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Number of items at this level: 147.


Anglani, Francesco, Pennetta, Selene, Reaiche, Carmen, and Boyle, Stephen (2023) Crossing digital frontiers with cultural intelligence - a new paradigm for project managers. International Journal of Project Management, 41 (8).

Antonacopoulou, Elena P., Cameron, Chloe R., Goestl, Sabrina, Kim, ChangHee, Kuah, Adrian, Kratochvil, Renate, Poon, Marilyn, and Sharma, Arti (2023) Process and Practice Perspectives: A Morphological Analysis and Reassessment of Impact. In: Academy of Management Proceedings. From: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4-8 August 2023, Boston, MA, USA.

Alim, Md. Abdul, Tan, Kim-Lim, Jee, Teck Weng, Voon, Boo Ho, Hossain, Md. Julhaz, and Mia, Md. Uzzal (2023) To explain and to predict: analysis of opportunity recognition on the relationship between personal factors, environmental factors and entrepreneurs' performance. Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration, 15 (5). pp. 772-794.

Akbari, Mohammadreza, and Do, Thu Nguyen Anh (2021) A systematic review of machine learning in logistics and supply chain management: current trends and future directions. Benchmarking, 28 (10). pp. 2977-3005.


Bartelet, Henry Antoine (2023) Microeconomic adaptation in social-ecological systems. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Bentley, Tim A., Caponecchia, Carlo, Onnis, Leigh-Ann, Brunetto, Yvonne, Farr-Wharton, Ben, Cattani, Marcus, Neto, Abilio, and Vassiley, Alexis (2023) A systems model for the design of occupational health and safety management systems inclusive of work-from-home arrangements. Applied Ergonomics, 109. 103966.

Biesenthal, Christopher, Gudergan, Siegfried, and Ambrosini, Véronique (2019) The role of ostensive and performative routine aspects in dynamic capability deployment at different organizational levels. Long Range Planning, 52 (3). pp. 350-365.


Curnock, Matt, Fleming Munoz, David A., Bartelet, Henry, and van Putten, Ingrid (2023) Great Barrier Reef Tourism Recovery Pathways to Resilience: A report on industry experiences, resilience, and adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020-2022). Report. CSIRO.

Case, Peter, Raelin, Joseph A., and Sliwa, Martyna (2022) Concluding Remarks. Business and Professional Ethics Journal, 41 (1). pp. 163-165.

Cheah, Jun-Hwa, Nitzl, Christian, Roldán, José, Cepeda-Carrion, Gabriel, and Gudergan, Sigfried P. (2021) A primer on the conditional mediation analysis in PLS-SEM. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems, 52 (SI). pp. 43-100.


Das, Abhijit (2024) The Effects of Performance-based Profit-sharing Schemes and Client Flexibility on Auditors' Judgements. In: Proceedings of the 20th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference (FourA 2024) pp. 97-109. From: 20th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, 26-28 November 2023, Khon Kaen, Thailand.


Elzen, Boelie, Geels, Frank W., Green, Ken, and Hofman, Peter S. (2004) Socio-technical Scenarios as a Tool for Transition Policy: An Example from the Traffic and Transport Domain. In: Elzen, Boelie, Geels, Frank W., and Green, Ken, (eds.) System Innovation and the Transition to Sustainability: Theory, Evidence and Policy. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 251-281.


Franken, Esme, Bentley, Tim, Shafaei, Azadeh, Farr-Wharton, Ben, Onnis, Leigh-Ann, and Omari, Maryam (2021) Forced flexibility and remote working: opportunities and challenges in the new normal. Journal of Management & Organization, 27 (6). pp. 1131-1149.

Fam, Kim-Shyan, Ting, Hiram, Tan, Kim-Lim, Hussain, Kashif, and Cheah, Jun-Hwa (2020) Does it matter where to run? Intention to participate in destination marathon. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 32 (7). pp. 1475-1494.

Fam, Kim-Shyan, Syed Annuar, Sharifah Nurafizah, Tan, Kim Lim, Lai, Franklin Hazley, and Ingko, Ida Anak (2020) Touring destination and intention to consume indigenous food: A case of Kadazan-Dusun food in Sabah. British Food Journal, 122 (6). pp. 1883-1896.


