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Acheampong, Emmanuel Opoku, MacGregor, Colin J., Sloan, Sean, and Sayer, Jeff (2019) Deforestation is driven by agricultural expansion in Ghana's forest reserves. Scientific African, 5. e00146.

Ament, Judith M., Moore, Christine A., Herbst, Marna, and Cumming, Graeme S. (2017) Cultural ecosystem services in protected areas: understanding bundles, trade-Offs, and synergies. Conservation Letters, 10 (4). pp. 440-450.

Al-Agwan, Zaher Abdo Ali (2015) Evaluation of management effectiveness of a marine protected area: a case study for Socotra Island, Yemen. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Albernaz, Ana Luisa, Pressey, Robert L., Costa, Luiz R.F., Moreira, Marcelo P., Ramos, Jose Ferreira, Assuncao, Paulo A., and Franciscon, Carlos H. (2012) Tree species compositional change and conservation implications in the white-water flooded forests of the Brazilian Amazon. Journal of Biogeography, 39 (5). pp. 869-883.

Anseeuw, Dieter, Maes, Gregory E., Busselen, Paul, Knapen, Dries, Snoeks, Jos, and Verheyen, Erik (2008) Subtle population structure and male-biased dispersal in two Copadichromis species (Teleostei, Cichlidae) from Lake Malawi, East Africa. Hydrobiologia, 615 (1). pp. 69-79.


Barber, Marcus, Addison, Jane, Austin, Jim, Bruce, Caroline, Ebner, Brendan, Higgins, Andrew, Horner, Nerida, Jarvis, Diane, Kenyon, Rob, Lau, Jacqui, Merrin, Linda, Macintosh, Andrew, Philip, Seonaid, Pollino, Carmel, Ponce Reyes, Rocio, Stratford, Danial, Waschka, Marie, and O'Sullivan, Jackie (2018) Chapter 3: Living and built environment of the Darwin catchments. Report Section. CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Brownsey, Patrick J., Perrie, Leon R., and Field, Ashley R. (2018) Taxonomic notes on the New Zealand flora: lectotypes in Isoetaceae and Lycopodiaceae. New Zealand Journal of Botany, 56 (4). pp. 396-405.

Bradley, Michael, Baker, Ronnie, and Sheaves, Marcus (2017) Hidden components in tropical seascapes: deep-estuary habitats support unique fish assemblages. Estuaries and Coasts, 40 (4). pp. 1195-1206.

Boedhihartono, Agni Klintuni (2017) Visualizing the future we want: reconciling art, environment and development. In: Clammer, John, and Giri, Ananta Kumar, (eds.) The Aesthetics of Development: art, culture and social transformation. Palgrave McMillan, New York, NY, USA, pp. 161-188.

Belpaire, Claude, Pujolar, José Martin, Geeraerts, Caroline, and Maes, Gregory E. (2016) Contaminants in eels and their role in the collapse of the eel stocks. In: Arai, Takaomi, (ed.) Biology and Ecology of Anguillid Eels. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, pp. 225-250.

Buelow, Christina A., Baker, Ronald, Reside, April E., and Sheaves, Marcus (2016) Spatial dynamics of coastal forest bird assemblages: the influence of landscape context, forest type, and structural connectivity. Landscape Ecology, 32 (3). pp. 547-561.

Blythe, J.L. (2015) Resilience and social thresholds in small-scale fishing communities. Sustainability Science, 10 (1). pp. 157-165.

Barnes-Mauthe, Michele, Arita, Shawn, Allen, Stewart D., Gray, Steven A., and PingSun, Leung (2013) The influence of ethnic diversity on social network structure in a common-pool resource system: implications for collaborative management. Ecology and Society, 18 (1). 23.

Brown, Lawrence, Buettner, Petra, and Canyon, Deon V. (2012) The energy burden and environmental impact of health services. American Journal of Public Health, 102 (12). e76. pp. 1-8.

