Publications by: Amanda E. Krause

Also publishes as (Amanda e. Krause, Amanda Krause, Amanda Elizabeth Krause, A.E. Krause)

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Number of items: 153.

Merrick, Alyssia, Miller, Dan J., and Krause, Amanda (2025) Exploring the use of tabletop gaming for wellness. In: [Presented at the 2025 Digital Games Research Association Australia Conference]. From: DiGRAA 2025: Digital Games Research Association Australia Conference, 5-7 February 2025, Adealida, SA, Australia and online.

Krause, Amanda, McFerran, Katrina, Osborne, Margaret, and Lam, Asia (2025) How everyday music listening can promote goal achievement. In: [Presented at the Psychological Science and Well-Being Conference 2025]. From: Psychological Science and Well-Being Conference 2025, 13-15 January 2025, Singapore.

Krause, Amanda, and Fletcher, Heather (2025) Radio: Supporting older adult well-being as a social surrogate. In: [Presented at the Psychological Science and Well-Being Conference 2025]. From: Psychological Science and Well-Being Conference 2025, 13-15 January 2025, Singapore.

Krause, Amanda, Miller, Daniel, and Lloyd-Lewis, Benjamin (2024) Examining students' interest in, and perceived value of, research and non-research psychology subjects. In: [Presented at the Celebrating Transformative Education Conference]. From: Celebrating Transformative Education Conference, 21-25 October 2024, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Forbes, Melissa, Goopy, Jason, and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) Becoming singular: Musical identity construction and maintenance through the lens of identity process theory. Psychology of Music. (In Press)

Krause, Amanda, Forbes, Melissa, and Lowe-Brown, Xanthe (2024) Does Reality Television-Style Singing Influence Singing Self-Concept? Journal of Voice. (In Press)

Fletcher, Heather, Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) Examining the empathic voice teacher. Research Studies in Music Education. (In Press)

Putter, Kaila C., Krause, Amanda E., Vidas, Dianna, and North, Adrian C. (2024) Examining the lyrical content and musical features of a crowd-sourced, Australian pandemic playlist. Music & Science. (In Press)

Liew, Kongmeng, Koh, Alethea H.Q., Fram, Noah R., Brown, Christina, dela Cruz, Cheslie, Lee, Li Neng, Hennequin, Romain, Krause, Amanda E., and Uchida, Yukiko (2024) Groovin’ to the cultural beat: Preferences for danceable music represent cultural affordances for high-arousal negative emotions. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. (In Press)

Macarthur, Stephanie L.R., Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) Uncovering children’s experiences of emergent learning difficulties in the instrumental music studio. International Journal of Music Education. (In Press)

Lloyd-Lewis, Benjamin L., Miller, Dan J., and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) Against All Odds: Students' Interest in, and Perceived Value of, Research and Nonresearch Psychology Subjects. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 23 (1). pp. 65-89.

North, Adrian, and Krause, Amanda (2024) Are The Beatles Different? A Computerized Psychological Analysis of Their Music. Empirical Musicology Review, 18 (2). pp. 133-147.

Fielder, Katherine, Krause, Amanda, and Miller, Daniel (2024) Asking students how to best teach statistics virtually: results of focus group discussions. Australian Journal of Psychology, 76 (1). 2347628.

Phillips, Michelle, and Krause, Amanda (2024) Audiences of the future: How can streamed music performance replicate the live music experience? In: Smith, Neil Thomas, Peters, Peter, and Molina, Karoly, (eds.) Classical music futures: Practices of innovation. Open Book Publishers, pp. 333-354.

Krause, Amanda E., Yeom, Daniel, Osborne, Margaret, and Glasser, Solange (2024) Can We Categorise Listeners: A Latent Profile Analysis. In: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference Proceedings. p. 32. From: 2024 Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Zhu, Hongjuan, Krause, Amanda, and Li, Shen (2024) Cross-cultural perspective on the effect of music activity in maintaining psychological and subjective well-being. In: Abstract Booklet: SysMus 2024. pp. 12-13. From: SysMus24: 7th International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology, 8-10 June 2024, Jyväskylä, Finland.

