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- 1503 Management and productivity (261)
- 150301 Industrial relations (17)
- 1503 Management and productivity (261)
Gavin, Mihajla, Le Queux, Stephane, Donnelly, Noelle, and May, Robyn (2024) Labour and value: new challenges for work and industrial relations in a post-pandemic era. Labour and Industry, 34 (1).
Le Queux, Stephane (2023) Australie. Rattrapage et transition en demi-teinte / Australia. Lacklustre adjustments and transition. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 184 (4). pp. 123-136.
Cox, Anne, and Le Queux, Stephane (2023) Towards an independent workers’ voice in Vietnam? Labour and Industry, 33 (3). pp. 385-399.
Le Queux, Stéphane, Peetz, David, Burgess, John, and Waring, Peter (2022) Adieu au Fair Go ? Néolibéralisme et reconfiguration des relations professionnelles en Australie / Farewell to the Fair Go? Neoliberalism and Industrial Relations in Australia. La Nouvelle Revue du Travail, 21. pp. 117-134.
Cox, Anne Ngoc, and Le Queux, Stephane (2022) Vietnam - Le nouveau Code du travail : vers une représentation collective indépendante ? Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 177. pp. 18-26.
Hofman, Peter S., Moon, Jeremy, and Wu, Bin (2017) Corporate Social Responsibility Under Authoritarian Capitalism: Dynamics and Prospects of State-Led and Society-Driven CSR. Business & Society, 56 (5). pp. 651-671.
Newman, Alexander, Miao, Qing, Hofman, Peter S., and Zhu, Cherrie Jiuhua (2016) The impact of socially responsible human resource management on employees' organizational citizenship behaviour: the mediating role of organizational identification. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27 (4). pp. 440-455.
Hofman, Peter, Wu, Bin, and Liu, Kaiming (2014) Collaborative Socially Responsible Practices for Improving the Position of Chinese Workers in Global Supply Chains. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43 (4). pp. 111-141.
Tan-Mullins, May, and Hofman, Peter S. (2014) The Shaping of Chinese Corporate Social Responsibility. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs, 43 (4). pp. 3-18.
Hofman, Peter S., and Newman, Alexander (2014) The impact of perceived corporate social responsibility on organizational commitment and the moderating role of collectivism and masculinity: evidence from China. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25 (5). pp. 631-652.
Book Chapter
Le Queux, Stephane, Cox, Anne Ngoc, and Sainsaulieu, Ivan (2024) Researching trade union movements through the lens of social movements and shades of activism: fault lines, industrial guerrilla and spontaneous disruption from below. In: Parker, Jane, Donnelly, Noelle, Ressia, Sue, and Gavin, Mihajla, (eds.) Field Guide to Researching Employment and Industrial Relations. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, United Kingdom, pp. 175-190.
Conference Item
Le Queux, Stephane (2025) An Ontological ‘Radix’ Take on Comparative Industrial Relations. In: [Presented at the 2025 AIRAANZ Annual Conference]. From: 2025 AIRAANZ Annual Conference: Navigating the Nexus: Politics, Profession, and Practice in Industrial Relations, 3-5 February 2025, Wellington, New Zealand.
Le Queux, Stephane (2024) Contrasted labour regimes in the Asia-Pacific: Australia, Singapore and Vietnam industrial relations in comparison and its meaning for Europe. In: [Presented at the European Trade Union Institute Research Seminar 2024]. From: European Trade Union Institute Research Seminar, 19 September 2024, Brussels, Belgium.
Le Queux, Stephane (2024) Labour and Climate Action in Australia: Stepping Away from the Hegemony? In: [Presented at the AIRAANZ 2024 Annual Conference]. From: AIRAANZ 2024 Annual Conference: Reimagining Industrial Relations: work, care, climate & safety, 31 Jan - 2 Feb 2024, Perth, WA, Australia.
Le Queux, Stephane, Wong, Caroline, Waring, Peter, and Kuah, Adrian (2023) Is reliance on migrant workers sustainable in Singapore? In: [Presented at New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference]. From: New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference, 14-15 December 2023, George Town, Malaysia.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Cox, Anne (2023) Why independent unionism does not arise under the 2019 Labour Law in Vietnam? In: [Presented at New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference]. From: New Labour Regimes in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Penang International Conference, 14-15 December 2023, George Town, Malaysia.
Le Queux, Stephane, and Peetz, David (2021) Australian Industrial Relations through Covid19/Les relations industrielles au travers de la COVID-19 en Australie. In: [Presented at the Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference/Congrès annuel de L'Association canadienne des relations industrielles]. From: ACRI 2021: Canadian Industrial Relations Association 58th Annual Conference/58e Congrès annuel de l’Association canadienne des relations industrielles, 26-28 May 2021, Quebec, Canada and Online.