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Andrada de Palomera, Pablo, Van Ruitenbeek, Frank J.A., and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Prospectivity for epithermal gold–silver deposits in the Deseado Massif, Argentina. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 484-501.

Abdolmaleki, Mehdi, Mokhtari, Ahmad Reza, Akbar, Somaieh, Alipour-Asll, Masood, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2014) Catchment basin analysis of stream sediment geochemical data: incorporation of slope effect. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 140. pp. 96-103.

Antunes Feio Babo, João (2014) The high grade Mo-Re Merlin deposit, Cloncurry district, Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Austin, J.R., and Blenkinsop, T.G. (2009) Local to regional scale structural controls on mineralisation and the importance of a major lineament in the eastern Mount Isa Inlier, Australia: review and analysis with autocorrelation and weights of evidence. Ore Geology Reviews, 35 (3-4). pp. 298-316.


Bai, Jian, Porwal, Alok, Hart, Craig, Ford, Arianne, and Yu, Le (2010) Mapping geochemical singularity using multifractal analysis: application to anomaly definition on stream sediments data from Funin Sheet, Yunnan, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 104. pp. 1-11.


Chen, Fuchuan, Deng, Jun, Wang, Qingfei, Huizenga, Jan Marten, Li, Gongjian, and Gu, Youwei (2020) LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of magnetite and pyrite from the Hetaoping Fe-Zn-Pb skarn deposit in Baoshan block, SW China: implications for ore-forming processes. Ore Geology Reviews, 117. 103309.

Chen, Xian, Liu, Jiajun, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zhang, Dehui, Collins, Alan S., Yang, Bo, Xu, Bowen, Zhai, Degao, Wang, Yinhong, Wang, Jianping, and Liu, Zhenjiang (2019) Geology, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Cuihongshan Fe-polymetallic deposit, Heilongjiang Province, NE China. Geological Journal, 54 (3). pp. 1254-1278.

Camuti, Kaylene, Huizenga, Jan, Spandler, Carl, and Cheng, Yanbo (2019) Sn-W-Critical metals & associated magmatic systems: an international geological conference. Extended abstracts. In: EGRU Contribution (70) From: Sn-W-Critical Metals & Associated Magmatic Systems: An International Geological Conference, 24-28 June 2019, Tinaroo, Qld.

Cheng, Yanbo, Spandler, Carl, Chang, Zhaoshan, and Clarke, Gavin (2018) Volcanic–plutonic connections and metal fertility of highly evolved magma systems: a case study from the Herberton Sn–W–Mo Mineral Field, Queensland, Australia. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 486. pp. 84-93.

Cheng, Y., Chang, Z., and Huizenga, J. (2017) Geology and mineralization of the Mt Carbine Tungsten Deposit, Northern Queensland, Australia. In: EGRU Contribution (69) p. 18. From: FUTORES II Conference: future understanding of tectonics, resources, environment and sustainability, 4-7 June 2017, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Case, George, Blenkinsop, Thomas, Chang, Zhaoshan, Huizenga, Jan Marten, Lilly, Richard, and McLellan, John (2017) Delineating the structural controls on the genesis of iron oxide–Cu–Au deposits through implicit modelling: a case study from the E1 Group, Cloncurry District, Australia. Geological Society, London, Special Publication, 453.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2017) Natural resources research publications on geochemical anomaly and mineral potential mapping, and introduction to the special issue of papers in these fields. Natural Resources Research, 26 (4). pp. 379-410.

Chang, Z., Clarke, G., Cheng, Y., Poblete, J., and Liu, K. (2017) Sn-W-Mo mineralisation in north-east Queensland. In: Phillips, G.N., (ed.) Australian Ore Deposits. AusIMM Monograph (32). AusIMMM, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 681-688.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Laborte, Alice G. (2016) Data-driven predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity using random forests: a case study in Catanduanes Island (Philippines). Natural Resources Research, 25 (1). pp. 35-50.