Krause, Amanda, Miller, Daniel, Somoray, Klaire, Knight, Clint, and Lurie, Janine (2024) Developing a psychology resource library. In: [Presented at the Celebrating Transformative Education Conference]. From: Celebrating Transformative Education Conference, 21-25 October 2024, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

McKenzie, Sabrina, and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) Emotions and Everyday Music Listening: An Updated Review. In: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference Proceedings. p. 37. From: 2024 Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Putter, Kaila C., Krause, Amanda E., Lloyd-Lewis, Benjamin, Dimmock, James, and Law, Brian (2024) Examining listener perceptions of a parenting podcast series. In: [Presented at the IAMM and ISfAM joint 2025 Conference]. From: Joint IAMM and ISfAM 2025 Conference: The future of music and arts in medicine and health, 18-21 September 2024, Berlin, Germany.

Krause, Amanda, and Somoray, Klaire (2024) Examining people’s conceptualisations of being musical and scientific. In: [Presented at the 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ESCOM 12: 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

McKenzie, Sabrina, Glasser, Solange, Krause, Amanda, and Osborne, Margaret (2024) Exploring Music Listening's Influence on Self-Compassion Through an Adapted Scale. In: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference Proceedings. p. 36. From: 2024 Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Zhu, Hongjuan, Krause, Amanda, and Li, Shen (2024) Exploring the impact of music activities on university students’ well-being: a cross-cultural perspective. In: [Presented at the 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ESCOM 12: 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Glasser, Solange, Osborne, Margaret S., and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) High levels of synesthetic endorsement in a study on music listening styles. In: [Presented at the First Joint UKSA and ASA International Synaesthesia Conference]. From: First Joint UKSA and ASA International Synaesthesia Conference, 10-12 May 2024, Oxford, UK.

Osborne, Margaret, Krause, Amanda, and Glasser, Solange (2024) How individuals use music listening to regulate their emotions to achieve optimal performance. In: [Presented at the 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ESCOM 12: 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

MacArthur, Stephanie L.R., Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) Interpreting 7-year-old beginner cellists' experiences of practice. Research Studies in Music Education, 46 (1). pp. 114-133.

Krause, Amanda E., Pardon, Madelyn, Hoang, Mary, and Lucano, Richard (2024) Listen Up: A case study examination of focused listening. Musicae Scientiae, 28 (2). pp. 254-272.

Krause, Amanda, and Sparkes, Rhys (2024) Music as an accompaniment to everyday activities. In: [Presented at the 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ESCOM 12: 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Davidson, Jane, Leske, Benjamin, and Krause, Amanda (2024) Music, emotion and asylum: Wellbeing mapped through choral singing. In: Norton, Kay, and Morgan-Ellis, Esther, (eds.) The Oxford handbook of community singing. Oxford handbooks series . Oxford University Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 686-705.

Krause, Amanda, Forbes, Melissa, and Goopy, Jason (2024) Musical identity construction and maintenance through the lens of Identity Process Theory. In: [Presented at the 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ESCOM 12: 12th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Putter, Kaila, Krause, Amanda, Lloyd-Lewis, Benjamin L., and Law, Brian (2024) Podcasting to promote perinatal maternal well-being. In: [Presented at the Fostering Creative Health Conference]. p. 42. From: Fostering Creative Health Conference, 19-20 April 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Krause, Amanda, and Fletcher, Heather (2024) Radio: A social surrogate. In: [Presented at the Fostering Creative Health Conference]. p. 36. From: Fostering Creative Health Conference, 19-20 April 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Krause, Amanda, and Fletcher, Heather (2024) Radio: A social surrogate. In: [Presented at TropiQ Research Symposium 2024]. From: TropiQ Research Symposium 2024, 1 October 2024, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Rees, James, Putter, Kaila C., and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) The Salience of Rap Stereotypes When Judging Music Fans. In: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference Proceedings. p. 41. From: 2024 Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Conference, 3-6 July 2024, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Putter, Kaila, Dimmock, James, Rebar, Amanda, Gallaway, Naomi, Teague, Sam, and Krause, Amanda (2024) Social influences on mothers' ratings of maternal-fetal attachment. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 42 (6). p. 1254.

Macarthur, Stephanie, Davidson, Jane, and Krause, Amanda (2024) Tracing the impact of 7-year-old beginner cellists' early learning on longer-term engagement. In: [Presented at the 36th International Society for Music Education World Conference]. From: ISME 2024: 36th International Society for Music Education World Conference, 28 July - 2 August 2024, Helsinki, Finland.

Forbes, Melissa, Goopy, Jason, and Krause, Amanda E. (2024) The experiential salience of music in identity for singing teachers. Musicae Scientiae, 28 (2). pp. 237-253.

