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- 9302 Teaching and Instruction (876)
- 930299 Teaching and Instruction not elsewhere classified (92)
- 9302 Teaching and Instruction (876)
Anscomb, H.L. (2021) Near peer teaching in first year anatomy: differences between students' learning behavior and feedback responses. Clinical Anatomy, 34 (8). p. 14.
Paterson, Terrie, and Prideaux, Murray (2020) Exploring collaboration in online group based assessment contexts: Undergraduate Business Program. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice, 17 (3). 3.
Chatzisarantis, Nikos, Ada, Elif, Ahmadi, Malek, Caltabiano, Nerina, Wang, Deming, Thogersen-Ntoumani, Cecilie, and Hagger, Martin (2019) Differential effects of perceptions of equal, favourable and unfavourable autonomy support on educational and well-being outcomes. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 58. pp. 33-43.
McAllister, T.G., Kidman, J., Rowley, O., and Theodore, R.F. (2019) Why isn't my professor Māori? A snapshot of the academic workforce in New Zealand universities. MAI Journal, 8 (2). pp. 235-249.
Caltabiano, Marie, Errington, Ed, Ireland, Lynette, Sorin, Reesa, and Nickson, Amanda (2018) The potential of role play in undergraduate psychology training. Asian Journal of University Education, 14 (1). pp. 1-14.
de Hollander, Catherine, McGuckin, Teneale, Sinclair, Kelly, Barnett, Fiona, and Sealey, Rebecca (2018) Front loading the curriculum: early placement experiences enhance career awareness and motivation for students with diverse career options. Student Success, 9 (2). pp. 39-47.
Anderson, E.M., Johnston, K., Gunnarsson, R., and Larkins, S. (2018) Perceptions of a research honours programme embedded in a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree: “the worst and best years of my life”. Focus on Health Professional Education, 19 (1).
Sorin, Reesa, and Torzillo, Miriam (2018) Play and constructs of childhood. Journal of Playwork Practice, 4 (2). pp. 97-116.
Carter, Margaret-Anne, and Goldie, Donna (2018) Potential enablers of mental health and wellness for those teaching in tertiary education. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 4 (3). pp. 3-20.
Joyce, Michael (2017) Bullying versus playful aggression: evaluating student dynamics in an EFL classroom. New directions in teaching and learning English discussion.
Geerlings, Lennie R.C., Thompson, Claire L., and Tan, Gabriel (2017) Culturally competent practice: experiences of students, academics, and alumni of clinical psychology degrees in Singapore. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 7. e3. pp. 1-10.
Heyeres, Marion, McCalman, Janya, Bainbridge, Roxanne, and Redman-Maclaren, Michelle (2017) Staff capacity development initiatives that support the well-being of Indigenous children in their transitions to boarding schools: a systematic scoping review. Frontiers in Education, 2. 1. pp. 1-10.
Zhang, Sihong (2016) Mobile English learning: an empirical study on an APP, English fun dubbing. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning, 11 (12). pp. 4-8.
Goldingay, Sophie, Hitch, Danielle, Carrington, Ann, Nipperess, Sharlene, and Rosario, Viola (2016) Transforming roles to support student development of academic literacies: a reflection on one team's experience. Reflective Practice, 17 (3). pp. 334-346.
Smithson, John, Bellingan, Michelle, Glass, Beverley, and Mills, Jane (2015) Standardized patients in pharmacy education: an integrative literature review. Currents in Pharmacy Teaching and Learning, 7 (6). pp. 851-863.
Acton, Renae, and Glasgow, Patti (2015) Teacher wellbeing in neoliberal contexts: a review of the literature. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (8). 6. pp. 99-114.
Ernst, Ruth, and Vallack, Jocene (2015) Storm surge: an autoethnography about teaching in the Australian outback. Qualitative Inquiry, 21 (2). pp. 153-160.