Case, George N.D. (2016) Genesis of the E1 group of iron oxide-copper-gold deposits, Cloncurry district, North West Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Laborte, Alice G. (2015) Data-driven predictive mapping of gold prospectivity, Baguio district, Philippines: application of random forests algorithm. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 777-787.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Data-driven evidential belief modeling of mineral potential using few prospects and evidence with missing values. Natural Resources Research, 24 (3). pp. 291-304.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Laborte, Alice G. (2015) Random forest predictive modeling of mineral prospectivity with small number of prospects and data with missing values in Abra (Philippines). Computers & Geosciences, 74. pp. 60-70.

Case, George, Stormont, Erin, Huizenga, Jan Marten, and Chang, Zhaoshan (2015) Fluid inclusion, trace element, and isotopic characteristics of mineralization-associated hydrothermal barite in the Cloncurry IOCG district, Northwest Queensland. In: Abstracts from SEG 2015 Conference. p. 187. From: SEG 2015: World-Class Ore Deposits: discovery to recovery, 27-30 September 2015, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Chang, Zhaoshan (2015) The Society of Economic Geologists Awards for 2013* R. A. F. Penrose Gold Medal for 2013 citation of Noel C. White. Economic Geology, 110 (2). pp. 579-580.

Case, George, Chang, Zhaoshan, Huizenga, Jan Marten, Lilly, Richard, and Blenkinsop, Tom (2015) The evolution and potential sources of mineralizing fluids of the E1 group of IOCG deposits, Cloncurry District, Northwest Queensland, Australia: implications from fluid inclusion and SHRIMP S isotope analyses. In: Abstracts from SEG 2015 Conference. From: SEG 2015: World-Class Ore Deposits: discovery to recovery, 27-30 September 2015, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Case, George, Chang, Zhaoshan, Lilly, Richard, Blenkinsop, Thomas, and Huizenga, Jan Marten (2014) Geology, paragenesis, and alteration patterns of the E1 group of iron oxide-Cu-Au deposits, Cloncurry district, northwest Queensland, Australia. In: Abstracts from the 2014 Conference of Economic Geologists. From: SEG 2014 Conference: Building Exploration Capability for the 21st Century, 27-30 September 2014, Keystone, CO, USA.

Cheng, Yanbo, Mao, Jingwen, Chang, Zhaoshan, and Pirajno, Franco (2013) The origin of the world class tin-polymetallic deposits in the Gejiu district, SW China: constraints from metal zoning characteristics and ⁴⁰Ar-³⁹Ar geochronology. Ore Geology Reviews, 53. pp. 50-62.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Sadeghi, Martiya, and Billay, Alazar Y. (2013) Data integration for interpretive bedrock mapping in the Giyani area (South Africa). In: Proceedings of the 12th Biennial SGA Meeting (2) pp. 472-475. From: 12th Biennial SGA Meeting, 12-15 August 2013, Uppsala, Sweden.

Cheng, Yanbo, and Mao, Jingwen (2012) Geochronology of the gabbro-mafic microgranular enclaves-granite associations in the Gejiu district, Yunnan province and their geodynamic significance. Acta Geologica Sinica, 86 (3). pp. 748-761.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zuo, Renguang, and Cheng, Qiuming (2012) Fractal/multifractal modelling of geochemical exploration data. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 122. pp. 1-3.

Cheng, Yanbo, Mao, Jingwen, and Yang, Zongxi (2012) Geology and vein tin mineralization in the Dadoushan deposit, Gejiu district, SW China. Mineralium Deposita, 47 (6). pp. 701-712.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2012) Primary geochemical characteristics of mineral deposits: implications for exploration. Ore Geology Reviews, 45. pp. 1-4.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2011) Analysis and mapping of geochemical anomalies using logratio-transformed stream sediment data with censored values. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 110 (2). pp. 167-185.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2011) Geocomputation of mineral exploration targets. Computers & Geosciences, 37 (12). pp. 1907-1916.

Cheng, Yanbo, Mao, Jingwen, and Rusk, Brian (2011) Metal zonation in the world-class Gejiu Sn-Cu polymetallic deposit, SW China. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial SGA meeting: Let's Talk Ore Deposits. A031. pp. 94-96. From: Let's Talk Ore Deposits: Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, 26-29 September 2011, Antofagasta, Chile.

