Browse by ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective codes
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- SEO Codes (55583)
- 96 ENVIRONMENT (11055)
- 9605 Ecosystem Assessment and Management (2547)
- 960504 Ecosystem Assessment and Management of Farmland, Arable Cropland and Permanent Cropland Environments (135)
- 9605 Ecosystem Assessment and Management (2547)
- 96 ENVIRONMENT (11055)
Nordberg, Eric J., and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2019) Predation risk is a function of alternative prey availability rather than predator abundance in a tropical savanna woodland ecosystem. Scientific Reports, 9. 7718.
Neilly, Heather, Nordberg, Eric J., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2018) Arboreality increases reptile community resistance to disturbance from livestock grazing. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (2). pp. 786-799.
Neilly, H., and Schwarzkopf, L. (2018) Heavy livestock grazing negatively impacts a marsupial ecosystem engineer. Journal of Zoology, 305 (1). pp. 35-42.
Sheaves, Marcus, Johnston, Ross, Miller, Kelsey, and Nelson, Paul N. (2018) Impact of oil palm development on the integrity of riparian vegetation of a tropical coastal landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 262. pp. 1-10.
Webb, Jackie R., Santos, Isaac R., Maher, Damien T., McDonald, Ben, Robson, Barbara, Isaac, Peter, and McHugh, Ian (2018) Terrestrial versus aquatic carbon fluxes in a subtropical agricultural floodplain over an annual cycle. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 260-261. pp. 262-272.
Pattnaik, Itishree, Lahiri-Dutt, Kuntala, Lockie, Stewart, and Pritchard, Bill (2018) The feminization of agriculture or the feminization of agrarian distress? Tracking the trajectory of women in agriculture in India. Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, 23 (1). pp. 138-155.
Parsons, Scott A., Kutt, Alex, Vanderduys, Eric P., Perry, Justin J., and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2017) Exploring relationships between native vertebrate biodiversity and grazing land condition. The Rangeland Journal, 39 (1). pp. 25-37.
Connolly, Niall, Pearson, Richard, and Pearson, Benjamin (2016) Riparian vegetation and sediment gradients determine invertebrate diversity in streams draining an agricultural landscape. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 221. pp. 163-173.
Skewes, Tim, Hunter, C.M., Butler, J.R.A., Lyne, V.D., Suadnya, W., and Wise, R.M. (2016) The Asset Drivers, Well-being Interaction Matrix (ADWIM): a participatory tool for estimating future impacts on ecosystem services and livelihoods. Climate Risk Management, 12. pp. 69-82.
Davis, Aaron M., Unmack, Peterj., Vari, Richard P., and Betancur-R, Ricardo (2016) Herbivory promotes dental disparification and macroevolutionary dynamics in grunters (Teleostei: Terapontidae), a freshwater adaptive radiation. American Naturalist, 187 (3). pp. 320-333.
Davis, Aaron M., and Pradolin, Jordan (2016) Precision herbicide application technologies to decrease herbicide losses in furrow irrigation outflows in a northeastern Australian cropping system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64 (20). pp. 4021-4028.
Nordberg, Eric J., and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2015) Arboreal cover boards: using artificial bark to sample cryptic arboreal lizards. Herpetologica, 71 (4). pp. 268-273.
Wenger, Amelia S., McCormick, Mark I., Endo, Geoff G.K., McLeod, Ian M., Kroom, Frederieke J., and Jones, Geoffrey P. (2014) Suspended sediment prolongs larval development in a coral reef fish. Journal of Experimental Biology, 217. pp. 1122-1128.
Davis, A.M., Lewis, S.E., Brodie, J.E., and Benson, Ash (2014) The potential benefits of herbicide regulation: a cautionary note for the Great Barrier Reef catchment area. Science of the Total Environment, 490. pp. 81-92.
Bartley, Rebecca, Bainbridge, Zoe T., Lewis, Stephen E., Kroon, Frederieke J., Wilkinson, Scott N., Brodie, Jon E., and Silburn, D. Mark (2014) Relating sediment impacts on coral reefs to watershed sources, processes and management: a review. Science of the Total Environment, 468-469. pp. 1138-1153.
Turnour, Jim (2014) Old MacDonald sold the farm: so what's the future for agriculture? The Conversation, 12 February 2014.