Biancotti, Stefanie, and Halbert, Kelsey (2015) Changing times: problematising social science curriculum implementation. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 14 (1). pp. 13-20.
Brooks, Caroline, and Dinan Thompson, Maree (2015) Insideness and outsideness: an autoethnography of a primary physical education specialist teacher. European Physical Education Review, 21 (3). pp. 325-339.
Sealey, Rebecca M., Raymond, Jacqueline, Groeller, Herb, Rooney, Kieron, Crabb, Meagan, and Watt, Kerrianne (2015) Supporting placement supervision in clinical exercise physiology. Asia-Pacific Journal of Cooperative Education, 16 (1). pp. 53-69.
Whitehouse, Hilary (2014) 'Not greenies at school': investigating the discourses of environmental activism in regional Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 30 (1). pp. 106-111.
Baldwin, Adele (2014) Putting the philosophy into PhD. Working Papers in the Health Sciences (1-10). pp. 1-4.
Pagliano, Paul (2014) Reflecting on my experiences of teaching Tadoma. Journal of the South Pacific Educators in Vision Impairment, 7 (1). pp. 37-43.
Sorin, Reesa (2014) Sharing postcards about where we live: early childhood environmental understanding. International Journal of Early Childhood Learning, 20 (3). pp. 35-49.
Carter, Margaret Anne (2013) Setting children up for social mastery: building young children's social capacity: looking through a teaching and learning lens. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 93. pp. 1696-1703.
Francis, Abraham (2013) Indian and Australian experience of community recovery in natural disasters. Samaja Karyada Hejjegalu, 3 (8). 2. pp. 17-43.
Bruce, Christine, and Stoodley, Ian (2013) Experiencing higher degree research supervision as teaching. Studies in Higher Education, 38 (2). pp. 226-241.
Zuchowski, Ines (2013) From being 'caught in the middle of a war' to being 'in a really safe space': social work field education with external supervision. Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education, 15 (1). 9. pp. 104-119.
Brooks, Caroline, and Dinan Thompson, Maree (2013) Professional insiders/outsiders? Teacher professionalism and the primary school Physical Education specialist. Asia Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education , 4 (3). pp. 235-248.
Birden, Hudson, Glass, Nel, Wilson, Ian, Harrison, Michelle, Usherwood, Tim, and Nass, Duncan (2013) Teaching professionalism in medical education: a best evidence medical education (BEME) systematic review. BEME Guide No. 25. Medical Teacher, 35 (7). e1252-e1266.
Hajhashemi, Karim, Akef, Kourosh , and Anderson, Neil (2012) The relationship between multiple intelligences and reading proficiency of Iranian EFL students. World Applied Sciences Journal, 19 (10). pp. 1475-1483.
Sagayadevan, Vathsala, and Jeyaraj, Senthu (2012) The role of emotional engagement in lecturer-student interaction and the impact on academic outcomes of student achievement and learning. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 12 (3). pp. 1-30.
Sproule, John, Ollis, Stewart, Gray, Shirley, Allison, Peter, Horton, Peter, and Gray, Shirley (2011) Promoting perseverance and challenge in physical education: the missing ingredient for improved games teaching. Sport, Education and Society, 16 (5). pp. 665-684.
Galloway, Kate, and Bradshaw, Rachel (2010) Responding to changed parameters of the law student: a reflection on pastoral care in the law school. Journal of the Australasian Law Teachers Association, 3 (1 and 2). pp. 101-112.
Sorin, Reesa (2009) Examining childhood through empowered lenses. Every Child, 15 (3). pp. 34-35.
Pau, Allan, Rowland, Michael L., Naidoo, Sudeshni, AbdulKadir, Rahimah, Makrynika, Elisavet, Moraru, Ruxandra, Huang, Boyen, and Croucher, Ray (2007) Emotional intelligence and perceived stress in dental undergraduates: a multinational survey. Journal of Dental Education, 71 (2). pp. 197-204.
