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Number of items at this level: 58.


Bates, Nicole, Callander, Emily, Lindsay, Daniel, and Watt, Kerrianne (2018) CancerCostMod: a model of the healthcare expenditure, patient resource use, and patient co-payment costs for Australian cancer patients. Health Economics Review, 8. 28.

Bates, Nicole, Callander, Emily, Lindsay, Daniel, and Watt, Kerrianne (2018) Labour force participation and the cost of lost productivity due to cancer in Australia. BMC Public Health, 18. 375.

Ballweg, Ruth, and Kerlen, Ando (2017) Best practices in PA development: lessons from three countries. Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants (JAAPA), 30 (8).

Baker, Jessica, Mitchell, Richard, Lawson, Kenny, and Pell, Jill (2013) Ethnic differences in the cost-effectiveness of targeted and mass screening for high cardiovascular risk in the UK: cross-sectional study. Heart, 99 (23). pp. 1766-1771.

Buschkens, Jane Frances (2012) Circadian rhythmicity and subjective wellbeing of carers under chronic stress. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Callander, Emily J., and Topp, Stephanie M. (2020) Health inequality in the tropics and its costs: a Sustainable Development Goals alert. International Health, 12 (5). pp. 395-410.

Callander, Emily J., and Schofield, Deborah J. (2018) Psychological distress increases the risk of falling into poverty amongst older Australians: the overlooked costs-of-illness. BMC Psychology, 6.

Callander, Emily, and Fox, Haylee (2018) What are the costs associated with child and maternal health care within Australia? A study protocol for the use of data linkage to identify health service use, and health system and patient costs. BMJ Open, 8 (2).

Clithero, Amy, Ross, Simone Jacquelyn, Middleton, Lyn, Reeve, Carole, and Neusy, Andre-Jacques (2017) Improving community health using an outcome-oriented CQI approach to community-engaged health professions education. Frontiers in Public Health, 5. 26. pp. 1-6.

Callander, Emily J., and Schofield, Deborah J. (2016) Is there a mismatch between who gets iron supplementation and who needs it? A cross-sectional study of iron supplements, iron deficiency anaemia and socio-economic status in Australia. British Journal of Nutrition, 115 (4). pp. 703-708.

Choudhury, Adnan Ali Khan, Conlan, James V., Racloz, Vanessa Nadine, Reid, Simon Andrew, Blacksell, Stuart D., Fenwick, Stanley G., Thompson, Andrew R.C., Khamlome, Boualam, Vongxay, Khamphouth, and Whittaker, Maxine (2013) The economic impact of pig-associated parasitic zoonosis in northern Lao PDR. EcoHealth, 10 (1). pp. 54-62.


Davis, Scott R., Croker, Felicity, and Edelman, Alex (2021) Underpinning development: health and health workforce in Northern Australia. In: Wallace, Ruth, Harwood, Sharon, Gerritson, Rolf, Prideaux, Bruce, Brewer, Tom, Rosenman, Linda, and Dale, Allan, (eds.) Leading From The North: rethinking Northern Australia development. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 81-101.

Doran, Christopher M., and Kinchin, Irina (2019) A review of the economic impact of mental illness. Australian Health Review, 43 (1). pp. 43-48.

Doran, Frances, and Hornibrook, Julie (2014) Rural New South Wales women's access to abortion services: highlights from an exploratory qualitative study. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 22 (3). pp. 121-126.

Davis, S.R., Edelman, Alex, and Croker, Felicity (2014) Underpinning Development: health and health workforce in northern Australia. In: Regional Australia Institute, James Cook Univeristy, Central Queensland University, University of Notre Dame and Ninti One (eds.) Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia. pp. 23-33. Report Section. Regional Australia Institute, Barton, ACT, Australia.

D'Onise, Katina, McDermott, Robyn Anne, Leonard, Dympna, and Campbell, Sandra Kaye (2012) Lack of folate improvement in high risk indigenous Australian adults over an average of 6.5 years: a cohort study. Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 21 (3). pp. 431-439.