Bajema, Nigel B., Trevathan, Jarrod, Bergmann, Niel W., Atkinson, Ian, Read, Wayne, Scarr, Adam, Lee, Yong Jin, and Johnstone, Ron (2011) Benefits of building wireless sensor networks on commodity hardware and software stacks. In: Proceedings of 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing. pp. 282-287. From: ISSNIP 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 6-9 December 2011, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Beg, M.K., Srivastav, S.K., Carranza, E.J.M., and de Smeth, J.B. (2011) High fluoride incidence in groundwater and its potential health effects in parts of Raigarh District, Chhattisgarh, India. Current Science, 100 (5). pp. 750-754.

Bohnet, Iris C., Roebeling, Peter C., Williams, Kristen J., Holzworth, Dean, van Grieken, Martijn E., Pert, Petina L., Kroon, Frederieke J., Westcott, David A., and Brodie, Jon (2011) Landscapes Toolkit: an integrated modelling framework to assist stakeholders in exploring options for sustainable landscape development. Landscape Ecology, 26 (8). pp. 1179-1198.

Brown, D.P., Basch, L., Barshis, D., Forsman, Z., Fenner, D., and Goldberg, J. (2009) American Samoa's island of giants: massive Porites colonies at Ta'u island. Coral Reefs, 28 (3). p. 735.

Bhattacharja, Rajib Kumar, and Datta, Bithin (2009) ANN-GA-based model for multiple objective management of coastal aquifers. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, 135 (5). pp. 314-322.

Brewer, Tom D., Cinner, Joshua E., Green, Alison, and Pandolfi, John M. (2009) Thresholds and multiple scale interaction of environment, resource use, and market proximity on reef fishery resources in the Solomon Islands. Biological Conservation, 142 (8). pp. 1797-1807.

Bottrill, Madeleine C., Joseph, Liana N., Carwardine, Josie, Bode, Michael, Cook, Carly, Game, Edward T., Grantham, Hedley, Kark, Salit, Linke, Simon, McDonald-Madden, Eve, Pressey, Robert L., Walker, Susan, Wilson, Kerrie A., and Possingham, Hugh (2008) Is conservation triage just smart decision making? Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 23 (12). pp. 649-654.

Baker, C.S., Lukoschek, V., Lavery, S., Dalebout, M.L., Yong-Un, M., Endo, T., and Funahashi, N. (2006) Incomplete reporting of whale, dolphin and porpoise ‘bycatch’ revealed by molecular monitoring of Korean markets. Animal Conservation, 9 (4). pp. 474-482.


Cinner, Joshua E., Maire, Eva, Huchery, Cindy, MacNeil, M. Aaron, Graham, Nicholas A.J., Mora, Camilo, McClanahan, Tim R., Barnes, Michele, Kittinger, John N., Hicks, Christina C., D'Agata, Stephanie, Hoey, Andrew S., Gurney, Georgina G., Feary, David A., Williams, Ivor D., Kulbicki, Michel, Vigliola, Laurent, Wantiez, Laurent, Edgar, Graham J., Stuart-Smith, Rick D., Sandin, Stuart A., Green, Alison, Hardt, Marah J., Beger, Maria, Friedlander, Alan M., Wilson, Shaun, Brokovich, Eran, Brooks, Andrew J., Cruz-Motta, Juan J., Booth, David J., Chabanet, Pascal, Gough, Charlotte, Tupper, Mark, Ferse, Sebastian C.A., Sumaila, U. Rashid, Pardede, Shinta, and Mouillot, David (2018) Gravity of human impacts mediates coral reef conservation gains. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115 (27). E6116-E6125.

Chidambarampadmavathy, K., Karthikeyan, O.P., Huerlimann, R., Maes, G.E., and Heimann, K. (2017) Response of mixed methanotrophic consortia to different methane to oxygen ratios. Waste Management, 61. pp. 220-228.

Chidambarampadmavathy, Karthigeyan, Obulisamy, Karthigeyan, Huerlimann, Roger, Maes, Gregory. E., and Heimann, Kirsten (2017) Responses of mixed methanotrophic consortia to variable Cu2+/Fe2+ ratios. Journal of Environmental Management, 197. pp. 159-166.

