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- 1199 Other commercial services and tourism (58)
Ahn, Jin Sun, Assaf, A. George, Josiassen, Alexander, Baker, Melissa A., Lee, Seoki, Kock, Florian, and Tsionas, Mike G. (2020) Narcissistic CEOs and corporate social responsibility: Does the role of an outside board of directors matter? International Journal of Hospitality Management, 85. 102350.
Azim, Mohammad I., and Kluvers, Ron (2019) Resisting Corruption in Grameen Bank. Journal of Business Ethics, 156 (3). pp. 591-604.
Assaf, A. George, Josiassen, Alexander, Ahn, Jin Sun, and Mattila, Anna S. (2017) Advertising spending, firm performance, and the moderating impact of CSR. Tourism Economics, 23 (7). pp. 1484-1495.
Azim, Mohammad, Sheng, Kuang, and Barut, Meropy (2017) Combating corruption in a microfinance institution. Managerial Auditing Journal, 32 (4). pp. 445-462.
Assaf, A. George, and Josiassen, Alexander (2016) Frontier Analysis: A State-of-the-Art Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Travel Research, 55 (5). pp. 612-627.
Abhayawansa, Subhash, and Azim, Mohammad (2014) Corporate reporting of intellectual capital: evidence from the Bangladeshi pharmaceutical sector. Asian Review of Accounting, 22 (2). pp. 98-127.
Azim, Mohammad (2012) Corporate governance mechanisms and their impact on company performance: A structural equation model analysis. Australian Journal of Management, 37 (3). pp. 481-505.
Bepari, Md. Khokan, Nahar, Shamsun, Azim, Mohammad, and Mollik, Abu Taher (2023) It is a balancing act: understanding the key audit matters disclosure in the context of a developing country. Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, 20 (3). pp. 459-485.
Brown, Melanie, Nomikoudis, Milton, Bouilheres, Frederique, Nkhoma, Clara, and Akbari, Mohammadreza (2022) Implementing a strategic campus-wide approach to authentic assessment: considerations and recommendations for implementation. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, 12 (5). pp. 914-927.
Badrul, Mohammad Badrul, Khan, Arif I., and Azim, Mohammad (2015) Corporate social responsibility disclosures and earnings quality: Are they a reflection of managers' opportunistic behavior? Managerial Auditing Journal, 30 (3). pp. 277-298.
Cassidy, Leonie, Pabel, Anja, and Li, En (2022) Fear of flying: can humour help? In: CAUTHE 2022 Conference: Handbook of Abstracts of the 32nd Annual Conference. p. 59. From: CAUTHE 2022: 32nd Annual CAUTHE Conference: Shaping the Next Normal in Tourism, Hospitality and Events, 7-9 Feb 2022, Online.
Chen, Qian, Chaturvedi, Iti, Ji, Shaoxiong, and Cambria, Erik (2021) Sequential fusion of facial appearance and dynamics for depression recognition. Pattern Recognition Letters, 150. pp. 115-121.
Cassidy, Leonie (2021) The design science research paradigm: an instantiation of website benchmarking. In: Pabel, Anja, Pryce, Josephine, and Anderson, Allison, (eds.) Research Paradigm Considerations for Emerging Scholars. Channel View Publications, Bristol, pp. 25-37.
Chowdhury, Leena Afroz MOstofa, Rana, Tareq, and Azim, Mohammad (2019) Intellectual capital efficiency and organisational performance. Journal of Intellectual Capital, 20 (6). pp. 784-806.
Eijdenberg, Emiel L., K, Thirumaran, Wang, Pengji, and Wong, Caroline (2024) A Brief Introduction to Indigenous Entrepreneurship and Its Relevance in Southeast Asia. In: Eijdenberg, Emiel L., Wang, Pengji, Thirumaran, K., and Wong, Caroline, (eds.) Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Theoretical and Practical Implications. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business . Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland.
