Items where Subject is "01 MATHEMATICAL SCIENCES > 0104 Statistics > 010401 Applied Statistics"
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- Fields of Research (57950)
- 0104 Statistics (212)
- 010401 Applied Statistics (159)
- 0104 Statistics (212)
Pigulski, Andrzej, Cugier, Henryk, Handler, Gerald, and Kgoadi, Refilwe (2018) BRITE view of sigma Scorpii, beta Cephei-type star studied for over a century. Polskie Towarzystwo Astronomiczne (PTA) Proceedings 2018, 8. pp. 77-79.
Thorburn, P.J., Biggs, J.S., Skocaj, D., Schroeder, B.L., Sexton, J., and Everingham, Y.L. (2018) Crop size and sugarcane nitrogen fertiliser requirements: is there a link? International Sugar Journal, 120. 1438. pp. 792-797.
Lee, Sean T. H. (2018) Testing for measurement invariance: does your measure mean the same thing for different participants? APS Observer, 31 (8). pp. 32-33.
Robertson, Sam, Woods, Carl, and Gastin, Paul (2015) Predicting higher selection in elite junior Australian Rules football: the influence of physical performance and anthropometric attributes. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 18 (5). 601-606.
Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Moulavi, Davoud, Zimek, Arthur, and Sander, Jörg (2015) Hierarchical density estimates for data clustering, visualization, and outlier detection. ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data, 10 (1). 5. 5:1-5:51.
Mustika, Putu Liza Kusuma, Birtles, Alastair, Everingham, Yvette, and Marsh, Helene (2015) Evaluating the potential disturbance from dolphin watching in Lovina, north Bali, Indonesia. Marine Mammal Science, 31 (2). pp. 808-817.
Horta, Danilo, and Campello, Ricardo (2015) Comparing hard and overlapping clusterings. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16. pp. 2949-2997.
Naldi, M.C., and Campello, Ricardo R.J.G.B. (2015) Comparison of distributed evolutionary k-means clustering algorithms. Neurocomputing, 163. pp. 78-93.
Sexton, Justin, Everingham, Yvette, and Timbal, Bertrand (2015) Harvest disruption projections for the Australian sugar industry. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 7 (1). pp. 41-57.
Everingham, Yvette, Inman-Bamber, Geoff, Sexton, Justin, and Stokes, Chris (2015) A dual ensemble agroclimate modelling procedure to assess climate change impacts on sugarcane production in Australia. Agricultural Sciences, 6. pp. 870-888.
Woods, Carl T.E., Raynor, Annette J., Bruce, Lyndell, and McDonald, Zane (2014) The use of skill tests to predict status in junior Australian football. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33 (11). pp. 1132-1140.
Hill, E. June, Oliver, Nicholas H.S., Fisher, Louise, Cleverley, James S., and Nugus, Michael J. (2014) Using geochemical proxies to model nuggety gold deposits: an example from Sunrise Dam, Western Australia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 145. pp. 12-24.
Berg Soto, Alvaro, Marsh, Helene, Everingham, Yvette, Smith, Joshua N., Parra, Guido J., and Noad, Michael (2014) Discriminating between the vocalizations of Indo-Pacific humpback and Australian snubfin dolphins in Queensland, Australia. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136 (2). pp. 930-938.
Naldi, M.C., and Campello, Ricardo (2014) Evolutionary k-means for distributed data sets. Neurocomputing, 127. pp. 30-42.
Kault, David (2014) False negatives in evidence based medicine. Journal of Medical Statistics and Informatics, 2 (5).
Horta, Danilo, and Campello, Ricardo (2014) Similarity measures for comparing biclusterings. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 11 (5). pp. 942-954.
Rabbany, Reihaneh, Takaffoli, Mansoureh, Fagnan, Justin, Zaïane, Osmar R., and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B. (2013) Communities validity: methodical evaluation of community mining algorithms. Social Network Analysis and Mining, 3 (4). pp. 1039-1062.
