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- 9305 Education and Training Systems (372)
- 930502 Management of Education and Training Systems (66)
- 9305 Education and Training Systems (372)
Ahmed, Rafiuddin, and Kannaiah, Desti (2018) Institutional theory based research for the study of management accounting change (2008-2018): A qualitative meta-synthesis. In: [Presented at the 48th International Business Research Conference]. From: 48th International Business Research Conference, 19-20 November 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Ahmed, Rafiuddin, and Desti, Kannaiah (2017) On trying to understand an activity based costing failure: a Singaporean case study. In: [Presented at the 2017 Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference]. 283. From: 2017 Critical Perspectives on Accounting Conference, 3-5 July 2017, Québec City, Canada.
Anderson, Robyn Margaret (2016) Faith and religious considerations in the effective operation of a higher education campus in Singapore. The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality, 6 (3). pp. 41-52.
Ahmed, Rafiuddin (2015) The role of prior warning on test performance: how effective it is to improve students' grades? Universal Journal of Educational Research, 3 (9). pp. 632-639.
Anderson, Neil (2012) Proceedings of the 7th QS-APPLE Conference, Manila, 16th - 18th November, 2011. In: Proceedings of the 7th QS-APPLE Conference (7) From: 7th QS-APPLE Conference, 16-18 November 2011, Manilla, Philippines.
Burnett, Greg, Prakash, Kusum, and Sharma, Vinata (2019) Negotiating conflicting discourses of quality teaching in Fiji: initial teacher education and practicum at the University of the South Pacific. Waikato Journal of Education, 24 (1).
Bhati, Abhishek, and Song, Insu (2019) New methods for collaborative experiential learning to provide personalised formative assessment. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 14 (7). pp. 179-195.
Buchan, Janet (2016) Developing a blueprint for resilience in educational systems management. In: [Presented at the ACEL National Educational Leadership Conference 2016]. pp. 1-45. From: ACEL National Educational Leadership Conference 2016: Leadership with Insight and Innovation: setting the agenda, 28-30 September 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Buchan, Janet (2014) Adopt or adapt? The rhetoric and reality of the diffusion of innovation in changing, technology-enhanced learning environments. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. pp. 99-109. From: ascilite 2014: 31st Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: Rhetoric and Reality: critical perspectives on educational technology, 23-26 November 2014, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Birks, Melanie, Budden, Lea, Park, Tanya, Bagley, Tracy, and Simes, Tracey (2014) Management of student harassment/bullying during clinical placement using a 360 degree approach. In: AIPC Connect No2 Bullying Conference. From: No 2 Bullying Conference, 7-8 April 2014, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.
Buchan, Janet Frances (2014) Developing resilience and managing change in technology‐enhanced learning environments. PhD thesis, University of Southern Queensland.
Buchan, Janet (2013) The changing nature of learning and teaching at Charles Sturt University 2008-2011. Report. University of New England, NSW, Australia.
Buchan, Janet F. (2011) The chicken or the egg? Investigating the transformational impact of learning technology. Research in Learning Technology, 19 (2). pp. 155-172.
Buchan, Janet (2010) Developing a dynamic and responsive online learning environment: a case study of a large Australian university. International Journal of Open Source Software and Processes, 2 (1). pp. 32-48.
Buchan, Janet (2010) Putting ourselves in the big picture: a sustainable approach to project management for e-learning. Journal of Distance Education, 24 (1). pp. 55-75.
Buchan, Janet (2008) Tools for survival in a changing educational technology environment. In: Proceedings ascilite Melbourne 2008. pp. 100-109. From: ascilite 2008: 25th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education: Hello! Where are you in the landscape of educational technology?, 30 November - 3 December 2008, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Buchan, Janet (2007) Rethinking management strategies for the online learning environment. In: Proceedings of the Association for Learning Technology UK Conference 2008. From: Association for Learning Technology UK Conference 2008: rethinking the digital divide, 9-11 September 2008, Leeds, UK.
Buchan, Janet, and Swann, Michael (2007) A bridge too far or a bridge to the future? A case study in online assessment at Charles Sturt University. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 23 (3). pp. 408-434.
Burke, Maureen, Ahmed, Soheil, and McKenzie, Malcolm (2004) Different students, different needs, different times: a re-theorisation of tertiary transition. In: Proceedings of the 12th Improving Student Learnig Symposium. Improving Student Learning: diversity and inclusivity. pp. 285-298. From: 12th Improving Student Learnig Symposium, 6-8 September 2004, Birmingham, UK.
Buchan, Janet (2004) Successful environmental education: adapting to the educational habitat. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 20 (1). pp. 45-56.
Cleak, Helen, Zuchowski, Ines, and Cleaver, Mark (2022) On a wing and a prayer! An exploration of students' experiences of external supervision. British Journal of Social Work, 52 (1). pp. 217-235.
Cleak, Helen, and Zuchowski, Ines (2019) Empirical support and considerations for social work supervision of students in alternative placement models. Clinical Social Work Journal, 47. pp. 32-42.
Chaw, Lee, and Tang, Chun Meng (2018) Improving learners' inclination to complete online courses: motivation and engagement factors. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on e-Learning. pp. 90-98. From: ECEL 2018: 17th European Conference on e-Learning, 1-2 November 2018, Athens, Greece.
Chaw, Lee Yen, and Tang, Chun Meng (2017) The voice of the students: needs and expectations from learning management systems. In: Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2017). pp. 116-123. From: 16th European Conference on e-Learning (ECEL 2017), 26 - 27 October 2017, Porto, Portugal.
Colorni, Alberto, Sancassani, Susanna, Azzali, Simona, Padovani, Nicola, and Tomasini, Alessandra (2010) The use of competition and creativity as key driver to promote scientific culture among students. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 5 (Special Issue 3). pp. 10-15.
Eldridge, Kaye, Larry, Lisa, Baird, Jeanette, and Kavanamur, David (2018) A collaborative governance approach to improving tertiary education in Papua New Guinea. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 38 (1). pp. 78-90.
Fathi, Romain, and Megarrity, Lyndon (2019) You Matter: the Australian Historical Association's Casualisation Survey. Report. Australian Historical Association, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Forbes, Amy (2013) The Future of Higher Education: the changing role of the academic. JCNN.
Greer, Kerry, Ryan, Deirdre, and McLoughlin, Aoife (2012) A case study in higher education: integrating multiple modules. In: [Presented at Conversations in the Consortium]. From: Conversations in the Consortium, June 2012, Limerick, Ireland.
Holmes, Colin, and Lindsay, David (2018) "Do you want fries with that?": the McDonaldization of university education — some critical reflections on nursing higher education. SAGE Open, 8 (3).
Hays, Richard (2018) Establishing a new medical school: a contemporary approach to personalizing medical education. Medical Teacher, 40 (10). pp. 990-995.
Henderson, Kylie A., Muller, Juanita J., and Helmes, Edward (2013) Addressing mental health and reemployment for unemployed Australians through psychological interventions: an applied study. Australian Journal of Career Development, 22 (3). pp. 112-120.
Hein, Wayne (2013) The future of veterinary education at James Cook University. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. pp. 1-4. From: 2013 Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 26-31 May 2013, Cairns, QLD.
Hill, Angela, and Aston, Kerrin (2004) Placing students in schools: a report on trialling an online placement system for student teachers. International Journal of Practical Experiences in Professional Education, 8 (2). pp. 68-71.
Kairuz, Therese, Andriés, Lynn, Nickloes, Tracy, and Truter, Ilse (2016) Consequences of KPIs and performance management in higher education. International Journal of Educational Management, 30 (6). pp. 881-893.
Lane, Angus, Woolley, Torres, Sen Gupta, Tarun, Stewart, Ruth, Hollins, Aaron, and Harte, Jane (2020) Factors impacting the solo remote placement experiences of undergraduate James Cook University medical students: a mixed‐methods pilot study. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 28 (6).
Low, Poi Kee (2015) School counselling in Singapore: teachers’ thoughts and perceptions. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy, 6 (1-2). pp. 17-27.
Low, Poi Kee (2015) Stakeholders’ Perceptions of School Counselling in Singapore. Journal of Psychologists and Counsellors in Schools, 25 (2). pp. 200-216.
Leggett, Chris (2013) Workforce development and employment relations. Employment Relations Record, 13 (1). pp. 2-12.
Lynch, Andrea (2009) Changing schools: how policy implementation can impact on the literacy learning of mobile students. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood, 34 (2). pp. 47-53.
McHugh, Jennifer, Change, Odille, Mohamed, Arif, Hunter, Ernest, Charlson, Fiona, Dale, Allan, Nadkarni, Abjihit, and Shidhaye, Rahul (2020) Governance to drive improved mental health outcomes in the Pacific: Creating Futures and the Leadership in Mental Health Course. In: State of the Tropics 2020 Report. Report Section. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Macgregor, Colin J., Connell, Adam, O'Connor, Kerryn, and Sagar, Marenn (2019) Using the learning in future environments (LiFE) index to assess James Cook University's progress in supporting and embedding sustainability. In: Leal Filho, Walter, and Bardi, Ugo, (eds.) Sustainability on University Campuses: learning, skills building and best practices. World Sustainability Series . Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 147-164.
Mansour, Omar, Bhutia, Sherab, Buschel, Helen, Wu, Roxanne, De Costa, Alan, and Hartslief, Merwe (2017) Anatomy of surgical exposure course: does it add to trainee experiences? ANZ Journal of Surgery, 87 (s1). SE028P. p. 118.
Mandal, Purnendu, and El-Houbi, Ashraf (2009) Business practices and information strategy in performance improvement. International Journal of Productivity and Quality Management, 4 (5/6). pp. 715-729.
