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Alam, Noore, Chu, Cordia, Li, Qianlin, Crook, Allison, Whittaker, Maxine, Aditama, Tjandra, Schak, Elena, Budiman, Dicky, Barber, Bonnie, and Lu, Jiahai Lu (2020) The Pearl River Declaration: a timely call for enhancing health security through fostering a regional one health collaboration in the Asia-Pacific. Globalization and Health, 16. 79.

Ariel, Ellen (2018) Turtle trials and tribulations. Wild Side: Newsletter of the AVCB A Special Interest Group of the Australian Veterinary Association, 15. pp. 4-5.

Berger, Lee, Skerratt, Lee F., Beveridge, Ian, and Spratt, David M. (2016) In memory of Rick Speare. EcoHealth, 13 (3). pp. 435-437.

Lloyd, Janice (2016) Introduction to aquatic animal welfare (for veterinarians). One Welfare.

Creagh, Sunanda, and Lloyd, Janice (2015) Who's top dog? New research sorts dominant and submissive canine poses. The Conversation, 27 August 2015.

Speare, Rick, Mendez, Diana, Judd, Jenni, Reid, Simon, Tzipori, Saul, and Massey, Peter D. (2015) Willingness to consult a veterinarian on physician's advice for zoonotic diseases: a formal role for veterinarians in medicine. PLoS ONE, 10 (8). e0131406. pp. 1-8.

Luly, J., Buettner, P., Parsons, J., Thiriet, D., and Gyuris, Emma (2015) Tooth wear, body mass index and management options for edentulous black flying-foxes (Pteropus alecto Gould) in the Townsville district, north Queensland, Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 93 (3). pp. 84-88.

Brannelly, Laura A., Berger, Lee, Marantelli, Gerry, and Skerratt, Lee F. (2015) Low humidity is a failed treatment option for chytridiomycosis in the critically endangered southern corroboree frog. Wildlife Research, 42 (1). pp. 44-49.

Johnson, Jane, Collins, Teresa, Degeline, Christopher, Fawcett, Anne, Fisher, Andrew D., Friere, Rafael, Hazel, Susan J., Hood, Jennifer, Lloyd, Janice, Phillips, Clive J.C., Stafford, Kevin, Tzioumis, Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul D. (2015) The first shared online curriculum resources for veterinary undergraduate learning and teaching in animal welfare and ethics in Australia and New Zealand. Animals, 5 (2). pp. 395-406.

Mendez, Diana, Buttner, Petra, and Speare, Rick (2014) Hendra virus in Queensland, Australia, during the winter of 2011: veterinarians on the path to better management strategies. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 117 (1). pp. 40-51.

Mendez, Diana H., Kelly, Jenny, Buttner, Petra, Nowak, Madeleine, and Speare, Rick (2014) Management of the slowly emerging zoonosis, Hendra virus, by private veterinarians in Queensland, Australia: a qualitative study. BMC Veterinary Research, 10. 215. pp. 1-14.

Voyles, Jamie, Phillips, Annie, Driessen, Michael, Webb, Matthew, Berger, Lee, Woodhams, Douglas C., Murray, Kris, and Skerratt, Lee (2014) Initial assessment of host susceptibility and pathogen virulence for conservation and management of Tasmanian amphibians. Herpetological Conservation and Biology, 9 (1). pp. 106-115.

Tarr, C.J., Thompson, P.N., Guthrie, A.J., and Harper, C.K. (2014) The carrier prevalence of severe combined immunodeficiency, lavender foal syndrome and cerebellar abiotrophy in Arabian horses in South Africa. Equine Veterinary Journal, 46 (4). pp. 512-514.

Venter, Gert J., Labuschagne, Karien, Majatladi, Daphney, Boikanyo, Solomon N.B., Lourens, Carina, Ebersohn, Karen, and Venter, Estelle H. (2014) Culicoides species abundance and potential overwintering of African horse sickness virus in the Onderstepoort area, Gauteng, South Africa. Journal of the South African Veterinary Association, 85 (1). pp. 1-6.