Cheng, Yanbo, Rusk, Brian, Kemp, Tony, and Mao, Yingwen (2011) SEM-CL and LA-ICP-MS trace element analysis of cassiterite in Gejiu tin district, SW China. In: Proceedings of the Eleventh Biennial SGA meeting: Let's Talk Ore Deposits. A106. pp. 325-327. From: Let's Talk Ore Deposits: Eleventh Biennial SGA Meeting, 26-29 September 2011, Antofagasta, Chile.

Cao, Hui (2011) The tectonics of the Arkansas river region, Colorado, USA. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Cheng, Yan-Bo, Mao, Jing-Wen, Chen, Xiao-Lin, and Li, Wei (2010) LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating of the Bozhushan granite in Southeastern Yunnan Province and its significance. Journal of Jilin University: Earth Science Edition, 40 (4). pp. 869-878.

Cheng, YanBo, Tong, Xiang, We , JunDe, and Mo, GuoPei (2010) Geochronology framework of the W-Sn mineralization granites in western South China and their geological significance. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26 (3). pp. 809-818.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2010) Catchment basin modelling of stream sediment anomalies revisited: incorporation of EDA and fractal analysis. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 10. pp. 365-381.

Carranza, Emmanuel J.M. (2010) From predictive mapping of mineral prospectivity to quantitative estimation of number of undiscovered prospects. Resource Geology, 61 (1). pp. 30-51.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2010) Improved wildcat modelling of mineral prospectivity. Resource Geology, 60 (2). pp. 129-149.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2010) Mapping of anomalies in continuous and discrete fields of stream sediment geochemical landscapes. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 10. pp. 171-187.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Sadeghi, Martiya (2010) Predictive mapping of prospectivity and quantitative estimation of undiscovered VMS deposits in Skellefte district (Sweden). Ore Geology Reviews, 38 (3). pp. 219-241.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2009) Objective selection of suitable unit cell size in data-driven modeling of mineral prospectivity. Computers & Geosciences, 35 (10). pp. 2032-2046.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2009) Controls on mineral deposit occurrence inferred from analysis of their spatial pattern and spatial association with geological features. Ore Geology Reviews, 35 (3-4). pp. 383-400.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2009) Geochemical Anomaly and Mineral Prospectivity Mapping in GIS. Handbook of Exploration and Environmental Geochemistry, 11 . Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Owusu, Emmanuel A., and Hale, Martin (2009) Mapping of prospectivity and estimation of number of undiscovered prospects for lode gold, southwestern Ashanti Belt, Ghana. Mineralium Deposita, 44 (8). pp. 915-938.

Cheng, Yanbo, and Mao, Jingwen (2009) A Preliminary study on the Geochronology of the host rocks of the Supergiant Gejiu Tin Deposit, SW China. In: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial SGA Meeting (1) A102. pp. 306-308. From: 10th Biennial Meeting of the SGA 2009, 17-20 August 2009, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Cheng, Yan-bo, Mao, Jing-wen, Chen, Mao-hong, Yang, Zong-xi, Feng, Jia-rui, and Zhao, Hai-jie (2008) LA-ICP-MS zircon dating of the alkaline rocks and lamprophyres in Gejiu area and its implications. Geology in China, 35 (6). pp. 1138-1149.

Cheng, Yanbo, Mao, Jingwen, Xie, Guiqing, Chen, Maohong, Zhao, Caisheng, Yang, Zongxi, Zhao, Haijie, and Li, Xiangqian (2008) Petrogenesis of the Laochang-Kafang granite in the Gejiu area, Yunnan Province: constraints from geochemistry and zircon U-Pb dating. Acta Geologica Sinica, 82 (11). pp. 1478-1493.

Carranza, E.M.J., van Ruitenbeek, F.J.A., Hecker, C., van der Meijde, M., and van der Meer, F.D. (2008) Knowledge-guided data-driven evidential belief modeling of mineral prospectivity in Cabo de Gata, SE Spain. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 10 (3). pp. 374-387.

Carranza, E.J.M., Hale, M., and Faassen, C. (2008) Selection of coherent deposit-type locations and their application in data-driven mineral prospectivity mapping. Ore Geology Reviews, 33 (3-4). pp. 536-558.