Neden, Jeanette, Townsend, Rob, and Zuchowski, Ines (2018) Towards sustainability in Australian social work field education. Australian Social Work, 71 (3). pp. 345-357.
Osbaldiston, Nick, Cannizzo, Fabian, and Mauri, Christian (2019) Academic Service: attachment, belief and hope. In: Cannizzo, Fabian, and Osbaldiston, Nick, (eds.) The Social Structures of Global Academia. Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 53-69.
Rollins, Wendy, Egan, Ronnie, Zuchowski, Ines, Duncan, Mary, Chee, Phyllis, Muncey, Patricia, Hill, Nicole, and Higgins, Maree (2017) Leading through collaboration: the national field education network. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 19 (1). pp. 48-61.
Stephens, Anne, and Monro, Davena (2019) Training for life and healing: the systemic empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women through vocational education and training. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 48 (2). pp. 179-192.
Sen Gupta, T.K., Hays, R.B., Kelly, G., and Buettner, P.G. (2011) Are medical student results affected by allocation to different sites in a dispersed rural medical school? Rural and Remote Health, 11. 1511. pp. 1-6.
Shen, Jie, and Leggett, Chris (2007) Cross-cultural awareness training and its impact on reduction in expatriate failure in Australian MNEs. In: Proceedings of the ANZIBA Conference 2007. pp. 1-25. From: ANZIBA Conference 2007, 8-10 November 2007, Newcastle,N.S.W., Australia.
Thompson, Claire, Kuah, Adrian, Foong, Regina, and Ng, Eddy (2020) The development of emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and locus of control in MBA students. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 31 (1). pp. 113-31.
Tang, Chun Meng, and Chaw, Lee (2019) Driving high inclination to complete massive open online courses (MOOCs): motivation and engagement factors for learners. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 17 (2). pp. 118-130.
Uys, Philip, and Buchan, Janet (2010) Developing strategies to introduce and manage technological change and innovation in higher education towards learning and teaching transformation. In: Workshop at the 27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education. From: ascilite 2010: 27th Annual Conference of the Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education, 5 - 8 December 2010, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Veles, Natalia, Carter, Margaret-Anne, and Boon, Helen (2019) Complex collaboration champions: university third space professionals working together across borders. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 23 (2-3). pp. 75-85.
Veles, Natalia, Boon, Helen, and Carter, Margaret (2017) The university third space phenomenon: investigating perceptions of professional staff working across boundaries in an Australian university and its Singapore campus. In: AARE Conference Papers. From: Australian Association for Research in Education (AARE) Conference 2017, 26-30 November 2017, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Vadivel, Sithira, Song, Insu, and Bhati, Abhishek Singh (2017) Improving teaching and learning in Southeast Asian secondary schools with the use of culturally motivated web and mobile technology. In: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering (424) pp. 652-659. From: ICISA: International Conference on Information Science and Applications, 20-23 March 2017, Macau, China.
Veles, Natalia, and Carter, Margaret-Anne (2016) Imagining a future: changing the landscape for third space professionals in Australian higher education institutions. Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 38 (5). pp. 519-533.
Vong, John, Song, Insu, and Mandal, Purnendu (2013) Application of ICT to improve rural livelihood in Vietnam. International Journal of Electronic Finance, 7 (2). pp. 132-145.
Wong, Zi Yang, and Kaur, Divjyot (2018) The role of vocational identity development and motivational beliefs in undergraduates' student engagement. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 31 (3). pp. 294-316.
Wongtongkam, Nualnong, and Brewster, Lyle (2017) Effects of clinical placements on paramedic students' learning outcomes. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management, 12 (3). pp. 24-31.
Yo, Yen, Nguyen, Tan Tam, and Song, Insu (2016) 3DLAV: visualizing learning activities in social network. In: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (9621) 10. pp. 97-105. From: ACIIDS 2016: 8th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, 14-16 March 2016 March, Da Nang, Vietnam.
Zuchowski, Ines (2019) Raising the profile of social work field education- the opportunity of maintaining a field education audit. New Voices in Social Work Research, 21 June 2019. pp. 1-4.
Zuchowski, Ines, Miles, Debra, Woods, Cindy, and Tsey, Komla (2019) Continuous quality improvement processes in child protection: a systematic literature review. Research On Social Work Practice, 29 (4). pp. 389-400.
Zuchowski, Ines (2016) Getting to know the context: the complexities of providing off-site supervision in social work practice learning. British Journal of Social Work, 46 (2). pp. 409-426.
Zuchowski, Ines, Hudson, Cate, Bartlett, Brenda, and Diamandi, Sophie (2013) Imagining futures for field education impacted by current contexts. In: Abstracts from Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium. p. 42. From: Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium, 3-4 October 2013, Perth, WA, Australia.
Zuchowski, Ines (2013) Focusing on professional growth: the experiences of external social work supervisors in field education. In: Abstracts from Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium. pp. 8-9. From: Australian Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium, 3-4 October 2013, Perth, WA, Australia.