Maher, Kira, Krause, Amanda, and Miller, Daniel (2023) The Impact of COVID-19 on Tertiary Statistics Teaching Practices in Australia. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology. (In Press)

Oyewale, Christianah, Krause, Amanda, Martins, Bruna, Briggs, Campbell, Liew, Kongmeng, and Cachia, Julie (2023) Analysis of cultural differences in the creation of romance and break-up playlists. In: GAPS2: Global Arts and Psychology Seminar: Book of Abstracts. pp. 94-95. From: GAPS2: Global Arts and Psychology Seminar: Creativity in music and the arts, 14-16 September 2023, York, UK/Graz, Austria/La Plata, Argentina/Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Putter, Kaila C., Krause, Amanda E., Dimmock, James, Law, Brian, and Jackson, Ben (2023) Bamboo: Developing a pair-matching algorithm and resource centre for a maternal perinatal peer support program in Australia. In: [Presented at the Society for Mental Health Research Conference 2023]. From: Society for Mental Health Research Conference 2023: people and place, 29 November - 1 December 2023, Perth, WA, Australia.

Palmer, Benjamin, and Krause, Amanda (2023) Can levels of science identity and exposure be inferred in peoples' drawings of scientists? In: [Presented at the Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australasia]. From: OCURA 2023: Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australasia, 30 August - 1 September 2023, Online.

Krause, Amanda E., and Fletcher, Heather (2023) Considering the purpose of radio to examine how it can support older adults’ well-being. In: [Presented at the 56th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference]. From: 56th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference: Reimagining Aging: diving into an ocean of possibilities, 14-17 November 2023, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Putter, K., Krause, A.E., and Chrisp, L. (2023) Developing a podcast series to promote maternal perinatal well-being. In: [Presented at the TropiQ Research Symposium 2023]. From: TropiQ Research Symposium 2023, 17 October 2023, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Krause, Amanda E. (2023) Disseminating research findings: Co-designing a radio listening resource. In: [Presented at the 56th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference]. From: 56th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference: Reimagining Aging: diving into an ocean of possibilities, 14-17 November 2023, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Fletcher, Heather, Davidson, Jane, and Krause, Amanda E. (2023) Examining how voice teachers influence student achievement. Journal of Singing, 79 (4). pp. 445-456.

Anglada-Tort, Manuel, Lee, Harin, Krause, Amanda, and North, Adrian (2023) Here comes the sun: music features of popular songs reflect prevailing weather conditions. Royal Society Open Science, 10 (5). 221443.

Krause, Amanda (2023) How music listening can support perinatal maternal well-being. In: Abstracts from the 6th Biennial Virtual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Society for Quantitative Research in Music and Medicine. From: 6th Biennial Virtual Conference of the Interdisciplinary Society for Quantitative Research in Music and Medicine, 3 June 2023, Virtual.

Chrisp, Leah, Putter, Kaila, and Krause, Amanda (2023) How music listening can support perinatal maternal well-being. In: International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC).. From: 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 24-28 August 2023, Tokyo, Japan.

Krause, Amanda E., Scott, William G., Foong, Beatrice, Goh, Kitye, Wake, Stephanie, Miller, Daniel, and Garvey, Darren (2023) Listening to music to cope with everyday stressors. Musicae Scientiae, 27 (1). pp. 176-192.

Norsworthy, Cameron, Dimmock, James, Miller, Daniel, Krause, Amanda, and Jackson, Ben (2023) Psychological Flow Scale (PFS): Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Flow Instrument that Measures the Core Experience of Flow to Reflect Recent Conceptual Advancements. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 8 (2). pp. 309-337.

Norsworthy, Cameron, Dimmock, James A., Nicholas, Joanna, Krause, Amanda, and Jackson, Ben (2023) Psychological Flow Training: Feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an educational intervention on flow. International Journal of Applied Positive Psychology, 8. pp. 531-554.

Melvill-Smith, Sorcha, Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2023) Song popularity and processing fluency of lyrics. Psychology of Music, 51 (3). pp. 986-1000.

McKenzie, Sabrina, Glasser, Solange, Osborne, Margaret, and Krause, Amanda (2023) A catalyst for self-compassion during the COVID-19 pandemic: the role of music listening. In: International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). From: 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 24-28 August 2023, Tokyo, Japan.

Krause, Amanda E., and Fletcher, Heather (2023) The purpose of radio and how it supports older adults’ well-being. Frontiers in Computer Science, 5. 1111806.