Chapman, Lucy H. (1999) Geology and genesis of the George Fisher Zn-Pb-Ag deposit Mount Isa, Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Deng, Jun, Yuan, Wanming, Carranza, Emmanual John Muico, Yang, Liqiang, Wang, Changming, Yang, Liya, and Hao, Nana (2014) Geochronology and thermochronometry of the Jiapigou gold belt, northeastern China: new evidence for multiple episodes of mineralization. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 89. pp. 10-27.

Deng, Jun, Gong, Qingjie, Wang, Changming, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Santosh, M. (2014) Sequence of Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous magmatic–hydrothermal events in the Xiong'ershan region, Central China: an overview with new zircon U–Pb geochronology data on quartz porphyries. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79 (Part A). pp. 161-172.

Donovan, John J., Lowers, Heather A., and Rusk, Brian G. (2011) Improved electron probe microanalysis of trace elements in quartz. American Mineralogist, 96 (2-3). pp. 274-282.

Debba, Pravesh, Carranza, Emmanuel J.M., Stein, Alfred, and van der Meer, Freek D. (2009) Deriving optimal exploration target zones on mineral prospectivity maps. Mathematical Geosciences, 41 (4). pp. 421-446.


Ellahi, Somayeh Salamab, Taghipour, Batoul, Zarasvandi, Alireza, Bird, Michael I., and Somarin, Alireza K. (2016) Mineralogy, geochemistry and stable iosotope studies of the dopolan bauxite deposit, Zagros Mountain, Iran. Minerals, 6 (1). pp. 1-21.


Fergusson, C.L., Henderson, R.A., and Offler, R. (2017) Late Neoproterozoic to early Mesozoic sedimentary rocks of the Tasmanides, eastern Australia: provenance switching associated with development of the East Gondwana active margin. In: Mazumder, R., (ed.) Sediment provenance: influences on compositional change from source to sink. Elsevier, Netherlands, pp. 325-369.

Fergusson, C.L., and Henderson, R.A. (2015) Early Palaeozoic continental growth in the Tasmanides of northeast Gondwana and its implications for Rodinia assembly and rifting. Gondwana Research, 28 (3). pp. 933-953.

Fergusson, C.L., Henderson, R.A., Blake, P.R., Bultidude, R.J., Champion, D.C., Cross, A.J., Draper, J.J., Green, T.J., Hutton, L.J., Jell, P.A., Lister, G.S., McKellar, J.L., McKillop, M.D., Mulqueeny, L., Offler, R., Phillips, G., Richards, S., Withnall, I.W., Wood, D.G., and Wormald, R. (2013) Thomson orogen. In: Jell, Peter A., (ed.) Geology of Queensland. Queensland Government, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, pp. 113-224.

Ford, A., and Blenkinsop, T.G. (2009) An expanded de Wijs model for multifractal analysis of mineral production data. Mineralium Deposita, 44 (2). pp. 233-240.

Ford, Arianne (2008) Fluid flow in 3D strike-slip fault systems. In: Geological Society of Australia Abstract Series. p. 102. From: Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2008, 20-24 July 2008, Perth, WA, Australia.


Gonbadi, Arman Mohammadi, Tabatabaei, Seyed Hasan, and Carranza, John M. (2015) Supervised geochemical anomaly detection by pattern recognition. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 157. pp. 81-91.

Granian, Hamid, Tabatabaei, Seyed Hassan, Asadi, Hooshang H., and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Multivariate regression analysis of lithogeochemical data to model subsurface mineralization: a case study from the Sari Gunay epithermal gold deposit, NW Iran. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 148. pp. 249-258.

Graham-Ruzicka, Julie Louise (2014) Gold-bismuth occurrences in the Kennedy igneous province, North Queensland: constraints on tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes in intrusion-related gold deposits. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Henderson, R.A., and Fergusson, C.L. (2019) Growth and provenance of a Paleozoic subduction complex in the Broken River Province, Mossman Orogen: evidence from detrital zircon ages. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 66 (5). pp. 607-624.

Haddad-Martim, Paulo Miguel, de Souza Filho, Carlos Roberto, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2017) Spatial analysis of mineral deposit distribution: a review of methods and implications for structural controls on iron oxide-copper-gold mineralization in Carajas, Brazil. Ore Geology Reviews, 81 (Part 1). pp. 230-244.