Eijdenberg, Emiel L., K, Thirumaran, Wang, Pengji, and Wong, Caroline (2024) Indigenous entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Theoretical and Practical Implications. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business . Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland.
Erdiaw-kwasie, Michael Odei, Abunyewah, Matthew, Yusif, Salifu, and Arhin, Patrick (2023) Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in a pandemic: A systematic review of pandemic risk impacts, coping strategies and resilience. Heliyon, 9 (10). e20352.
Fortington, Lauren V., Bekker, Sheree, Morgan, Damian, and Finch, Caroline (2019) 'It doesn't make sense for us not to have one' - understanding reasons why community sports organizations chose to participate in a funded automated external defibrillator program. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine, 29 (4). pp. 324-328.
Gration, David (2022) “Tell ‘im he’s dreamin’” The Olympic Games - a case of over-promising and under-delivering. In: Gration, David, Kingston, Bruce, and Prasser, Scott, (eds.) White Elephant Stampede: Case Studies in Policy and Project Management Failures. Connor Court Publishing, Redland Bay, QLD, Australia, pp. 189-212.
Harun, Harun, Carter, David, and Suhab, Sultan (2024) New development: 'Auditor opinions for sale' — when privatization meets the cultural ecology of corruption. Public Money & Management. (In Press)
Harun, Harun, David, Carter, and Khan, Habib (2023) Seeking a Sustainable Technology of Governance to Support Small and Medium Enterprises: A Study from the ASEAN Countries. In: Innovation-driven business and sustainability in the tropics: Proceedings of the Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology Conference 2023. pp. 7-28. From: SEIGOP 2023: Sustainability, Economics, Innovation, Globalisation and Organisational Psychology Conference, 1-3 March 2023, Singapore.
Harun, Harun, Graham, Peter, Kamase, Haryono P., and Mir, Monir (2020) A Critical Analysis of the Impacts of Financial Literacy and NPM on Village Funds Initiative in Indonesia. International Journal of Public Administration, 44 (4). pp. 336-345.
Jones, Geraldine, Moore, Kathleen A., and Morgan, Damian (2019) Leadership: Untapping the secret to regional wellbeing, belonging and resilience. In: Campbell, Angela, Duffy, Michelle, and Edmondson, Beth, (eds.) Located Research: Regional places, transitions and challenges. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 117-132.
Kong, Jonathan, Trinh, Kelly, Kathrine, Hammill, and Chia-Ming Chen, Carla (2024) Not All Frailty Assessments Are Created Equal: Comparability of Electronic Health Data-Based Frailty Assessments in Assessing Older People in Residential Care. Biological Research For Nursing. (In Press)
Kuah, Adrian T. H., Xia, Yi, and Wang, Pengji (2022) How Do Corporate Social Responsibility Engagements Drive Consumer–Company Identification in Singapore? Sustainability, 40 (10). 6080.
Kock, Florian, Josiassen, Alexander, and Assaf, A. George (2019) Toward a Universal Account of Country-Induced Predispositions: Integrative Framework and Measurement of Country-of-Origin Images and Country Emotions. Journal of International Marketing, 27 (3). pp. 43-59.
Mohammadi, Zohre, Bhati, Abhishek, and Ng, Eddy (2023) 20 Years of Workplace Diversity Research in Hospitality and Tourism: A Bibliometric Analysis. Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 42 (4). pp. 551-571.
Marino, S. (2023) Delivering Smart Warehousing in Australia. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business (23) pp. 131-138. From: ICEB 2023: 23rd International Conference on Electronic Business, 19-23 October 2023, Chiayi, Taiwan.
Morgan, Damian, and Rayner, Julie (2019) Development of a scale measure for green employee workplace practices. Journal of New Business Ideas and Trends, 17 (1). pp. 1-25.
Nahar, Shamsun, Azim, Mohammad Istiaq, and Hossain, Md Moazzem (2020) Risk disclosure and risk governance characteristics: evidence from a developing economy. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 28 (4). pp. 577-605.
