Browse by ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective codes
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- SEO Codes (55577)
- 96 ENVIRONMENT (11055)
- 9613 Remnant Vegetation and Protected Conservation Areas (284)
- 961303 Protected Conservation Areas in Marine Environments (142)
- 9613 Remnant Vegetation and Protected Conservation Areas (284)
- 96 ENVIRONMENT (11055)
Adams, Vanessa M., Mills, Morena, Weeks, Rebecca, Segan, Daniel B., Pressey, Robert L., Gurney, Georgina G., Groves, Craig, Davis, Frank W., and Alvarez-Romero, Jorge G. (2019) Implementation strategies for systematic conservation planning. Ambio, 47. pp. 139-152.
Abesamis, Rene A., Langlois, Tim, Birt, Matthew, Thillainath, Emma, Bucol, Abner A., Arceo, Hazel O., and Russ, Garry R. (2018) Benthic habitat and fish assemblage structure from shallow to mesophotic depths in a storm-impacted marine protected area. Coral Reefs, 37 (1). pp. 81-97.
Andréfouët, Serge, and Hamel, Mélanie A. (2014) Tropical islands quick data gap analysis guided by coral reef geomorphological maps. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 81 (1). pp. 191-199.
Aswani, Shankar, Gurney, Georgina G., Mulville, Sara, Matera, Jaime, and Gurven, Michael (2013) Insights from experimental economics on local cooperation in a small-scale fishery management system. Global Environmental Change, 23 (6). pp. 1402-1409.
Alvarez-Romero, Jorge, Pressey, Robert L., Ban, Natalie C., Torre-Cosio, Jorge, and Aburto-Oropeza, Octavio (2013) Marine conservation planning in practice: lessons learned from the Gulf of California. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems , 23 (4). pp. 483-505.
Andrefouet, Serge, Rilwan, Yossuf, and Hamel, Mélanie A. (2012) Habitat mapping for conservation planning in Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives. Atoll Research Bulletin, 590. 10. pp. 207-222.
Adams, Vanessa, Mills, Morena, Jupiter, Stacy D., and Pressey, Bob (2011) Improving social acceptability of marine protected area networks: a method for estimating opportunity costs to multiple gear types in both fished and currently unfished areas. Biological Conservation, 144. pp. 350-361.
Abesamis, Rene A. (2011) Replenishment and connectivity of reef fish populations in the central Philippines. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Almany, Glenn R. , Berumen, Michael L., Thorrold, Simon R., Planes, Serge, and Jones, Geoffrey P. (2007) Local replenishment of coral reef fish populations in a marine reserve. Science, 316 (5825). pp. 742-744.
Alcala, AngelC., and Russ, Garry R. (2006) No-take Marine Reserves and Reef Fisheries Management in the Philippines: a new people power revolution. Ambio, 35 (5). pp. 245-254.
Abesamis, Rene A., Alcala, Angel C., and Russ, Garry R. (2006) How much does the fishery at Apo Island benefit from spillover of adult fish from the adjacent marine reserve? Fishery Bulletin, 104 (3). pp. 360-375.
Abesamis, Rene, Russ, Garry, and Alcala, Angel (2006) Gradients of abundance of fish across no-take marine reserve boundaries: evidence from Philippine coral reefs. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems , 16 (4). pp. 349-371.
Alcala, Angel C., Russ, Garry R., and Nillos, Portia (2006) Collaborative and community-based conservation of coral reefs, with reference to marine reserves in the Philippines. In: Cote, Isabelle M., and Reynolds, John D., (eds.) Coral Reef Conservation. Conservation Biology (13). Cambridge University Press, New York, USA, pp. 392-418.
Abesamis, Rene A., and Russ, Garry R. (2005) Density-dependent spillover from a marine reserve: long-term evidence. Ecological Applications, 15 (5). pp. 1798-1812.
Alcala, Angel C., Russ, Garry R., Maypa, Aileen P., and Calumpong, Hilconida C. (2005) A long-term, spatially replicated experimental test of the effect of marine reserves on local fish yields. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 62 (1). pp. 98-108.
Andre, Jessica, Gyuris, Emma, and Lawler, Ivan R. (2005) Comparison of the diets of sympatric dugongs and green turtles on the Orman Reefs, Torres Strait, Australia. Wildlife Research, 32 (1). pp. 53-62.