Campello, R.J.G.B., Moulavi, D., Zimek, A., and Sander, J. (2013) A framework for semi-supervised and unsupervised optimal extraction of clusters from hierarchies. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 27 (3). pp. 344-371.
Raftery, Adrian E., Chunn, Jennifer L., Gerland, Patrick, and Sevcikova, Hana (2013) Bayesian probabilistic projections of life expectancy for all countries. Demography, 50 (3). pp. 777-801.
Naldi, M.C., Carvalho, A.C.P.L.F., and Campello, Ricardo R.J.G.B. (2013) Cluster ensemble selection based on relative validity indexes. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 27 (2). pp. 259-289.
Skocaj, Danielle M., Everingham, Yvette L., and Schroeder, Bernard L. (2013) Nitrogen management guidelines for sugarcane production in Australia: can these be modified for wet tropical conditions using seasonal climate forecasting? Springer Science Reviews, 1 (1). pp. 51-71.
Jaskowiak, Pablo. A., Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and Costa, Ivan G. (2013) Proximity measures for clustering gene expression microarray data: a validation methodology and a comparative analysis. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 10 (4). pp. 845-857.
Coletta, Luiz F.S., Vendramin, Lucas, Hruschka, Eduardo Raul, Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and Pedrycz, Witold (2012) Collaborative fuzzy clustering algorithms: some refinements and design guidelines. IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 20 (3). pp. 444-462.
Horta, Danilo, and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B. (2012) Automatic aspect discrimination in data clustering. Pattern Recognition, 45 (12). pp. 4370-4388.
Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Moulavi, Davoud, and Sander, Jörg (2012) A simpler and more accurate AUTO-HDS framework for clustering and visualization of biological data. IEEE-ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 9 (6). pp. 1850-1852.
Brown, Simon (2011) Averaging ratios: characteristics of the error of approximation. World Applied Programming, 1 (5). pp. 288-293.
Donald, David, Coomans, Danny, and Everingham, Yvette (2011) Joint multiple adaptive wavelet regression ensembles. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 108 (2). pp. 133-141.
Horta, Danilo, de Andrade, Ivan C., and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B (2011) Evolutionary fuzzy clustering of relational data. Theoretical Computer Science, 412 (42). pp. 5854-5870.
Naldi, M.C., Campello, R.J.G.B., Hruschka, E.R., and Carvalho, A.C.P.L.F. (2011) Efficiency issues of evolutionary k-means. Applied Soft Computing, 11 (2). pp. 1938-1952.
Campello, R.J.G.B. (2010) Generalized external indexes for comparing data partitions with overlapping categories. Pattern Recognition Letters, 31 (9). pp. 966-975.
Horta, Danilo, and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B. (2010) Evolutionary clustering of relational data. International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 7 (4). pp. 261-281.
Islam, Md. Rafiqul, and Beg, A.B.M. Rabiul Alam (2010) Modeling and predicting urban male population of Bangladesh: evidence from census data. International eJournal of Mathematics and Engineering, 1 (1). pp. 86-95.
Vendramin, Lucas, Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and Hruschka, Eduardo R. (2010) Relative clustering validity criteria: a comparative overview. Statistical Analysis and Data Mining, 3. pp. 209-235.
Brown, Simon (2009) On the distribution of the largest part of unrestricted partitions of small integers. Electronic Journal of Applied Statistical Analysis, 1 (1). pp. 1-10.
Everingham, Y.L., Smyth, C.W., and Inman-Bamber, N.G. (2009) Ensemble data mining approaches to forecast regional sugarcane crop production. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149 (3). pp. 689-686.
Macnaughton, David, and Coomans, Danny (2009) Design and optimization aids for composite control charts. Quality Engineering, 21 (1). pp. 33-43.
Campello, R.J.G.B., and Hruschka, E. (2009) On comparing two sequences of numbers and its applications to clustering analysis. Information Sciences, 179 (8). pp. 1025-1039.
Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Hruschka, Eduardo R., and Alves, Vinícius S. (2009) On the efficiency of evolutionary fuzzy clustering. Journal of Heuristics, 15 (1). pp. 43-75.
Hruschka, Eduardo Raul, Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Freitas, Alex A., and de Carvakho, André C. Ponce Leon (2009) A survey of evolutionary algorithms for clustering. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Part C: Applications and Reviews, 39 (2). pp. 133-155.
Konovalov, Dmitry A., and Heg, Dik (2008) A Maximum-Likelihood relatedness estimator allowing for negative relatedness values. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8 (2). pp. 256-263.
Konovalov, Dmitry A., Sim, Nigel, Deconinck, Eric, Vander Heyden, Yvan, and Coomans, Danny (2008) Statistical confidence for variable selection in QSAR models via Monte Carlo cross-validation. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 48 (2). pp. 370-383.
Everingham, Yvette , Baillie, Craig, Inman-Bamber, Geoff, and Baillie, Justine (2008) Forecasting water allocations for Bundaberg sugarcane farmers. Climate Research, 36 (3). pp. 231-239.
Konovalov, Dmitry A., Llewellyn, Lyndon E., Vander Heyden, Yvan, and Coomans, Danny (2008) Robust cross-validation of linear regression QSAR models. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 48 (10). pp. 2081-2094.
Deconinck, Eric, Zhang, Menghui H., Coomans, Danny, and Vander Heyden, Yvan (2007) Evaluation of boosted regression trees (BRTs) and two-step BRT procedures to model and predict blood-brain barrier passage. Journal of Chemometrics, 21 (7-9). pp. 280-291.
Smyth, Christine, and Coomans, Danny (2007) Predictive weighting for cluster ensembles. Journal of Chemometrics, 21 (7-9). pp. 364-375.
Campello, R.J.G.B. (2007) A fuzzy extension of the Rand index and other related indexes for clustering and classification assessment. Pattern Recognition Letters, 28 (7). pp. 833-841.
Everingham, Y.L., Lowe, K.H., Donald, D.A., Coomans, D.H., and Markley, J. (2007) Advanced satellite imagery to classify sugarcane crop characteristics. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 27 (2). pp. 111-117.
Everingham, Y.L., Inman-Bamber, N.G., Thorburn, P.J., and McNeill, T.J. (2007) A Bayesian modelling approach for long lead sugarcane yield forecasts for the Australian sugar industry. Australian Journal of Agricultural Research, 58 (2). pp. 87-94.
Deconinck, E., Coomans, D., and Vander Heyden, Y. (2007) Exploration of linear modelling techniques and their combination with multivariate adaptive regression splines to predict gastro-intestinal absorption of drugs. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 43 (1). pp. 119-130.
Konovalov, Dmitry A., Coomans, Danny, Deconinck, Eric, and Vander Heyden, Yvan (2007) Benchmarking of QSAR models for blood-brain barrier permeation. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 47 (4). pp. 1648-1656.
Campbell, Alistair, and Knowles, Simon (2007) A confirmatory factor analysis of the GHQ12 using a large Australian sample. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 23 (1). pp. 2-8.
Campello, R.J.G.B., and Hruschka, E.R. (2006) A fuzzy extension of the silhouette width criterion for cluster analysis. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 157 (21). pp. 2858-2875.
Steele, Michael, and Chaseling, Janet (2006) Powers of discrete goodness-of-fit test statistics for a uniform null against a selection of alternative distributions. Communications in Statistics: simulation and computation, 35 (4). pp. 1067-1075.
Hruschka, Eduardo R., Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and de Castro, Leandro N. (2006) Evolving clusters in gene-expression data. Information Sciences, 176 (13). pp. 1898-1927.