Nahar, Shamsun, Azim, Mohammad, and Jubb, Christine (2016) Risk disclosure, cost of capital and bank performance. International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, 24. pp. 476-494.
Nahar, Shamsun, Jubb, Christine, and Azim, Mohammad (2016) Risk governance and performance: a developing country perspective. Managerial Auditing Journal, 31 (3). pp. 250-268.
Nahar, Shamsun, Azim, Mohammad, and Jubb, Christine (2016) The determinants of risk disclosure by banking institutions: Evidence from Bangladesh. Asian Review of Accounting, 24 (4). pp. 426-444.
Oktadiana, Hera (2024) Applying Autoetnography and Netnography to Investigate Issues with Technology in Tourism Settings. In: UNSPECIFIED, (ed.) Sage Research Methods. SAGE Publications Ltd, London, UK, pp. 1-24.
Pryce, Josephine (2021) The Role Of Organisational Culture in Sustaining Volunteers in Heritage Attractions: The case of Puffing Billy Railway. In: Holmes, Kirsten, Lockstone-Binney, Leonie, Smith, Karen A., and Shipway, Richard, (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Volunteering in Events, Sport and Tourism. Routledge, London, United Kingdom, pp. 298-315.
Prince, Melvin, Yaprak, Attila, Cleveland, Mark, Davies, Mark A.P., Josiassen, Alexander, Nechtelberger, Andrea, Nechtelberger, Martin, Palihawadana, Dayananda, Renner, Walter, Chovanova Supekova, Sona, and Von Wallpach, Sylvia (2020) The psychology of consumer ethnocentrism and cosmopolitanism: a five-country study of values, moral foundations, gender identities and consumer orientations. International Marketing Review, 37 (6). pp. 1013-1049.
Pillay, Soma, Reddy, P.S., and Morgan, Damian (2017) Institutional isomorphism and whistle-blowing intentions in public sector institutions. Public Management Review, 19 (4). pp. 423-442.
Rayner, Julie, and Morgan, Damian (2018) An empirical study of 'green' workplace behaviours: ability, motivation and opportunity. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 56 (1). pp. 56-78.
Seaward, Liz, Morgan, Damian, and Thomson, Alana (2023) Key issues of health and safety for workers in residential aged care: An expert study. Frontiers in Public Health, 10. 1041949.
Thapa, Kamal, and Diedrich, Amy (2023) Beyond conservation: Assessing broader development outcomes of protected areas in Nepal. Journal of Environmental Management, 339. 117890.
Thapa, Kamal (2023) Local people, nature-based tourism and protected areas in Nepal. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Thapa, Kamal, King, David, Banhalmi-Zakar, Zsuzsa, and Diedrich, Amy (2022) Nature-based tourism in protected areas: a systematic review of socio-economic benefits and costs to local people. International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology, 29 (7). pp. 625-640.
Wong, Caroline, Wang, Pengji, K, Thirumaran, and Eijdenberg, Emiel L. (2024) Reflections on Contributions, Inspiration for the Future: Ideas for Research and Practice of Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia and Beyond. In: Wong, Caroline, Wang, Pengji, Thirumaran, K., and Eijdenberg, Emiel, (eds.) Indigenous Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia: Theoretical and Practical Implications. Palgrave Studies in Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization in Business . Palgrave MacMillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 289-297.
Wieland, Andreas, Kock, Florian, and Josiassen, Alexander (2018) Scale purification: state-of-the-art review and guidelines. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30 (11). pp. 3346-3362.
Xuan Minh, Dam, and Thirumaran, K. (2022) Luxury Tourism in Vietnam: A Political Economy Analysis. In: Kotur, Anupama S., and Dixit, Saurabh Kumar, (eds.) The Emerald Handbook of Luxury Management for Hospitality and Tourism. Emerald Publisher, Bingley, UK, pp. 83-100.