Saber, A.S., and Hassanin, A. (2014) Morphology of auditory canal of echidna (Tachy-glossus aculeatus). Journal of Veterinary Anatomy, 7 (1). pp. 113-125.

Annandale, C.H., Holm, D.E., Ebersohn, K., and Venter, E.H. (2014) Seminal transmission of lumpy skin disease virus in heifers. Transboundary and Emerging Diseases, 61 (5). pp. 443-448.

Lloyd, Janice, and Roe, Elizabeth (Lib) (2014) Using TTouch to reduce stress and enhance learning when training guide dogs. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility, 6 (1). pp. 8-20.

Mendez, D., Büttner, P., and Speare, R. (2013) Response of Australian veterinarians to the announcement of a Hendra virus vaccine becoming available. Australian Veterinary Journal, 91 (8). pp. 328-331.

Mendez, D., Judd, J., and Speare, R. (2013) Testing for Hendra virus: difficulties experienced by veterinarians in Queensland prior to 2011. Australian Veterinary Journal, 91 (8). pp. 323-327.

Wilson, S-J., Ward, M.P., and Garner, M.G. (2013) A framework for assessing the intangible impacts of emergency animal disease. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 111 (3-4). pp. 194-199.

Attard, K., Burrows, E., Kotiranta-Harris, K., Hedlefs, R., Ketheesan, N., and Govan, B. (2012) Veterinary infection control in Australia: is there control? Australian Veterinary Journal, 90 (11). pp. 438-441.

Cavalieri, John (2011) An undergraduate curriculum in veterinary reproduction at James Cook University. Clinical Theriogenology, 3 (2). pp. 135-145.

Phillott, A.D., Speare, R., Hines, H.B., Skerratt, L.F., Meyer, E., McDonald, K.R., Cashins, S.D., Mendez, D., and Berger, L. (2010) Minimising exposure of amphibians to pathogens during field studies. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 92 (2-3). pp. 175-185.

Berry, Gemma (2010) JCU vet students embark on final year rotations. Australian Veterinary Journal, 88 (5). N10-N10.

Berry, Gemma (2010) Student conference, 50 years young. Australian Veterinary Journal, 88 (3). N22-N22.

Annandale, C.H., Irons, P.C., Bagla, V.P., Osuagwuh, U.I., and Venter, E.H. (2010) Sites of persistence of lumpy skin disease virus in the genital tract of experimentally infected bulls. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 45 (2). pp. 250-255.

Phillott, A.D., and Young, S. (2009) Occurrence of cloacal prolapse in wild hylids in the Wet Tropics, Australia. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 86 (1). pp. 77-80.

Lloyd, Janice K.F., Budge, R. Claire , Stafford, Kevin J., and La Grow, Steven J. (2009) A focus group discussion on using guide dogs. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility, 2 (1). pp. 52-64.

Lloyd, Janice K.F. (2008) Concepts in animal welfare: environment enrichment. New Zealand Veterinary Nurse, 14 (48). pp. 22-27.

Woodhams, Douglas C., Kilburn, Vanessa L., Reinert, Laura K., Voyles, Jamie, Medina, Daniel, Ibáñez, Roberto, Hyatt, Alex D., Boyle, Donna G., Pask, James D., Green, David M., and Rollins-Smith, Louise A. (2008) Chytridiomycosis and amphibian population declines continue to spread eastward in Panama. EcoHealth, 5 (3). pp. 268-274.

Lloyd, Janice K.F., La Grow, Steven, Stafford, Kevin J., and Budge, R. Claire (2008) The Guide Dog as a mobility aid Part 1: perceived effectiveness on travel performance. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility, 1 (1). pp. 17-33.

Shaw, Stephanie, and Holzapfel, Avi (2008) Mortality of New Zealand native frogs in captivity. DOC Research and Development Series, 295. pp. 1-30.

Mendez, Diana, Webb, Rebecca, Berger, Lee, and Speare, Richard (2008) Survival of the amphibian chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis on bare hands and gloves: hygiene implications for amphibian handling. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 82 (2). pp. 97-104.