McKenzie, Sabrina, Glasser, Solange, Osborne, Margaret, and Krause, Amanda (2023) The rhythm of compassion: Exploring the role of music listening in cultivating self-compassion. In: GAPS2: Global Arts and Psychology Seminar: Book of Abstracts. pp. 79-80. From: GAPS2: Global Arts and Psychology Seminar: Creativity in music and the arts, 14-16 September 2023, York, UK/Graz, Austria/La Plata, Argentina/Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Chrisp, L., Krause, A.E., and Putter, K. (2023) A scoping review examining how music listening can support intrapartum maternal well-being. In: [Presented at the TropiQ Research Symposium 2023]. From: TropiQ Research Symposium 2023, 17 October 2023, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Fielder, Katherine, Krause, Amanda, Miller, Daniel, Suarez, Lidia, and Lin, Patrick (2022) Asking students how to best teach statistics virtually: Results of focus group discussions. In: [Presented at the STP Annual Conference on Teaching]. From: ACT 2022: STP Annual Conference on Teaching, 20-22 October 20252, Pittsburgh, PA, USA/Online.

Flynn, Emma, Whyte, Lisa, Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., Areni, Charles, and Sheridan, Lorraine (2022) Attribute accessibility, normative influence, and the effect of classical and country music on willingness to pay for social identity and utilitarian products. Psychology of Music, 50 (1). pp. 3-16.

Hasnain, Ambrin, Krause, Amanda e., Hajek, John, Lloyd-Smith, Anya, and Lori, Laura (2022) Broadcasting during COVID-19: Community language radio and listener well-being. Radio Journal, 20 (2). pp. 227-247.

Rocke, Stephanie, Davidson, Jane, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Chamber Music and Wellbeing: Melbourne Recital Centre Salon Audience and Musician Responses. In: [Presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia]. p. 28. From: 45th Annual Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, 1-3 December 2022, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

MacArthur, Stephanie, Davidson, Jane, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Children's experiences of emergent diverse learning needs in the instrumental music studio. In: [Presented at the SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference]. From: SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference, 2-3 September 2022, London, UK.

McKenzie, Sabrina, Glasser, Solange, Osborne, Margaret, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Cultivating self-compassion through music listening. In: [Presented at the SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference]. From: SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference, 2-3 September 2022, London, UK.

Forbes, Melissa, Krause, Amanda, and Lowe-Brown, Xanthe (2022) Descriptions and evaluations of “good singing” in the age of 'the voice'. Australian Voice, 22. pp. 16-28.

Krause, Amanda, Putter, Kaila, and Vidas, Dianna (2022) Examining a Crowd-Sourced COVID-19 Pandemic Playlist. In: [Presented at the 2022 Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference]. From: SMPC 2022 Conference, 4-7 August 2022, Portland, OR, USA.

Gallaway, Naomi, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Examining experiences of flow in everyday life. In: [Presented at OCURA 2022]. p. 39. From: OCURA 2022: Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australasia, 31 August - 2 September 2022, Online.

Forbes, Melissa, Krause, Amanda E., and Lowe-Brown, Xanthe (2022) Examining “good singing” in the age of The Voice: Implications for voice pedagogy and practice. In: [Presented at the ANATS Conference 2022]. From: ANATS Conference 2022: encompassing the vocal spectrum, 29 September - 2 October 2022, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Gallaway, Naomi, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Experiences of flow in everyday life: Comparing music and sport domains. In: Proceedings of the Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference. From: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference, 28 September 2022, Online.

Lloyd-Lewis, Benjamin, Krause, Amanda, and Miller, Daniel (2022) Exploring Perceived Interest and Value in Psychology Subject Offerings. In: [Presented at OCURA 2022]. p. 28. From: OCURA 2022: Online Conference for Undergraduate Research in Australasia, 31 August - 2 September 2022, Online.

Krause, Amanda E., and Fletcher, Heather (2022) How relationships between radio presenters and listeners might promote well-being. In: [Presented at the 55th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference]. From: 55th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, 22-25 November 2022, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Krause, Amanda, Osborne, Margaret, Glasser, Solange, and McKenzie, Sabrina (2022) "I value music so much more": The impact of COVID-19 on the value of music listening. In: [Presented at the SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference]. From: SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference, 2-3 September 2022, London, UK.

Krause, Amanda, and Fletcher, Heather (2022) Implications of radio persona characteristics on listener well-being. In: [Presented at the 2022 Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference]. From: SMPC 2022 Conference, 4-7 August 2022, Portland, OR, USA.

Krause, Amanda, and Brown, Steven (2022) In dialogue: Two music psychology scholars discuss listening practices. Riffs, 6 (1). pp. 65-73.