Huston, D.L., Champion, D.C., Morrison, G., Mass, R., Thorne, J.P., Carr, G., Beams, S., Bottrill, R., Chang, Z-S., Dhnaram, C., Downe, P.M., Forster, D.B., Gemmell, J.B., Lisitsin, V., McNeill, A., and Vicary, M. (2017) Spatial variations in lead isotopes, Tasman Element, eastern Australia. Geoscience Australia Record, 2017 (09). Geoscience Australia, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Holm, R.J., Richards, S.W., Rosenbaum, G., and Spandler, C. (2015) Disparate tectonic settings for mineralisation in an active arc, Eastern Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. In: Proceedings of PACRIM 2015. pp. 165-170. From: PACRIM 2015 Congress, 18-21 March 2015, Hong Kong, China.

Herbert, Sarah, Woldai, Tsehaie, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and van Ruitenbeek, Frank J.A. (2014) Predictive mapping of prospectivity for orogenic gold in Uganda. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 99 (Part 2). pp. 666-693.

Hofmann, Axel, Bekker, Andrey, Dirks, Paul, Gueguen, Bleuenn, Rumble, Doug, and Rouxel, Olivier J. (2014) Comparing orthomagmatic and hydrothermal mineralization models for komatiite-hosted nickel deposits in Zimbabwe using multiple-sulfur, iron, and nickel isotope data. Mineralium Deposita, 49 (1). pp. 75-100.

Henderson, R.A., and Nind, M.A.P. (2014) Pliocene aridity and Neogene landscape evolution recorded by a fluvial sediment system (Campaspe Formation) in northeast Queensland. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 61 (8). pp. 1041-1059.

Holm, Robert J., Spandler, Carl, and Richards, Simon W. (2013) Melanesian arc far-field response to collision of the Ontong Java Plateau: geochronology and petrogenesis of the Simuku Igneous Complex, New Britain, Papua New Guinea. Tectonophysics, 603. pp. 189-212.

Henderson, R.A., Donchak, P.J.T., Withnall, I.W., Adams, C.J., Bultitude, R.J., Champion, D.C., Davis, B.K., Hutton, L.J., and Wormald, R. (2013) Mossman orogen. In: Jell, Peter A., (ed.) Geology of Queensland. Queensland Government, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, pp. 225-304.

Han, Run-sheng, Liu, Cong-Qiang, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Hou, Baohong, Huang, Zhi-Long, Wang, Xue-Kun, Hu, Yu-Zhao, and Lei, Li (2012) REE geochemistry of altered tectonites in the Huize base-metal district, Yunnan, China. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 12. pp. 127-146.

Henderson, R.A., Innes, BM.., Fergusson, C.L., Crawford, A.J., and Withnall, I.W. (2011) Collisional accretion of a Late Ordovician oceanic island arc, northern Tasman Orogenic Zone, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58 (1). pp. 1-19.

Hewson, Simon Andrew John (1996) A structural examination of the Telfer gold-copper deposit and surrounding region, northwest Western Australia: the role of polyphase orogenic deformation in ore-deposit development and implications for exploration. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Harvey, Kenneth James (1989) The geology of the Balcooma massive sulphide deposit, north-east Queensland. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.


Jemmali, Nejib, Souissi, Fouad, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Bouabdellah, Mohammed (2013) Lead and sulfur isotope constraints on the genesis of the polymetallic mineralization at Oued Maden, Jebel Hallouf and Fedj Hassene carbonate-hosted Pb–Zn (As–Cu–Hg–Sb) deposits, Northern Tunisia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 132. pp. 6-14.

Jemmali, Nejib, Souissi, Fouad, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Vennemann, Torsten W. (2012) Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on the genesis of the carbonate-hosted Jebel Ghozlane Pb–Zn deposit (Nappe Zone, Northern Tunisia). Resource Geology, 63 (1). pp. 27-41.