Carmody, Julie, Murphy, Helen, Hill, Ro, Catterall, Carla, Goosem, Stephen, Dale, Allan, Westcott, David, Wellbergen, Justin, Shoo, Luke, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Esparon, Michelle (2015) The importance of protecting and conserving the Wet Tropics: a synthesis of NERP Tropical Ecosystems Hub Tropical Rainforest research outputs 2011-2014. Report to the National Environmental Research Program. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, James Cook University, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Chang, Mei-Yu, Geffen, Audrey J., Kosler, Jan, Dundas, Siv Hjorth, FishPop Trace Consortium, and Maes, Gregory E. (2012) The effect of ablation pattern on LA-ICPMS analysis of otolith element composition in hake, Merluccius merluccius. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 95 (4). pp. 509-520.

Cullen-Unsworth, Leanne Claire, Hill, Rosemary, Butler, James R.A., and Wallace, Marilyn (2012) A research process for integrating Indigenous and scientific knowledge in cultural landscapes: principles and determinants of success in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Australia. Geographical Journal, 178 (4). pp. 351-365.

Cuveliers, E.L., Volckaert, F.A.M., Rijnsdorp, A.D., Larmuseau, M.H.D., and Maes, G.E. (2011) Temporal genetic stability and high effective population size despite fisheries-induced life-history trait evolution in the North Sea sole. Molecular Ecology, 20 (17). pp. 3555-3568.

Cullen-Unsworth, Leanne Claire, Butler, James R.A., Hill, Rosemary, and Wallace, Marilyn (2010) Cooperative research: an example from the Wet Tropics of Queensland. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 5 (6). pp. 139-155.

Carwardine, J., Rochester, W.A., Richardson, K.S., Williams, K.J., Pressey, R.L., and Possingham, H.P. (2007) Conservation planning with irreplaceability: does the method matter? Biodiversity and Conservation, 16 (1). pp. 245-258.

Carter, Robert M. (2006) Great news for the Great Barrier Reef: Tully river water quality. Energy and Environment, 17 (4). pp. 527-548.

Crozier, Ross H., Agapow, Paul-Michael, and Dunnett, Lisa J. (2006) Conceptual issues in phylogeny and conservation: a reply to Faith and Baker. Evolutionary Bioinformatics Online , 2. pp. 197-199.

Carmody, Julie, and Zeppel, Heather (2005) Tourism operators and their environmental practices: Douglas Shire, North Queensland. In: Proceedings of the ERE (Environmental Research Event) Conference Proceedings and Handbook: the 9th Annual Environmental Postgrad Conference. pp. 1-13. From: Environmental Change: Making it Happen, 29 November - 2 December 2005, Hobart, TAS, Australia.

Curtis, Ian A. (2004) Valuing ecosystem goods and services: a new approach using a surrogate market and the combination of a multiple criteria analysis and a Delphi panel to assign weights to the attributes. Ecological Economics, 50 (3-4). pp. 163-194.

Coronel, J.S., Maes, G.E., Claus, S., Van Damme, P.A., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2004) Differential population history in the migratory catfishes Brachyplatystoma flavicans and Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum(Pimelodidae) from the Bolivian Amazon assessed with nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers. Journal of Fish Biology, 65 (3). pp. 859-868.


Dabek, Lisa, Valentine, Peter, Blessington, Jacque, and Schwartz, Karin (2020) Tree Kangaroos: science and conservation. Biodiversity of the World: Conservation from Genes to Landscapes . Academic Press, San Diego, CA, USA.

Dyer, Michelle (2016) Men bathe upstream, women bathe downstream: gender, natural resource management and development in rural Solomon Islands. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Diedrich, Amy (2015) Factores que Influyen en el Interés y Compromiso de la Comunidad Local para Conservar las Áreas Protegidas de Galápagos / Factors that Influence Local Support of Protected Areas in the Galapagos Islands. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Delisle, Aurélie, Watkin Lui, Felecia, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Marsh, Helene (2015) The Sharing and Consumption of Dugong and Turtle Meat Outside Torres Strait: management implications and options. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Dearing, John A., Wang, Rong, Zhang, Ke, Dyke, James G., Haberl, Helmut, Hossain, Md Sarwar, Langdon, Peter G., Lenton, Timothy M., Raworth, Kate, Brown, Sally, Carstensen, Jacob, Cole, Megan J., Cornell, Sarah E., Dawson, Terence P., Doncaster, C. Patrick, Eigenbrod, Felix, Flöerke, Martina, Jeffers, Elizabeth, Mackay, Anson W., Nykvist, Björn, and Poppy, Guy M. (2014) Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems. Global Environmental Change, 28. pp. 227-238.