Gaggiotti, Hugo, Case, Peter, Gosling, Jonathan, Holmgren Caicedo, Mikael, and Austin, Heather Marie (2024) Translating Organizing and Organizational Metaphors: From the Universal to the Particular. In: Örtenblad, Anders Ragnar, (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Metaphor in Organization Studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 373-388.

Gaggiotti, Hugo, Case, Peter, and Lauring, Jakob (2023) Living in a 'bubble': Global working communities and insulation in mobile contexts. Journal of Global Mobility, 11 (1).

Gilchrist, David, Agrawal, Prerana, Das, Abhijit, and Wen, Han (2022) Audit Research in Australian Charitable Organisations: A Review of Literature. In: [Presented at the 15th Biennial Australian and New Zealand Third Sector Research Conference]. From: 15th Biennial Australian and New Zealand Third Sector Research Conference: The Voice and Contribution of the Third Sector in Australia and New Zealand: Contemporary Achievements and Challenges in Creating Public Good, 17-19 November 2022, Perth, WA, Austraia.

Guertler, M.R., Adams, N., Caldwell, G., Donovan, J., Hopf, A., and Roberts, J. (2022) A Life-Cycle Framework to Manage Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange in Open Organisations. In: Proceedings of the Design Society (2) pp. 181-190. From: DESIGN 2022: 17th International Design Conference, 23-26 May 2022, Zagreb, Croatia.

Gudergan, Siegfried P., Ringle, Christian, Wende, Sven, and Will, Alexander (2008) Confirmatory tetrad analysis in PLS path modeling. Journal of Business Research, 61 (12). pp. 1238-1249.


Hayshida-Boyles, Alana L., McCarthy, Breda, and Connell, Adam (2024) The ‘Greening’ of an Australian University: Onsite Composting of Residential Food Waste. In: Choudhury, Atun Roy, and Palani, Sankar Ganesh, (eds.) Material and Energy Recovery from Solid Waste for a Circular Economy. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. (In Press)

Hoyer, Christian, Gunawan, Indra, and Reaiche, Carmen Haule (2023) Exploring the relationships between Industry 4.0 implementation factors through systems thinking and network analysis.pdf. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 40 (4). pp. 723-739.

Huynh, Kim, Wilden, Ralf, and Gudergan, Siegfried (2022) The interface of the top management team and the board: a dynamic managerial capabilities perspective. Long Range Planning, 55 (3). 102194.

Hoyer, Christian, Gunawan, Indra, and Reaiche, Carmen Haule (2021) Implementing Industry 4.0—The Need for a Holistic Approach. In: Dingli, Alexiei, and Klüver, Christina, (eds.) Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 928 . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 3-14.


Izak, Michal, Case, Peter, and Ybema, Sierk (2024) Communication in Organizations: An Overview and Provocations. International Journal of Management Reviews. (In Press)

Iwowo, Vanessa, Case, Peter, and Iwowo, Samantha (2023) Leadership and Culture. In: Schedlitzki, Doris, Larsson, Magnus, Carroll, Brigid, Bligh, Michelle C., and Epitropaki, Olga, (eds.) Sage Handbook of Leadership Studies. SAGE, London, United Kingdom, pp. 383-394.

Izak, Michal, Shortt, Harriet, and Case, Peter (2023) Learning to inhabit the liquid liminal world of work: an auto-ethnographic visual study of work-life boundary transitions. Management Learning, 54 (2). pp. 198-222.

Izak, Michal, Case, Peter, and Ybema, Sierk (2022) Monologue and organization studies. Organization Studies, 43 (9). pp. 1507-1522.


Jiang, Fuming, Liu, Li Xian, and Li, Jizhong (2022) From horizontal knowledge sharing to vertical knowledge transfer: the role of boundary-spanning commitment in international joint ventures. Journal of International Business Studies, 54. pp. 182-202.


Kim, Chang H., Kuah, Adrian T.H., Wang, Pengji, and Thirumaran, K. (2023) Circular Economy and Consumer Acceptance on Product-Service System: A Customer-Dominant Logic View. In: Proceedings of the 2023 U.S. Academy of Management Annual Meeting (2023) From: 2023 U.S. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, 4 - 8 August 2023, Boston, MA, USA.