Thompson, Lyndal-Joy, and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Private standards, grower networks, and power in a food supply system. Agriculture and Human Values, 30 (3). pp. 379-388.
Wallace, Jim, Macfarlane, Craig, McJannet, Dave, Ellis, Tim, Grigg, Andrew, and van Dijk, Albert (2013) Evaluation of forest interception estimation in the continental scale Australian Water Resources Assessment – Landscape (AWRA-L) model. Journal of Hydrology, 499. pp. 210-223.
McMahon, Kathryn, Collier, Catherine, and Lavery, Paul S. (2013) Identifying robust bioindicators of light stress in seagrasses: a meta-analysis. Ecological Indicators, 30. pp. 7-15.
Lockie, Stewart (2013) Market instruments, ecosystem services, and property rights: assumptions and conditions for sustained social and ecological benefits. Land Use Policy, 31. pp. 90-98.
Hogan, Anthony, Tanton, Robert , Lockie, Stewart, and May, Sarah (2013) Focusing resource allocation-wellbeing as a tool for prioritizing interventions for communities at risk. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 10 (8). pp. 3435-3452.
Tennent, Rebeka, and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Private food standards, trade and institutions in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 6 (2). pp. 163-177.
Hogan, Anthony, and Lockie, Stewart (2013) The coupling of rural communities with their economic base: agriculture, localism and the discourse of self-sufficiency. Policy Studies, 34 (4). pp. 441-454.
Parsons, Scott A., Congdon, Robert A., Storlie, Collin J., Shoo, Luke P., and Williams, Stephen E. (2012) Regional patterns and controls of leaf decomposition in Australian tropical rainforests. Austral Ecology, 37 (7). pp. 845-854.
Garcia-Ulloa, John, Sloan, Sean, Pacheco, Pablo, Ghazoul, Jaboury, and Koh, Lian Pin (2012) Lowering environmental costs of oil-palm expansion in Colombia. Conservation Letters, 5 (5). pp. 366-375.
Edwards, David P., and Laurance, Susan G. (2012) Green labelling, sustainability and the expansion of tropical agriculture: critical issues for certification schemes. Biological Conservation, 151 (1). pp. 60-64.
Armstrong, Graeme, and Phillips, Ben (2012) Fire history from life-history: determining the fire regime that a plant community is adapted using life-histories. PLoS ONE, 7 (2). e31544. pp. 1-8.
Lockie, Stewart, Tennent, Rebeka, Benares, Carmen, and Carpenter, David (2012) Is de-agrarianization inevitable? Subsistence, food security and market production in the Uplands of Negros Occidental, the Philippines. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture & Food, 19 (2). pp. 214-228.
Higgins, Vaughan, Dibden, Jacqui, and Cocklin, Chris (2012) Market instruments and the neoliberalisation of land management in rural Australia. Geoforum, 43 (3). pp. 377-386.
Parsons, Scott A., Lawler, Ivan R., Congdon, Robert A., and Williams, Stephen E. (2011) Rainforest litter quality and chemical controls on leaf decomposition with near-infrared spectrometry. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 174 (5). pp. 710-720.
Waycott, Michelle, Jones, Brendan L., Van Dijk, Jent Kornelis, Robson, Heather L.A., and Calladine, Ainsley (2011) Microsatellite markers in the Australian desert plant, Solanum centrale (Solanaceae). American Journal of Botany, 98 (4). e81-e83.
Tennent, Rebeka, and Lockie, Stewart (2011) Production relations under GLOBALG.A.P: the relative influence of standards and retail market structure. Sociologia Ruralis, 52 (1). 17. pp. 31-47.
Edwards, Ferne, Dixon, Jane, Friel, Sharon, Hall, Gillian, Larsen, Kirsten, Lockie, Stewart, Wood, Beverley, Lawrence, Mark, Hanigan, Ivan, Hogan, Anthony, and Hattersley, Libby (2011) Climate change adaptation at the intersection of food and health. Asia-Pacific Journal of Public Health, 23 (2). 91S-104S.
Bricker, Eric, Waycott, Michelle, Calladine, Ainsley, and Zieman, Joseph C. (2011) High connectivity across environmental gradients and implications for phenotypic plasticity in a marine plant. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 423. pp. 57-67.