Edelman, A., Grundy, J., Moodley, N., Larkins, S., Topp, S. M., Atkinson, D., Patel, B., Strivens, E., and Whittaker, M. (2020) Northern Australia health service delivery situational analysis. External Commissioned Report. Cooperative Research Centre for Developing Northern Australia, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Egan, Matt, Kearns, Ade, Katikireddi, Srinivasa V., Curl, Angela, Lawson, Kenny, and Tannahill, Carol (2016) Proportionate universalism in practice? A quasi-experimental study (GoWell) of a UK neighbourhood renewal programme's impact on health inequalities. Social Science and Medicine, 152. pp. 41-49.

Edmunds, Kim, Searles, Andrew, Neville, Johanna, Ling, Rod, McCalman, Janya, and Mein, Jacki (2016) Apunipima baby basket program: a retrospective cost study. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 16. 337. pp. 1-7.

Edwards, Susan Letitia (2016) Bringing together the 'threads of care' in possible miscarriage for women, their partners and nurses in non-metropolitan emergency departments. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Evans, Rebecca, Veitch, Craig, Hays, Richard, Clark, Michelle, and Larkins, Sarah (2011) Rural maternity care and health policy: parents’ experiences. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 19 (6). pp. 306-311.


Fox, Haylee, Callander, Emily, Lindsay, Daniel, and Topp, Steph (2019) Evidence of overuse? Patterns of obstetric interventions during labour and birth among Australian mothers. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 19. 226.

Fitzgerald, Gerry, Codd, Catrina, Aitken, Peter, and Sinnott, Michael (2012) Queensland Emergency Medicine Research Foundation: special report. Emergency Medicine Australasia, 24 (1). pp. 37-42.


Gorton, Susan M. (2012) The shortage of health professionals in rural and remote Australia: creating pathways between students living in rural and remote Australia and health professional careers. PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Halili, Servando ‘Ben’ Jr., Cristobal, Fortunato, Woolley, Torres, Ross, Simone J., Reeve, Carole, and Neusy, A-J. (2017) Addressing health workforce inequities in the Mindanao regions of the Philippines: tracer study of graduates from a socially-accountable, community-engaged medical school and graduates from a conventional medical school. Medical Teacher, 39 (8). pp. 859-865.

Hayes-Jonkers, Charmaine, Wright, Adele, Golding, Lisa, and Singer, Cliff (2013) Hidden racism and systematic racism: is it contributing to the decreased health and well-being of Aboriginal homeless persons in the inner city of Cairns? In: Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order: realities of culture, colour and identity. pp. 117-128. From: Third International Conference on Racisms in the New World Order: realities of culture, colour and identity, 29-31 August 2012, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Haines, T.P., Isles, R., Jones, A., and Jull, G. (2011) Economic consequences in clinical education. Focus on Health Professional Education, 12 (3). pp. 53-63.


Kinchin, Irina, and Doran, Christopher M. (2018) The cost of youth suicide in Australia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15 (4). 672.


Larkins, Sarah, Michielsen, Kristien, Iputo, Jehu, Elsanousi, Salwa, Mammen, Marykutty, Graves, Lisa, Willems, Sara, Cristobal, Fortunato L., Samson, Rex, Ellaway, Rachel, Ross, Simone, Johnston, Karen, Derese, Anselme, and Neusy, André-Jaques (2015) Impact of selection strategies on representation of underserved populations and intention to practise: international findings. Medical Education, 49 (1). pp. 60-72.

Lewsey, J.D., Lawson, K.D., Ford, I., Fox, K.A.A., Ritchie, L.D., Tunstall-Pedoe, H., Watt, G.C.M., Woodward, M., Kent, S., Neilson, M., and Briggs, A.H. (2015) A cardiovascular disease policy model that predicts life expectancy taking into account socioeconomic deprivation. Heart, 101 (3). pp. 201-208.