Abesamis, Rene A. (2005) Patterns and mechanisms of spillover from marine reserves. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Bode, Michael, Williamson, David H., Harrison, Hugo B., Outram, Nick, and Jones, Geoffrey P. (2018) Estimating dispersal kernels using genetic parentage data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9. pp. 490-501.
Bode, Michael, Williamson, David H., Weeks, Rebecca, Jones, Geoff P., Almany, Glenn R., Harrison, Hugo B., Hopf, Jess K., and Pressey, Robert L. (2016) Planning marine reserve networks for both feature representation and demographic persistence using connectivity patterns. PLoS ONE, 11 (5). pp. 1-23.
Barber, Marcus, Dale, Allan, Pearse, Rebecca, Everson, Bronte, Perry, Justin, Jaffer, Tim, Winer, Michael, and Creek, Dion (2016) Scoping market-based opportunities for Indigenous provision of water quality services and associated conservation governance in the Northern Great Barrier Reef: interim report. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Bergseth, Brock J., Russ, Garry R., and Cinner, Joshua E. (2015) Measuring and monitoring compliance in no-take marine reserves. Fish and Fisheries, 16 (2). pp. 240-258.
Ban, Natalie C., Januchowski-Hartley, Stephanie, Alvarez-Romero, Jorge, Mills, Morena, Pressey, Robert L., Linke, Simon, and de Freitas, Debora (2013) Marine and freshwater conservation planning: from representation to persistence. In: Craighead, F. Lance, and Convis, Charles L., (eds.) Conservation Planning: shaping the future. Esri Press, Redlands, CA, USA, pp. 175-217.
Blowes, Shane A., and Connolly, Sean R. (2012) Risk spreading, connectivity, and optimal reserve spacing. Ecological Applications, 22 (1). pp. 311-321.
Bonin, Mary C., Almany, Glenn R., and Jones, Geoffrey P. (2011) Contrasting effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on coral-associated reef fishes. Ecology, 92 (7). pp. 1503-1512.
Berumen, M. L, Walsh, H.J., Raventos, N., Planes, S., Jones, G.P., Starczak, V., and Thorrold, S.R. (2010) Otolith geochemistry does not reflect dispersal history of clownfish larvae. Coral Reefs, 29 (4). pp. 883-891.
Botsford, L.W., White, J.W., Coffroth, M-A., Paris, C.B., Planes, S., Shearer, T.L., Thorrold, S.R., and Jones, G.P. (2009) Connectivity and resilience of coral reef metapopulations in marine protected areas: matching empirical efforts to predictive needs. Coral Reefs, 28 (2). pp. 327-337.
Bartlett, Christopher Yeoman (2009) Emergence, evolution and outcomes of marine protected areas in Vanuatu: implications for social-ecological governance. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Breen, Barbara Anne Bollard (2006) Integrating social and biophysical data to develop and evaluate marine protected area planning at a local scale: the 1998 Cairns Area Plan of Management as a case study. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Beger, Maria, Jones, Geoffrey P., and Possingham, Hugh P. (2006) A method of statistical modelling of coral reef fish distribution: can it aid conservation planning in data poor regions? In: Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. pp. 1445-1456. From: 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 28 June-2 July 2004, Okinawa, Japan.
Burrage, D.M., Heron, M.L., Hacker, J.M., Stieglitz, T.C., Steinberg, C.R., and Prytz, A. (2002) Evolution and dynamics of tropical river plumes in the Great Barrier Reef: an integrated remote sensing and in situ study. Journal of Geophysical Research: oceans, 107 (12). pp. 1-17.
Choi, Chi-Yeung, Peng, He-Bo, He, Peng, Ren, Xiao-Tong, Zhang, Shen, Jackson, Micha V., Gan, Xiaojing, Chen, Ying, Jia, Yifei, Christie, Maureen, Flaherty, Tony, Leung, Kar-Sin Katherine, Yu, Chenxing, Murray, Nicholas J., Piersma, Theunis, Fuller, Richard A., and Ma, Zhijun (2019) Where to draw the line? Using movement data to inform protected area design and conserve mobile species. Biological Conservation, 234. pp. 64-71.