Devlin, M.J., Barry, J., Mills, D.K., Gowen, R.J., Foden, J., Sivyer, D., Greenwood, N., Pearce, D., and Tett, P. (2009) Estimating the diffuse attenuation coefficient from optically active constituents in UK marine waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 82 (1). pp. 73-83.

Devlin, M.J., Barry, J., Mills, D.K., Gowen, R.J., Foden, J., Sivyer, D., and Tett, P. (2008) Relationships between suspended particulate material, light attenuation and Secchi depth in UK marine waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 79 (3). pp. 429-439.


Farr, Marina, and Stoeckl, Natalie (2018) Overoptimism and the undervaluation of ecosystem services: a case-study of recreational fishing in Townsville, adjacent to the Great Barrier Reef. Ecosystem Services, 31 (Part C). pp. 433-444.

Foden, J., Sivyer, D.B., Mills, D.K., and Devlin, M.J. (2008) Spatial and temporal distribution of chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) fluorescence and its contribution to light attenuation in UK waterbodies. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 79 (4). pp. 707-717.


Grantham, Hedley S., Moilanen, Atte, Wilson, Kerrie A., Pressey, Robert L., Rebelo, Tony G., and Possingham, Hugh P. (2008) Diminishing return on investment for biodiversity data in conservation planning. Conservation Letters, 1 (4). pp. 190-198.

Gardiner, Christopher P., Chanclud, Noemie, Clouten, Bree C., and Cox, Kendrick (2008) Acaciella angustissima: a soil seed bank study. In: Proceedings of 16th Australian Weeds Conference: Weed Management 2008: Hot Topics in the Tropics. pp. 187-188. From: Weed Management 2008 - Hot Topics in the Tropics, 18-22 May 2008, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Gowen, R.J., Tett, P., Kennington, K., Mills, D.K., Shammon, T.M., Stewart, B.M., Greenwood, N., Flanagan, C., Devlin, M., and Wither, A. (2008) The Irish Sea: Is it eutrophic? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science , 76 (2). pp. 239-254.


Hill, Rosemary, Nates-Parra, Guiomar, Quezada-Euán, José Javier G., Buchori, Damayanti, LeBuhn, Gretchen, Maués, Marcia M., Pert, Petina L., Kwapong, Peter K., Saeed, Shafqat, Breslow, Sara J., da Cunha, Manuela Carneiro, Dicks, Lynn V., Galetto, Leonardo, Gikungu, Mary, Howlett, Brad G., Imperatriz-Fonseca, Vera L., Lyver, Phil O'B., Martín-López, Berta, Oteros-Rozas, Elisa, Potts, Simon G., and Roue, Marie (2019) Biocultural approaches to pollinator conservation. Nature Sustainability, 2. pp. 214-222.

Hill, Rosemary, Kwapong, Peter, Guiomar, Nates-Parra, Breslow, Sara Jo, Buchori, Damayanti, Howlett, Brad, Le Buhn, Gretchen, Motta Maués, Márcia, Quezada-Euan, José Javier, Saeed, Shafqat, Carneiro da Cunha, Manuela, Gee, Megan, Gikungu, Mary, Larasati, Anik, Lyver, Philip, Osteros-Rozas, Elisa, Roubik, David, Roué, Marie, Selvin Pérez, Edgar, and Tahi, Brenda (2017) Biocultural diversity, pollinators and their socio-cultural values. Report Section. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Bonn, Germany.

Humanes Schumann, Adriana (2016) Combined effects of water quality and temperature on the early life history stages of the broadcast spawning coral Acropora tenuis. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Horigue, Vera, Aliño, Porfirio M., and Pressey, Robert L. (2014) Evaluating management performance of marine protected area networks in the Philippines. Ocean & Coastal Management, 95. pp. 11-25.

Hill, Rosemary (2011) Towards equity in Indigenous co-management of protected areas: cultural planning by Miriuwung-Gajerrong people in the Kimberley, Western Australia. Geographical Research, 49 (1). pp. 72-85.


Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, Hill, Rosemary, and Pert, Petina (2018) Indigenous land and sea management programs: can they promote regional development and help "close the (income) gap"? Australian Journal of Social Issues, 53 (3). pp. 283-303.

Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Liu, Hong-Bo (2017) New methods for valuing, and for identifying spatial variations, in cultural services: a case study of the Great Barrier Reef. Ecosystem Services, 24. pp. 58-67.

Jarvis, Diane (2016) The contribution of economic, social and environmental factors to life and tourist satisfaction. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Jarvis, Diane, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Liu, Hong-Bo (2016) The impact of economic, social and environmental factors on trip satisfaction and the likelihood of visitors returning. Tourism Management, 52. pp. 1-18.

Jarvis, Diane (2015) Could climate change redistribute global tourism activity by impacting trip satisfaction? In: Proceedings of the 24th Annual Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference. pp. 178-190. From: CAUTHE 2015: 25th Annual Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference: rising tides and sea changes, 2-5 February 2015, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Jones, Natalie A., Ross, Helen, Lynam, Timothy, Perez, Pascal, and Leitch, Anne (2011) Mental models: an interdisciplinary synthesis of theory and methods. Ecology and Society, 16 (1). 46. pp. 1-13.

Jacobi, Sarah K., ReVelle, Charles S., Pressey, Robert L., and Williams, Justin C. (2007) Novel operations research methods for efficiently determining irreplaceable sites for conservation. Environmental Modeling & Assessment, 12 (2). pp. 91-103.


Kannan, M. Bobby, and Ronan, Karly (2017) Conversion of biowastes to biomaterial: an innovative waste management approach. Waste Management, 67. pp. 67-72.

Kotir, Julius H., Brown, Greg, Marshall, Nadine, and Johnstone, Ron (2017) Drivers of change and sustainability in linked social-ecological systems: an analysis in the Volta River Basin of Ghana, West Africa. Society and Natural Resources, 30 (10). pp. 1229-1245.

Kleiber, Danika, Frangoudes, Katia, Snyder, Hunter, Choudhury, Afrina, Cole, Steven M., Soejima, Kumi, Pita, Cristina, Santos, Anna, McDougall, Cynthia, Petrics, Hajnalka, and Porter, Marilyn (2017) Promoting Gender Equity and Equality Through the Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Experiences from Multiple Case Studies. In: Jentoft, Svein, Chuenpagdee, Ratana, Barragan-Paladines, Maria Jose, and Franz, Nicole, (eds.) The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: global implementation. MARE Publication Series, 14 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 737-759.

Kamrowski, Ruth L., Limpus, Col, Moloney, James, and Hamann, Mark (2012) Coastal light pollution and marine turtles: assessing the magnitude of the problem. Endangered Species Research, 19 (1). pp. 85-98.

Kobler, Alexander, Maes, Gregory E., Humblet, Yves, Volckaert, Filip A.M., and Eens, Marcel (2011) Temperament traits and microhabitat use in bullhead, Cottus perifretum: fish associated with complex habitats are less aggressive. Behaviour, 148 (5). pp. 603-625.


Larson, Silva, Stoeckl, Natalie, Jarvis, Diane, Addison, Jane, Grainger, Daniel, Watkin Lui, Felecia, Walalakoo Aboriginal Corporation, Bunuba Dawangarri Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, Ewamian Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC, and Yanunijarra Aboriginal Corporation RNTBC (2020) Indigenous land and sea management programs (ILSMPs) enhance the wellbeing of Indigenous Australians. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17 (1). 125.

Larson, Silva, Stoeckl, Natalie, Jarvis, Diane, Addison, Jane, Prior, Sharon, and Esparon, Michelle (2019) Using measures of wellbeing for impact evaluation: proof of concept developed with an Indigenous community undertaking land management programs in northern Australia. Ambio, 48 (1). pp. 89-98.

