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- SEO Codes (55336)
- 8609 Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products (158)
- 860901 Veterinary Biological Preventatives (e.g. Vaccines) (46)
- 8609 Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products (158)
Constantinoiu, C.C., Molloy, J.B., Jorgensen, W.K., and Coleman, G.T. (2011) Characterization of the antibody response in birds following infection with wild-type and attenuated strains of Eimeria tenella and Eimeria necatrix. Veterinary Parasitology, 175 (1-2). pp. 47-51.
Constantinoiu, C.C., Jackson, L.A., Jorgensen, W.K., Lew-Tabor, A.E., Piper, E.K., Mayer, D.G., Venus, B., and Jonsson, N.N. (2010) Local immune response against larvae of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus in Bos taurus indicus and Bos taurus taurus cattle. International Journal for Parasitology, 40 (7). pp. 865-875.
Companion Animal Society, and Squires, Richard A. (2009) Dog and cat vaccination: A New Zealand perspective. Vetscript, 22 (3). pp. 24-26.
Day, Michael J., Crawford, Cynda, Marcondes, Mary, and Squires, Richard A. (2020) Recomendaciones sobre vacunación para los profesionales latinoamericanos de pequeños animales: un informe del Grupo de Directrices de Vacunación de WSAVA [Recommendations on vaccination for Latin American professionals of small animals: a report from the WSAVA vaccination guidelines group]. Clínica Veterinaria, 148. pp. 36-91.
Day, M.J., Crawford, C., Marcondes, M., and Squires, R.A. (2020) Recommendations on vaccination for Latin American small animal practitioners: a report of the WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines Group. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 61 (6). E1-E35.
Day, M.J., Horzinek, M.C., Schultz, R.D., and Squires, R.A. (2016) Guidelines for the vaccination of dogs and cats compiled by the Vaccination Guidelines Group (VGG) of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). Journal of Small Animal Practice, 57 (1). E1-E45.
Day, M.J., Horzinek, M.C., Schultz, R.D., and Squires, R.A. (2015) World Small Animal Veterinary Association 2015 Vaccination Guidelines for the Owners and Breeders of Dogs and Cats. Report. World Small Animal Veterinary Association, Ontario, Canada.
Day, M.J., Karkare, U., Schultz, R.D., Squires, R., and Tsujimoto, H. (2015) Recommendations on vaccination for Asian small animal practitioners: a report of the WSAVA Vaccination Guidelines Group. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 56 (2). pp. 77-95.
Day, Michael, Horzinek, Marian C., Schultz, Ron D., and Squires, Richard (2015) World Small Animal Veterinary Association Vaccination Guidelines Group: vaccination guidelines for cats and dogs pictorial factsheets 2015. Manual. World Small Animal Veterinary Association.
Dawson, Susan, Squires, Richard, Kennedy, Melissa, Hosie, Margaret J., and Willett, Brian J. (2008) Feline immunodeficiency virus. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Vetstream FELIS. Vetstream, UK, pp. 1-3.
Dombrowski, Richard D., Litster, James D., Wagner, Norman J., and He, Yinghe (2007) Crystallization of alpha-lactose monohydrate in a drop-based microfluidic crystallizer. Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (17). pp. 4802-4810.
Dombrowski, Richard D., Wagner, Norman J., He, Yinghe, and Litster, James D. (2005) Particle production in monodisperse emulsions. In: Proceedings of 33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference. From: Chemeca 2005, 25-28 September 2005, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Harland, A.L., Cave, N.J., Jones, B.R., Benschop, J., Donald, J.J., Midwinter, A.C., Squires, R.A., and Collins-Emerson, J.M. (2013) A serological survey of leptospiral antibodies in dogs in New Zealand. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 61 (2). pp. 98-106.
He, Yinghe (2007) Breakup of a flow-focused emulsion jet for the production of matrix-structured microcapsules. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (25). pp. 1-3.
Jin, Yan, He, Yinghe, and Davies, Nigel (2007) Formulation and stability evaluation of surfactant-free water-in-(highly volatile) oil emulsions. In: Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Enginering Conferrence 2007. pp. 366-373. From: Chemeca 2007: academia and industry - strengthening the profession., 23-26 September 2007, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
Lappin, Michael, Karczmar, Peter, and Squires, Richard (2020) SARS-CoV-2 update from the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. In: [Presented at: WSAVA SARS-CoV-2: a webinar series] (Part 2) pp. 1-14. From: WSAVA SARS-CoV-2 Webinar No. 2, 15 September 2020, Online Event.
Mcgreevy, Paul, Thomson, Peter, Dhand, Navneet K., Raubenheimer, David, Masters, Sophie, Mansfield, Caroline S., Baldwin, Timothy, Soares Magalhaes, Ricardo J., Rand, Jacqui, Hill, Peter, Peaston, Anne, Gilkerson, James, Combs, Martin, Raidal, Shane, Irwin, Peter, Irons, Peter, Squires, Richard, Brodbelt, David, and Hammond, Jeremy (2017) VetCompass Australia: a national big data collection system for veterinary science. Animals, 7 (10). 74.
Marsella, Rosanna, and Squires, Richard (2008) Flea bite hypersensitivity. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Vetstream CANIS. Vetstream, UK, pp. 1-3.
Mariana, Siti, and Hirst, Robert (2000) The immunogenicity and pathogenicity of Pasteurella multocida isolated from poultry in Indonesia. Veterinary Microbiology, 72 (1-2). pp. 27-36.