Lloyd, Janice K.F., La Grow, Steven J., Stafford, Kevin, and Budge, R. Claire (2008) The guide dog as a mobility aid part 2: perceived changes to travel habits. International Journal of Orientation & Mobility, 1 (1). pp. 34-45.

He, Yinghe (2007) Breakup of a flow-focused emulsion jet for the production of matrix-structured microcapsules. Applied Physics Letters, 91 (25). pp. 1-3.

Parker, A.J., Dobson, G.P., and Fitzpatrick, L.A. (2007) Physiological and metabolic effects of prophylactic treatment with the osmolytes glycerol and betaine on Bos indicus steers during long duration transportation. Journal of Animal Science, 85 (11). pp. 2916-2923.

Dombrowski, Richard D., Litster, James D., Wagner, Norman J., and He, Yinghe (2007) Crystallization of alpha-lactose monohydrate in a drop-based microfluidic crystallizer. Chemical Engineering Science, 62 (17). pp. 4802-4810.

Wilson, S-J., Taylor, J.D., Gibson, J.A., and McKenzie, R.A. (2007) Pimelea trichostachya poisoning (St George disease) in horses. Australian Veterinary Journal, 85 (5). pp. 201-205.

Sloots, Kathryn L., Vinten-Johansen, Jakob, and Dobson, Geoffrey P. (2007) Warm nondepolorizing adenosine and lidocaine cardioplegia: continuous versus intermittent delivery. Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 133 (5). pp. 1171-1178.

Munns, Suzanne, and Daniels, Christoper (2007) Breathing with big babies: ventilation and oxygen consumption during pregnancy in the lizard Tiliqua rugosa. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 80 (1). pp. 35-45.

Mills, Jennifer N, Irwin, Peter, Baguley, John, Meehan, Michael, Austin, Heidi, Fitzpatrick, Lee, Parry, Bruce, and Heath, Trevor (2006) Development of veterinary communication skills at Murdoch University and in other Australian veterinary schools. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education, 33 (1). pp. 93-99.

Parker, A.J., Hamlin, G.P., Coleman, C.J., and Fitzpatrick, L.A. (2004) Excess cortisol interferes with a principal mechanism of resistance to dehydration in Bos indicus steers. Journal of Animal Science, 82 (4). pp. 1037-1045.

Jubb, T.F., Fordyce, G., Bolam, M.J., Hadden, D.J., Cooper, N.J., Whyte, T.R., Fitzpatrick, L.A., Hill, F., and D'Occhio, M.J. (2003) Trial introduction of the Willis dropped ovary technique for spaying cattle in northern Australia. Australian Veterinary Journal, 81 (1-2). pp. 66-70.

Ulett, Glen C., Hirst, Robert, Bowden, Bruce, Powell, Kellie, and Norton, Robert (2003) A comparison of antibiotic regimens in the treatment of acute melioidosis in a mouse model. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, 51 (1). pp. 77-81.

Rodrigues, H.D., Kinder, J.E., and Fitzpatrick, L.A. (2002) Estradiol regulation of luteinizing hormone secretion in heifers of two breed types that reach puberty at different ages. Biology of Reproduction, 66 (3). pp. 603-609.

Phillott, Andrea D. (2002) Minimizing fungal invasion during the artificial incubation of sea turtle eggs. Herpetological Review, 33 (1). pp. 41-42.

D'Occhio, Michael J., Fordyce, Geoffry, Whyte, Tim R., Jubb, Tristan F., Fitzpatrick, Lee A., Cooper, Neil J., Aspden, William J., Bolam, Matt J., and Trigg, Timothy E. (2002) Use of GnRH agonist implants for long term suppression of fertility in extensively managed heifers and cows. Animal Reproduction Science, 74 (3). pp. 151-162.

Tan, C.K., and Owens, L. (2000) Infectivity, transmission and 16S rRNA sequencing of a rickettsia, Coxiella cheraxi sp. nov., from the freshwater crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus. Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, 41 (2). pp. 115-122.

Buenviaje, G.N., Ladds, P.W., Hirst, R.G., Summers, P.M., and Millan, J.M. (1998) Attempted transmission of dermatophilosis in saltwater crocodiles (Crocodylus porosus). Australian Veterinary Journal, 76 (7). pp. 495-496.