Putter, Kaila, and Krause, Amanda E. (2022) Influence of individual differences on perceptions of hypothetical rap music fans. In: Proceedings of the Australian Music & Psychology Society's 2022 Virtual Conference. From: Australian Music & Psychology (AMPS) 2022 Conference, 28 September 2022, Online.

MacArthur, Stephanie, Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda (2022) Interpreting children's initial motivations to learn the cello. In: Proceedings of the Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference. From: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference, 28 September 2022, Virtual.

McClymont, Rachel, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Investigating the impact of attending music-focused mental health events on future help seeking. In: [Presented at SysMus'22]. From: SysMus'22, 7-9 September 2022, Ghent, Belgium.

Glasser, Solange, Krause, Amanda, and Osborne, Margaret (2022) Listening engagement styles, cognitive styles, and synesthetic experiences in response to music. In: 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). From: 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), 24-28 August 2023, Tokyo, Japan.

Briggs, Campbell, and Krause, Amanda (2022) "Lover" or "traitor": Comparing playlists curated for love-related contexts. In: Proceedings of the Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference. From: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference, 28 September 2022, Online.

Davidson, Jane, and Krause, Amanda (2022) Micro and Macro Experiences of Performers, Audiences, and the Melbourne Recital Centre. In: [Presented at the 45th Annual Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia]. p. 26. From: 45th Annual Conference of the Musicological Society of Australia, 1-3 December 2022, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Chrisp, Leah, Putter, Kaila, and Krause, Amanda E. (2022) Music listening for maternal well-being during pregnancy and labour. In: Proceedings of the Australian Music & Psychology Society's 2022 Virtual Conference. From: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference, 28 September 2022, Online.

McClymont, Rachel, and Krause, Amanda E. (2022) Music-focused, mental health events and mental health help-seeking. In: Proceedings of the Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference. From: Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) 2022 Conference, 28 September 2022, Online.

Lin, Patrick, Suarez, Lidia, Tan, Nadya, Krause, Amanda, and Miller, Daniel (2022) Perceived ability in statistics predicts statistics subject performance and statistics anxiety moderates that relationship. In: [Presented at the STP Annual Conference on Teaching]. From: ACT 2022: STP Annual Conference on Teaching, 20-22 October 20252, Pittsburgh, PA, USA/Online.

Putter, Kaila C., Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2022) Popular music lyrics and the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology of Music, 50 (4). pp. 1280-1295.

Krause, Amanda, and Fletcher, Heather (2022) Radio listeners' perspectives on its purpose and potential to support older wellbeing. In: [Presented at the SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference]. From: SEMPRE 50th Anniversary Conference, 2-3 September 2022, London, UK.

Dimmock, James, Krause, Amanda E., Rebar, Amanda, and Jackson, Ben (2022) Relationships between social interactions, basic psychological needs, and wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology & Health, 37 (4). pp. 457-469.

Law, Hwok Hong, Jackson, Ben, Tan, Xuan Hui, Teague, Samantha, Krause, Amanda, Putter, Kaila, Du'cane, Monique, Gibson, Lisa, Bulles, Kelby F, Barkin, Jennifer, and Dimmock, James A. (2022) Strengthening Peer Mentoring Relationships for New Mothers: A Qualitative Analysis. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11. 6009.

Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2022) Transactional culture of the portfolio career chamber musician: A case study. In: Dogantan-Dack, Mine, (ed.) The Chamber Musician in the Twenty-first Century. MDPI, Basel, Switzerland, pp. 131-153.

Krause, Amanda E., and Davidson, Jane W. (2022) An exploratory study of historical representations of love in an art gallery exhibition. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 16 (3). pp. 455-467.

Kiernan, Frederic, Krause, Amanda E., and Davidson, Jane W. (2022) The impact of biographical information about a composer on emotional responses to their music. Musicae Scientiae, 26 (3). pp. 558-584.

Krause, Amanda, Miller, Daniel, and Maher, Kira (2022) The impact of implementing emergency online learning due to COVID-19 on tertiary statistics teaching practices. In: [Presented at the STP Annual Conference on Teaching]. From: ACT 2022: STP Annual Conference on Teaching, 20-22 October 20252, Pittsburgh, PA, USA/Online.

Kamble, Tanvi, Desur, Pooja, Krause, Amanda, Kumaraguru, Ponnurangam, and Alluri, Vinoo (2022) "The times they are-a-changin": The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on online music sharing in India. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (13618) pp. 96-113. From: ScoInfo 2022: 13th International Conference on Social Informatics, 19-21 October 2022, Glasgow, UK.

