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- 9501 Arts and Leisure (808)
- 950199 Arts and Leisure not elsewhere classified (77)
- 9501 Arts and Leisure (808)
Krause, Amanda E., Dimmock, James, Rebar, Amanda L., and Jackson, Ben (2021) Music listening predicted improved life satisfaction in university students during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 631033.
White, Patrick (2020) Archive noir. Sudo Journal, 2. pp. 59-62.
Daniel, Ryan (2017) Artists and the rite of passage north to the temperate zone. M/C Journal, 20 (6). 8.
Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, and Montes, Catherine (2017) Walking Borders: explorations of aesthetics in ephemeral arts activism for asylum seeker rights. Space and Culture, 21 (2). pp. 92-107.
Daniel, Ryan (2016) Creative artists, career patterns and career theory: insights from the Australian context. Australian Journal of Career Development, 25 (3). pp. 91-98.
Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, and Tossa, Wajuppa (2016) Intergenerational and intercultural civic learning through storied child‐led walks of Chiang Mai. Geographical Research, 55 (1). pp. 18-28.
Van Luyn, Ariella (2014) Book Week is good for kids — and book clubs are great for adults. The Conversation, 1 September 2014.
Daniel, Ryan (2014) Artists and policy: a case study of the creative industries in north-eastern Australia. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 20 (5). pp. 553-565.
Daniel, Ryan (2013) Regional creative industries in Australia: exploring Townsville as a case study. Creative Industries Journal, 6 (2). pp. 113-128.
Daniel, Ryan (2013) Creativity and creative industries in Cairns: views from the field. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (2). pp. 58-69.
Parker, L., McGuckin, T., and Leicht, A. (2012) Influence of exercise intensity on endogenous oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity. Supplement to Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 15 (Suppl. 1). 32. pp. 18-19.
Brown, Adam (2011) Shifting destinations: exploring critical photographic practice in the context of emerging technologies. Australian Art Education, 34 (1 (Special Edition)). pp. 119-128.
Newlands, Maxine (2010) It may not wash off: unforeseen liabilities of claiming the 'greenest games'. Rising East , 2 (1). 5.
Macionis, Nicole, and Sparks, Beverley (2009) Film-induced tourism: an incidental experience. Tourism Review International, 13 (2). pp. 93-101.
Lord, Anne, and Ashton, Linda (2009) Reflecting on methodology and the PhD supervision partnership. Australian Art Education, 32 (2). pp. 105-122.
Beresford, Michael (2007) Writing for stage: a Beckettian template. Text, 11 (1).
Hawthorne, Susan (2007) Anthem to the green tree frog. Westerly, 52 (1). pp. 158-159.
Naylor, Stephen (2007) Contemporary arts practice and the post medium condition: see hear now festival 2007. See Hear Now, 2007. pp. 4-6.
Glowczewski, Barbara , and Henry, Rosita (2007) Dancing with the flow: political undercurrents at the 9th Festival of Pacific Arts. Journal de la Société Océanistes, 125 (2). pp. 213-219.
Holmes, Ivan, and Davis, Diana (2007) Perspectives on assessments of performance. Music Education Research and Innovation, 13 (1). pp. 47-79.
Daniel, Ryan (2006) Exploring music instrument teaching and learning environments: video analysis as a means of elucidating process and learning outcomes. Music Education Research, 8 (2). pp. 191-215.
Simpson, Lindsay (2006) To blog or not to blog: journalism education on the new frontier. Australian Studies in Journalism, 16 (2006). pp. 212-221.
Henry, Rosita (2002) Dancing into connection: the Laura Aboriginal Dance and Cultural Festival. Poligrafi, 27-28 (7). pp. 31-48.
Taylor, Cheryl (2001) "Immersed in Warm Reef Waters" Rosaleen Love, Reefscape. Reflections on the Great Barrier Reef. LiNQ, 28 (1). pp. 69-72.
Hassall, Anthony (2001) Leaving home. Overland, 162. pp. 100-102.
Pierce, Peter (2001) What dreams may come: David Malouf's Dream Stuff. World Literature Today, 74 (4). pp. 751-757.
Pierce, Peter (2001) The last time I saw... Eureka Street, 11 (8). pp. 31-33.
Pierce, Peter (2000) Roy Bridges's fictions of Van Diemen's Land. Australian Literary Studies, 19 (4). pp. 425-432.
Lansdown, Richard (2000) 'An instinct for truth': Darwin on Galapagos. Critical Review, 40. pp. 109-122.
Hawthorne, Susan (1992) EEG. Meanjin, 51 (1). p. 184.
Book Chapter
Maguire, Emma (2019) Girls' auto/biographical media: the importance of audience reception in studying undervalued life narrative. In: Douglas, Kate, and Barnwell, Ashley, (eds.) Research Methodologies for Auto/biography Studies. Routledge, New York, USA, pp. 200-207.