Rahman, Mohammad M. , He, Yinghe, and Davies, Nigel M. (2005) Application of laminar jet break-up to the preparation of monodisperse microparticulate drug delivery systems. In: Proceedings of 33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference. From: Chemeca 2005, 25-28 September 2005, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Squires, Richard (2020) Canine and feline vaccinations including main reasons for apparent vaccination failures. In: [Presented at an International e-Conference on Integrated Approach to Eliminate Canine and Feline Viral Diseases in India]. From: An International E-Conference on an Integrated Approach to Eliminate Canine and Feline Viral Diseases in India, 30 November - 1 December 2020, Chennai, India.
Squires, Richard A. (2018) Vaccines in shelters and group settings. Veterinary Clinics of North America - Small Animal Practice, 48. pp. 291-300.
Squires, Richard A. (2017) Clinical management of canine and feline heartworm disease. In: Proceedings of the North Queensland Division of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. From: North Queensland Division of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 22-24 September 2017, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Squires, Richard A. (2017) An update on canine and feline vaccination practices and guidelines. In: Proceedings of the North Queensland Division of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. pp. 18-20. From: North Queensland Division of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 22-24 September 2017, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Squires, Richard A. (2017) Australian companion animal infectious disease threats: new global vaccination trends. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Ltd Annual Conference. pp. 722-726. From: 2017 Australian Veterinary Association Ltd Annual Conference, 4-9 June 2017, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Squires, Richard (2016) Feline panleukopenia (feline infectious enteritis, feline parvoviral enteritis). In: Aiello, Susan E., (ed.) The Merck Veterinary Manual. Merck & Co. Inc., Kenilworth, New Jersey, USA, pp. 796-798.
Squires, Richard A. (2015) How well do vaccines against Bordetella bronchiseptica work in dogs? The Veterinary Journal, 204 (3). pp. 237-238.
Squires, Richard A. (2010) Controversy and confusion: revaccination of adult dogs and cats: an update. Queensland News, 4. pp. 4-9.
Squires, Richard A. (2010) Controversy and confusion: frequency of revaccination of adult dogs and cats - an update. In: Proceedings of the 2010 Annual Conference of the North Queensland Branch of AVA. pp. 1-11. From: Annual Conference of the North Queensland Branch of Australian Veterinary Association, 19-22 August 2010, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Squires, Richard A. (2008) Future prospects for vaccination of dogs and cats. New Zealand Veterinary Association Companion Animal Society Newsletter, 19 (1). p. 32.
Squires, Richard A. (2008) Update on canine and feline parvoviral infections: who's infecting who? New Zealand Veterinary Association Companion Animal Society Newsletter, 19 (1). pp. 28-30.
Squires, Richard A. (2007) Molecular medicine for companion animal practitioners. New Zealand Veterinary Association Companion Animal Society Newsletter, 18 (2). pp. 38-42.
Squires, R.A. (2007) Pancreatitis in dogs and cats. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Veterinary Association (263) pp. 85-90. From: UNSPECIFIED.
Squires, Richard A. (2006) Canine vaccination: what intervals and which diseases? In: Proceedings of 49th Annual Congress of British Small Animal Veterinary AssociationBritish Small Animal Veterinary Association. pp. 1-5. From: 49th Annual Congress of British Small Animal Veterinary Association, 20-23 April 2006, Birmingham, UK.
Squires, Richard A. (2006) What's new concerning canine and feline infectious diseases? In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association (252) pp. 129-132. From: Annual Conference of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association, 2006, New Zealand.
Squires, Richard A. (2005) Feline immunodeficiency virus. Vetscript, 18 (1). p. 3.
Squires, Richard A. (2005) From larynx to alveoli: a concise review of selected conditions. In: Proceedings of the Companion Animal Society Summer Symposium (242) pp. 51-69. From: Companion Animal Society Summer Symposium: Case Challenges in Companion Animal Medicine, 2005, New Zealand.
Squires, Richard A. (2003) Revaccination intervals for adult dogs and cats: an update. New Zealand Veterinary Association Companion Animal Society Newsletter, 14 (4). pp. 40-46.
Squires, Richard A. (2003) Current thoughts on companion animal revaccination practices. In: Proceedings of the 2003 Annual Conference of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association. pp. 145-152. From: Annual Conference of the New Zealand Veterinary Nursing Association, January 2003, New Zealand.
Squires, Richard A. (2003) Guest editorial—advances in companion animal gastroenterology. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 51 (6). p. 251.
Squires, Richard, Schraa, Ian, McCurnin, Dennis, and Lintott, Vivienna (2000) Questions and Answers from the "More than Just Vaccination" Seminar series (March 2000). New Zealand Veterinary Association Companion Animal Society Newsletter, 11 (3). pp. 25-28.
Squires, Richard (2000) Changing revaccination intervals: what basis, if any? VetLearn Foundation Seminar Proceedings, 199.1. pp. 5-8.
Squires, R.A. (1999) Update on retroviral infections in NZ cats. VetLearn Foundation Seminar Proceedings, 191. pp. 109-124.
Squires, R.A., Gorman, N.T., and Onions, D.E. (1989) Endogenous retroviral elements in the canine genome. Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine, 3 (2). p. 127.
Ulett, Glen C., Ketheesan, Natkunam, and Hirst, Robert G. (2000) Proinflammatory cytokine mRNA responses in experimental Burkholderia pseudomallei infection in mice. Acta Tropica, 74 (2-3). pp. 229-234.
Yinghe, He (2007) Fabrication of matrix-structured microspheres through break-up of a flow-focused laminar water-in-oil emulsion jet. In: Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Enginering Conferrence 2007. pp. 382-388. From: CHEMECA 2007: academia and industry - strengthening the profession, 23-26 September 2007, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.