Young, Louise, Baker, Peter, Waller, Susan, Hodgson, Lynette, and Moore, Michele (2007) Knowing your allies: medical education and interprofessional exposure. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 21 (2). pp. 155-163.
Carter, Margaret-Anne, and Hansford, Brian (1999) Reducing high levels of communication apprehension among primary school students: can teachers make a difference? Australian Journal of Guidance and Counselling, 9 (2). pp. 129-146.
Croker, Felicity, and Reser, Paul (1999) Book review of "Research Methodology: a step-by-step guide for beginners" by R. Kumar. Melbourne, VIC, Australia, Addison Wesley Longman, 1996. ISBN: 978-1849203012. Journal of Sociology, 35 (1). pp. 122-123.
Book Chapter
Evans, Neus (Snowy) (2016) Implementing education for sustainability in higher education through student-centred pedagogies. In: Barth, Matthias, Michelsen, Gerd, Rieckmann, Marco, and Thomas, Ian, (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Higher Education for Sustainable Development. Routledge Handbooks . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 445-461.
Helmes, Edward, Holden, Ronald R., and Ziegler, Matthias (2015) Response bias, malingering, and impression management. In: Boyle, Gregory J., Saklofske, Donald H., and Matthews, Gerald, (eds.) Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Constructs. Elsevier, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, pp. 16-43.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Deciding on authorship. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 14-17.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) How to deal with editors. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 142-149.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Planning to write a paper. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 9-13.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Preparing effective tables. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 61-66.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Preparing the abstract. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 30-33.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Preparing the title. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 27-29.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Preparing to write a paper. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 18-21.
Keerthilatha, M. Pai, and Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Quoting the references. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 84-91.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Writing the first draft - preliminaty consideration. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 25-26.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Writing the introduction. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 36-38.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Writing the keywords. In: Sholapurkar, Amar A., (ed.) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, pp. 34-35.
Errington, Edward Peter (2010) Getting there: choosing scenarios to meet specific professional needs. In: Errington, Edward P., (ed.) Preparing Graduates for the Professions Using Scenario-Based Learning. Post Pressed, Mt Gravatt, QLD, Australia, pp. 51-63.
Klenowski, Val (2005) Honouring teachers' professionalism: reclaiming teaching and claiming assessment. In: Halpin, David, and Walsh, Paddy, (eds.) Educational Commonplaces: essays to honour Denis Lawton. Institute of Education, University of London, London, UK, pp. 103-120.
Errington, Ed, and Robottom, Ian (1996) Community-based environmental education. In: Fien, John, (ed.) Teaching for a Sustainable World. Griffith University Centre for Innovations and Research and Australian Association of Environmental Education, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 14.1-14.16.
Matthews, Kelly E., Belward, Shaun, Coady, Carmel, Rylands, Leanne, Simbag, Vilma, Adams, Peter, Peleaz, Nancy, Thompson, Katerina, Parry, Mark, and Tariq, Vicki (2012) The state of quantitative skills in undergraduate science education: Findings from an Australian study. Report. Australian Government, Office for Learning and Teaching, Australia.
Lyons, Terry, Quinn, Frances, Rizk, Nadya, Anderson, Neil, Hubber, Peter, Kenny, John, Sparrow, Len, West, Jan, and Wilson, Sue (2012) Starting Out in STEM: a study of young men and women in first year science, technology, engineering and mathematics courses. Report. University of New England, Armidale.