James-Smith, Julianne, Cauzid, Jean, Testemale, Denis, Liu, Weihua, Hazemann, Jean-Louis, Proux, Olivier, Etschmann, Barbara, Philippot, Pascal, Banks, David, Williams, Patrick, and Brugger, Joël (2010) Arsenic speciation in fluid inclusions using micro-beam X-ray absorption spectroscopy. American Mineralogist, 95 (7). pp. 921-932.


Kwelwa, S.D., Sanislav, I.V., Dirks, P.H.G.M, Blenkinsop, T., and Kolling, S.L. (2018) Zircon U-Pb ages and Hf isotope data from the Kukuluma Terrain of the Geita Greenstone Belt, Tanzania Craton: implications for stratigraphy, crustal growth and timing of gold mineralization. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 139. pp. 38-54.

Kwelwa, S.D., Sanislav, I.V., Dirks, P.H.G.M., Blenkinsop, T., and Kolling, S.I. (2018) The petrogenesis of the Neoarchean Kukuluma Intrusive Complex, NW Tanzania. Precambrian Research, 305. pp. 64-78.

Kim, Hyeong Soo, and Sanislav, Ioan V. (2017) Foliation intersection/inflection axes within porphyroblasts (FIAs): a review of advanced applications and significance. Geosciences Journal, 21 (6). pp. 1013-1032.

Kreuzer, Oliver P., Miller, Alexandra V.M., Peters, Katie J., Payne, Constance, Wildman, Charlene, Partington, Gregor A., Puccioni, Elisa, McMahon, Maureen E., and Etheridge, Michael A. (2015) Comparing prospectivity modelling results and past exploration data: a case study of porphyry Cu–Au mineral systems in the Macquarie Arc, Lachlan Fold Belt, New South Wales. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 516-544.

Kgaswane, Eldridge M., Nyblade, Andrew A., Durrheim, Raymond J., Julià, Jordi, Dirks, Paul H.G.M., and Webb, Susan J. (2012) Shear wave velocity structure of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. Tectonophysics, 554-557. pp. 83-104.

Kendrick, M.A., Phillips, D., Honda, M., Oliver, N.H.S., and Walshe, J.L. (2010) Constraining fluid-fluid and fluid-rock interaction with noble gases in Australia ore deposits. In: Proceedings of the 10th Biennial Meeting of the the SGA 2009 (2) pp. 722-724. From: 10th Biennial Meeting of the SGA 2009, 17-20 August 2009, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Liu, Guangxian, Yuan, Feng, Deng, Yufeng, Jowitt, Simon, Sun, Weian, White, Noel, Yang, Di, Li, Xiansuo, Zhou, Taofa, and Huizenga, Jan Marten (2018) The genesis of the Hehuashan Pb–Zn deposit and implications for the Pb–Zn prospectivity of the Tongling district, Middle–Lower Yangtze River Metallogenic Belt, Anhui Province, China. Ore Geology Review, 101. pp. 105-121.

Lu, Yingchuan, Liu, Jiajun, Zhang, Dong, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zhai, Degao, Ge, Liangsheng, Sun, Hao, Wang, Bin, Chen, Yongfu, and Liu, Peng (2016) Genesis of the Saishitang skarn type copper deposit, West Qinling, Qinghai Province: evidence from fluid inclusions and stable isotopes. Ore Geology Reviews, 75. pp. 268-283.

Li, Ruixi, Wang, Gongwen, and Carranza, Emmanuel John Muico (2016) GeoCube: a 3D mineral resources quantitative prediction and assessment system. Computers & Geosciences, 89. pp. 161-173.

Lindsay, Mark, Aitken, Alan, Ford, Arianne, Dentith, Mike, Hollis, Julie, and Tyler, Ian (2016) Reducing subjectivity in multi-commodity mineral prospectivity analyses: modelling the west Kimberley, Australia. Ore Geology Reviews, 76. pp. 395-416.

Liu, Jiajun, Liu, Chonghao, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Li, Yujie, Mao, Zhihao, Wang, Jianping, Wang, Yinhong, Zhang, Jing, Zhai, Degao, Zhang, Huafeng, Shan, Liang, Zhu, Laimin, and Lu, Rukui (2015) Geological characteristics and ore-forming process of the gold deposits in the western Qinling region, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 103. pp. 40-69.

Lindsay, M.D., Aitken, A.R., Ford, A., Dentith, M.C., Hollis, J.A., and Tyler, I.M. (2015) Mineral prospectivity of the King Leopold Orogen and Lennard Shelf: analysis of potential field data in the west Kimberley region. Report. Geological Survey of Western Australia, East Perth, WA, Australia.

Li, Lamei, Xie, Yuling, Guo, Xiang, Meffre, Sebastien, Chang, Zhaoshan, Zhang, Jian, Yao, Yu, Liu, Baoshun, and Wang, Aiguo (2014) Chronology, petrochemistry of fine grained granite and their implication to Mo-Cu mineralization in Xichong Mo Deposit, Anhui Province, China. Acta Geologica Sinica, 88. pp. 556-558.

Liu, Jiajun, Cao, Ye, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Feng, Caixia, Zhai, Degao, Wang, Jianping, and Li, Jingxian (2014) Characterization of secondary native selenium in the Yutangba Se deposit, Western Hubei, China. Resource Geology, 64 (3). pp. 271-281.

Luque, F.J., Huizenga, J-M., Crespo-Feo, E., Wada, H., Ortega, L., and Barrenechea, J.F. (2014) Vein graphite deposits: geological settings, origin, and economic significance. Mineralium Deposita, 49 (2). pp. 261-277.

Lindsay, Mark, Aitken, Alan, Hollis, Julie, Ford, Arianne, Dentith, Mike, and Tyler, Ian (2014) Finding mineral potential in greenfields regions with structural geophysical interpretation, west Kimberley, Australia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16. p. 1687.

Lindsay, Mark, Ford, Arianne, Aitken, Alan, Dentith, Mike, Hollis, Julie, and Tyler, Ian (2014) Knowledge-driven mineral potential modelling: applying the Mineral Systems Approach to the west Kimberley, Australia. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16. p. 1691.

Li, XiaoLong, Mao, JingWen, Cheng, YanBo, and Zhang, Juan (2012) Petrogenesis of the Gaofengshan granite in Gejiu area, Yunnan Province: zircon U-Pb dating and geochemical constraints. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 28 (1). pp. 183-198.

Li, Nuo, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Ni, Zhiyong, and Guo, Dongsheng (2012) The CO2-rich magmatic-hydrothermal fluid of the Qiyugou breccia pipe, Henan Province, China: implication for breccia genesis and gold mineralization. Geochemistry: exploration, environment, analysis, 12 (2). pp. 147-160.

Laukamp, C., Cudahy, T., Thomas, M., Jones, M., Cleverley, J.S., and Oliver, N.H.S. (2011) Hydrothermal mineral alteration patterns in the Mount Isa Inlier revealed by airborne hyperspectral data. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 58 (8). pp. 917-936.

Laukamp, C., Cudahy, T., Oliver, N.H.S., and Cleverley, J.S. (2008) Detection of K-alteration in the Cloncurry District, NW Queensland, using hyperspectral mineral maps. In: Australian Earth Sciences Convention. pp. 159-160. From: Australian Earth Sciences Convention 2008, 20-24 July 2008, Perth, WA, Australia.


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Wang, Gongwen, Li, Ruixi, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zhang, Shouting, Yan, Changhai, Zhu, Yanyan, Qu, Jianan, Hong, Dongming, Song, Yaowu, Han, Jiangwei, Ma, Zhenbo, Zhang, Hao, and Yang, Fan (2015) 3D geological modeling for prediction of subsurface Mo targets in the Luanchuan district, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 592-610.

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Wang, Changming, Deng, Jun, Santosh, M., Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Gong, Qingjie, Guo, Chunying, Xia, Rui, and Lai, Xiangru (2015) Timing, tectonic implications and genesis of gold mineralization in the Xincheng gold deposit, China: C–H–O isotopes, pyrite Rb–Sr and zircon fission track thermochronometry. Ore Geology Reviews, 65 (3). pp. 659-673.

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Wang, Changming, Deng, Jun, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Santosh, M. (2014) Tin metallogenesis associated with granitoids in the southwestern Sanjiang Tethyan Domain: nature, deposit types, and tectonic setting. Gondwana Research, 26 (2). pp. 576-593.