Phillips, Louise Gwenneth (2018) Sticky: childhoodnature touch encounters. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles, Amy, Malone, Karen, and Barratt Hacking, Elizabeth, (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: assemblages of childhood and nature research. Springer International Handbooks of Education . Springer, Cham, Switzerland.
Wronska-Friend, Maria (2016) Translacje i tozsamosc. Batik jawajski w Afryce / Translation and identity. Javanese batik in Africa. In: Nadolska-Styczynska, Anna, (ed.) Snuc nic jak opowiesc. Tkaniny w kulturach swiata / Spinning a tread into a story. Textiles in world cultures. Torunskie Studia o Sztuce Orientu. Torun Studies on Oriental Art, 5 . Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikolaja Kopernika. Polski Instytut Studiow nad Sztuka Swiata / Publishing House of Nicolaus Copernicus University. Polish Institute of World Art Studies, Torun, Poland, pp. 191-216.
Kelso, Sylvia (2013) The price of Kush. In: Davis, Milton J., and Saunders, Charles R., (eds.) Griots: sisters of the spear. MV Media, LLC, USA, pp. 180-223.
Newlands, Maxine (2012) Debunking disability: media discourse and the Paralympic Games. In: Schantz, Otto J., and Gilbert, Keith , (eds.) Heroes or Zeros: the medias perceptions of Paralympic sport. Sport and Society . Common Ground Publishing, Illinois, USA, pp. 209-224.
Lankshear, Colin, Leander, Kevin, and Knobel, Michele (2011) Researching online practices. In: Somekh, Bridget, and Lewin, Cathy, (eds.) Theory and Method in Social Research. Sage, London, pp. 147-154.
Lankshear, Colin, and Knobel, Michele (2010) Remix digital: la nueva escritura global como hibridación sin límites. In: Lucio-Villegas Ramos, Emilio, and Aparicio Guadas, Pep, (eds.) El Valor de la Palabra. Alfabetizaciones, liberaciones y ciudadanías planetarias. Ediciones de Centre de Recursos I Educació Continuá, Valencia, Spain, pp. 19-43.
Wong, Caroline (2008) Knowledge economy in transition: the case of Singapore. In: Yigitcanlar, Tan, Velibeyoglu, Koray, and Baum, Scott, (eds.) Knowledge-Based Urban Development: planning and applications in the information era. IGI Global, New York, NY, USA, pp. 58-80.
Glowczewski, Barbara (2007) Between spectacle and politics: indigenous singularities. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) Le Défi Indigène: entre spectacle et politique. Aux Lieux d'Etre, Paris, France, pp. 11-35.
Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita (2007) Dancing with the current: ebb and flow at the 9th Festival of Pacific Arts, Palau 2004. In: Glowczewski, Barbara, and Henry, Rosita, (eds.) Le Défi Indigène : entre spectacle et politique. Aux Lieux d'Etre, Paris, France, pp. 201-220.
Milledge, Russell, and Law, Lisa (2020) State of the arts in Cairns report 2019 (SoARTS). External Commissioned Report. Cairns Regional Council, Cairns.
Harwood, Sharon (2012) Shire of Broome: community infrastructure planning and development. Report. Centre for Tropical Urban and Regional Planning, Cairns, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Conference Item
Radomskaya, Valeriya (2019) Introduction to popular culture tourism in Australia: the role of events in destination promotion. In: Sustainability of Tourism, Hospitality & Events in a Disruptive Digital Age: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference, Council for Australasian University Tourism and Hospitality Education (CAUTHE). pp. 350-360. From: CAUTHE 2019, 11-14 February 2019, Cairns.
Chaturvedi, Iti, Cambria, Erik, Poria, Soujanya, and Bajpai, Rajiv (2016) Bayesian deep convolution belief networks for subjectivity detection. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops. 7836765. pp. 916-923. From: ICDMW 2016: 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 12-15 December 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Gallagher, Donat (2010) Creation, evolution and "first sight": the spirit of Centralia. In: Proceedings of Biennial Conference in Philosophy, Religion and Culture. pp. 1-15. From: Biennial Conference in Philosophy, Religion and Culture, 1-3 October 2010, Strathfield, NSW, Australia.
Salisbury, David Dr. (2008) Updating music education in Australia: recommendations to bridge the divergence between classical and contemporary music as a response to issues raised in national and state reports in 2005 and 2007. In: Proceedings of the XXXth Annual Conference, Australian and New Zealand Association for Research in Music Education. pp. 241-250. From: Innovation and Tradition: Music Education Research, 3-5 October 2008, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Daniel, Ryan J. (2007) Closing the feedback loop: an investigation and analysis of student evaluations of peer and staff assessments in music performance. In: Proceedings of the XXIXth Annual Conference. Music Education Research, Values and Initiatives . pp. 28-31. From: Australian Association for Research in Music Education XXIXth Annual Conference , 2-4 July 2007, Perth, WA, Australia.