Hill, Angela, Dalley-Trim, Leanne, Lynch, Andrea, Navin, Fiona, and Doyle, Tanya (2011) Let's Stay Put: literacy and numeracy pilot 31 March 2011 - final report. Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Hill, Angela, Dalley-Trim, Leanne, Navin, Fiona, and Moore, Sharon (2011) Stronger smarter learning communities: Western Cape College Hub: a case study of Western Cape College, Weipa and Mapoon Campus. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Dalley-Trim, Leanne, Hill, Angela, Navin, Fiona, and Moore, Sharon (2011) Stronger smarter learning communities: Woorabinda Hub: a case study of Woorabinda State School, Baralaba State School, Biloela State School and Dingo State School. Report. Townsville, Qld, James Cook University. (Unpublished)
Navin, Fiona, Hill, Angela, Dalley-Trim, Leanne, Tomas, Louisa, and Moore, Sharon (2011) Stronger, Smarter Learning Communities, Atherton Hub: a case study of Atherton State High School, Atherton State School, Kuranda State School and Herberton State School. Report. James Cook University. (Unpublished)
O'Connell, Brendan, Ferguson, Colin, De Lange, Paul, Howieson, Bryan, Watty, Kim, Carr, Rodney, Jacobsen, Ben, Campitelli, Leona, Gora, Yvonne, and Milton, Audrey (2010) Enhancing Assessment Feedback Practices in Accounting Education: issues, obstacles and reforms. Report. Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), Strawberry Hills, NSW.
Hill, Angela, Dalley-Trim, Leanne, Lynch, Andrea, Navin, Fiona, and Doyle, Tanya (2010) Let's Stay Put: literacy and numeracy pilot: 31 March 2010 - progress report. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Dalley-Trim, Leanne, and Alloway, Nola (2010) Provision of Services to Facilitate and Evaluate Teachers' Professional Learning in Working Towards Success for Boys. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
McGinty, Sue, and Dalley-Trim, Leanne (2009) Leading Indigenous Literacy: pilot project. Report. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Conference Item
Carter, Margaret, and Pagliano, Paul (2017) Well-being in the Guidance and Counselling and Career Development programs at James Cook University. In: The Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017: conference information and book of abstracts. p. 18. From: Inaugural Australasian Mental Health and Higher Education Conference 2017, 30 June - 1 July 2017, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Baldwin, Adele, Mills, Jane, Birks, Melanie, and Budden, Lea (2016) Reconciling professional identity: a grounded theory study of nurse academics' role modelling. In: [Presented at the Sixth Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference]. From: Sixth Pan-Pacific Nursing Conference, 2-4 March 2016, Hong Kong.
Ranatunga, Jacqueline, Strodl, Ulrik, and Sorin, Reesa (2014) The Dreamtime and imagination: using Aboriginal stories and the arts in teaching and learning. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Imagination and Education. From: IERG 2014: 9th International Conference on Imagination and Education, 2-4 July 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Lloyd, J., and Sorin, R. (2014) "I liked that you can pat the dog and interact with it and read to it" - engaging the imagination: the effect of the Classroom Canines™ program on reading and social/emotional skills of selected primary school students. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Imagination and Education (2014) From: IERG 2014: 9th International Conference on Imagination and Education, 2-4 July 2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Taylor, Donnalee B., and Harrison, Glenn J. (2014) Just-in-time information and support for first year biomedical students. In: Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education (ACSME), University of Sydney, Australia. p. 88. From: ACSME 2014: Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, 29-30 September 2014, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Jones, Peter (2014) Ecological Literacy in Social Work Education: Using a Scenario-based Approach to bring Community Spaces into the Classroom. In: Proceedings of the XI International Transformative Learning Conference. pp. 365-370. From: XI International Transformative Learning Conference: spaces of transformation and transformation of space, 23-26 October 2014, New York, NY, USA.
Taylor, Pauline (2013) Why Facebook is (and isn't) a pre-service teacher's friend. In: Proceedings of the Australian Teacher Education Association Annual Conference. 33. From: ATEA 2013: Australian Teacher Education Association Annual Conference, 30 June - 3 July 2013, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Galloway, Kathrine, and Jones, Peter (2012) The transition of identity from discipline scholar to scholar of teaching and learning: Tensions and reflections on the path to a fusion epistemology. In: Abstracts from Academic Identities Conference 2012: thinking, researching and living otherwise. pp. 23-24. From: AIC 2012 Academic Identities Conference: thinking, researching and living otherwise, 25-27 June 2012, Auckland, New Zealand.