Cheok, Jessica (2018) Systematic conservation planning in marine environments: sensitivities of the planning framework to aspects of scale. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Cheok, Jessica, Pressey, Robert L., Weeks, Rebecca, Andréfouët, Serge, and Moloney, James (2016) Sympathy for the devil: detailing the effects of planning-unit size, thematic resolution of reef classes, and socioeconomic costs on spatial priorities for marine conservation. PLoS One, 11 (11). E0164869. pp. 1-25.
Casey, Jordan Marie (2015) The role of territorial grazers in coral reef trophic dynamics from microbes to apex predators. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Cowlishaw, Melissa (2014) Determinants of home range and territory size in coral reef fishes. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Carter, Alex B., Davies, Campbell R., Mapstone, Bruce D., Russ, Garry R., Tobin, Andrew J., and Williams, Ashley J. (2014) Effects of region, demography, and protection from fishing on batch fecundity of common coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus). Coral Reefs, 33 (3). pp. 751-763.
Carter, A.B., Russ, G.R., Tobin, A.J., Williams, A.J., Davies, C.R., and Mapstone, B.D. (2014) Spatial variation in the effects of size and age on reproductive dynamics of common coral trout Plectropomus leopardus. Journal of Fish Biology, 84 (4). pp. 1074-1098.
Chaves, L.T.C., Pereira, P.H.C., and Feitosa, J.L.L. (2013) Coral reef fish association with macroalgal beds on a tropical reef system in North-eastern Brazil. Marine and Freshwater Research, 64 (12). pp. 1101-1111.
Carter, Alexandra, Williams, Ashley, Russ, Garry, and Tobin, Andrew (2009) The effects of no-take zoning, region and year on reproductive output of the common coral trout, Plectropomus leopardus. In: Proceedings of the International Marine Conservation Congress Annual Convention. From: International Marine Conservation Congress Annual Convention, 17-24 May 2009, Washington, DC, USA.
Chin, Andrew, Sweatman, Hugh, Forbes, Susan, Perks, Helen, Walker, Ryan, Jones, Geoff, Williamson, David, Evans, Richard, Hartley, Fraser, Armstrong, Shannon, Malcolm, Hamish, and Edgar, Graham (2008) 2008 Status of the coral reefs in Australia and Papua New Guinea. In: Wilkinson, Clive, (ed.) Status of Coral Reefs of the World: 2008. Global Coral Reef Monitoring Network, Townsville, QLD, Australia, pp. 159-176.
Cinner, Joshua, and Fuentes, Marianna (2008) Human Dimensions of Madagascar's Marine Protected Areas. Report Section. Coastal Oceans Research and Development in the Indian Ocean, Mombasa, Kenya.
Cinner, J.E. (2007) Designing marine reserves to reflect local socioeconomic conditions: lessons from long-enduring customary management systems. Coral Reefs, 26 (4). pp. 1035-1045.
Cinner, Joshua E., and Aswani, Shankar (2007) Integrating customary management into marine conservation. Biological Conservation, 140 (3-4). pp. 201-216.
Cinner, Joshua E., Sutton, Stephen G., and Bond, Trevor G. (2007) Socioeconomic thresholds that affect use of customary fisheries management tools. Conservation Biology, 21 (6). pp. 1603-1611.
Cinner, Joshua E. (2007) The role of taboos in conserving coastal resources in Madagascar. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 22. pp. 15-23.
Coghlan, Alexandra, and Prideaux, Bruce (2007) Keeping an I (and 1.9 million others) on the reef: the sustainability of tourism on the Great Barrier Reef. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Coastal and Marine Tourism Congress. pp. 293-306. From: 5th International Coastal and Marine Tourism Congress: Balancing Marine Tourism, Development and Sustainability, 11-15 SEP 2007, Auckland, New Zealand.
Coghlan, Alexandra, and Prideaux, Bruce (2007) Welcome to the Great Barrier Reef: the importance of weather in reef tourism. In: Symposium 07 Cross Collaboration in Hospitality & Related Services. pp. 21-35. From: Cross Collaboration in Hospitality & Related Services: synergies & future possibilities, 26 October 2007, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Cinner, J.E., and McClanahan, T.R. (2006) Socioeconomic factors that lead to overfishing in small-scale coral reef fisheries of Papua New Guinea. Environmental Conservation, 33 (1). pp. 73-80.