Buenviaje, G.N., Ladds, P.W., and Martin, Y. (1998) Pathology of skin diseases in crocodiles. Australian Veterinary Journal, 76 (5). pp. 357-363.

Pugh, Charles R., Wortman, Jeffrey A., Lloyd, Janice, Saunders, H. Mark, Biery, Darryl N., Rhodes, Harker, Evans, Sydney M., Walker, Lynn M., Green, Pamela, Mendez-Aguillar, Rosa, and Regan, Joan (1995) Comparative evaluation of an ultraviolet and an orthochromatic rare-earth imaging system for veterinary radiography. Veterinary Radiology and Ultrasound, 36 (6). pp. 485-492.

Book Chapter

Lloyd, Janice, Johnston, Laura, and Lewis, Julia (2020) Psychiatric assistance dog use for people living with mental health disorders. In: Patterson-Kane, Emily, Hart, Lynette Arnason, and Yamamoto, Mariko, (eds.) Assistance Dogs for People With Disabilities. Frontiers Media, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 73-78.

Lloyd, Janice, Budge, Claire, La Grow, Steven, and Stafford, Kevin (2019) An investigation of the complexities of successful and unsuccessful guide dog matching and partnerships. In: Otto, C.M., Willson, E., and Cobb, M., (eds.) Working Dogs: form and function. Frontiers, Lausanne, Switzerland, pp. 86-100.

Whittaker, Maxine (2015) The role of social sciences in One Health: reciprocal benefits. In: Zinsstag, Jakob, Schelling, Esther, Waltner-Toews, David, Whittaker, Maxine, and Tanner, Marcel, (eds.) One Health: the theory and practice of integrated health approaches. CABI International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 60-72.

Mendez, Diana (2015) Identifying and understanding the factors affecting infection control and Hendra virus risk management in private veterinary practices in Queensland, Australia. In: Buttner, Petra, and Muller, Reinhold, (eds.) Epidemiology. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 8-10.


Campbell, Evan H., Muths, Erin, Katz, Rachel A., Canessa, Stefano, Adams, Michael J., Ballard, Jennifer R., Berger, Lee, Briggs, Cheryl, Coleman, Jeremy, Gray, Matthew J., Harris, M. Camille, Harris, Reid N., Hossack, Blake, Huyvaert, Kathryn P., Kolby, Jonathan, Lips, Karen R., Lovich, Robert E., McCallum, Hamish I., Mendelson III, Joseph, Nanjappa, Priya, Olsen, Deanna H., Powers, Jenny G., Richgels, Katherine L.D., Russell, Robin E., Schmidt, Benedikt R., Spitzen-van der Sluijs, Annemarieke, Watry, Mary Kay, Woodhams, Douglas C., and White, C. LeAnn (2015) Salamander Chytrid Fungus(Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans)in the United States — developing research, monitoring, and management strategies. Report. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA, USA.

Murray, Kris, Skerratt, Lee, Marantelli, Gerry, Berger, Lee, Hunter, David, Mahony, Michael, and Hines, Harry (2011) Guidelines for Minimising Disease Risks Associated with Captive Breeding, Raising and Restocking Programs for Australian Frogs: a report for the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Report. Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities, Canberrra, ACT.

Murray, Kris, Skerratt, Lee, Marantelli, Gerry, Berger, Lee, Hunter, David, Mahony, Michael, and Hines, Harry (2011) Hygiene Protocols for the Control of Diseases in Australian Frogs: report for the Australian Government Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities. Report. Australian Government, Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Populations and Communities.

Conference Item

Reilly, Margaret, and Lloyd, Janice (2020) Cats, dogs and COVID-19. In: [Presented at the JCU COVID-19 Webinar Series]. From: JCU COVID-19 Webinar Series, 5 May 2020, Townsville, Qld, Australia.