Put, R., Van Gyseghem, E., Coomans, D., and Vander Heyden, Y. (2005) Selection of orthogonal reversed-phase HPLC systems by univariate and auto-associative multivariate regression trees. Journal of Chromatography A, 1096 (1-2). pp. 187-198.
Deconinck, E., Xu, Q.S., Put, R., Coomans, D., Massart, D.L., and Vander Heyden, Y. (2005) Prediction of gastro-intestinal absorption using multivariate adaptive regression splines. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 39 (5). pp. 1021-1030.
Deconinck, E., Hancock, T., Coomans, D., Massart, D.L., and Vander Heyden, Y. (2005) Classification of drugs in absorption classes using the classification and regression trees (CART) methodology. Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, 39 (1-2). pp. 91-103.
Daszykowski, M., Stanimirova, I., Walczak, B., and Coomans, D. (2005) Explaining a presence of groups in analytical data in terms of original variables. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 78 (1-2). pp. 19-29.
Donald, David, Everingham, Yvette, and Coomans, Danny (2005) Integrated wavelet principal component mapping for unsupervised clustering on near infra-red spectra. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 77 (1-2). pp. 32-42.
Hancock, Tim, Put, Raf, Coomans, Danny, Vander Heyden, Yvan, and Everingham, Yvette (2005) A performance comparison of modern statistical techniques for molecular descriptor selection and retention prediction in chromatographic QSRR studies. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 76 (2). pp. 185-196.
Michielsen, Dirk, Amy, Jean-Jacques, Coomans, Danny, Storme, Guy, and Wyndaele, Jean-Jacques (2005) Mitomycin C and epirubicin: functional bladder damage in rats after repeat intravesical instillations. Journal of Urology, 173 (6). pp. 2166-2170.
Potgieter, A.B., Everingham, Y.L., and Hammer, G.L. (2003) On measuring quality of a probabilistic commodity forecast for a system that incorporates seasonal climate forecasts. International Journal of Climatology, 23 (10). pp. 1195-1210.
Everingham, Y.L., Muchow, R.C., Stone, R.C., and Coomans, D.H. (2003) Using southern oscillation index phases to forecast sugarcane yields: a case study for northeastern Australia. International Journal of Climatology, 23 (10). pp. 1211-1218.
Nijs, Jo, De Meirleir, Kenny, Coomans, Danny, De Becker, Pascale, and Nicolson, Garth L. (2003) Deregulation of the 2,5A Synthetase Rnase L Antiviral pathway by Mycoplasma spp. in subsets of chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (2). pp. 37-50.
Put, R., Perrin, C., Questier, F., Coomans, D., Massart, D.L., and Vander Heyden, Y. (2003) Classification and regression tree analysis for molecular descriptor selection and retention prediction in chromatographic quantitative structure–retention relationship studies. Journal of Chromatography A, 988 (2). pp. 261-276.
van Hoof, Elke, Coomans, Danny H., De Becker, Pascale, Meeusen, R., Cluydts, Raymond, and De Meirleir, Kenny (2003) Hyperbaric therapy in chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (3). pp. 37-50.
van Hoof, Elke, De Meirleir, Kenny, Cluydts, Raymond, and Coomans, Danny (2003) The symptoms and psychiatric status of the Bijlmermeer Plane Crash Disaster: similarities with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Gulf War Syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (3). pp. 3-22.
Nijs, Jo, Coomans, Danny, Nicolson, Garth L., De Becker, Pascale, Christian, Demanet, and De Meirleir, Kenny (2003) Immunophenotyping predictive of Mycoplasma infection in patients with chronic fatigue syndrome. Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, 11 (2). pp. 51-69.
Adams, E., Coomans, D., Smeyers-Verbeke, J., and Massart, D.L. (2002) Non-linear mixed effects models for the evaluation of dissolution profiles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 240 (1-2). pp. 37-53.
Adams, E., Coomans, D., Smeyers-Verbeke, J., and Massart, D.L. (2001) Application of linear mixed effects models to the evaluation of dissolution profiles. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 226 (1-2). pp. 107-125.