Kim, Chang Hee (2023) Circular economy business models and consumer acceptance in the electrical and electronic equipment sector: a comparative study of Singapore and South Korea. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Kuah, Adrian T. H., Xia, Yi, and Wang, Pengji (2022) How Do Corporate Social Responsibility Engagements Drive Consumer–Company Identification in Singapore? Sustainability, 40 (10). 6080.

Kim, Chang H., Kuah, Adrian T.H., and Thirumaran, K. (2022) Morphology for circular economy business models in the electrical and electronic equipment sector of Singapore and South Korea: findings, implications, and future agenda. Sustainable Production and Consumption, 30. pp. 829-850.

Kleinaltenkamp, Michael, Plewa, Carolin, Gudergan, Siegfried, Karpen, Ingo Oswald, and Chen, Tom (2017) Usage center – value cocreation in multi-actor usage processes. Journal of Service Theory and Practice, 27 (4). pp. 721-737.


Liu, Li Xian, and Sun, Zhiyue (2024) Resilience of Organisation Capital on Firm's Performance Amid Crisis. Applied Finance Letters, 13. pp. 110-127.

Lim, Xin-Jean, Luo, Xi, Cheah, Jun-Hwa, Tan, Kim-Lim, and Hall, C. Michael (2024) Unveiling impulse buying patterns in travel live-streaming through the lens of social cognitive theory. Journal of Vacation Marketing. (In Press)

Liu, Hongbo, and McCarthy, Breda (2023) Sustainable lifestyles, eating out habits and the green gap: a study of food waste segments. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35 (4). pp. 920-943.

Le, Andrea, Tan, Kim-Lim, Yong, Siew-Siew, Soonsap, Pichsinee, Lipa, Caple Jun, and Ting, Hiram (2022) Perceptions towards green image of trendy coffee cafés and intention to re-patronage: the mediating role of customer citizenship behavior. Young Consumers, 23 (2). pp. 165-178.

Lai, Nai Yeen Gavin, Kuah, Adrian T.H., Kim, Chang H., and Wong, Kok Hoong (2022) Toward sustainable express deliveries for online shopping: reusing packaging materials through reverse logistics. Thunderbird International Business Review, 64 (4). pp. 351-362.

Leong, Choi-Meng, Tan, Kim-Lim, Puah, Chin-Hong, and Chong, Shyh-Ming (2021) Predicting mobile network operators users m-payment intention. European Business Review, 33 (1). pp. 104-126.

Lau, Wee-Ming, Józsa, László, Chan, Yoong-Wai, Ting, Hiram, and Tan, Kim Lim (2020) Beliefs and attitidues towards political advertising during Malaysia's GE-14 political tsunami. International Journal of Business and Society, 21 (1). pp. 283-299.

Louviere, Jordan, Lings, Ian, Islam, Towhidul, Gudergan, Siggi, and Flynn, Terry (2013) An introduction to the application of (case 1) best–worst scaling in marketing research. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 30 (3). pp. 292-303.


McCarthy, Breda (2024) Green, guilty, and frugal: Facilitators of energy saving and the choice of energy-efficient appliances in the Australian energy market. Energy Strategy Reviews, 53. 101400.

McCarthy, Breda, and Liu, Hongbo (2024) It Starts at Home: Non-Economic Factors Influencing Consumer Acceptance of Battery Storage in Australia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (In Press)

McCarthy, Breda (2024) Moral licensing and habits: do solar households make negligent choices? Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 191. 114213.

McCarthy, Breda, Kaur Sabharwal, Jagdeep, and Chawla, Shailey (2024) Old age or cognitive decline? Examining the usability of a mobile health app for older Australians. Informatics for Health and Social Care, 49 (1). pp. 83-97.

McCarthy, Breda (2023) Residential Battery Storage – Disruptive Technology, Disjuncture Between Policy And Reality. In: ANZMAC 2022 Reconnect & Reimagine: Conference Proceedings. p. 102. From: ANZMAC 2022: Reconnect and Reimagine, 5-7 December 2022, Perth, WA, Australia.