Lloyd, J., Reilly, M., and Venter, E. (2020) Sharing approaches to curriculum design and other challenges in present-day veterinary education. In: Proceedings of the Vet Ed Down Under 2020 Conference. pp. 26-27. From: Vet Ed Down Under 2020 conference, 11-13 February 2020, Gatton, QLD, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice, Johnston, Laura, and Lewis, Julia (2019) Dogs as medicine: shedding light on the use of psychiatric assistance dogs. In: Abstracts from the Townsville Health Research Showcase 2019. p. 39. From: Townsville Health Research Showcase 2019, 28-30 October 2019, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice (2019) A One Health/One Welfare approach to dog ownership in rural and remote Indigenous communities. In: Proceedings of the One Welfare Conference II. 15. pp. 44-47. From: One Welfare Conference II, 14-15 October 2019, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Lloyd, J. (2018) Less stress for pets at the vets. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Educators Symposium. p. 40. From: VetEd Down Under: Australian Veterinary Educators Symposium, 13-15 February 2018, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Johnston, Laura, Lewis, Julia, and Lloyd, Janice (2018) The psychiatric assistance dog team: who uses the dogs and why? In: [Presented at the 19th International Mental Health Conference]. From: 19th International Mental Health Conference: our treatment, our environment, our strategies, 8-10 August 2018, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Joone, Carolynne (2017) Canine semen collection, assessment and preparation for chilled shipment. In: Proceedings of the ACV/ARV 2017 Conference. From: ACV/ARV 2017 Conference: Briliance and Bull, 5-7 April 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Joone, Carolynne (2017) Cryopreservation of canine semen. In: Proceedings of the ACV/ARV 2017 Conference. From: ACV/ARV 2017 Conference: Briliance and Bull, 5-7 April 2017, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice (2015) Veterinarians taking the lead on animal welfare and ethics: what's all the fuss about captive marine mammals? In: Centre for Veterinary Education (VCE) publications. From: Centre for veterinary education welfare and ethics symposium, 02 December 2015, Sydney.

Lloyd, J., Johnson, J., Collins, T., Degeling, C., Fawcett, A., Fisher, A., Freire, R., Hazel, S., Hood, J., Philllips, C., Stafford, K., Tzioumis, V., and McGreevy, P. (2015) Nationally shared on-line curriculum resources for veterinary undergraduate learning and teaching in animal welfare and ethics. In: Abstracts from the HERDSA Qld Branch Mini-conference. From: HERDSA Qld Branch Mini-conference, 6 November 2015, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Tarr, Carolynne J., Bertschinger, Henk J., Fosgate, Geoffrey T., and Schulman, Martin L. (2015) Ovarian function in pony mares undergoing porcine zona pellucida immunocontraception. In: Clinical Theriogenology: Therio Conference Proceedings. From: 2015 Annual Theriogenology Conference, 5 - 8 August 2015, San Antonio, Texas, USA.

Lloyd, Janice, Johnson, Jane, Collins, Teresa, Degeline, Christopher, Fawcett, Anne, Fisher, Andrew, Friere, Raf, Hazel, Susan, Hood, Jennifer, Laxton, Ruth, Philips, Clive, Stafford, Kevin, Tzioumis , Vicky, and McGreevy, Paul (2015) Training future veterinarians to be competent in animal welfare and ethics. In: Proceedings of the 4th AVA/NZVA Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference . pp. 625-627. From: 4th AVA/NZVA Pan Pacific Veterinary Conference , 24-29 May 2015, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