Krause, Amanda E., Glasser, Solange, and Osborne, Margaret (2021) Augmenting function with value. An exploration of reasons to engage in and disengage from music listening. Music & Science, 4.

Krause, Amanda E., Osborne, Margaret, and Glasser, Solange (2021) "Can't live without music": engaging and disengaging from music listening. In: [Presented at the 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ICMPC-ESCOM 2021: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 28-31 July 2021, Sheffield, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda, Maurer, Simone, and Davidson, Jane W. (2021) Characteristics of self-reported favorite musical experiences. Music & Science, 3. pp. 1-17.

Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2021) Emotions, singing, and well-being. In: [Presented at the Australian Association of Gerontology Conference]. From: 54th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, 10-12 November 2021, Online.

Balgue, Megan, and Krause, Amanda (2021) Experiences of everyday flow and their impact on well-being. In: [Presented at the International Symposium on Performance Science]. From: ISPS 2021: International Symposium on Performance Science, 27-30 October 2021, Montreal, Canada and Zoom.

Fletcher, Heather, Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2021) "I ask them what they can feel": proprioception and the voice teacher’s approach. In: [Presented at the 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ICMPC-ESCOM 2021: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 28-31 July 2021, Sheffield, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., and Davidson, Jane W. (2021) Individual difference correlates of continuing versus ceasing musical participation. Psychology of Music, 49 (3). pp. 462-478.

Krause, Amanda E., and Davidson, Jane W. (2021) Investigating the development and reception of an art exhibition on the theme of early modern representations of love. Curator: the museum journal, 64 (4). pp. 693-714.

MacArthur, Stephanie R., Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2021) "It's like being the hero of your own story": perceptions of musical skill development for the beginner cellist. In: [Presented at: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC)/ 11th triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM)]. From: ICMPC-ESCOM 2021: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 28-31 July 2021, Sheffield, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda E., Dimmock, James, Rebar, Amanda L., and Jackson, Ben (2021) Music listening predicted improved life satisfaction in university students during early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 631033.

Krause, Amanda E., Anglada-Tort, Manuel, and North, Adrian C. (2021) Popular music lyrics and musicians’ gender over time: a computational approach. Psychology of Music, 49 (3). pp. 426-444.

Krause, Amanda, and Fletcher, Heather (2021) Radio relationships and well-being in older age. In: [Presented at the Australian Association of Gerontology Conference]. From: 54th Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, 10-12 November 2021, Online.

Putter, Amanda, and Krause, Amanda (2021) Serving rhymes and serving time: gangsta-rap related perceptions of personality, criminality and gender. In: Abstracts from the 2021 Autumn SEMPRE Conference. p. 17. From: 2021 Autumn SEMPRE Conference: engaging and interacting with education, music and psychology research, 22 October 2021, Keele, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda E., and Forbes, Melissa (2021) Socio-cultural influences on Australian adults’ musical identities. In: [Presented at the 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ICMPC-ESCOM 2021: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 28-31 July 2021, Sheffield, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda E., Lloyd-Smith, Anya, and Hajek, John (2021) Understanding creativity and wellbeing in migrant communities by examining the role of community language radio in Australia. In: Culture, Heath, and Wellbeing International Conference 2021: Research Proceedings. pp. 85-87. From: Culture, Heath, and Wellbeing International Conference 2021, 21-23 June 2021, Online.

Krause, Amanda (2021) An exploration of musical and scientific identity. In: Abstracts from the 2021 Autumn SEMPRE Conference. p. 5. From: 2021 Autumn SEMPRE Conference: engaging and interacting with education, music and psychology research, 22 October 2021, Keele, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda, Baker J., David, Groarke, Jenny, Pereira, Ana I., Liew, Kongmeng, Anglada-Tort, Manuel, and Steffens, Jochen (2021) A global investigation of music listening practices: the influence of country latitude and seasons on music preferences. In: [Presented at the 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ICMPC-ESCOM 2021: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 28-31 July 2021, Sheffield, UK/Online.

Forbes, Melissa, Krause, Amanda E., and Lowe-Brown, Xanthe (2021) The influence of vocal performance on singing self-concept. In: [Presented at the International Symposium on Performance Science]. From: ISPS 2021: International Symposium on Performance Science, 27-30 October 2021, Montreal, Canada and Zoom.

Krause, Amanda E., and Davidson, Jane W. (2021) A qualitative exploration of aged-care residents' everyday music listening practices and how these may support psychosocial well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. 585557.