Kuttatharmmakul, S., Massart, D.L., Coomans, D., and Smeyers-Verbeke, J. (2001) Comparison of methods for the estimation of statistical parameters of censored data. Analytica Chimica Acta, 441 (2). pp. 215-229.
Aeberhard, S., De Vel, O.Y., and Coomans, D.H. (2000) New fast algorithms for error rate-based stepwise variable selection in discriminant analysis. Siam Journal on Scientific Computing, 22 (3). pp. 1036-1052.
Mallet, Yvette, Coomans, Danny, Kautsky, Jerry, and De Vel, Olivier (1997) Classification using adaptive wavelets for feature extraction. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 19 (10). pp. 1058-1066.
Wu, W., Mallet, Y., Walczak, B., Penninckx, W., Massart, D.L., Heuerding, S., and Erni, F. (1996) Comparison of regularized discriminant analysis linear discriminant analysis and quadratic discriminant analysis applied to NIR data. Analytica Chimica Acta, 329 (3). pp. 257-265.
Mallet, Y., Coomans, D., and de Vel, O. (1996) Recent developments in discriminant analysis on high dimensional spectral data. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 35 (2). pp. 157-173.
Book Chapter
Rabbany, Reihaneh, Takaffoli, Mansoreh, Fagnan, Justin, Zaïane, Osmar R., and Campello, Ricardo (2017) Relative validity criteria for community mining algorithms. In: Alhajj, Reda, and Rokne, Jon, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1-15.
Vendramin, L., Naldi, M.C., and Campello, Ricardo R.J.G.B. (2015) Fuzzy clustering algorithms and validity indices for distributed data. In: Celebi, M. Emre, (ed.) Partitional Clustering Algorithms. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 147-192.
Rabbany, Reihaneh, Takaffoli, Mansoreh, Fagnan, Justin, Zaïane, Osmar R., and Campello, Ricardo (2014) Relative validity criteria for community mining algorithms. In: Alhajj, Reda, and Rokne, Jon, (eds.) Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining. Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 1562-1576.
Park, S.E., Crimp, S., Inman-Bamber, N.G., and Everingham, Y.L. (2010) Sugarcane. In: Stokes, Chris, and Howden, Mark, (eds.) Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 85-99.
Donald, D.A., Everingham, Y.L., McKinna, L.W., and Coomans, D. (2009) Feature selection in the wavelet domain: adaptive wavelets. In: Brown, Steven, Tauler, Roma, and Walczak, Beata, (eds.) Comprehensive Chemometrics: chemical and biochemical data analysis. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, pp. 647-679.
Zamykal, Daniel, and Everingham, Yvette (2009) Sugarcane and precision agriculture: quantifying variability is only half the story – a review. In: Lichtfouse, Eric, (ed.) Climate Change, Intercropping, Pest Control and Beneficial Microorganisms. Sustainable Agriculture Reviews, 2 . Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, pp. 189-218.
Mallet, Y., Coomans, D., and de Vel, O. (2000) Application of adaptive wavelets in classification and regression. In: Walczak, Beata, (ed.) Wavelets in Chemistry. Data Handling in Science and Technology (22). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 437-456.
Mallet, Y., De Vel, O., and Coomans, D. (2000) Fundamentals of wavelet transformations. In: Walczak, Beata, (ed.) Wavelets in Chemistry. Data Handling in Science and Technology (22). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 57-84.
Mallet, Y., Coomans, D., and de Vel, O. (2000) Wavelet packet transforms and best basis algorithms. In: Walczak, Beata, (ed.) Wavelets in Chemistry. Data Handling in Science and Technology (22). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 151-164.
de Vel, O., Coomans, D., and Mallet, Y. (2000) Wavelet-based image compression. In: Walczak, Beata, (ed.) Wavelets in Chemistry. Data Handling in Science and Technology (22). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 457-478.