Lyons, Pethie, Addison, Jane, Austin, Jim, Barber, Marcus, Bruce, Caroline, Ebner, Brendan, Higgins, Andrew, Horner, Nerida, Jarvis, Diane, Kenyon, Rob, Lau, Jacqui, Merrin, Linda, Macintosh, Andrew, Philip, Seonaid, Pollino, Carmel, Ponce Reyes, Rocio, Stokes, Chris, Stratford, Danial, Waschka, Marie, and O'Sullivan, Jackie (2018) Chapter 3: Living and built environment of the Mitchell catchment. Report Section. CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Li, Qian, Stoeckl, Natalie, King, David, and Gyuris, Emma (2018) Using both objective and subjective indicators to investigate the impacts of coal mining on wellbeing of host communities: a case-study in Shanxi Province, China. Social Indicators Research, 137 (3). pp. 895-921.

Li, Qian, Stoeckl, Natalie, King, David, and Gyuris, Emma (2017) Exploring the impacts of coal mining on host communities in Shanxi, China – using subjective data. Resources Policy, 53. pp. 125-134.

Li, Qian (2016) Coal mining and human wellbeing: a case-study in Shanxi, China. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Lockie, Stewart (2014) Where is sociology? Global environmental change and the social sciences. Global Dialogue, 4 (3).

Lesbirel, Hayden (2011) Project siting and the concept of community. Environmental Politics, 20 (6). pp. 826-842.

Lukoschek, V., Funahashi, N., Lavery, S., Dalebout, M.L., Cipriano, F., and Baker, C.S. (2009) The rise of commercial ‘by-catch whaling’ in Japan and Korea. Animal Conservation, 12 (5). pp. 398-399.

Linke, Simon, Pressey, Robert L., Bailey, Robert C., and Norris, Richard H. (2007) Management options for river conservation planning: condition and conservation re-visited. Freshwater Biology, 52 (5). pp. 918-938.

Lockie, Stewart (2006) Capturing the sustainability agenda: organic foods and media discourses on food scares, environment, genetic engineering, and health. Agriculture and Human Values, 23. pp. 313-323.

Lockie, Stewart (2004) Collective agency, non-human causality and environmental social movements: a case study of the Australian 'landcare movement'. Journal of Sociology, 40 (1). pp. 41-57.


Merrin, Linda, Addison, Jane, Austin, Jim, Barber, Marcus, Bruce, Caroline, Ebner, Brendan, Higgins, Andrew, Horner, Nerida, Jarvis, Diane, Kenyon, Rob, Lau, Jacqui, Macintosh, Andrew, Philip, Seonaid, Pollino, Carmel, Ponce Reyes, Rocio, Stokes, Chris, Stratford, Danial, Waschka, Marie, Woodward, Emma, and O'Sullivan, Jackie (2018) Chapter 3: Living and built environment of the Fitzroy catchment. Report Section. CSIRO, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Munksgaard, Niels C., Burchert, Shannon, Kaestli, Mirjam, Nowland, Samantha J., O'Connor, Wayne, and Gibb, Karen S. (2017) Cadmium uptake and zinc-cadmium antagonism in Australian tropical rock oysters: potential solutions for oyster aquaculture enterprises. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 123 (1-2). pp. 47-56.

Mills, David J., Tilley, Alexander, Pereira, Mario, Hellebrandt, Denis, Pereira Fernandes, Avelino, and Cohen, Philippa J. (2017) Livelihood diversity and dynamism in Timor-Leste; insights for coastal resource governance and livelihood development. Marine Policy, 82. pp. 206-215.

McClanahan, Timothy R., Maina, Joseph M., Graham, Nicholas A.J., and Jones, Kendall R. (2016) Modeling reef fish biomass, recovery potential, and management priorities in the Western Indian Ocean. PLoS One, 11 (5). pp. 1-21.

Mamtora, Jayshree, Wolstenholme, Jacqueline K., and Haddow, Gaby (2014) Environmental sciences research in northern Australia, 2000-2011: a bibliometric analysis within the context of a national research assessment exercise. Scientometrics, 98 (1). pp. 265-281.

McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan (2013) Country planning project Apudthama Land Trust: consultation report. Report. Department of Environment and Heritage Protection, QLD, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)

Marsh, H. (2008) Marine mammals. In: Hutchings, Pat, Kingsford, Mike, and Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, (eds.) The Great Barrier Reef: biology, environment and management. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 350-358.

Mikusiński, G., Pressey, R.L., Edenius, L., Kujala, H., Moilanen, A., Niemelä, J., and Ranius, T. (2007) Conservation planning in forest landscapes of Fennoscandia and an approach to the challenge of Countdown 2010. Conservation Biology, 21 (6). pp. 1445-1454.

Maes, Gregory E., and Volckaert, Filip A.M. (2007) Challenges for genetic research in European eel management. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 64 (7). pp. 1463-1471.

Margules, Chris, and Sarkar, Sahotra (2007) Systematic Conservation Planning. Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation . Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK.

Maes, Gregory E., Pujolar, J.M., Hellemans, B., and Volckaert, Filip A.M. (2006) Evidence for isolation by time in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). Molecular Ecology, 15 (8). pp. 2095-2107.

Mariaux, G., Vardelle, A., Vardelle, M., and Berndt, C. (2006) Time-dependent gas dynamics and gas-particle heat and mass transfer during plasma spray deposition. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Heat Transfer Conference. From: 13th International Heat Transfer Conference: IHTC-13, 13-18 August 2006, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Maes, G.E., Raeymaekers, J.A.M., Pampoulie, C., Seynaeve, A., Goemans, G., Belpaire, C., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2005) The catadromous European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) as a model for freshwater evolutionary ecotoxicology: relationship between heavy metal bioaccumulation, condition and genetic variability. Aquatic Toxicology, 73 (1). pp. 99-114.

Mules, Trevor, Stoeckl, Natalie, and Cegielski, Michele (2005) The Economic Values of Tourism in the Australian Alps. Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Sustainable Tourism, Gold Coast, QLD.

Maes, G.E., Van Houdt, J.K.J., De Charleroy, D., and Volckaert, F.A.M. (2003) Indications for a recent Holarctic expansion of pike based on a preliminary study of mtDNA variation. Journal of Fish Biology, 63 (1). pp. 254-259.

Mabin, M.C.G. (2000) In search of Australia's highest waterfalls. Australian Geographical Studies, 38 (1). pp. 85-90.


Nguyen, Tan Phong, Luom, Thai Thanh, and Parnell, Kevin E. (2017) Existing strategies for managing mangrove dominated muddy coasts: knowledge gaps and recommendations. Ocean & Coastal Management, 138. pp. 93-100.

Noble, Tansyn, Robson, Heather, Saunders, Richard, and Jerry, Dean (2015) The utility of eDNA as a tilapia surveillance tool. Report. Invasive Animalc Cooperative Research Centre, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Nursey-Bray, Melissa, and Hill, Rosemary (2010) Australian Indigenous peoples and biodiversity. Social Alternatives, 29 (3). pp. 13-19.

Nandan, Ruvendra K., and Lodhia, Sumit K. (2004) Current environmental accounting problematic: a shift from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism. Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, 3 (1). pp. 1-31.


Ohmer, M.E., Herbert, S.M., Speare, R., and Bishop, P.J. (2013) Experimental exposure indicates the amphibian chytrid pathogen poses low risk to New Zealand's threatened endemic frogs. Animal Conservation, 16 (4). pp. 422-429.


Pfaffl, Magdalena (2019) Remote villages as heterotopias and places of utopics: analogue case studies in Sweden and Israel in preparation for future Mars settlement. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Pressey, Robert L., Weeks, Rebecca, and Gurney, Georgina G. (2017) From displacement activities to evidence-informed decisions in conservation. Biological Conservation, 212 (Part A). pp. 337-348.

Padovan, A.C., Neave, M.J., Munksgaard, N.C., and Gibb, K.S. (2017) Multiple approaches to assess the safety of artisanal marine food in a tropical estuary. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 189 (3). 125. pp. 125-139.

Potts, Simon G., Imperatriz-Fonseca, Vera, Ngo, Hien T., Biesmeijer, Jacobus, Breeze, Thomas D., Dicks, Lynn V., Garibaldi, Lucas A., Hill, Rosemary, Settele, Josef, and Vanbergen, Adam J. (2016) The Asssessment Report on Pollinators, Pollination and Food Production: summary for policymakers. Report. Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), Bonn, Germany.

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