Cinner, Josh, Marnane, Michael J., McClanahan, Timothy R., and Almany, Glenn R. (2005) Periodic closures as adaptive coral reef management in the Indo-Pacific. Ecology and Society, 11 (1). 31. - .
Chin, Andrew, and Marshall, Paul (2003) Reactive monitoring at Nelly Bay Harbour: using environmental monitoring to manage marine construction activities. In: Wilkinson, Clive, Green, Alison, Almany, Jeanine, and Dionne, Shannon, (eds.) Monitoring Coral Reef Protected Areas. Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, QLD, Australia, pp. 34-35.
Davies, Tammy E., Epstein, Graham, Aguilera, Stacy E., Brooks, Cassandra M., Cox, Michael, Evans, Louisa S., Maxwell, Sara M., Nenadovic, Mateja, and Ban, Natalie C. (2018) Assessing trade-offs in large marine protected areas. PLoS ONE, 13 (4). e0195760.
Depczynski, Martial, and Bellwood, David R. (2005) Wave energy and spatial variability in community structure of small cryptic coral reef fishes. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 303. pp. 283-293.
Davis, K.L.F., Russ, G.R., Williamson, D.H., and Evans, R.D. (2004) Surveillance and poaching on inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Coastal Management, 32 (4). pp. 373-387.
Depczynski, M., and Bellwood, D.R. (2004) Microhabitat utilisation patterns in cryptobenthis coral reef fish communities. Marine Biology, 145 (3). pp. 455-463.
Dinsdale, Elizabeth A., and Harriott, Vicki J. (2004) Environmental assessment. Assessing anchor damage on coral reefs: a case study in selection of environmental indicators. Environmental Management, 33 (1). pp. 126-139.
Dinsdale, E.A. (2000) Abundance of black-band disease on corals from one location on the Great Barrier Reef: a comparison with abundance in the Caribbean region. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium (2) pp. 1239-1243. From: Ninth International Coral Reef Symposium, 23-27 October 2000, Bali, Indonesia.
Evans, R.D., Russ, G.R., and Kritzer, J.P. (2008) Batch fecundity of Lutjanus carponotatus (Lutjanidae) and implications of no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Coral Reefs, 27 (1). pp. 179-189.
Edgar, Graham J., Russ, Garry R., and Babcock, Russ C. (2007) Marine protected areas. In: Connell, Sean D., and Gillanders, Bronwyn M., (eds.) Marine Ecology. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 533-555.
Evans, R.D., and Russ, G.R. (2004) Larger biomass of targeted reef fish in the no-take marine reserves on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems , 14 (5). pp. 505-519.
Frisch, Ashley J., Cole, Andrew J., Hobbs, Jean-Paul A., Rizzari, Justin R., and Munkres, Katherine P. (2012) Effects of spearfishing on reef fish populations in a multi-use conservation area. PLoS ONE, 7 (12). e51938. pp. 1-11.
Fuentes, Mariana M.P.B., Lawler, Ivan R., and Gyuris, Emma (2006) Dietary preferences of juvenile green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on a tropical reef flat. Wildlife Research, 33. pp. 671-678.
Fernandes, Leanne, Day, Jon, Lewis, Adam, Slegers, Suzanne, Kerrigan, Brigid, Breen, Dan, Cameron, Darren, Jago, Belinda, Hall, James, Lowe, Dave, Innes, James, Tanzer, John, Chadwick, Virginia, Thompson, Leanne, Gorman, Kerrie, Simmons, Mark, Barnett, Bryony, Sampson, Kirsti, De'ath, Glenn, Mapstone, Bruce, Marsh, Helene, Possingham, Hugh, Ball, Ian, Ward, Trevor, Dobbs, Kirstin, Aumend, James, Slater, Deb, and Stapleton, Kate (2005) Establishing representative no-take areas in the Great Barrier Reef: large-scale implementation of theory on marine protected areas. Conservation Biology, 19 (6). pp. 1733-1744.
Gurney, Georgina Grace (2015) Understanding and integrating socioeconomic factors into the design and management of marine protected areas. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Gurney, Georgina G., Melbourne-Thomas, Jessica, Geronimo, Rollan C., Aliño, Perry M., and Johnson, Craig R. (2013) Modelling coral reef futures to inform management: can reducing local-scale stressors conserve reefs under climate change? PLoS ONE, 8 (11). e80137. pp. 1-17.