Manuel, Jacqueline, Hansen, Claire, and Semler, Liam E. (2023) An activist democratic model of teacher professional learning: The Teaching and Learning Caskets Imaginarium. In: Goodwyn, Andrew, Manuel, Jacqueline, Roberts, Rachel, Scherff, Lisa, Sawyer, Wayne, Durrant, Cal, and Zancanella, Don, (eds.) International Perspectives on English Teacher Development: From Initial Teacher Education to Highly Accomplished Professional. National Association for the Teaching of English, 4 . Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, England, pp. 200-214.

McCarthy, Breda, and Wang, Pengji (2022) Exploring the role of reef-friendly, edible packaging in reducing plastic pollution: proposition of a conceptual model explaining purchase intentions. In: Community Empowerment, Sustainable Cities, and Transformative Economies. pp. 377-394. From: BEMAS: 1st International Conference in Business, Economics, Management, and Sustainability, 2-3 July 2021, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

McCarthy, Breda, and Liu, HongBo (2022) Power to regional households: consumer attitudes towards electricity-saving, the solar rebound and the determinants of rooftop solar adoption. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 29 (4). pp. 405-424.

McCarthy, Breda (2022) Renewable energy householders in the Sunshine State: do they perceive a rebound effect? Journal of Resilient Economies, 2 (1). pp. 123-130.

McCarthy, Breda, and Wang, Pengji (2022) Shades of Sustainability: Who are the Buyers and Non-buyers of Sustainable Packaging? Journal of Food Products Marketing, 28 (4). pp. 153-178.

McCarthy, Breda (2022) The solar rebound and renewable energy adoption in the Sunshine State. Report. Energy Consumers Australia, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Munusamy, Vijayan, Leong, Jonathan, Jian, Zhi, Goveravaram, Archana Das, Wei Sheng, Lucian Lee, Min Hui, Eve Tan, Tan, Kim Lim, and Wan Ying, Tay (2021) Beyond 20/20: DNA of Progressive Employers. Report. Triparite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices, Singapore.

McCarthy, Breda (1997) The strategy formation process: a study of Irish SMEs. PhD thesis, Dublin City University.


Noor, Nurhafihz (2025) Halal service quality: systematic review, conceptual model and future research. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. (In Press)

nguyen, Dang Hat, Tan, Kim Lim, Nguyen, Lam Ngoc Vi, Nguyen, An Phu, and Ting, Hiram (2024) The Influence of Customer Relationship Management in Enhancing Hospitality Business Performance: The Conditional Mediation of Digital Marketing Capabilities. International Journal of Hospitality & Administration. (In Press)

Ng, Eddy S., Ramsay, Jonathan E., Wood, Jacob, and Thirumaran, K. (2023) Introduction to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific: An Organizational Psychology Approach. In: Ng, Eddy S., Ramsay, Jonathan E., Wood, Jacob, and Thirumaran, K., (eds.) Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 2-18.

Njaramba, Jane Wagithi (2022) Understanding small business entrepreneurship among migrant African women in North Queensland: a feminist study of lived experience and learning. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Oktadiana, Hera (2024) Applying Autoetnography and Netnography to Investigate Issues with Technology in Tourism Settings. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Sage Research Methods. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 1-24.

Onnis, Leigh-Ann (2024) Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility and the Sustainable Development Goals: A Tropics Perspective. In: Tan, Sook Rei, Jang, Haejin, and Wood, Jacob, (eds.) Economic Growth and Development in the Tropics. Advances in Business, Industry and Trade in the Tropics . Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 83-104.

Onnis, Leigh-ann, Bentley, Tim, Bezemer, Pieter-Jan, Franken, Esme, Green, Nicola, O'Neill, Sharron, and Huskes, Lee (2023) Business Leaders' signalling prosocial behaviours related to work health and safety: An exploratory study. In: Proceedings of the 36th ANZAM Conference: Changing management values and practices for a sustainable future. 99. p. 1102. From: 36th ANZAM Conference: Changing management values and practices for a sustainable future, 5-7 December 2023, Wellington, New Zealand.

Onnis, Leigh-ann (2023) “HR is different up here”: An exploratory study of HR in tropical northern Australia. In: Proceedings of the 36th ANZAM Conference: Changing management values and practices for a sustainable future. 46. pp. 108-130. From: 36th ANZAM Conference: Changing management values and practices for a sustainable future, 5-7 December 2023, Wellington, New Zealand.

Onyango, Rael A., Eijdenberg, Emiel L., Onbange, Nelson, and Masurel, Enno (2023) Scoping the conveniences of mobile money for micro-entrepreneurs in Kenya. In: Innovation-Driven Business and Sustainability in the Tropics: Proceedings of the Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology Conference 2023. pp. 399-417. From: SEIGOP 2023: Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology Conference, 1-3 March 2023, Singapore.


Poblano-Ojinaga, Eduardo Rafael, Reaiche, Carmen, Boyle, Stephen, and García Martínez, Rafael (2024) Evaluating the Structural Relationships Between Innovation Capability and Competitive Intelligence in Northeast Mexican Companies. In: Cortés-Robles, Guillermo, Roldán-Reyes, Eduardo, and Aguirre-y-Hernández, Fernando, (eds.) Management Engineering in Emerging Economies. Management and Industrial Engineering (MINEN) . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 1-17.

Pillai, Ratna Devi, Wang, Pengji, and Kuah, Adrian (2023) Corporate Volunteering and Employee Engagement: Bringing externalities to the workplace. In: Academy of Management Proceedings (2023) From: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 4-8 August 2023, Boston, MA, USA.

Pont, Suzie, Hamilton, John R., and Maxwell, Stephen J. (2023) Employee Demographics in Human Resource Space in Religious Not-For-Profit Organization in Australia: Understanding Organizational Retention Rates. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business (23) pp. 208-215. From: ICEB 2023: 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business, 19-23 October 2023, Chiayi, Taiwan.

Pabel, Anja, Cassidy, Leonie, and Prideaux, Bruce R. (2023) Snorkellers' environmentally conscious behaviour after visiting the Great Barrier Reef. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28 (7). pp. 713-728.

Pont, Suzie, Underdown, Michael, Hamilton, John R., Tee, Singwhat, and Maxwell, Stephen J. (2022) Fur babies, governance, and ability: Finding meaning in survey response rates. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Electronic Business (22) pp. 643-646. From: ICEB 2022: 22nd International Conference on Electronic Business, 13-17 October 2022, Bangkok, Thailand.

Pillai, Ratna Devi, Wang, Pengji, and Kuah, Adrian T. H. (2022) Unlocking corporate social responsibility in smaller firms: Compliance, conviction, burden, or opportunity? Thunderbird International Business Review, 64 (6). pp. 627-646.

Pearce, Philip L., and Mohammadi, Zohre (2021) Building the orchestra model of tourist experience, integration and examples. In: Sharply, Richard, (ed.) Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 50-63.

Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison (2021) Embarking on the paradigm journey. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigms for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 1-11.

Panchal, Jenny H. (2021) In Search of an Intermediate Paradigmatic Ground: Critical Realism-Post-Positivism in Understanding Tourists' Motivation and Experiences in Asian Spas. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigm Considerations for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 171-188.

Pryce, Josephine (2021) Into the future: moving forward with reflective practice on paradigms. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigms for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 203-212.

Pryce, Josephine (2021) An autoethnographic chronicle on the ethnographic exploration of the nature of hotel work and hospitality in Far North Queensland. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigms for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK, pp. 97-111.

Papavasiliou, Samantha, Gorod, Alex, and Reaiche, Carmen (2020) A System of Systems Management Framework for Digital Transformation in eGovernment. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering. 9130558. pp. 457-462. From: SoSE 2020: IEEE 15th International Conference of System of Systems Engineering, 2-4 June 2020, Budapest, Hungary.


Qian, Long, Li, Feng, Liu, Hongbo, Wang, Lingen, McCarthy, Breda, and Shaosheng, Jin (2022) Rice vs. wheat: does staple food consumption pattern affect food waste in Chinese university canteens? Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 176. 105902.