Weston, Nigel, Goosem, Miriam, Marsh, Helene, Cohen, Martin, and Wilson, Robyn (2011) Using canopy bridges to link habitat for arboreal mammals: successful trials in the Wet Tropics of Queensland. Australian Mammalogy, 33 (1). pp. 93-105.
Lynch, A.J.J., Fell, D.G., and McIntyre-Tamwoy, S. (2010) Incorporating Indigenous values with 'Western' conservation values in sustainable biodiversity management. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 17 (4). pp. 244-255.
Endamana, Dominique, Boedhihartono, Agni Klintuni, Bokoto, Bruno, Defo, Louis, Eyebe, Antoine, Ndikumagenge, Cléto, Nzooh, Zacharie, Ruiz-Perez, Manuel, and Sayer, Jeffrey A. (2010) A framework for assessing conservation and development in a Congo Basin Forest Landscape. Tropical Conservation Science, 3 (3). pp. 262-281.
Romano, Nicholas, and Zeng, Chaoshu (2010) Survival, osmoregulation and ammonia-N excretion of blue swimmer crab, Portunus pelagicus, juveniles exposed to different ammonia-N and salinity combinations. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology - Part C, 151 (2). pp. 222-228.
Holtum, Joseph A.M., and Winter, Klaus (2010) Elevated [CO2] and forest vegetation: more a water issue than a carbon issue? Functional Plant Biology, 37 (8). pp. 694-702.
Hoskin, Conrad J., and Goosem, Miriam W. (2010) Road impacts on abundance, call traits, and body size of rainforest frogs in northeast Australia. Ecology and Society, 15 (3). 15. pp. 1-16.
Black, Kevin, Byrne, Kenneth A., Mencuccini, Maurizio, Tobin, Brian, Nieuwenhuis, Maarten, Reidy, Brian, Bolger, Tom, Saiz, Gustavo, Green, Carly, Farrell, Edward T., and Osborne, Bruce (2009) Carbon stock and stock changes across a Sitka spruce chronosequence on surface-water gley soils. Forestry, 82 (3). pp. 255-272.
Lockie, Stewart (2009) Community movements and corporate images: "Landcare" in Australia. Rural Sociology, 64 (2). pp. 219-233.
Romano, Nicholas, and Zeng, Chaoshu (2009) Subchronic exposure to nitrite, potassium and their combination on survival, growth, total haemocyte count and gill structure of juvenile blue swimmer crabs, Portunus pelagicus. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 72 (4). pp. 1287-1295.
Pohlman, Catherine L., Turton, Stephen M., and Goosem, Miriam (2009) Temporal variation in microclimatic edge effects near powerlines, highways and streams in Australian tropical rainforest. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 149 (1). pp. 84-95.
Asner, Gregory P., Martin, Roberta E., Ford, Andrew J., Metcalfe, Daniel J., and Liddell, Michael J. (2009) Leaf chemical and spectral diversity in Australian tropical forests. Ecological Applications, 19 (1). pp. 236-253.
Lockie, Stewart (2009) Agricultural biodiversity and neoliberal regimes of agri-environmental governance in Australia. Current Sociology, 57 (3). pp. 407-426.
Lockie, Stewart (2009) Responsibility and agency within alternative food networks: assembling the "citizen consumer". Agriculture and Human Values, 26 (3). pp. 193-201.
Shoo, Luke P., and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2008) No simple relationship between above-ground tree growth and fine-litter production in tropical forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 24 (3). pp. 347-350.
Davis, Aaron, Lewis, Stephen, Bainbridge, Zoe, Brodie, Jon, and Shannon , Evan (2008) Pesticide residues in waterways of the lower Burdekin region: challenges in ecotoxicological interpretation of monitoring data. Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology, 14. pp. 89-108.
Haynes, David, Brodie, Jon, Waterhouse, Jane, Bainbridge, Zoe, Bass, Deb, and Hart, Barry (2007) Assessment of the water quality and ecosystem health of the Great Barrier Reef (Australia): conceptual models. Environmental Management, 40 (6). pp. 993-1003.