Lawson, Kenny D., Mercer, Stewart W., Wyke, Sally, Grieve, Eleanor, Guthrie, Bruce, Watt, Graham C.M., and Fenwick, Elisabeth A.E. (2013) Double trouble: the impact of multimorbidity and deprivation on preference-weighted health related quality of life a cross sectional analysis of the Scottish Health Survey. International Journal for Equity in Health, 12 (1). 67. pp. 1-9.

Lawson, K.D., Kearns, A., Petticrew, M., and Fenwick, E.A.L. (2013) Investing in health: is social housing value for money? A cost-utility analysis. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health, 67 (10). pp. 829-834.

Loh, P.K., Sabesan, S., Allen, D., Caldwell, P., Mozer, R., Komesaroff, P.A., Talman, P., Williams, M., Shaheen, N., Grabinski, O., and Withnall, D. (2013) Practical aspects of telehealth: financial considerations. Internal Medicine Journal, 43 (7). pp. 829-834.

Lee, G., and Roberts, L. (2012) Healthcare burden of in-hospital gout. Internal Medicine Journal, 42 (11). pp. 1261-1263.

Li, Ming, McDermott, Robyn, D'Onise, Katina, and Leonard, Dympna (2012) Folate status and health behaviours in two Australian Indigenous populations in north Queensland. Public Health Nutrition, 15 (10). pp. 1959-1965.

Larkins, Sarah, Sen Gupta, Tarun, Evans, Rebecca, Murray, Richard, and Preston, Robyn (2011) Addressing inequities in access to primary health care: lessons for the training of health care professionals from a regional medical school. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 17 (4). pp. 362-368.

Lawson, K.D., Fenwick, E.A.L., Pell, A.C.H., and Pell, J.P. (2010) Comparison of mass and targeted screening strategies for cardiovascular risk: simulation of the effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and coverage using a cross-sectional survey of 3921 people. Heart, 96 (3). pp. 208-212.


Mehrian-Shai, Ruty, Novelli, Giuseppe, Vasiliou, Vasilis, Watt, Jessica, and Reichardt, Juergen (2020) Genomics of COVID-19: molecular mechanisms going from susceptibility to severity of the disease. Human Genomics, 14. 22.

Mills, Jane, and Hitchins, Marnie (2015) Inclusion and exclusion in contemporary Australian health care. In: Davis , Jenny, Birks, Melanie, and Chapman, Ysanne B., (eds.) Inclusive Practice For Health Professionals. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 23-38.

McIntosh, Emma, Bond, Lyndal, Donaldson, Cam, Lawson, Kenny, and Mason, Helen (2015) Economics of population health. In: Guest, Greg, and Namey, Emily E., (eds.) Public Health Research Methods. Sage Publications, Los Angeles, CA, USA, pp. 279-310.


Ng, Rachel, Wong, Yi-Sheng, Yeo, Joshua-Yi, Koh, Crystal Ling-Zhen, and Gan, Samuel Ken-En (2018) The associations between dietary practices and dietary quality, biological health indicators, perceived stress, religiosity, culture, and gender in multi-cultural Singapore. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 5 (3). pp. 220-227.


O'connor, Teresa M., Hanks, Heather A., Elcock, Mark S., Turner, Richard C., and Veitch, Craig (2009) The medical and retrieval costs of road crashes in rural and remote northern Queensland, 2004–2007: findings from the Rural and Remote Road Safety Study. Medical Journal of Australia, 190 (2). pp. 54-56.


Pak, Anton, McBryde, Emma, and Adegboye, Oyelola A. (2021) Does high public trust amplify compliance with stringent COVID-19 government health guidelines? A multi-country analysis using data from 102,627 individuals. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy, 14. pp. 293-302.

Pak, Anton, Gannon, Brenda, and Staib, Andrew (2021) Predicting waiting time to treatment for emergency department patients. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 145. 104303.