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Wang, Changming, Zhang, Da, Wu, Ganguo, Xu, Yigan, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zhang, Yaoyao, Li, Huaikun, and Geng, Jianzhen (2013) Zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry of rhyolitic tuff, granite porphyry and syenogranite in the Lengshuikeng ore district, SE China: implications for a continental arc to intra-arc rift setting. Journal of Earth System Science, 122 (3). pp. 809-830.

Wang, Changming, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zhang, Shouting, Zhang, Jing, Liu, Xiaoji, Zhang, Da, Sun, Xiang, and Duan, Cunji (2012) Characterization of primary geochemical haloes for gold exploration at the Huanxiangwa gold deposit, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 124. pp. 40-58.

Wang, Gongwen, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Zuo, Renguang, Hao, Yinglong, Du, Yangsong, Pang, Zhenshan, Sun, Yue, and Qu, Jianan (2012) Mapping of district-scale potential targets using fractal models. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 122. pp. 34-46.

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Yang, Lin, Wang, Qingfei, Liu, Huan, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., Li, Gongjian, and Zhou, Daoqing (2017) Identification and mapping of geochemical patterns and their significance for regional metallogeny in the southern Sanjiang, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 90. pp. 1042-1053.

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Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2016) Data-driven index overlay and Boolean logic mineral prospectivity modeling in greenfields exploration. Natural Resources Research, 25 (1). pp. 3-18.

Yilmaz, Huseyin, Sonmez, Fatma Nuran, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Discovery of Au–Ag mineralization by stream sediment and soil geochemical exploration in metamorphic terrain in western Turkey. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 158. pp. 55-73.

Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Geometric average of spatial evidence data layers: a GIS-based multi-criteria decision making approach to mineral prospectivity mapping. Computers & Geosciences, 83. pp. 72-79.

Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Prediction–area (P–A) plot and C–A fractal analysis to classify and evaluate evidential maps for mineral prospectivity modeling. Computers & Geosciences, 79. pp. 69-81.

Yousefi, Mahyar, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2015) Fuzzification of continuous-value spatial evidence for mineral prospectivity mapping. Computers & Geosciences, 74. pp. 97-109.

Yousefi, Mahyar, Kamkar-Rouhani, Abolghasem, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2014) Application of staged factor analysis and logistic function to create a fuzzy stream sediment geochemical evidence layer for mineral prospectivity mapping. Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, 14. pp. 45-58.

Yousefi, Mahyar, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Kamkar-Rouhani, Abolghasem (2013) Weighted drainage catchment basin mapping of geochemical anomalies using stream sediment data for mineral potential modeling. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 128. pp. 88-96.

Yousefi, Mahyar, Kamkar-Rouhani, Abolghasem, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2012) Geochemical mineralization probability index (GMPI): a new approach to generate enhanced stream sediment geochemical evidential map for increasing probability of success in mineral potential mapping. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 115. pp. 24-35.

Yang, ZongXi, Mao, JingWen, Chen, MaoHong, Cheng, YanBo, and Chang, Yong (2010) Geology, geochemistry and genesis of Kafang copper deposit in Gejiu, Yunnan Province. Acta Petrologica Sinica, 26 (3). pp. 830-844.


Zuo, Renguang, Zhang, Zhenjie, Zhang, Daojun, Carranza, Emmanuel John M., and Wang, Haicheng (2015) Evaluation of uncertainty in mineral prospectivity mapping due to missing evidence: a case study with skarn-type Fe deposits in Southwestern Fujian Province, China. Ore Geology Reviews, 71. pp. 502-515.

Zhang, Juan, Mao, Jing-wen, Cheng, Yanbo, and Li, Xiao-Long (2012) 40Ar-39Ar isotopic age study of phlogopite from Kafang altered basalt in Gejiu of Yunnan Province and its significance. Geology in China, 39 (6). pp. 1647-1656.

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Zhao, Jiangnan, Chen, Shouyu, Zuo, Renguang, and Carranza, Emmanuel John M. (2011) Mapping complexity of spatial distribution of faults using fractal and multifractal models: vectoring towards exploration targets. Computers & Geosciences, 37 (12). pp. 1958-1966.

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