Game, Edward T., Grantham, Hedley S., Hobday, Alistair J., Pressey, Robert L., Lombard, Amanda T., Beckley, Lynnath E., Gjerde, Kristina, Bustamante, Rodrigo, Possingham, Hugh P., and Richardson, Anthony J. (2010) Pelagic MPAs: The devil you know. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 25 (2). pp. 63-64.
Grech, Alana (2009) Spatial models and risk assessments to inform marine planning at ecosystem-scales: seagrasses and dugongs as a case study. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Grech, A., Marsh, H., and Coles, R. (2008) A spatial assessment of the risk to a mobile marine mammal from bycatch. Aquatic Conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems , 18 (7). pp. 1127-1139.
Hamel, Mélanie A., Pressey, Robert L., Evans, Louisa S., and Andréfouët, Serge (2018) The importance of fishing grounds as perceived by local communities can be undervalued by measures of socioeconomic cost used in conservation planning. Conservation Letters, 11 (1). e12352.
Hixon, M.A., Cinner, J.E., Feary, D.A., Green, A.L., Hamilton, R.J., Jones, Geoff, and Jupiter, S.D. (2016) Reef fish ecology, conservaton, and fisheries: the scientific legacy of Glenn Almany. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Coral Reef Symposium. 20. pp. 159-168. From: 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, 19-24 June 2016, Honolulu, HI, USA.
Hamel, Mélanie A. (2015) Coral-reef conservation planning in regions with high resource dependence: integrating lessons from socioeconomic and biodiversity approaches. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Hamel, Mélanie A., Andrefouet, Serge, and Pressey, Robert L. (2013) Compromises between international habitat conservation guidelines and small-scale fisheries in Pacific island countries. Conservation Letters, 6 (1). pp. 46-57.
Hamel, Mélanie A., and Andrefouet, Serge (2012) Biodiversity-based propositions of conservation areas in Baa Atoll, Republic of Maldives. Atoll Research Bulletin, 590. pp. 223-235.
Heupel, M.R., and Bennett, M.B. (2007) Estimating abundance of reef-dwelling sharks: a case study of the epaulette Shark, Hemiscyllium ocellatum (Elasmobranchii: Hemiscyllidae). Pacific Science, 61 (3). pp. 383-394.
Hughes, Terence P., Rodrigues, Maria J., Bellwood, David R., Ceccarelli, Daniela, Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, McCook, Laurence, Moltschaniwskyj, Natalie, Pratchett, Morgan S., Steneck, Robert S., and Willis, Bette (2007) Phase shifts, herbivory, and the resilience of coral reefs to climate change. Current Biology, 17 (4). pp. 360-365.
Holley, David K., Lawler, Ivan R., and Gales, Nicholas J. (2006) Summer survey of dugong distribution and abundance in Shark Bay reveals additional key habitat area. Wildlife Research, 33 (3). pp. 243-250.
Jupiter, S.D., Weeks, R., Jenkins, A.P., Egli, D.P., and Cakacaka, A. (2012) Effects of a single intensive harvest event on fish populations inside a customary marine closure. Coral Reefs, 31 (2). pp. 321-334.
Jimenez, H., Bigot, L., Bourmaud, C., Chabanet, P., Gravier-Bonnet, N., Hamel, M.A., Payri, C., Mattio, L., Menou, J.L., Naeem, S., Rilwan, Y., Sattar, S., Scott, L., Shiham, A., Vigliola, L., and Andréfouët, S. (2012) Multi-taxa coral reef community structure in relation to habitats in the Baa Atoll Man and Biosphere UNESCO Reserve (Maldives), and implications for its conservation. Journal of Sea Research, 72. pp. 77-86.
Jones, G.P., Almany, G.R., Russ, G.R., Sale, P.F., Steneck, R.S., Van Oppen, M.J.H., and Willis, B.L. (2009) Larval retention and connectivity among populations of corals and reef fishes: history, advances and challenges. Coral Reefs, 28 (2). pp. 307-325.
Jones, G.P., Russ, G.R., Sale, P.F., and Steneck, R.S. (2009) Theme section on “Larval connectivity, resilience and the future of coral reefs”. Coral Reefs, 28 (2). pp. 303-305.