Hughes, Terence P., Gunderson, Lance H., Folke, Carl, Baird, Andrew H., Bellwood, David, Berkes, Fikret, Crona, Beatrice, Helfgott, Ariella, Leslie, Heather, Norberg, Jon, Nyström, Marcus, Olsson, Per, Österblom, Henrik, Scheffer, Marten, Schuttenberg, Heidi, Steneck, Robert S., Tengo, Maria, Troell, Max, Walker, Brian, Wilson, James, and Worm, Boris (2007) Adaptive management of the Great Barrier Reef and the Grand Canyon World Heritage Areas. Ambio, 36 (7). pp. 586-592.
Williams, Paul, Collins, Eleanor, and Crafter, Chris (2007) Dynamics in tropical sandstone vegetation in north-west Queensland: insights for management. Ecological Management & Restoration, 8 (2). pp. 143-144.
Black, K., Bolger, T., Davis, P., Nieuwenhuis, M., Reidy, B., Saiz, G., Tobin, B., and Osborne, B. (2007) Inventory and eddy covariance-based estimates of annual carbon sequestration in a Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) forest ecosystem. European Journal of Forest Reserach, 126 (2). pp. 167-178.
Liddell, Michael J., Nieullet, Nicolas, Campoe, Otavio C., and Freiberg, Martin (2007) Assessing the above-ground biomass of a complex tropical rainforest using a canopy crane. Austral Ecology, 32 (1). pp. 43-58.
Devlin, Michelle, Best, Mike, Coates, Deborah, Bresnan, Eileen, O'Boyle, Shane, Park, Richard, Silke, Joe, Cusack, Caroline, and Skeats, Joe (2007) Establishing boundary classes for the classification of UK marine waters using phytoplankton communities. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55 (1-6). pp. 91-103.
Lockie, Stewart (2006) Networks of agri-environmental action: temporality, spatiality and identity in agricultural environments. Sociologia Ruralis, 46 (1). pp. 22-39.
Williams, PR, and Clarke, PJ (2006) Fire history and soil gradients generate floristic patterns in montane sedgelands and wet heaths of gibraltar range national park. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, 127. pp. 27-38.
Lockie, Stewart, and Halpin, Darren (2005) The 'Conventionalisation' thesis reconsidered: structural and ideological transformation of Australian organic agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis, 45 (4). pp. 284-307.
Devlin, M.J., and Brodie, J. (2005) Terrestrial discharge into the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon: nutrient behavior in coastal waters. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 51 (1). pp. 9-22.
Lockie, Stewart, Lyons, Kristen, Lawrence, Geoffrey, and Grice, Janet (2004) Choosing organics: a path analysis of factors underlying the selection of organic food among Australian consumers. Appetite, 43 (2). pp. 135-146.
Lockie, Stewart (2004) Book reviews of "Reinventing the Common: cross-boundary farming for a sustainable future" by S. Williamson et al. Annandale, NSW, The Federation Press, 2003. ISBN: 1-86287-436-0 and "Managing Australia's Environment" edited by S. Dovers and S. River. Annandale, NSW, The Federation Press, 2003. ISBN: 1-86287-447-6. Rural Society, 14 (1). pp. 76-79.
Cinner, J.E., and Pollnac, R.B. (2004) Poverty, perceptions and planning: why socioeconomics matter in the management of Mexican reefs. Ocean & Coastal Management, 47 (9-10). pp. 479-493.
Wust, Raphael A.J., and Bustin, R. Marc (2003) Vegetation classification for a Sedge/Forest wetlands system, Tasek Bera (Peninsular Malaysia) based on Landsat-TM imagery and aerial photo-based field mapping. Asian Journal of Geoinformatics, 4 (1). pp. 61-70.
Lockie, Stewart (2002) 'The invisible mouth': mobilizing 'the consumer' in food production-consumption networks. Sociologia Ruralis, 42 (4). pp. 278-294.
Thompson, A.A., and Mapstone, B.D. (2002) Intra- versus inter-annual variation in counts of reef fishes and interpretations of long-term monitoring studies. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 232. pp. 247-257.
Higgins, Vaughan, and Lockie, Stewart (2002) Re-discovering the social: neo-liberalism and hybrid practices of governing in rural natural resource management. Journal of Rural Studies, 18 (4). pp. 419-428.
Lockie, Stewart (2001) Book Review: "The Living Land: agriculture, food and community regeneration in rural Europe" by J. Pretty. London, Earthscan, 1998. ISBN: 1-85383-516-1. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 14 (1). pp. 105-108.