North, Adrian C, Krause, Amanda, and Ritchie, David (2021) The relationship between pop music and lyrics: a computerized content analysis of the United Kingdom’s weekly top five singles, 1999–2013. Psychology of Music, 49 (4). pp. 735-758.

Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2021) The transactional culture of chamber music performance now and into the future. In: [Presented at the 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music]. From: ICMPC-ESCOM 2021: 16th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition/11th Triennial conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music, 28-31 July 2021, Sheffield, UK/Online.

Krause, Amanda E., and Brown, Steven Caldwell (2021) A uses and gratifications approach to considering the music formats that people use most often. Psychology of Music, 49 (3). pp. 547-566.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2020) Collaboration, cognitive effort, and self-reference in United Kingdom top 5 pop music lyrics 1960–2015. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 14 (3). pp. 294-300.

Krause, Amanda E., Mackin, Sophie, Mossman, Adam, Murray, Taylor, Oliver, Nathan, and Tee, Vern (2020) Conceptualizing control in everyday music listening: defining dominance. Music & Science, 3. pp. 1-13.

Fletcher, Heather, Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2020) Defining the expert voice teacher: a narrative review of the literature. Australian Voice, 21. pp. 9-21.

Maurer, Simone, Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2020) Examining solo flautists' body movements from sight-reading to final performance. In: [Presented at the Music & Psychology Research Conference]. From: Music & Psychology Research Conference: virtually together, 9 October 2020, Online Event.

Glasser, Solange, Krause, Amanda E., and Osborne, Margaret (2020) Exploring the contemporary listening experiences of synesthetes. In: Music and Synesthesia: abstracts from a conference in Vienna, scheduled for July 3–5, 2020. pp. 104-105. From: Music and Synesthesia, July 3–5, 2020, Vienna, Austria.

Brown, S.C., and Krause, A.E. (2020) Freedom of choice: examining music listening as a function of favorite music format. Psychomusicology, 30 (2). pp. 88-102.

De Fazio, Laura, Krause, Amanda, and Sgarbi, Chiara (2020) Italian adolescents’ experience of unwanted online attentions: Recognizing and defining behaviours. European Journal of Criminology, 17 (5). pp. 647-660.

Putter, Kaila, and Krause, Amanda E. (2020) Music as a mirror?: popular music lyrics and the COVID-19 health pandemic. In: [Presented at the Music & Psychology Research Conference]. From: Music & Psychology Research Conference: virtually together, 9 October 2020, Online Event.

Krause, Amanda, and MacRitchie, Jennifer (2020) Music technologies: ppportunities for social connection. In: [Presented at the 53rd Australian Association of Gerontology Conference]. From: 53rd Australian Association of Gerontology Conference, 18 November 2020, Online Event.

Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., and Heritage, Brody (2020) Music-related activities on Facebook. Psychology of Music, 48 (4). pp. 564-578.

Warrener, Emily, Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2020) Parenting style as a predictor of music preference. Psychology of Music, 48 (5). pp. 611-625.

Krause, Amanda (2020) Promoting music engagement: findings from the Musical Investment project. In: Presented at the Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain Online Conference. From: APE2020: Affect, Personality and the Embodied Brain Online Conference, 23-25 September 2020, Online Event.

MacArthur, Stephanie, Davidson, Jane, and Krause, Amanda (2020) "The notes look all blurry." Emergent learning diversity in the instrumental music studio. In: [Presented at the Music & Psychology Research Conference]. From: Music & Psychology Research Conference: virtually together, 9 October 2020, Online Event.

Krause, Amanda E. (2020) The role and impact of radio listening practices in older adults' everyday lives. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. 603446.

Krause, Amanda E., Lloyd-Smith, Anya, and Hajek, John (2020) The role of community language radio for understanding creativity and wellbeing in migrant communities in Australia. International Journal of Wellbeing, 10 (5). pp. 83-99.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2019) Pop music lyrics are related to the proportion of female recording artists: analysis of the United Kingdom weekly top five song lyrics, 1960–2015. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 8 (3). pp. 233-242.

North, Adrian C., Krause, Amanda E., Sheridan, Lorraine P., and Ritchie, David (2019) Popularity, mood, energy, and typicality in music: a computerized analysis of 204,506 pieces. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13 (1). pp. 89-109.

Wadley, Greg, Krause, Amanda, Liang, Jiahui, Wang, Zihe, and Leong, Tuck Wah (2019) Use of music streaming platforms for emotion regulation by international students. In: Proceedings of the 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction. pp. 337-341. From: OZCHI'19: 31st Australian Conference on Human-Computer-Interaction, 3-5 December 2019, Perth, WA, Australia.

Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., and Davidson, Jane W. (2019) Using self-determination theory to examine musical participation and well-being. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 405.

Golding, Raelee M., Breen, Lauren J., Krause, Amanda, and Allen, Peter J. (2019) The summer undergraduate research experience as a work-integrated learning opportunity and potential pathway to publication in psychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 10. 541.

Krause, Amanda E., and Davidson, Jane W. (2018) Effective educational strategies to promote life-long musical investment: perceptions of educators. Frontiers in Psychology, 9. 1977.

North, Adrian C., Krause, Amanda, Sheridan, Lorraine P., and Ritchie, David (2018) Energy, popularity, and the circumplex: a computerized analysis of emotion in 143,353 musical pieces. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 36 (2). pp. 127-161.

Krause, Amanda E., Davidson, Jane W., and North, Adrian C. (2018) Musical activity and well-being: a new quantitative measurement instrument. Music Perception, 35 (4). pp. 454-474.

Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., and Heritage, Brody (2018) Musician interaction via social networking sites: celebrity attitudes, attachment, and their correlates. Music & Science, 1.

Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2018) Social and applied psychological explorations of music, health and well-being. In: Sunderland, N., Lewandowski, N., Bendrups, D., and Bartleet, B-L., (eds.) Music, Health and Wellbeing: exploring music for health and social justice. Palgrave Macmillan, London, UK, pp. 33-63.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2018) ‘Tis the season: music-playlist preferences for the seasons. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 12 (1). pp. 89-95.

North, Adrian C., Krause, Amanda, Kane, Robert, and Sheridan, Lorraine (2018) United Kingdom “top 5” pop music lyrics. Psychology of Music, 46 (5). pp. 638-661.

Krause, Amanda Elizabeth, and Brown, Steven Caldwell (2018) The social and applied psychology of engagement in music piracy. In: Brown, Steven Caldwell, and Holt, Thomas J., (eds.) Digital piracy: a global, multidisciplinary account. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 83-107.

North, Adrian C., Krause, Amanda E., Sheridan, Lorraine, and Ritchie, David (2017) Energy, typicality, and music sales: a computerized analysis of 143,353 pieces. Empirical Studies of the Arts, 35 (2). pp. 214-229.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2017) How do location and control over the music influence listeners' responses? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 58 (2). pp. 114-122.

Lee, Juyoung, Krause, Amanda E., and Davidson, Jane W. (2017) The PERMA well-being model and music facilitation practice: preliminary documentation for well-being through music provision in Australian schools. Research Studies in Music Education, 39 (1). pp. 73-89.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2017) Pleasure, arousal, dominance, and judgments about music in everyday life. Psychology of Music, 45 (3). pp. 355-374.

Brown, Steven C., and Krause, Amanda E. (2017) Psychological predictors of engagement in music piracy. Creative Industries Journal, 10 (3). pp. 226-237.

North, Adrian C., Hargreaves, David J., and Krause, Amanda E. (2016) Music and consumer behavior. In: Hallam, Susan, Cross, Ian, and Thaut, Michael H., (eds.) Oxford handbook of music psychology:second edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, United Kingdom, pp. 789-801.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2016) Music listening in everyday life: devices, selection methods, and digital technology. Psychology of Music, 44 (1). pp. 129-147.

Lee, Juyoung, Davidson, Jane W., and Krause, Amanda E. (2016) Older people's motivations for participating in community singing in Australia. International Journal of Community Music, 9 (2). pp. 191-206.

Krause, Amanda E., and North, Adrian C. (2016) Playlists and time perspective. Psychology of Music, 44 (5). pp. 1209-1218.

Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., and Hewitt, Lauren Y. (2016) The role of location in everyday experiences of music. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5 (3). pp. 232-257.

Krause, Amanda, North, Adrian, and Hewitt, Lauren (2015) Music-listening in everyday life: devices and choice. Psychology of Music, 43 (2). pp. 155-170.

Krause, Amanda, North, Adrian, and Hewitt, Lauren (2014) Music selection behaviors in everyday listening. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 58 (2). pp. 306-323.

Krause, Amanda E., North, Adrian C., and Heritage, Brody (2014) The uses and gratifications of using Facebook music listening applications. Computers in Human Behaviour, 39. pp. 71-77.

Krause, Amanda E., and Hargreaves, David J. (2013) myTunes: digital music library users and their self-images. Psychology of Music, 41 (5). pp. 531-544.

This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 10:49:49 2025 AEST.