Pak, Anton, Adegboye, Oyelola A., Adekunle, Adeshina I., Rahman, Kazi M., McBryde, Emma S., and Eisen, Damon P. (2020) Economic consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak: the need for epidemic preparedness. Frontiers in Public Health, 8. 241.

Preston, Robyn, Larkins, Sarah, Taylor, Judy, and Judd, Jenni (2016) Building blocks for social accountability: a conceptual framework to guide medical schools. BMC Medical Education, 16. 227. pp. 1-10.

Preston, Robyn, Taylor, Judy, Larkins, Sarah, and Judd, Jenni (2014) How do contextual issues influence social accountability in medical education? In: Abstracts from the Global Community Engaged Medical Education Muster. From: Global Community Engaged Medical Education Muster, 27-30 October 2014, Uluru, NT, Australia.

Preston, Robyn Gaye (2014) How do contextual issues influence socially accountable medical schools? PhD thesis, James Cook University.


Ristanto, Ashley M., and Caltabiano, Marie (2018) The benefits of psychological counselling post-bariatric surgery. In: [Presented at the 2018 APS Congress]. From: 2018 APS Congress: Psychology Advancing into a New Age, 27-30 September 2018, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Reeve, Carole, Woolley, Torres, Ross, Simone J., Mohammadi, Leila, Halili, Servando "Ben", Cristobal, Fortunato, Siega-Sur, Jusie Lydia J., and Neusy, A-J. (2017) The impact of socially-accountable health professional education: a systematic review of the literature. Medical Teacher, 39 (1). pp. 67-73.

Ross, Simone J., Preston, Robyn, Lindemann, Iris C., Matte, Marie C., Samson, Rex, Tandinco, Filedito D., Larkins, Sarah L., Palsdottir, Bjorg, and Neusy, Andre-Jacques (2014) The training for health equity network evaluation framework: a pilot study at five health professional schools. Education for Health, 27 (2). pp. 116-126.

Robertson, Kelvin, Roberts, Lynden, Plummer, David, and Ede, Judy (2012) Complexity and workload of cytotoxic manufacturing at a regional hospital: a comparative study. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 42 (3). pp. 193-195.

Rosenfeld, Mark, Seferiadis, Aris, and Gunnarsson, Ronny (2006) Active involvement and intervention in patients exposed to whiplash trauma in automobile crashes reduces costs: a randomized, controlled clinical trial and health economic evaluation. Spine, 31 (16). pp. 1799-804.


Siega-Sur, J.L., Woolley, T., Ross, S.J., Reeve, C., and Neusy, A-J. (2017) The impact of socially-accountable, community-engaged medical education on graduates in the Central Philippines: implications for the global rural medical workforce. Medical Teacher, 39 (10). pp. 1084-1091.

Stone, Jack, Martin, Natasha K., Hickman, Matthew, Hellard, Margaret, Scott, Nick, McBryde, Emma, Drummer, Heidi, and Vickerman, Peter (2016) The potential impact of a hepatitis C vaccine for people who inject drugs: is a vaccine needed in the age of direct-acting antivirals? PLoS ONE, 11 (5). e0156213. pp. 1-19.

Sen Gupta, Tarun, Hays, Richard B., and Murray, Richard B. (2007) Intern choices for James Cook University graduates. Medical Journal of Australia, 187 (3). p. 197.


Toohill, Jocelyn, Callander, Emily, Fox, Haylee, Lindsay, Daniel, Gamble, Jenny, Creedy, Debra, and Fenwick, Jennifer (2019) Socioeconomic differences in access to care in Australia for women fearful of birth. Australian Health Review, 43 (6). pp. 639-943.


Woo, Lai Leng, Thompson, Claire L., and Magadi, Harish (2017) Monetary cost of family caregiving for people with dementia in Singapore. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 71. pp. 59-65.

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