Mallet, Y., Coomans, D., and de Vel, O. (2000) The adaptive wavelet algorithm for designing task specific wavelets. In: Walczak, Beata, (ed.) Wavelets in Chemistry. Data Handling in Science and Technology (22). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 177-202.
Mallet, Y., De Vel, O., and Coomans, D. (2000) The discrete wavelet transform in practice. In: Walczak, Beata, (ed.) Wavelets in Chemistry. Data Handling in Science and Technology (22). Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 85-118.
Mallet, Yvette, de Vel, Olivier, and Coomans, Danny (1998) Integrated feature extraction using adaptive wavelets. In: Liu, Huan, and Motoda, Hiroshi, (eds.) Feature Extraction, Construction and Selection: a data mining perspective. Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 175-190.
Stoeckl, Natalie, Grainger, Daniel, Esparon, Michelle, Farr, Marina, Larson, Silva, Kennard, Mark, Álvarez-Romero, Jorge G., Cattarino, Lorenzo, Adams, Vanessa, Douglas, Michael, Pressey, Bob, and Pannell, David (2016) Integrated models, frameworks and decision support tools to guide management and planning in Northern Australia. Final report. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Conference Item
Greliche, Nicolas (2015) Can statistics save the day? In: [Presented at JCU Singapore's Public Lecture Series]. From: JCU Singapore's Public Lecture Series, 28 July 2016, Singapore.
Marques, Henrique O., Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Zimek, Arthur, and Sander, Jörg (2015) On the internal evaluation of unsupervised outlier detection. In: Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. 7. From: SSBDM 2015: 26th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 29 June - 1 July 2015, La Jolla, CA, USA.
Jaskowiak, Pablo A., and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B. (2015) A cluster based hybrid feature selection approach. In: Proceedings of the 2015 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems. pp. 43-48. From: BRACIS 2015: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 4-7 November 2015, Natal, Brazil.
Everingham, Y., Sexton, J., and Robson, A. (2015) A statistical approach for identifying important climatic influences on sugarcane yields. In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (37) pp. 8-15. From: ASSCT 2015: 37th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 28-30 April 2015, Bundaberg, QLD, Australia.
Sexton, J., Inman-Bamber, N.G., Everingham, Y., Basnayake, J., Lakshmanan, P., and Jackson, P. (2014) Detailed trait characterization is needed for simulation of cultivar responses to water stress. In: Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (36) pp. 82-92. From: ASSCT 2014: 36th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 28 April - 1 May 2014, Broadbeach, QLD, Australia.
Li, Jundong, Sander, Jörg, Campello, Ricardo, and Zimek, Arthur (2014) Active learning strategies for semi-supervised DBSCAN. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8436) pp. 179-190. From: Canadian AI 2014: 27th Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 6-9 May 2014, Montréal, Canada.
Zimek, Arthur, Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and Sander, Jörg (2014) Data perturbation for outlier detection ensembles. In: Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. 13. pp. 1-12. From: SSDBM 2014: 26th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 30 June - 2 July 2014, Aalborg, Denmark.
Moulavi, Davoud, Jaskowiak, Pablo A., Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Zimek, Arthur, and Sander, Jörg (2014) Density-based clustering validation. In: Proceedings of the SIAM International Conference on Data Mining. pp. 839-847. From: SM2014: SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 24-26 April 2014, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
Sexton, Justin, and Everingham, Yvette (2014) Global sensitivity analysis of key parameters in a process-based sugarcane growth model: a Bayesian approach. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software. From: IEMSs 2014: 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, 15-19 June 2014, San Diego, CA, USA.
Skocaj, D.M., and Everingham, Y.L. (2014) Identifying climate variables having the greatest influence on sugarcane yields in the tully mill area. In: Proceedings of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (36) pp. 53-61. From: ASSCT 2014: 36th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 28 April - 1 May 2014, Broadbeach, QLD, Australia.