Reis, Julie, Lawrence, Geoffrey, and Lockie, Stewart (2001) A cultural economy study of beef as a commodity: a preliminary analysis from Central Queensland. Rural Society, 11 (3). pp. 225-241.
Lockie, Stewart, Lyons, Kristen, and Lawrence, Geoffrey (2000) Constructing "green" foods: corporate capital, risk, and organic farming in Australia and New Zealand. Agriculture and Human Values, 17 (4). pp. 315-322.
Waycott, Michelle (2000) Genetic Factors in the Conservation of Seagrasses. Pacific Conservation Biology, 5 (4). pp. 269-276.
Lawrence, Geoffrey, Lyons, Kristen, and Lockie, Stewart (1999) Healthy for you, healthy for the environment: Corporate capital, farming practice and the construction of 'green' foods. Rural Society, 9 (3). pp. 543-553.
Lockie, Stewart (1998) Environmental and social risks, and the construction of "best-practice" in Australian agriculture. Agriculture and Human Values, 15 (3). pp. 243-252.
Lockie, Stewart (1998) Landcare in Australia: cultural transformation in the management of rural environments. Culture, Agriculture, Food & Environment, 20 (1). pp. 21-29.
Lockie, Stewart (1997) Chemical risk and the self-calculating farmer: diffuse chemical use in Australian broadacre farming systems. Current Sociology, 45 (3). pp. 81-97.
Lockie, Stewart (1997) Is 'subsumption' still relevant?: the question of control in Australian broadacre agriculture. Rural Society, 7 (3-4). pp. 27-36.
Vanclay, Frank, and Lockie, Stewart (1997) 'Landcare changing Australia: the lie of the land': an extended review of the 1997 National Landcare Conference, Adelaide, September 1997. Rural Society, 7 (2). pp. 51-59.
Lockie, Stewart (1995) Beyond a 'good thing': political interests and the meaning of landcare. Rural Society, 5 (2-3). pp. 3-12.
Lockie, Stewart, Mead, Ashley, Vanclay, Frank, and Butler, Brett (1995) Factors encouraging the adoption of more sustainable crop rotations in south-east Australia. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 6 (1). pp. 61-79.
Nelson, P.N., Baldock, J.A., and Oades, J.M. (1993) Concentration and composition of dissolved organic carbon in streams in relation to catchment soil properties. Biogeochemistry, 19 (1). pp. 27-50.
Martin, Peter, and Lockie, Stewart (1993) Environmental information for total catchment management: incorporating local knowledge. Australian Geographer, 24 (1). pp. 75-85.
Book Chapter
Tennent, Rebeka, and Lockie, Stewart (2015) Natural resource management in Australia: a historical summary. In: Hogan, Anthony, and Young, Michelle, (eds.) Rural and Regional Futures. Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 71-83.
Bayala, J., and Wallace, J.S. (2015) The water balance of mixed tree-crop systems. In: Ong, C.K., Black, Colin R., and Wilson, Julia, (eds.) Tree-crop interactions. CABI International, Wallingford, UK, pp. 146-190.
Hong, Dayong, Xiao, Chenyang, and Lockie, Stewart (2014) China's economic growth and environmental protection. In: Lockie, Stewart, Sonnenfeld, David A., and Fisher, Dana R., (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 45-57.
Lockie, Stewart (2014) Climate, scenario-building and governance: comprehending the temporalities of social-ecological change. In: Lockie, Stewart, Sonnenfeld, David A., and Fisher, Dana R., (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 95-105.
Lockie, Stewart (2013) Citizenship, property rights and the governance of endemic biodiversity on agricultural land. In: Aslin, Heather J., and Lockie, Stewart, (eds.) Engaged Environmental Citizenship. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 150-163.
Panneerselvam, P., Halberg, Niels, and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Consequences of organic agriculture for smallholder farmers' livelihood and food security. In: Halberg, Niels, and Muller, Adrian, (eds.) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods. Earthscan Food and Agriculture . Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 21-44.
Lyons, Kristen, Palaniappan, Gomathy, and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Organic agriculture governance in the global south: new opportunities for participation in agricultural development and livelihood outcomes. In: Halberg, Niels, and Muller, Adrian, (eds.) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods. Earthscan Food and Agriculture . Routledge, Oxon, UK, pp. 132-152.
