Australie. Rattrapage et transition en demi-teinte / Australia. Lacklustre adjustments and transition

Le Queux, Stephane (2023) Australie. Rattrapage et transition en demi-teinte / Australia. Lacklustre adjustments and transition. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 184 (4). pp. 123-136.

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De retour au pouvoir en 2022, les travaillistes font adopter une loi mettant en place une politique environnementale. L’alignement sur l’accord de Paris et la création d’une agence fédérale de transition énergétique étaient des revendications du congrès syndical de l’ACTU de 2021. Si les syndicats soutiennent le dispositif de transition, des divisions subsistent. Les divergences reflètent l’ambiguïté de la politique qui vise à réduire les émissions domestiques mais pas les exportations de combustibles fossiles, pourtant majoritaires dans la production énergétique / Back in power in 2022, the Labour Party passed on a legislation on climate action. The alignment to the Paris Agreement and the creation of a national net-zero authority were unions’ policies in Congress, 2021. While unions are in their majority in support of the government initiative, divsions remain. Divergences reflect the underlying contradiction in environmental policies targeting the reduction of domestic emissions but not the exportation of fossil fuel, however vastly responsible of Australian derived global emissions.

Item ID: 81579
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1285-087X
Keywords: Australia Environmental Policy, ACTU
Copyright Information: © L'Ires 2023 – All reproduction and representation rights reserved, including for downloadable documents. None of this information may be reproduced, modified, transmitted, redistributed, translated, sold, exploited or reused for commercial purposes. Any of the above conditions can be waived if you have permission from the site owner.
Date Deposited: 15 May 2024 23:20
FoR Codes: 35 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 3505 Human resources and industrial relations > 350504 Industrial and employee relations @ 50%
41 ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES > 4101 Climate change impacts and adaptation > 410103 Human impacts of climate change and human adaptation @ 50%
SEO Codes: 19 ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY, CLIMATE CHANGE AND NATURAL HAZARDS > 1901 Adaptation to climate change > 190101 Climate change adaptation measures (excl. ecosystem) @ 50%
15 ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK > 1503 Management and productivity > 150301 Industrial relations @ 50%
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