Reaiche, Carmen, and Papavasiliou, Samantha (2022) Management Methods for Complex Projects. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Reaiche, Carmen, and Papavasiliou, Samantha (2022) A Manual for Project Governance and Asset Management. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Reaiche, Carmen (2022) Project Management: A Strategic Approach. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Reaiche, Carmen, Papavasiliou, Samantha, and Anglani, Frank (2022) Risk Assessment and Quality Project Management. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Richter, Nicole, Hauff, Sven, Ringle, Christian, and Gudergan, Siggi (2022) The Use of Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling and Complementary Methods in International Management Research. Management International Review, 62. pp. 449-470.

Randhawa, Krithika, Wilden, Ralf, and Gudergan, Siegfried (2021) How to innovate toward an ambidextrous business model? The role of dynamic capabilities and market orientation. Journal of Business Research, 130. pp. 618-634.

Ringle, Christian M., Sarstedt, Marko, Mitchell, Rebecca, and Gudergan, Siegfried P. (2020) Partial least squares structural equation modeling in HRM research. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31 (12). pp. 1617-1643.

Randhawa, Krithika, Wilden, Ralf, and Gudergan, Siegfried (2018) Open Service Innovation: The Role of Intermediary Capabilities. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 35 (5). pp. 808-838.

Reddy, Srinivas K., and Tan, Yee Heng (2017) Crowdfunding: Financing ventures in the digital era. GfK Marketing Intelligence Review, 9. pp. 37-41.


Sliwa, Martyna, and Case, Peter (2024) Leadership-As-Practice: Appreciation, critique and future directions. In: Knights, Daved, Liu, Helena, Smolovic-Jones, Owain, and Wilson, Suze, (eds.) The Routledge Critical Companion to Leadership Studies. Routledge Companions in Business and Management . Routledge, New York, NY, USA, pp. 160-171.

Scutella, Maryanne, Plewa, Carolin, and Reaiche, Carmen (2024) Virtual agents in the public service: examining citizens' value-in-use. Public Management Review, 26 (1). pp. 73-88.

Scott, Jennifer, Pryce, Josephine, Reinke, Nicole B., Li, Dongmei, Shuker, Mary-Ann, Singleton, Rachelle, Tsai, Angela, and Parkinson, Ann L. (2023) Towards a 'Community for Practice'—A Narrative Analysis of the Evolution of Higher Education Scholars. Education Science, 13 (12). 1239.

Sin, Harng Luh, Mostafanezhad, Mary, and Cheer, Joseph M. (2022) Recentering Tourism Geographies in the 'Asian Century'. Routledge, London.

Sin, Harng Luh (2021) Letter by Harng Luh Sin. In: Correia, Antonia, and Dolnicar, Sara, (eds.) Women's Voices in Tourism Research: Contributions to knowledge and letters to future generations. University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, pp. 646-647.

Sabharwal, Jagdeep Kaur, Goh, Sandra, and Thirumaran, K. (2021) Sequential exploratory mixed methods and scale development: investigating transformational tourism readiness. In: Promoting Creative Tourism: current issues in tourism research: proceedings of the 4th International Seminar on Tourism. pp. 250-258. From: ISOT 2020: 4th International Seminar on Tourism, 4-5 November 2020, Bandung, Indonesia.

Sin, Harng Luh, Mostafanezhad, Mary, and Cheer, Joseph M. (2021) Tourism Geographies in the "Asian Century". Tourism Geographies, 23 (4). pp. 649-658.

Sin, Harng Luh (2021) Volunteer Tourism/Voluntourism - Contributions by Harng Luh Sin. In: Correia, Antonia, and Dolnicar, Sara, (eds.) Women's Voices in Tourism Research: Contributions to knowledge and letters to future generations. University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, pp. 419-425.

Sim, Adriel K.S., Tan, Kim-Lim, Sia, Joseph Kee-Ming, and Hii, Ivy S.H. (2020) Students' choice of international branch campus in Malaysia: a gender comparative study. International Journal of Educational Management, 35 (1). pp. 87-107.