Pourrajabi, Mojgan, Moulavi, Davoud, Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Zimek, Arthur, Sander, Jörg, and Goebel, Randy (2014) Model selection for semi-supervised clustering. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Extending Database Technology. pp. 331-342. From: EDBT 2014: International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 24-28 March 2014, Athens, Greece.
Woods, Carl T.E., Raynor, Annette J., Bruce, Lyndell, and McDonald, Zane (2014) Technical skill testing predicts status in junior Australian Football. In: Proceedings of the Sixth Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Conference and Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) Update: research to practice. 165. p. 72. From: Sixth Exercise & Sports Science Australia (ESSA) Conference and Sports Dietitians Australia (SDA) Update: research to practice, 10-12 April 2014, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Sexton, J., Everingham, Y., and Skocaj, D. (2013) Regional climate change projections for the Tully sugar region. In: Proceedings of the 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. pp. 2792-2798. From: MODSIM2013: 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, 1-6 December 2013, Adelaide, SA, Australia.
Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., Moulavi, Davoud, and Sander, Joerg (2013) Density-based clustering based on hierarchical density estimates. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7819) pp. 160-172. From: Pacific-Asia Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 14-17 April 2013, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.
Naldi, Murilo Coelho, and Campello, Ricardo José Gabrielle Barreto (2013) Distributed k-means clustering with low transmission cost. In: Proceedings of the 2013 Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems. pp. 70-75. From: BRACIS 2013: Brazilian Conference on Intelligent Systems, 20-24 October 2013, Fortaleza, Brazil.
Everingham, Y., Sexton, J., and Timbal, B. (2013) Downscaled rainfall projections for the Burdekin, Mackay and NSW. In: Proccedings of the 35th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. pp. 1-10. From: 35th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 16-18 April 2013, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Lindsay, Daniel, and Swinbourne, Anne (2013) Fearing the Greeks: the influence of mathematical notation on anxiety in a cross-cultural sample. In: Abstracts from the 34th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference. From: STAR 2013: 34th Stress and Anxiety Research Society Conference, 1-3 July 2013, Faro, Portugal. (Unpublished)
Skocaj, D.M., Hurney, Alan, Inman-Bamber, N.G., Schroeder, B.L., and Everingham, Y.L. (2013) Modelling sugarcane yield response to applied nitrogen fertiliser in a wet tropical environment. In: Proccedings of the 35th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (7) pp. 1-9. From: 35th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 16-18 April 2013, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Vendramin, Lucas, Jaskowiak, Pablo A., and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B. (2013) On the combination of relative clustering validity criteria. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management. pp. 1-12. From: SSDBM: International Conference on Scientific and Statistical Database Management, 29-31 July 2013, Baltimore, MD, USA.
Zimek, Arthur, Gaudet, Matthew, Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and Sander, Jörg (2013) Subsampling for efficient and effective unsupervised outlier detection ensembles. In: Proceedings of the 19th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. pp. 428-436. From: KDD 2013: 19th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 11-14 August 2013, Chicago, IL, USA.
Naldi, Murilo Coelho, and Campello, Ricardo José Gabrielli Barreto (2012) Combining information from distributed evolutionary k-means. In: Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks. pp. 43-48. From: SBRN 2012: Brazilian Symposium on Neural Networks, 20-25 October 2012, Curitiba, Brazil.
Jaskowiak, Pablo A., Campello, Ricardo J.G.B., and Costa, Ivan G. (2012) Evaluating correlation coefficients for clustering gene expression profiles of cancer. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (7409) pp. 120-131. From: 7th Brazilian Symposium on Bioinformatics, 15-17th August 2012, Campo Grande, Brazil.
Rabbany, Reihaneh, Takaffoli, Mansoreh, Fagnan, Justin, Zaïane, Osmar R., and Campello, Ricardo J.G.B. (2012) Relative validity criteria for community mining algorithms. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining. pp. 258-265. From: 2012 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining, 26-29 August 2012, Istanbul, Turkey.
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