Jones, Geoffrey P., Srinivasan, Maya, and Almany, Glenn R. (2007) Population connectivity and conservation of marine biodiversity. Oceanography, 20 (3). pp. 100-111.
Jacobsen, Ben (2005) Policy options for Great Barrier Reef water quality. Ecological Management and Restoration, 6 (2). pp. 134-136.
Jones, Geoffrey P., Planes, Serge, and Thorrold, Simon R. (2005) Coral reef fish larvae settle close to home. Current Biology, 15 (14). pp. 1314-1318.
Kininmonth, Stuart, Weeks, Rebecca, Abesamis, Rene A., Bernardo, Lawrence Patrick C., Beger, Maria, Treml, Eric A., Williamson, David, and Pressey, Robert L. (2019) Strategies in scheduling marine protected area establishment in a network system. Ecological Applications, 29 (1). e01820.
Kuempel, Caitlin D., Adams, Vanessa M., Possingham, Hugh P., and Bode, Michael (2018) Bigger or better: the relative benefits of protected area network expansion and enforcement for the conservation of an exploited species. Conservation Letters, 11 (3). e12433.
Krajewski, João Paulo, Floeter, Sergio R., Jones, Geoffrey P., and Leite, Fosca P.P (2011) Patterns of variation in behaviour within and among reef fish species on an isolated tropical island: influence of exposure and substratum. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 91 (Special Issue 6). pp. 1359-1368.
Lou, Dong C., Mapstone, Bruce D., Russ, Garry R., Begg, Gavin A., and Davies, Campbell R. (2007) Using otolith weight–age relationships to predict age based metrics of coral reef fish populations across different temporal scales. Fisheries Research, 83 (2-3). pp. 216-227.
Larcombe, P., and Carter, R.M. (2004) Cyclone pumping, sediment partitioning and the development of the Great Barrier Reef shelf system: a review. Quaternary Science Reviews, 23 (1-2). pp. 107-135.
Murray, Nicholas J., and Fuller, Richard A. (2015) Protecting stopover habitat for migratory shorebirds in East Asia. Journal of Ornithology, 156 (Suppl 1). S217-S225.
Magris, R.A., Mills, M., Fuentes, M.M.P.B., and Pressey, R.L. (2013) Analysis of progress towards a comprehensive system of Marine Protected Areas in Brazil. Natureza & Conservacao, 11 (1). pp. 81-87.
Montanari, Stefano, Van Herwerden, Lynne, Pratchett, Morgan, Hobbs, Jean-Paul, and Fugedi, Anneli (2012) Reef fish hybridization: lessons learnt from butterflyfishes (genus Chaetodon). Ecology and Evolution, 2 (2). pp. 310-328.
Malcolm, H.A., Foulsham, E., Pressey, R.L., Jordan, A., Davies, P.L., Ingleton, T., Johnstone, N., Hessey, S., and Smith, S. D. A. (2012) Selecting zones in a marine park: early systematic planning improves cost-efficiency; combining habitat and biotic data improves effectiveness. Ocean & Coastal Management, 59. pp. 1-12.
Messmer, Vanessa, Jones, Geoffrey P., Munday, Philip L., Holbrook, Sally J., Schmitt, Russell J., and Brooks, Andrew J. (2011) Habitat biodiversity as a determinant of fish community structure on coral reefs. Ecology, 92 (12). pp. 2285-2298.
McCook, L.J., Almany, G.R., Berumen, M.L., Day, J.C., Green, A.L., Jones, G.P., Leis, J.M., Planes, S., Russ, G.R., Sale, P.F., and Thorrold, S.R. (2009) Management under uncertainty: guide-lines for incorporating connectivity into the protection of coral reefs. Coral Reefs, 28 (2). pp. 353-366.
McClanahan, Timothy R., Marnane, Michael J., Cinner, Joshua E., and Kiene, William E. (2006) A comparison of marine protected areas and alternative approaches to coral-reef management. Current Biology, 16 (14). pp. 1408-1413.
Maitland, R.N., Lawler, I.R., and Sheppard, J.K. (2006) Assessing the risk of boat strike on dugongs (Dugong dugon) at Burrum Heads, Queensland, Australia. Pacific Conservation Biology, 12 (4). pp. 321-326.