Pooley, Alison, Jones, Peter, and Tinning, Beth (2012) Ecology, critical reflection and the praxis of change. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning. pp. 391-395. From: 10th International Conference on Transformative Learning, 1-4 November 2012, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Ruhl, K.A., Belward, S.R., and Balatti, J. (2011) A Systematic Analysis of Errors in the Simplification of a Rational Expression. In: Proceedings of the Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on Teaching and Learning Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics. pp. 314-321. From: Volcanic Delta 2011 the Eighth Southern Hemisphere Conference on Teaching and Learning Undergraduate Mathematics and Statistics, 27 November - 2 December 2011, Rotorua, New Zealand.
Inzerilla, Tina, Bruce, Christine, Loertscher, David, and Lupton, Mandy (2011) Academic faculty's teaching social networks : what is the extent of library faculty's inclusion? In: Proceedings of the 2011 Great Lakes Connections Conference. pp. 47-63. From: 2011 Great Lakes Connections Conference: discourse and illumination, 20-21 May 2011, Milwaukee, WI, USA.
Boon, Helen Joanna (2010) Parental views about science education for informed citizenship. In: Proceedings of 2009 Australian Association for Research in Education International Education Research Conference. pp. 1-13. From: 2009 Australian Association for Research in Education International Education Research Conference, 29 November - 3 December 2009, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Hamilton, John, and Tee, Singwhat (2009) The cone of learning: a tertiary level empirical study across traditional, blended, and flexible learning modes. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business 2009 (9) pp. 1030-1036. From: Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business, 30 November 2009 - 4 December 2009, Macau, China.
Lynch, Andrea (2009) Understanding urban Indigenous student mobility: considerations for literacy educators. In: Proceedings of the National Conference for Teachers of English and Literacy. From: National Conference for Teachers of English and Literacy, 9-12 July 2009, Hobart ,TAS, Australia.
Hamilton, John, and Tee, Singwhat (2009) Extending the Biggs 3P teaching and learning model: a structural equation modeling approach. In: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business (9) pp. 1037-1042. From: Ninth International Conference on Electronic Business, 30 November 2009 - 4 December 2009, Macau, China.
Sorin, Reesa (2009) Learning from learners - early childhood voices in research. In: Compendium of papers and reflections from a Think Tank co-hosted by the Australian Research Alliance for Children and Youth and the New South Wales Commission for Children and Young People on 11 November 2008. pp. 131-141. From: Involving Children and Young People in Research Think Tank, 11 November 2008, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Mahendran, M., Weeks, P., and Bruce, C. (1992) Model projects - part of civil engineering curriculum. In: Proceedings of the 4th Annual Convention and Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education. pp. 396-401. From: 4th Annual Convention and Conference of the Australasian Association for Engineering Education, 13-16 December 1992, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Sholapurkar, Amar A. (2011) Publish and flourish – a practical guide for effective scientific writing. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi.
Rigano, Donna (2006) Ocean Action: an adventure in Beachtown. Children's Science Writing Project Series, 2 . James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Errington, Ed (2005) Creating Learning Scenarios: a planning guide for adult educators. Cool Books New Zealand, Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Brooks, Caroline (2018) Professionalism and the primary physical education specialist teacher in Queensland state primary schools. Professional Doctorate (Research) thesis, James Cook University.
Baldwin, Adele (2016) Reconciling professional identity: a grounded theory study of nurse academics' role modelling. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Zuchowski, Ines Sofia (2015) Social work field education with external supervision. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Woods, Cindy (2011) Female participation in secondary school physics and mathematics: motivations and influences in a regional setting. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Yan, Zi (2009) The development of a Rasch measurement physical fitness scale for Hong Kong primary school-aged students. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Brimble, Ronnie Allan (1998) Language into learning: small group interaction. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Clunies-Ross, Graham G. (1971) Mediation and inhibition deficits in retardate discrimination learning. PhD thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland.