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Andrews, T.D., Whittle, B., Field, M.A., Balakishnan, B., Zhang, Y., Shao, Y., Cho, V., Kirk, M., Singh, M., Xia, Y., Hager, J., Winslade, S., Sjollema, G., Beutler, B., Enders, A., and Goodnow, C.C. (2012) Massively parallel sequencing of the mouse exome to accurately identify rare, induced mutations: an immediate source for thousands of new mouse models. Open Biology, 2 (5). 120061. pp. 1-16.

Alison, Justine, Croker, Felicity, White, Barbara, Stillman, Gloria, and Glaister, Sandra (1999) Medication Administration: interactive multimedia package for nurses. James Cook University, School of Nursing Sciences, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Bermingham, Luke, and Lee, Ickjai (2020) Mining distinct and contiguous sequential patterns from large vehicle trajectories. Knowledge Based Systems, 189. 105076.

Bermingham, Luke, and Lee, Ickjai (2019) Mining place-matching patterns from spatio-temporal trajectories using complex real-world places. Expert Systems with Applications, 122. pp. 334-350.

Bermingham, Luke, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) A probabilistic stop and move classifier for noisy GPS trajectories. Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 32 (6). pp. 1634-1662.

Brown, Simon, Blackwell, Leonard F., and Cooke, Delwyn G. (2017) Online fertility monitoring: some of the issues. International Journal of Open Information Technology, 5 (4). pp. 85-91.

Bajema, Nigel B., Trevathan, Jarrod, Bergmann, Niel W., Atkinson, Ian, Read, Wayne, Scarr, Adam, Lee, Yong Jin, and Johnstone, Ron (2011) Benefits of building wireless sensor networks on commodity hardware and software stacks. In: Proceedings of 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing. pp. 282-287. From: ISSNIP 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 6-9 December 2011, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Balingit, Rodel, Trevathan, Jarrod, and Read, Wayne (2009) Analysing bidding trends in online auctions. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: new generations. pp. 928-933. From: Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: new generations, 27-29 April 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Balingit, Rodel, Trevathan, Jarrod, Lee, Yong Jin, and Read, Wayne (2009) An application tool for collecting real auction data. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications. pp. 5-11. From: 2009 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications , 6-8 June 2009, Manila, Philippines.

Balingit, Rodel, Trevathan, Jarrod, Yong, Jin Lee, and Read, Wayne (2009) A software tool for collecting data from online auctions. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Technology. pp. 922-927. From: Sixth International Conference on Information Technology, 27-29 April 2009, Nevada, USA.

Breitkreutz, David, and Casey, Kate (2008) Clusterers: a comparison of partitioning and density-based algorithms and a discussion of optimisations. Report. UNSPECIFIED, Townsville, Australia. (Unpublished)

Bidwell, Nicola, Lemmon, Colin, Roturu, Mihai, and Lueg, Christopher (2007) Exploring terra incognita: wayfinding devices for games. In: Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment. pp. 1-8. From: 4th Australasian Conference on Interactive Entertainment, 3-5 December 2007, Melbourne, Australia.


Chawla, Shailey (2019) Collaborative learning strategies in software engineering course. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Software Engineering Education Workshop. 4. pp. 20-28. From: SEED 2019: 2nd Software Engineering Education Workshop, 2-4 December 2019, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Chawla, Shailey, Wadhwa, Bimlesh, and Muenchaisri, Pornsiri (2019) Report on the 2nd Software Engineering Education Workshop (SEED 2019) co-located with APSEC 2019. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Software Engineering Education Workshop. 6. pp. 36-41. From: SEED 2019: 2nd Software Engineering Education Workshop, 2-4 December 2019, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Cai, Guochen, Lee, Kyungmi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) Itinerary recommender system with semantic trajectory pattern mining from geo-tagged photos. Expert Systems with Applications, 94. pp. 32-40.

Cai, Guochen, Lee, Kyungmi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) Mining mobility patterns from geotagged photos through semantic trajectory clustering. Cybernetics and Systems, 49 (4). pp. 234-256.

Cai, Guochen, Lee, Kyungmi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) Mining semantic trajectory patterns from geo-tagged data. Journal of computer science and technology, 33 (4). pp. 849-862.

Cao, Jiannong, Chawla, Shailey, Wang, Yuqi, and Wu, Hanqing (2017) Programming platforms for big data analysis. In: Zomaya, Albert Y., and Sakr, Sherif, (eds.) Handbook of Big Data Technologies. Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 65-99.

Chen, Chao, Wen, Sheng, Zhang, Jun, Xiang, Yang, Oliver, Jonathan, Alelaiwi, Abdulhameed, and Hassan, Mohammad Mehedi (2017) Investigating the deceptive information in twitter spam. Future Generation Computer Systems, 72. pp. 319-326.

Chawla, Shailey, Srivastava, Sangeeta, and Bedi, Punam (2016) Goals and scenarios based web requirements engineering. International Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering, 31 (1). pp. 33-51.

Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, Xiang, Yang, Zhou, Wanlei, and Oliver, Jonathan (2016) Spammers are becoming "smarter" on Twitter. IT Professional, 18 (2). pp. 66-70.

Chawla, Shailey, Srivastava, Sangeeta, and Bedi, Punam (2015) Improving the quality of web applications with web specific goal driven requirements engineering. International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 8 (Supplement 1). pp. 65-77.

Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, Chen, Xiao, Xiang, Yang, and Zhou, Wanlei (2015) 6 million spam tweets: a large ground truth for timely Twitter spam detection. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications. pp. 7065-7070. From: ICC 2015: IEEE International Conference on Communications, 8-12 June 2015, London, UK.

Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, Xiang, Yang, and Zhou, Wanlei (2015) Asymmetric self-learning for tackling Twitter spam drift. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops. pp. 208-213. From: INFOCOM WKSHPS 2015: IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops, 26 April - 1 May 2015, Hong Kong.

Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, Xie, Yi, Xiang, Yang, Zhou, Wanlei, Hassan, Mohammad Mehedi, AlElaiwi, Abdulhameed, and Alrubaian, Majed (2015) A performance evaluation of machine learning-based streaming spam tweets detection. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 2 (3). pp. 65-76.

Chawla, Shailey, Srivastava, Sangeeta, and Bedi, Punam (2014) Evaluation of web-specific goal oriented requirements language models with quantitative reasoning. Software Engineering Notes, 39 (2).

Chawla, Shailey, Srivastava, Sangeeta, and Malhotra, Deepak (2014) Goal based requirements analysis using WebURN. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 6. pp. 248-256.

Chawla, Shailey, and Srivastava, Sangeeta (2012) A goal based methodology for web specific requirements engineering. In: Proceedings of the 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies. pp. 173-178. From: 2012 World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies, 30 October - 2 November 2012, Trivandrum, India.

Chawla, Shailey, and Srivastava, Sangeeta (2012) A requirements analysis approach for web engineering. In: Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (117) pp. 154-159. From: SPIT 2012: 2nd International Joint Conference on Advances in Information Technology and Communication, 20-21 September 2012, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

Chawla, Shailey, and Srivastava, Sangeeta (2011) GOREWEB framework for goal oriented requirements engineering of web applications. In: Communications in Computer and Information Sciencce (168) pp. 229-241. From: IC3 2011: 4th International Conference on Contemporary Computing, 8-10 August 2011, Noida, India.

Cantacessi, Cinzia, Jex, Aaron R., Hall, Ross S., Young, Neil D., Campbell, Bronwyn E., Joachim, Anja, Nolan, Matthew J., Abubucker, Sahar, Sternberg, Paul W., Ranganatha, Shoba, Mitreva , Makedonka, and Gasser, Robin B. (2010) A practical, bioinformatic workflow system for large datasets generated by next-generation sequencing. Nucleic Acids Research, 38 (17). e171. pp. 1-12.


Diederich, Joachim, and Dillon, Denise (2009) Sentiment recognition by rule extraction from support vector machines. In: Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technologies. pp. 75-82. From: CGAT 2009: Annual International Conference on Computer Games, Multimedia and Allied Technologies, 11-12 May 2009, Singapore.


Field, Matthew A., Cho, Vicky, Andrews, T. Daniel, and Goodnow, Chris C. (2015) Reliably detecting clinically important variants requires both combined variant calls and optimized filtering strategies. PLoS ONE, 10 (11). e0143199. pp. 1-19.

Field, Matthew A., Cho, Vicky, Cook, Matthew C., Enders, Anselm, Vinuesa, Carola G., Whittle, Belinda, Andrews, T. Daniel, and Goodnow, Chris C. (2015) Reducing the search space for causal genetic variants with VASP. Bioinformatics, 31 (14). pp. 2377-2379.


Gesing, S., Wilkins-Diehr, N., Barker, Michelle, and Pierantoni, G. (2016) Science gateway workshops 2015 special issue conference publications. Journal of Grid Computing, 14 (4). pp. 495-498.


Holdsworth, Jason, and Lui, Siu Man (2011) Student behaviors and evaluations of collaborative learning game. In: Proceedings of ECGBL 2011 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning. pp. 268-274. From: ECGBL 2011: 5th European Conference on Games Based Learning, 20 - 21 October 2011, Athens, Greece.


Konovalov, Dmitry A., Hillcoat, Suzanne, Williams, Genevieve, Birtles, R. Alastair, Gardiner, Naomi, and Curnock, Matthew I. (2018) Individual minke whale recognition using deep learning convolutional neural networks. Journal of Geoscience and Environment Protection, 6 (5). 84616. pp. 25-36.

Kouzani, Abbas Z., Adams, Scott, Oliver, Russell, Nguwi, Yok Yen, Hemsley, Bronwyn, and Balandin, Susan (2016) 3D printing of a pavlova. In: Proceedings of TENCON 2016: 2016 international IEEE region 10 conference. pp. 2283-2287. From: TENCON 2016: 2016 international IEEE region 10 conference, 22-25 November 2016, Singapore.

Kim, Gia, and Lui, Siu Man (2011) Impacts of luminance contrast on effectiveness of multiple line graphs. Journal of Communications and Information Sciences, 2 (2). pp. 97-107.

Ku, H., Fulcher, R., and Xiang, W. (2011) Using computer software packages to enhance the teaching of Engineering Management Science: part 1-critical path networks. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 19 (1). pp. 26-39.

Konovalov, Dmitry A., and Heg, Dik (2008) A Maximum-Likelihood relatedness estimator allowing for negative relatedness values. Molecular Ecology Resources, 8 (2). pp. 256-263.

Konovalov, Dmitry A., and Heg, Dik (2008) Estimation of population allele frequencies from small samples containing multiple generations. In: Proceedings of 6th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference. pp. 321-331. From: 6th Asia-Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, 14-17 January 2008, Kyoto, Japan.


Liu, Hongbin, and Lee, Ickjai (2020) Bridging the gap between training and inference for spatio-temporal forecasting. In: Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (325) pp. 1316-1323. From: ECAI 2020: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 29 August - 8 September 2020, Santiago, Spain.

Lee, Ickjai, and Yang, Jianhua (2020) Common clustering algorithms. In: Browen, Steven, Tauler, Roma, and Walczak, Beata, (eds.) Comprehensive Chemometrics. Elsevier, pp. 531-564.

Liu, Liu, Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, De Vel, Olivier, and Xiang, Yang (2020) Doc2vec-based insider threat detection through behaviour analysis of multi-source security logs. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing. pp. 301-309. From: TrustCom 2020: IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing, 29 December 2020 - 1 January 2021, Guangzhou, China.

Liu, Sisi, Lee, Kyungmi, and Lee, Ickjai (2020) Document-level multi-topic sentiment classification of email data with BiLSTM and data augmentation. Knowledge Based Systems, 197. 105918.

Liu, Sisi (2020) Document-level sentiment analysis of email data. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Liu, Liu, Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, De Vel, Olivier, and Xiang, Yang (2019) Insider threat identification using the simultaneous neural learning of multi-source logs. IEEE Access, 7. pp. 183162-183176.

Liu, Hong-Bin, Wu, Hao, Sun, Weiwei, and Lee, Ickjai (2019) Spatio-temporal GRU for trajectory classification. In: Proceedings of the 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining. pp. 1228-1233. From: ICDM 2019: 19th IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 8-11 November 2019, Beijng, China.

Liu, Liu, Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, De Vel, Olivier, and Xiang, Yang (2019) Unsupervised insider detection through neural feature learning and model optimisation. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11928) pp. 18-36. From: NSS 2019: 13th International Conference on Network and System Security, 15-18 December 2019, Sapporo, Japan.

Liu, Sisi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) Discovering sentiment sequence within email data through trajectory representation. Expert Systems with Applications, 99. pp. 1-11.

Liu, Liu, De Vel, Olivier, Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, and Xiang, Yang (2018) Anomaly-based insider threat detection using deep autoencoders. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops. pp. 39-48. From: ICDMW 2018: IEEE International Conference on Data Mining Workshops, 17-20 November 2018, Singapore.

Liu, Sisi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) Email sSentiment analysis through k-Means labeling and support vector machine classification. Cybernetics and Systems, 49 (3). pp. 181-199.

Liu, Sisi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) Sentiment classification with medical word embeddings and sequence representation for drug reviews. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11148) pp. 75-86. From: HIS 2018: 7th International Conference on Health Information Science, 5-7 October 2018, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Liu, Shigang, Wang, Yu, Zhang, Jun, Chen, Chao, and Xiang, Yang (2017) Addressing the class imbalance problem in twitter spam detection using ensemble learning. Computers & Security, 69. pp. 35-49.

Liu, Shigang, Wang, Yu, Chen, Chao, and Xiang, Yang (2016) An ensemble learning approach for addressing the class imbalance problem in twitter spam detection. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9722) pp. 215-228. From: ACISP 2016: 21st Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 4-6 July 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Lee, Ickjai, Qu, Yang, and Lee, Kyungmi (2012) Mining qualitative patterns in spatial cluster analysis. Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (2). pp. 1753-1762.

Lui, Siu Man, and Hui, Wendy (2011) The effects of knowledge on security technology adoption: results from a quasi-experiment. In: Proceeding of the 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science. pp. 328-333. From: NISS 2011 5th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science, 24-26 October 2011, Macao, China.

Long, Stephen M., Tran, Tran T., Adams, Peter, Darwen, Paul, and Smythe, Mark L. (2011) Conformational searching using a population-based incremental learning algorithm. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 32 (8). pp. 1541-1549.

Laing, David (2009) An investigation into the structure of Chinese remainder representation. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Lee, Ickjai, and Breitkreutz, David J. (2008) Hybrid voronoi areal representation. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (2) pp. 299-302. From: 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 21 - 22 December 2008, Shanghai, China.

Lee, Ickjai, and Torpelund-Bruin, Christopher (2008) Multiplicatively-Weighted Order-k Minkowski-metric Voronoi Models for disaster decision support systems. In: Proceedings of 2008 ISI 2008 International Conference. pp. 236-238. From: 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 17-20 June 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.

Lee, Ickjai, Torpelund-Bruin, Christopher J., and Lee, Kyungmi (2008) Raster image districting and its application to geoinformation. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (2) pp. 303-307. From: 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 21-22 December 2008, Shanghai, China.

Lee, Ickjai, and Phillips, Peter (2008) Urban crime analysis through areal categorized multivariate association mining. Applied Artificial Intelligence, 22 (5). pp. 483-499.

Lee, Ickjai, and Estivill-Castro, Vladimir (2006) Fast cluster polygonization and its applications in data-rich environments. Geoinformatica, 10 (4). pp. 399-422.

Li, Qing, Ichim, Ionut, Loughran, Jeff, Li, Wei, Swain, Michael, and Kieser, Jules (2006) Numerical simulation of crack formation in all ceramic dental bridge. Key Engineering Materials, 312. pp. 293-298.

Lee, Ickjai, and Ghodosi, Hossein (2006) Privacy and security enhanced offline oblivious transfer for massive data distribution. In: Proceedings of the Intelligence and Security Informatics: International Workshop, WISI 2006 (3917) pp. 159-160. From: WISI 2006 International Workshop, 9 April 2006, Singapore.

Li, Wei, Swain, Michael V., Li, Qing, and Steven, Grant P. (2005) Towards automated 3D finite element modeling of direct fiber reinforced composite dental bridge. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research. Part B: applied biomaterials, 74B (1). pp. 520-528.

Li, W., Swain, M.V., Li, Q., Ironside, J., and Steven, G.P. (2004) Fibre reinforced composite dental bridge. Part I: experimental investigation. Biomaterials, 25 (20). pp. 4987-4993.

Li, W., Swain, M.V., Li, Q., Ironside, J., and Steven, G.P. (2004) Fibre reinforced composite dental bridge. Part II: numerical investigation. Biomaterials, 25 (20). pp. 4995-5001.

Lee, Ickjai (2003) Fast qualitative reasoning about categories in conceptual spaces. In: Proceedings of Third International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent System (HIS 2003) Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (104) From: Third International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent System (HIS 2003), 14-17 December 2003, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.


Miao, Yuantian, Minhui, Xue, Chen, Chao, Pan, Lei, Zhang, Jun, Zhao, Benjamin Zi Hao, Kaafar, Dali, and Xiang, Yang (2021) The audio auditor: user-level membership inference in Internet of Things voice services. Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies, 2021 (1). pp. 209-228.

Madanayake, Adikarige, Sankupellay, Mangalam, and Lee, Ickjai (2020) Profiling the natural environment using acoustics: long-term environment monitoring through cluster structure. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management. pp. 74-78. From: ICSIM'20: 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management, 12-15 January 2020, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Marshall, Amber, and Dale, Allan (2019) Connectivity and digital inclusion on Northern Gulf cattle properties: three case studies. Report. Australian Communications Consumer Action Network, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

McArdle, Eugene, Holdsworth, Jason, and Lee, Ickjai (2013) Assessing the usability of students object-oriented language with first-year IT students: a case study. In: Proceedings of the 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference. pp. 181-188. From: 25th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference: augmentation, application, innovation, collaboration, 25-29 November 2013, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

Madden, Dianna, Cadet-James, Yvonne, Watkin-Lui, Felecia, and Atkinson, Ian (2012) Healing through ICT: enhancing wellbeing in an Aboriginal community. Journal of Tropical Psychology, 2. e6. pp. 1-9.

McCabe, Alan, and Trevathan, Jarrod (2009) Handwritten signature verification using complementary statistical models. Journal of Computers, 4 (7). pp. 670-680.


Nguwi, Yok-Yen (2014) Facial emotion ranking under imbalanced conditions. International Journal of Advances in Computer Science and Technology, 3 (5). 7. pp. 340-348.


Ong, Jing Chang, Chaw, Lee Yen, and Tang, Chun Meng (2015) The role and impact of business process management in enterprise system implementation. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Internet Studies. p. 1. From: NETs 2015: International Conference on Internet Studies, 18-19 July 2015, Tokyo, Japan.


Phillips, Peter, and Lee, Ickjai (2008) Multivariate areal aggregated crime analysis through cross correlation. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application. pp. 1-4. From: 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 21-22 December, 2008, Shanghai, China.

Phillips, Peter, and Lee, Ickjai (2006) Mining positive associations of urban criminal activities using hierarchical crime hot spots. In: Proceedings of the Intelligence and Security Informatics International Workshop, WISI 2006 (3917) pp. 127-132. From: WISI 2006 Intelligence and Security Informatics International Workshop, 9 April 2006, Singapore.

Podger, David, and Canyon, Deon (2003) Creating a designer interface in Clarion (Part 3). Clarion Magazine, 5. pp. 1-7.

Podger, David, and Canyon, Deon (2003) Creating a designer interface in Clarion (Part 1). Clarion Magazine, 5. pp. 1-4.

Podger, David, and Canyon, Deon (2003) Creating a designer interface in Clarion (Part 2). Clarion Magazine, 5. pp. 1-6.


Rajesh, Harsha Mittemari, and Song, Insu (2016) E-commerce websites/blogs - hassles and predicaments. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communication and Network Security. pp. 56-61. From: ICCNS 2016: 6th International Conference on Communication and Network Security, 26-29 November 2016, Singapore.

Rehn, Adam James (2016) Input-centric profiling and prediction for computational offloading of mobile applications. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Rahimiazghadi, Mostafa, Moradi, Saber, Fasnacht, Daniel B., Ozdas, Mehmet Sirin, and Indiveri, Giacomo (2015) Programmable spike-timing-dependent plasticity learning circuits in neuromorphic VLSI architectures. ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems, 12 (2). pp. 1-17.

Robertson, Gordon, Schein, Jacqueline, Chiu, Readman, Corbett, Richard, Field, Matthew, Jackman, Shaun D., Mungall, Karen, Lee, Sam, Okada, Hisanaga Mark, Qian, Jenny Q., Griffith, Malachi, Raymond, Anthony, Thiessen, Nina, Cezard, Timothee, Butterfield, Yaron S., Newsome, Richard, Chan, Simon K., She, Rong, Varhol, Richard, Kamoh, Baljit, Prabhu, Anna-Liisa, Tam, Angela, Zhao, YongJun, Moore, Richard A., Hirst, Martin, Marra, Marco A,, Jones, Steven J.M., Hoodless, Pamela A., and Birol, Inanc (2010) De novo assembly and analysis of RNA-seq data. Nature Methods, 7 (11). pp. 909-912.


Schoenhoff, Kurt, Holdsworth, Jason, and Lee, Ickjai (2020) Efficient semantic segmentation through dense upscaling convolutions. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management. pp. 244-248. From: ICSIM'20: 3rd International Conference on Software Engineering and Information Management, 12-15 January 2020, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Siuly, Siuly, Lee, Ickjai, Huang, Zhisheng, Zhou, Rui, Wang, Hua, and Xiang, Wei (2018) Health Information Science: 7th International Conference, HIS 2018, Cairns, QLD, Australia, October 5–7, 2018, Proceedings. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (11148) From: HIS 2018: 7th International Conference on Health Information Science, 5-7 October 2018, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Shatte, Adrian, Holdsworth, Jason, and Lee, Ickjai (2016) Untangling the edits: user attribution in collaborative report writing for emergency management. In: Computational Science and it's Applications: ICCSA 2016 (V) pp. 319-330. From: ICCSA 2016: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 4-7 July 2016, Beijing, China.

Shatte, Adrian, Holdsworth, Jason, and Lee, Ickjai (2016) Web-based collaborative document writing for emergency management. In: Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 217-226. From: HICCS-49: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5-8 January 2016, Kauai, Hawaii.

Sithira, V., and Nguwi, Yok-Yen (2014) A study on the adolescent online security issues. International Journal of Multidisciplinary and Current Research, 2. pp. 596-601.

Suwanwiwat, Hemmaphan, Nguyen, Vu, Blumenstein, Michael, and Pal, Umapada (2014) Off-line handwritten bilingual name recognition for student identification in an automated assessment system. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. pp. 271-276. From: ICFHR 2014: 14th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition, 1-4 September 2014, Hersonisson, Greece.

Shah, Ripan, Trevathan, Jarrod, Read, Wayne, and Ghodosi, Hossein (2009) A proactive approach to preventing phishing attacks using a Pshark. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Technology. pp. 915-921. From: Sixth International Conference on Information Technology, 27-29 April 2009, Nevada, USA.


Trevathan, Jarrod, Read, Wayne, Lee, Yong Jin, and Atkinson, Ian (2011) Targeting the strategies of a bid sniper. In: Proceedings of the 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. pp. 1-10. From: HICSS 2011 44th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 4-7 January 2011, Kauai, HI, USA.

Trevathan, Jarrod, Atkinson, Ian M., Read, Wayne W., Sim, Nigel, and Christensen, Chris (2011) A system for managing data provenance in In Silico Experiments. In: Conferences in Research and Practice in Information Technology (115) pp. 65-74. From: ADC 2011 22nd Australasian Database Conference, January 17 - 20 2011, Perth, WA, Australia.

Trevathan, Jarrod, McCabe, Alan, and Read, Wayne (2009) Online payments using handwritten signature verification. In: Proceedings of the 2009 Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: new generations. pp. 901-907. From: 2009 Sixth International Conference on Information Technology: new generations, 27-29 April 2009, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Torpelund-Bruin, Christopher, and Lee, Ickjai (2008) Generalized Voronoi diagrams with obstacles for use in geospatial market analysis and strategy decisions. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application. pp. 287-290. From: 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 21-22 December, 2008, Shanghai, China.

Torpelund-Bruin, Christopher, and Lee, Ickjai (2008) Geographic knowledge discovery from geo-referenced Web 2.0. In: Proceedings of 2008 International Symposium on Intelligent Information Technology Application (3) pp. 291-294. From: 2008 International Workshop on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 21 - 22 December 2008, Shanghai, China.

Trevathan, Jarrod, Read, Wayne, and Goel, Rajni (2008) Online auction deception using a shill bidding agent. Journal of Scientific and Practical Computing, 2 (2). pp. 23-38.

Trevathan, Jarrod, and Read, Wayne (2008) Variable quantity market clearing algorithms. In: Filipe, Joaquim, and Obaidat, Mohammad S., (eds.) E-business and Telecommunications Networks. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 9 (1). Springer, Berlin, Germany, pp. 28-39.

Trevathan, Jarrod (2007) Are you the victim of online auction fraud? Australasian Science, 5. pp. 23-25.


Uddamvathanak, Rom, Chawla, Shailey, and Feng, Yang (2019) Three-stage ensemble of image net pre-trained networks for pneumonia detection. International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Data Communication, 7 (7). pp. 24-28.


Vivienne, Sonja, Potter, Martin, and Thomas, Pradip (2014) Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) as a tool for digital citizenship: preliminary surveys in India and Australia. In: Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference (2014) pp. 1-21. From: ANZCA 2014: Australian and New Zealand Communication Association Annual Conference, 8-11 July 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.


Wang, Ye, Lee, Kyungmi, and Lee, Ickjai (2018) DNA-chart visual tool for topological higher order information from spatio-temporal trajectory dataset. Expert Systems with Applications, 108. pp. 28-35.

Wang, Ye (2017) Visual analytics of dynamic higher order information. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Wang, Yu, Chen, Chao, and Xiang, Yang (2015) Unknown pattern extraction for statistical network protocol identification. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks. pp. 506-509. From: LCN 2015: 40th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks, 26-29 October 2016, Clearwater Beach, FL, USA.

Wu, Di, Chen, Xiao, Chen, Chao, Zhang, Jun, Xiang, Yang, and Zhou, Wanlei (2014) On addressing the imbalance problem: a correlated KNN approach for network traffic classification. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (8792) pp. 138-151. From: NSS 2014: 8th International Conference on Network and System Security, 15-17 October 2014, Xi'an, China.

Wyatt, Mathew J., Sim, Nigel G.D., Hardy, Dianna L., and Atkinson, Ian M. (2007) Your SRB: a cross platform interface for SRB and digital libraries. In: Proceedings of the fifth Australasian Symposium on ACSW Frontiers. ACM International Conference Proceeding Series; Vol. 249. (68) pp. 79-85. From: Fifth Australasian Symposium on ACSW Frontiers, 30 Jan-02 Feb, Ballarat, VIC, Australia.


Xie, Bailin, Wang, Yu, Chen, Chao, and Xiang, Yang (2016) Gatekeeping behavior analysis for information credibility assessment on Weibo. In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (9955) pp. 483-496. From: NSS 2016: 10th International Conference on Network and System Security, 28-30 September 2016, Taipei, Taiwan.


Yang, Jianhua, and Lee, Ickjai (2006) Hybrid O(n√n) clustering for sequential web usage mining. In: AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence (4304) pp. 1022-1026. From: 19th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 4-8 December 2006, Hobart, TAS, Australia.


Zhang, Dongzhi, Lee, Kyungmi, and Lee, Ickjai (2019) Mining hierarchical semantic periodic patterns from GPS-collected spatio-temporal trajectories. Expert Systems with Applications, 122. pp. 85-101.

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Zhang, Jun, Chen, Chao, Xiang, Yang, and Zhou, Wanlei (2012) Semi-supervised and compound classification of network traffic. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Internation Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops. pp. 617-621. From: ICDCSW 2012: 32nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems Workshops, 18-21 June 2012, Macua, China.

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