De Cat, Sandra, and Emtage, Nick (2015) Academic performance of undergraduate veterinary students: a retrospective cohort analysis. In: Abstracts from the HERDSA Qld Branch Mini-conference. From: HERDSA Qld Branch Mini-conference, 6 November 2015, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice, Hein, Wayne, Lewthwaite, Brian, and Squires, Richard (2014) Are new veterinary graduates 'job ready'? In: Abstracts from the 2014 Melbourne Academy of Veterinary Learning and Teaching Symposium. p. 34. From: MAVLT 2014: Melbourne Academy of Veterinary Learning and Teaching Symposium, 3-4 December 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Johnson, Jane, Collins, Teresa, Degeling, Christopher, Fawcett, Anne, Fisher, Andrew, Freire, Raf, Hazel, Susan, Hood, Jeni, Lloyd, Janice, Phillips, Clive, Stafford, Kevin, and McGreevy, Paul (2014) Developing the first shared online curriculum for veterinary undergraduate learning and teaching in animal welfare and ethics in Australia and New Zealand. In: Abstracts from the 2014 Melbourne Academy of Veterinary Learning and Teaching Symposium. p. 15. From: MAVLT 2014: Melbourne Academy of Veterinary Learning and Teaching Symposium, 3-4 December 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice, and Sorin, Reesa (2014) The effect of the Classroom Canines™ program on reading, social/emotional skills and attitudes to dogs of selected primary school students. In: Abstracts from the 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Anthrozoology. p. 212. From: ISAZ 2014: 23rd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Anthrozoology, 19-22 July 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Gardiner, Chris, and De Cat, Sandra (2014) New legumes for enhanced sheep/cattle production in dry tropical environments. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. From: AVA 2014: Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 25-30 May 2014, Perth, WA, Australia.

De Cat, Sandra, Gardiner, Chris, and Fitzpatrick, Lee (2014) "Sheep Week": a holistic model to foster integrated learning. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. -I. From: AVA 2014: Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 25-30 May 2014, Perth, WA, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice, Stafford, Kevin, La Grow, Steven, and Budge, R. Claire (2013) Matching guide dogs to people: assessing the relationship between 50 people and their first guide dogs. In: Proceedings of the first conference of the Australian Working Dog Alliance. pp. 26-27. From: Australian Working Dog Alliance Working Dog Conference 2013, 4-5 November 2013, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Burgess, Graham (2013) History of veterinary science at James Cook University. In: Abstracts from the 2013 Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. p. 1. From: 2013 Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 26-31 May 2013, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Berger, Lee, and Skerratt, Lee (2013) Update on amphibian chytridiomycosis. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. pp. 1-5. From: 2013 Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 26-31 May 2013, Cairns, QLD.

Hein, Wayne (2013) The future of veterinary education at James Cook University. In: Proceedings of the Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference. pp. 1-4. From: 2013 Australian Veterinary Association Annual Conference, 26-31 May 2013, Cairns, QLD.

De Cat, Sandra (2012) “Sheep week” - giving students a taste of sheep farming and rural life in central Queensland. In: UNSPECIFIED. From: Ruminant Teaching Workshop, 12-13 December 2012, The University of Melbourne. (Unpublished)

Gummow, Bruce, Tranter, William P., Fletcher, Mary T., Brock, Ian J., and Gardiner, Christopher P. (2011) Ptaquiloside milk residues; do they pose a public health risk in Northern QLD? In: Australian College of Veterinary Scientists: college science week: wpidemiology chapter and aquatic animal health chapter proceedings. p. 9. From: Australian College of Veterinary Scientists: college science week: scientific meeting, 30 June - 2 July 2011, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice K.F., Budge, R. Claire, Stafford, Kevin J., and La Grow, Steven J. (2009) The end of the partnership with a guide dog: emotional response and relationships with subsequent dogs. In: Abstracts from the International Mobility Conference 2009. pp. 48-49. From: International Mobility Conference 2009, 14 - 17 July 2009, Marburg, Germany.

Lloyd, Janice K.F., Budge, R. Claire, Stafford, Kevin J., and La Grow, Steven J. (2009) The end of the partnership with a guide dog: emotional response and relationships with subsequent dogs. In: Proceedings of the International Mobility Conference 2009. From: International Mobility Conference 2009, 14 - 17 July 2009, Marburg, Germany.

Yinghe, He (2007) Fabrication of matrix-structured microspheres through break-up of a flow-focused laminar water-in-oil emulsion jet. In: Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Enginering Conferrence 2007. pp. 382-388. From: CHEMECA 2007: academia and industry - strengthening the profession, 23-26 September 2007, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Jin, Yan, He, Yinghe, and Davies, Nigel (2007) Formulation and stability evaluation of surfactant-free water-in-(highly volatile) oil emulsions. In: Proceedings of the 35th Australasian Chemical Enginering Conferrence 2007. pp. 366-373. From: Chemeca 2007: academia and industry - strengthening the profession., 23-26 September 2007, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.