Daniel, Ryan (2007) Engagement with music communities: a case study of practice in regional Australia. In: Music in Australian Tertiary Institutions: issues for the 21st Century, the 2007 National Conference of NACTMUS. pp. 1-19. From: Music in Australian Tertiary Institutions: Issues for the 21st Century., 29 June – 1 July 2007, Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia.
Holmes, Ivan, and Davis, Diana (2006) Graded music examinations: what do the reports tell us? In: Proceedings of the 27th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education. pp. 567-582. From: 27th World Conference of the International Society for Music Education, 16-21 July 2006, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Campbell, Steven (2003) Bats, Max, boids and music: ultrasonics, artificial birds, and Max programming in a non-tactile musical environment. In: Apple University Consortium Conference: Proceedings. From: Apple University Consortium Academic and Developers Conference, 28 September - 1 October 2003, Adelaide, SA.
Taylor, Cheryl (2000) Randolph the Reckless: explorations In Australian masculine identity, 1889-1941. In: Australian Writing and the City: refereed proceedings of the 1999 conference. pp. 38-45. From: 1999 Conference of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 2-6 July 1999, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Deger, Jennifer, Gurunulmiwuy, Enid, Balpatji, Warren, Balanydjarrk, Meredith, Ganambarr, James, and Djingadjingawuy, Kayleen (2019) Phone & spear: a Yuṯa anthropology. Goldsmith Press, London.
Wronska-Friend, Maria (2016) Batik Jawa Bagi Dunia / Javanese Batik to the World. Komunitas Lintas Budaya Indonesia / Indonesian Cross-Cultural Community, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Roderick, Colin, and Megarrity, Lyndon (2016) A History of the Foundation for Australian Literary Studies 1966-2016. Foundation for Australian Literary Studies, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Allen, Matthew, and Sakamoto, Rumi (2014) Globalizing Japanese Popular Culture: the coolness of Japan? Japanese Popular Culture: critical concepts in Asian studies, 4 . Routledge, London, UK.
Allen, Matthew, and Sakamoto, Rumi (2014) Japanese Popular Culture in the Twentieth Century. Japanese Popular Culture: critical concepts in Asian studies, 1 . Routledge, London, UK.
Allen, Matthew, and Sakamoto, Rumi (2014) Japanese Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century: part 1: visual cultures. Japanese Popular Culture: critical concepts in Asian studies, 2 . Routledge, London, UK.
Allen, Matthew, and Sakamoto, Rumi (2014) Japanese Popular Culture in the Twenty-First Century: part 2: subcultures. Japanese Popular Culture: critical concepts in Asian studies, 3 . Routledge, London, UK.
Wong, Caroline (2010) Singaporean Film Industry in Transition: Looking for a Creative Edge. Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, Germany.
Wrońska-Friend, Maria (2008) Art Drawn with Wax: batik in Indonesia and Poland. Gondwana Publishing, Warszawa, Poland, pp. 1-256.
Kelso, Sylvia (2008) The Red Country. Rihannar Chronicles, 3 . Five Star, Waterville, ME, USA.
Kelso, Sylvia (2007) The Moving Water. Rihannar Chronicles, 2 . Five Star, Waterville, ME, USA.
Kelso, Sylvia (2005) Everran's Bane. Rihannar Chronicles, 1 . Five Star, Waterville, ME, USA.
Hawthorne, Susan, and Klein, Renate (1999) Cyberfeminism: connectivity, critique and creativity. Spinifex Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Crowe, David Patrick (2020) A grammar model and curriculum resource for stereoscopic 3-D film production techniques. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Creative Work
Hawthorne, Susan (2016) earth's back. [Creative Work]
Hook, Sandi, and Corbett, Stu (2015) Imagining place: cultural memories of North Queensland [documentary video]. [Creative Work]
Milledge, Russell, and Holdsworth, Jason (2011) Imagine Cairns. [Creative Work]
Hawthorne, Susan (2011) Sanskrit. [Creative Work]
Lord, Anne (2010) Transitions: an art and ephemera installation. [Creative Work]
Hawthorne, Susan (2009) Maruts: storm demons. [Creative Work]
Campbell, Steven J. (2006) Sensience, for PLaY+SPaCE system and tenor saxophonist. [Creative Work]
Beresford, Michael H.A., Prince, Susan, and Ash, Kathryn (2005) Snap. [Creative Work]
Campbell, Steven J., and Salisbury, David (2005) Performance 5 - Part 3. [Creative Work]
Beresford, Michael H.A. (2005) Grace. [Creative Work]
Campbell, Steven (2002) Flow - Installation for PLaY+SPaCE System. [Creative Work]
Hawthorne, Susan (1996) Graveside meditation. [Creative Work]