McClanahan, T.R., Baird, A.H., Marshall, P.A., and Toscano, M.A. (2004) Comparing bleaching and mortality responses of hard corals between southern Kenya and the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48 (3). pp. 327-335.
Nystrom, M., Graham, N.A.J., Lorkrantz, J., and Norstrom, A.V. (2008) Capturing the cornerstones of coral reef resilience: linking theory to practice. Coral Reefs, 27 (4). pp. 795-809.
Nardi, Kim, Newman, Stephen J., Moran, Michael J., and Jones, Geoffrey P. (2006) Vital demographic statistics and management of the baldchin groper (Choerodon rubescens) from the Houtman Abrolhos Islands. Marine and Freshwater Research, 57 (5). pp. 485-496.
Nardi, K., Jones, G.P., Moran, M.J., and Cheng, Y.W. (2004) Contrasting effects of marine protected areas on the abundance of two exploited fishes at the sub-tropical Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. Environmental Conservation, 31 (2). pp. 160-168.
Orpin, Alan R., Brunskill, G.J., Zagorskis, I., and Woolfe, K.J. (2004) Patterns of mixed siliciclastic–carbonate sedimentation adjacent to a large dry-tropics river on the central Great Barrier Reef shelf, Australia. Australian Journal of Earth Sciences, 51 (5). pp. 665-683.
Pressey, Robert L., Mills, Morena, Weeks, Rebecca, and Day, Jon C. (2013) The plan of the day: managing the dynamic transition from regional conservation designs to local conservation actions. Biological Conservation, 166. pp. 155-169.
Planes, Serge, Jones, Geoffrey P., and Thorrold, Simon R. (2009) Larval dispersal connects fish populations in a network of marine protected areas. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106 (14). pp. 5693-5697.
Page, Michael C. , and Dickens, Gerald R. (2005) Sediment fluxes to Marion Plateau (southern Great Barrier Reef province) over the last 130 ky: new constraints on 'transgressive-shedding' off northeastern Australia. Marine Geology, 219 (1). pp. 27-45.
Plathong, Sakanan, Inglis, Graeme J., and Huber, Michael E. (2000) Effects of self-guided snorkeling trails on corals in a tropical marine park. Conservation Biology, 14 (6). pp. 1821-1830.
Russ, Garry R., Miller, Kelsey I., Rizzari, Justin R., and Alcala, Angel C. (2015) Long-term no-take marine reserve and benthic habitat effects on coral reef fishes. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 529. pp. 233-248.
Russ, Garry R., Cheal, Alistair J., Dolman, Andrew M., Emslie, Michael J., Evans, Richard D., Miller, Ian, Sweatman, Hugh, and Williamson, David H. (2008) Rapid increase in fish numbers follows creation of world's largest marine reserve network. Current Biology, 18 (12). pp. 514-515.
Russ, Garry R., Stockwell, Brian, and Alcala, Angel C. (2005) Inferring versus measuring rates of recovery in no-take marine reserves. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 292. pp. 1-12.
Russ, Garry R., Alcala, Angel C., Maypa, Aileen P., Calumpong, Hilconida P., and White, Alan T. (2004) Marine reserve benefits local fisheries. Ecological Applications, 14 (2). pp. 597-606.
Russ, Garry R., and Alcala, Angel C. (2004) Marine reserves: long-term protection is required for full recovery of predatory fish populations. Oecologia, 138 (4). pp. 622-627.
Stieglitz, Thomas C., Dujon, Antoine M., Peel, Joanne, and Amice, Erwan (2020) The potential of marginal coastal nursery habitats for the conservation of a culturally important Caribbean marine species. Diversity and Distributions, 26 (5). pp. 565-574.
Stieglitz, Thomas C., and Dujon, Antoine M. (2017) A groundwater-fed coastal inlet as habitat for the Caribbean queen conch Lobatus gigas—an acoustic telemetry and space use analysis. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 571. pp. 139-152.
Salles, Océane C., Saenz-Agudelo, Pablo, Almany, Glenn R., Berumen, Michael L., Thorrold, Simon R., Jones, Geoffrey P., and Planes, Serge (2016) Genetic tools link long-term demographic and life-history traits of anemonefish to their anemone hosts. Coral Reefs, 35. pp. 1127-1138.
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