Schirmer, Nadine, Ringle, Christian M., Gudergan, Siegfried, and Feistel, Matthias S.G. (2018) The link between customer satisfaction and loyalty: the moderating role of customer characteristics. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 26 (4). pp. 298-317.

Sin, Harng Luh (2009) Volunteer tourism—“Involve me and i will learn”? Annals of Tourism Research, 36 (3). pp. 480-501.


Tan, Kim-Lim, Hofman, Peter S., Noor, Nurhafihz, Tan, Sook-Rei, Hii, Ivy S.H., and Cham, Tat-Huei (2024) Does artificial intelligence improve hospitality employees’ individual competitive productivity? A time-lagged moderated-mediation model involving job crafting and meaningful work. Current Issues in Tourism. (In Press)

Tan, Kim-Lim, Hii, Ivy S.H., Lim, Xin-Jean, and Wong, Caroline Y.L. (2024) Enhancing purchase intentions among young consumers in a live-streaming shopping environment using relational bonds: are there differences between "buyers" and "non-buyers"? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 36 (1). pp. 48-65.

Tan, Kim-Lim, Ho, Jie-Min, Sim, Adriel, and Hii, Ivy (2024) Fear of missing out and beyond: Unveiling theoretical dimensions in post-pandemic festival events and community engagement dynamics. Event Management. (In Press)

Tan, Kim-Lim, Eze, Uchenna Cyril, and Sun, Yi (2024) I did my part! How can I further minimize emerging adult learners’ burnout in an online learning environment? Educational Studies. (In Press)

Tan, Kim-Lim, Leong, Choi Meng, and Richter, Nicole Franziska (2024) Navigating Trust in Mobile Payments: Using Necessary Condition Analysis to Identify Must-Have Factors for User Acceptance. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. (In Press)

Tan, Kim-Lim, Hii, Ivy S.H., Huang, Yijing, and Yan, Yaru (2024) Reducing dishonest disclosures during expense reimbursement: investigating the predictive power of the technology acceptance model with a corporate governance perspective. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change. (In Press)

Tan, Kim-Lim, Gim, Gabriel C.W., Hii, Ivy S.H., and Zhu, Wenqian (2024) STARA fight or flight: a two-wave time-lagged study of challenge and hindrance appraisal of STARA awareness on basic psychological needs and individual competitiveness productivity among hospitality employees. Current Issues in Tourism, 27 (13). pp. 2151-2169.

Tan, Sook Rei, Jang, Haejin, Atkinson, Benedict, and Wood, Jacob (2023) Asian economies in transition. In: Ng, Eddy S., Ramsay, Jonathan E., Thirumaran, K., and Wood, Jacob, (eds.) Elgar Companion to Managing People Across the Asia-Pacific: An Organizational Psychology Approach. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 352-376.

Tan, Kim-Lim, Sim, Pei-Lin, Ting, Hui-Bun, Sim, Wen-Yee, and Donohue, Thomas (2023) A Gendered Discourse of Third-generation Chinese Migrants on Diaspora Tourism: Implications to Industry Players in Malaysia. Journal of China Tourism Research, 19 (2). pp. 335-358.

Tan, Kim-Lim (2023) Responsible Leadership - A Brief Review of Literature. Journal of Responsible Tourism Management, 3 (1). pp. 44-55.

Tan, Kim Lim, Ho, Jie-min, Sim, Adriel, Dubos, Lance, and Cham, Tat-Huei (2023) Unlocking the secrets of Miri country music festival in Malaysia: a moderated-mediation model examining the power of FOMO, flow and festival satisfaction in driving revisiting intentions. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 28 (5). pp. 416-432.

Tan, Kim-Lim, Cham, Tat Huei, and Sim, Adriel K.S. (2023) What Makes Social Work Meaningful? Evidence for a Curvilinear Relationship of Meaningful Work on Work Engagement with Psychological Capital as the Moderator. Human Service Organizations Management, Leadership and Governance, 47 (3). pp. 218-235.

Tan, Kim-Lim, Hii, Ivy S.H., Zhu, Wenqian, Leong, Choi-Meng, and Lin, Eliver (2023) The borders are re-opening! Has virtual reality been a friend or a foe to the tourism industry so far? Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 35 (7). pp. 1639-1662.

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