Squires, Richard A. (2005) Communicating specialist knowledge. In: Presentations from the 46th Annual Conference of the Australasian Veterinary Students Association. From: 46th Annual Conference of the Australasian Veterinary Students Association, 23-29 January 2005, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Rahman, Mohammad M. , He, Yinghe, and Davies, Nigel M. (2005) Application of laminar jet break-up to the preparation of monodisperse microparticulate drug delivery systems. In: Proceedings of 33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference. From: Chemeca 2005, 25-28 September 2005, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Lloyd, Janice, Stafford, Kevin, La Grow, Steven, and Budge, Claire (2005) Exploring the match between handlers and guide dogs. In: Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference 2005. p. 28. From: Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference 2005, 30 March - 2 April 2005, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Lloyd, Janice, Stafford, Kevin, La Grow, Steven, and Budge, Claire (2005) Handler and guide dog compatibility. In: Papers from Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference 2005. p. 17. From: Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour Conference 2005, 30 March - 2 April 2005, Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Dombrowski, Richard D., Wagner, Norman J., He, Yinghe, and Litster, James D. (2005) Particle production in monodisperse emulsions. In: Proceedings of 33rd Australasian Chemical Engineering Conference. From: Chemeca 2005, 25-28 September 2005, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Stafford, Kevin, Erceg, Vicki, Kyono, Monica, Lloyd, Janice, and Phipps, Nikki (2003) The dog/human dyad: a match made in heaven? In: Proceedings of the 28th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association. From: WSAVA 2003: 28th Congress of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association, 24-27 October 2003, Bangkok, Thailand.

Lloyd, Janice K.F., La Grow, Steven J., Budge, R. Claire, and Stafford, Kevin J. (2003) Matching guide dogs: mobility and compatibility outcomes. In: Proceedings of the International Mobility Conference 2003. From: 11th International Mobility Conference, 30 March - 4 April 2003, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Lloyd, Janice K.F. (2002) Guide dog mobility from the client's perspective. In: Papers from the International Federation of Guide Dog Schools for the Blind Series. pp. 1-4. From: International Federation of Guide Dog Schools for the Blind Seminar 2002, May 2002, Samsung Guide Dog School, South Korea.


Zinsstag, Jakob, Schelling, Esther, Waltner-Toews, David, Whittaker, Maxine, and Tanner, Marcel (2015) One Health: the added value of integrated health approaches. CABI International, Wallingford, UK.

Burgess, Graham, Campbell, Roderick S.F., Entwistle, Keith W., Fitzpatrick, Lee, Hutchinson, Gareth W., Ladds, Philip, Murray, Max, Owens, Leigh, Summers, Phillip, Skerratt, Lee, Teleni, Esala, Watson, Dennis, Wilson, Alan J., and Young, Peter (2010) Veterinary Science In The Tropics 1969-2009. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Mendez, Diana Hélène (2015) Identifying and understanding the factors affecting infection control and Hendra virus risk management in private veterinary practices in Queensland, Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Young, Samantha (2012) Emerging amphibian diseases in Queensland and host immune response to disease. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Lloyd, Janice Kathryn Foyer (2004) Exploring the match between people and their guide dogs. PhD thesis, Massey University.

Buenviaje, Gilbert (2000) Studies on skin diseases of crocodiles. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Lloyd, Janice (2015) Aquaculture and fish welfare. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

Lloyd, Janice (2015) Aquaculture and fish welfare regarding slaughter. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

Lloyd, Janice, and von Gelderen, Allison (2015) Dogs on utes. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

Lloyd, Janice (2015) Husbandry and environmental enrichment. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

Lloyd, Janice (2015) Killing fish. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

Lloyd, Janice (2015) Orcas in captivity. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

Lloyd, Janice, and Cavalieri, John (2015) Stereotypy in horses. Centre for Veterinary Education: University of Sydney, One Welfare Portal.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 22:38:40 2025 AEST.