abstracts from the 32nd HERDSA Annual Conference. From: HERDSA 2009: 32nd Higher Education Research and Development Society of Australasia Annual Conference, 6-9 July 2009, Darwin, NT, Australia.

Vallack, Jocene (2009) The (secret and password protected) diary of a Web 2.0 novice doing subtextual phenomenology. In: 8th European Conference on Research Methodology. 43. p. 43. From: ECRM 2009: 8th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, 22-23 June 2009, Valletta, Malta.

Henderson, Lynette, Eshet-Alkalai, Yoram, and Klemes, Joel (2008) Adolescent digital gamers and implications for classrooms. In: Proceedings of Australian Computers in Education Conference. pp. 186-194. From: Australian Computers in Education Conference (ACEC2008), 29 September - 2 October 2008, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Maley, Claire Rebecca (2008) Rasch analysis of the Goodenough-Harris drawing test. In: Abstracts from PROMS 2008: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium. From: PROMS 2008: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium, 31 July - 3 August 2008, Tokyo, Japan.

Sacassani, Susanna, Azzali, Simona, and Tomasini, Alessandra (2008) International e-learning projects in the experience of Politecnico di Milano. In: Abstracts from the EDEN 2008 Annual Conference (2008) p. 133. From: EDEN 2008 Annual Conference, 11-14 June 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.

Gibbings, Peter, Lidstone, John, and Bruce, Christine (2008) Using student experience of problem-based learning in virtual space to drive engineering educational pedagogy. In: Proceedings of the 19th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education. From: 19th Annual Conference for the Australasian Association for Engineering Education: industry and beyond, 7-10 December 2008, Yeppoon, QLD, Australia.

Maley, Claire R. (2007) A cross-cultural examination of the Goodenough-Harris drawing test. In: Presentations from PROMS 2007: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium. From: PROMS 2007: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium, July 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.


Harrison, Neil, and Sellwood, Juanita (2016) Learning and Teaching in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Knobel, Michele, and Lankshear, Colin (2010) DIY media: creating, sharing and learning new technologies. New literacies and digital epistemologies, 44 . Peter Lang Publishing, New York, USA.

Rigano, Donna (2006) Ocean Action: an adventure in Beachtown. Children's Science Writing Project Series, 2 . James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Baldwin, Adele (2016) Reconciling professional identity: a grounded theory study of nurse academics' role modelling. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Woods, Cindy (2011) Female participation in secondary school physics and mathematics: motivations and influences in a regional setting. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Carter, Margaret, and McArdle, William John (2007) The Five Faces of Parenting. M.A. Carter Consultancy, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Carter, Margaret, and Santomauro, Josie (2001) Social Spectrum Magazine: 2001-2004. Carter/Santomauro, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

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