Measham, Thomas G., Richards, Carol, Robinson, Cathy J., Larson, Silva, and Brake, Lynn (2013) Terms of engagement: consensus or control in remote Australian resource management? In: Aslin, Heather J., and Lockie, Stewart, (eds.) Engaged Environmental Citizenship. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 118-135.
Lockie, Stewart (2012) Market-based resource management policy and environmental uncertainty: outsourcing risk calculation. In: Measham, Thomas, and Lockie, Stewart, (eds.) Risk and Social Theory in Environmental Management. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 79-90.
Lockie, Stewart, and Measham, Thomas (2012) Social perspectives on risk and uncertainty: reconciling the spectacular and the mundane. In: Measham, Thomas, and Lockie, Stewart, (eds.) Risk and Social Theory in Environmental Management. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 1-13.
Higgins, Vaughan, Dibden, Jacqui, and Cocklin, Chris (2010) Adapting standards: the case of environmental management systems in Australia. In: Higgins, Vaughan, and Larner, Wendy, (eds.) Calculating the Social: Standards and the Reconfiguration of Governing. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, Hampshire, UK, pp. 167-184.
Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David (2010) Agriculture, biodiversity and markets. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David, (eds.) Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets: livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective. Earthscan Publications, London, UK, pp. 1-14.
Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David (2010) Agrobiodiversity and sustainable farm livelihoods: policy implications and imperatives. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David, (eds.) Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets: livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective. Earthscan Publications, London, UK, pp. 303-313.
Lockie, Stewart, and Tennent, Rebeka (2010) Market instruments and collective obligations for on-farm biodiversity conservation. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David, (eds.) Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets: livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective. Earthscan Publications, London, UK, pp. 287-301.
Lockie, Stewart (2010) Neoliberal regimes of environmental governance: climate change, biodiversity and agriculture in Australia. In: Redclift, Michael R., and Woodgate, Graham , (eds.) The International Handbook of Environmental Sociology. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 364-377.
Dumaresq, David, Carpenter, David, and Lockie, Stewart (2010) The human ecology of agrodiversity. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David, (eds.) Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets: livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective. Earthscan Publications, London, UK, pp. 33-45.
Lockie, Stewart (2008) Conversion or co-option? The implications of 'mainstreaming' for producer and consumer agency with fair trade networks. In: Farnworth, Cathy Rozel, Jiggins, Janice, and Thomas, Emyr Vaughan, (eds.) Creating Food Futures: trade, ethics and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility . Gower Publishing, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK, pp. 215-227.
Goosem, Miriam (2008) Rethinking road ecology. In: Stork, Nigel E., and Turton, Stephen M., (eds.) Living in a Dynamic Tropical Forest Landscape. Blackwell Publishing, Carlton, VIC, Australia, pp. 445-459.
Lockie, Stewart, and Higgins, Vaughan (2008) Roll-out neoliberalism and hybrid practices of regulation in Australian agri-environmental governance. In: Munton, Richard, (ed.) The Rural: critical essays in human geography. Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place . Ashgate, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK, pp. 459-469.
Lockie, Stewart, and Higgins, Vaughan (2008) The state, rural environments, and globalisation: 'action at a distance' via the Australian Landcare program. In: Munton, Richard, (ed.) The Rural: critical essays in human geography. Contemporary Foundations of Space and Place . Ashgate, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK, pp. 443-457.
Lockie, Stewart, and Goodman, Michael (2006) Neoliberalism and the problem of space: competing rationalities of governance in fair trade and mainstream agri-environmental networks. In: Marsden, Terry, and Murdoch, Jonathan, (eds.) Between the Local and the Global - Confronting Complexity in the Contemporary Agri-Food Sector. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 12 . Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 95-117.
Lockie, Stewart, Halpin, Darren, and Pearson, David (2006) Understanding the market for organic food. In: Kristiansen, Paul, Taji, Acram, and reganold, John, (eds.) Organic agriculture: A global perspective. CABI Publishing & CSIRO, Collingwood, Victoria, pp. 245-258.
Lockie, Stewart (2005) Interpreting the Australian-Philippines food trade in the context of debates on food security. In: Fold, Niels, and Pritchard, Bill, (eds.) Cross-continental food chains. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, 12 . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 94-108.
Cocklin, Chris (2005) Natural capital and the sustainability of rural communities. In: Cocklin, Chris, and Dibden, Jacqui, (eds.) Sustainability and Change in Rural Australia. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 171-191.
Goosem, Miriam (2004) Linear infrastructure in the tropical rainforests of far north Queensland: mitigating impacts on fauna of roads and powerline clearings. In: Lunney, Daniel, (ed.) Conservation of Australia's Forest Fauna. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, NSW, Australia, pp. 418-434.
Lockie, Stewart (2004) Social nature: the environmental challenge to mainstream social theory. In: White, Rob, (ed.) Controversies in environmental sociology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 26-42.
Lockie, Stewart (2001) Agriculture and environment. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Bourke, Lisa, (eds.) Rurality Bites: the social and environmental transformation of rural Australia. Pluto Press, Annandale, NSW, Australia, pp. 229-242.
Higgins, Vaughan, Lockie, Stewart, and Lawrence, Geoffrey (2001) Governance, 'local' knowledge and the adoption of sustainable farming practices. In: Lawrence, Geoffrey, Higgins, Vaughan, and Lockie, Stewart, (eds.) Environment, Society and Natural Resources Management: Theoretical Perspectives from Australasia and the Americas. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK, pp. 212-224.
Lockie, Stewart (2001) "Name your poison": the discursive construction of chemical-use as everyday farming practice. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Pritchard, Bill, (eds.) Consuming Foods, Sustaining Environments. Australian Academic Press, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, pp. 140-157.
Lockie, Stewart (2000) Crisis and conflict: shifting discourses of rural and regional Australia. In: Pritchard, Bill, and McManus, Phil, (eds.) Land of Discontent: the dynamics of change in rural and regional Australia. University of New South Wales Press, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 14-32.
Lockie, Stewart, and Vanclay, Frank (1997) Critical landcare: introduction. In: Lockie, Stewart, and Vanclay, Frank, (eds.) Critical Landcare. Key Paper Series (5). Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia, pp. 1-7.
Lockie, Stewart (2015) Australia's agricultural future: the social and political context. External Commissioned Report. Australian Council of Learned Academies, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Goosem, Miriam, Moore, Leslie, Byrnes, Peter, and Gibson, Marina (2011) Mission Beach Road research: traffic impacts on cassowaries and other fauna and strategies for mitigation. Report. James Cook University, Cairns.
Goosem, M., Harding, E.K., Chester, G., Tucker, N., and Harriss, C. (2010) Roads in Rainforest: science behind the guidelines. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Butler, Barry, Burrows, Damien, and Pearson, Richard (2007) Providing regional NRM with improved aquatic health risk assessment and monitoring tools: the nationally significant indication: dissolved oxygen. Report. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Worboys, Stuart (2006) Guide to monitoring Phytophthora-related dieback in the Wet Tropics of North Queensland. Manual. Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management, Cairns.
Worboys, Stuart (2006) Rainforest dieback mapping and assessment. 2004 Monitoring report including an assessment of dieback in high altitude rainforests. Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Tropical Rainforest Ecology and Management, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Grasby, David, Lockie, Stewart, and McAllister, Jim (2000) The social basis of sustainable sugarcane production in Australia: preliminary report of a 1998 survey of Australian canegrowers. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Montaz, Salim, Taylor, Bruce, and Lockie, Stewart (1998) Independent social impact assessment: proposed Castle Hope Dam - Calliope River, and Awoonga Dam upgrade, Queensland. Report. Central Queensland University, Rockhampton, QLD, Australia.
Conference Item
Dixon, Ian, Douglas, Michael, Dowe, John, Burrows, Damien, and Townsend, Simon (2005) A rapid method for assessing the condition of riparian zones in the wet/dry tropics of northern Australia. In: Proceedings of the 4th Australian Stream Management Conference. pp. 173-178. From: The 4th Australian Stream Management Conference, 19-22 October 2004, Launceston, TAS, Australia.
Brodie, Jon E., and Devlin, Michelle (2004) Exposure of Great Barrier Reef reefs to land-sourced contaminants: changes due to catchment agricultural development. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. p. 79. From: 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 28 June - 2 July 2004, Okinawa, Japan.
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