Practical learning: achieving excellence in the human services

January 23-25 2008 Edinburgh International Conference Centre

Detailed session schedule

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Keynote Sessions, All days
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Traditional? You tell me Mr John Geates, Director, Scottish Police College Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Keynote_John Geates.ppt Preview Presentation John Geates (12MB)
BT as a learning organisation Alex Wilson, Group HR Director BT plc Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Keynote_Alex_Wilson.ppt Preview Presentation Alex Wilson (12MB)
Scottish Teachers for a New Era: Transforming Teacher Learning and Development Ms Myra Pearson, University of Aberdeen Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation Keynote_Myra_Pearson.ppt Preview Presentation
Parallel sessions 1: research & practice papers - Wednesday 23 January 2008 (11.30-12.30)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
111 An accreditation system for training and trainers in autism spectrum disorders: the icing on the cake or an essential ingredient for quality services? Charlene Tait (National Centre for Autism Studies - University of Strathclyde) Anna Robinson (The Scottish Society for Autism) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 111.ppt Preview Presentation
171 EIPEN (European Interprofessional Education Network in health and social care): developing a transnational interprofessional community of practice Dr Marion Helme (UK Higher Education Academy - Subject Centre for Health Sciences and Practice at King's College London)
161 Using online technology to assist isolated social work students in rural practicum to undertake critically reflective practice Fran Waugh, Deborah Hart (University of Sydney) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 161.ppt Preview Presentation
172 Post qualifying specialist awards: approaches to enabling work-based learning in social work Lynne Rutter, Sarah Williams (Bournemouth University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 172.ppt Preview Presentation
152 Work-based learning: negotiating and integrating theory and practice within the real world of organisational change Lesley Moore (University of the West of England, Bristol), Jane Bridger (University of the West of England, Bristol) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 152.ppt Preview Presentation
141 Learning to be a social worker in the 21st century workplace Lesley Cooper, Joan Leeson (Wilfrid Laurier University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 141.ppt Preview Presentation
121 Creating continuous conversation: social work and the learning organisation Liz Beddoe (University of Auckland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 121.ppt Preview Presentation
131 Learning to integrate services in a Scottish healthcare setting - the experience of West Lothian Community Healthcare Partnership Tony Kinder (University of Edinburgh)
132 NO MORE 'NEEDS': growing confidence and improving skills around sexuality in social work research, learning and practice Joy Trotter (University of Teeside), Trish Hafford-Letchfield (London South Bank University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 132.ppt Preview Presentation
162 Communities of practice: a framework for professional learning Margaret Clarke (University of Western Sydney), Deb Clarke (Charles Sturt University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 162.ppt Preview Presentation
112 Collegial space and continuing professional development in community learning and development John Bamber (University of Edinburgh), Lyn Tett (University of Edinburgh)
122 Beginning teachers' perceptions of their induction into teaching Sue Hudson, Denise Beutel & Peter Hudson (Queensland University of Technology) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 122.ppt Preview Presentation
142 Exploring Pedagogical Practice within an Online Learning Community Alison Mander, Petrea Redmond (University of Southern Queensland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 142.ppt Preview Presentation


Parallel sessions 2: workshops & symposia - Wednesday 23 January 2008 (13.30-15.00)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
211 SCQF and RPL social services project Dr Alison Harold (SSSC) & Ruth Whittaker Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 211.ppt Preview Presentation
221 A study of learning for practice through post qualifying education arrangements in scotland from 2001-2008 Kate Skinner, Mary Coles (PQ Consortium for Social Work in Scotland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 221.ppt Preview Presentation
231 Quarriers - A decade of learning about learning Frieda Park (Quarriers) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 231.ppt Preview Presentation
851 Practical skills for managing information overload using news feeds and social bookmarking Ian Watson (IRISS) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 851.ppt Preview Presentation
251 Developing sustainable inter-professional working structures and cultures the role of reflective case discussion forums Dr Gillian Ruch (University of Southampton) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 251.ppt Preview Presentation
261 When clinical is personal and learning is relational Jeff Faris, Bill Hardy, Kieran Vivian Byrne (The Family Institute University of Glamorgan)
271 Firm Foundations: creating an organisational climate for research utilisation across children's services Colleen Eccles (research in practice Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 271.ppt Preview Presentation
281 Making a framework for good practice Patricia Kearney (Social Care Institute for Excellence), Prof. Mike Fisher (Social Care Institute for Excellence), Prof. Harry Ferguson (University of the West of England), Karen Jones (University of the West of England) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 281.ppt Preview Presentation


Parallel sessions 3: research & practice papers - Wednesday 23 January 2008 (15:30 - 16.30)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
311 Practice learning and social work: what difference has a degree made? Jo Moriarty, Martin Stevens (King's College London) Gillian MacIntyre, Joan Orme (Glasgow School of Social Work) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 311.ppt Preview Presentation
351 An Examination of Beginning Teachers' Self-Presentation Styles and Strategies Hayuta Yinon, University of Haifa Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 351.ppt
MP3 Audio File shirazs_case2.mp3
Preview Presentation
331 Swapping roles or swapping desks? : when experienced practitioners become students on placement Associate Professor Beth Crisp, Dr Jane Maidment (Health and Social Development, Deakin University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 331.ppt Preview Presentation
341 Action research and collaborative communities for learning as a means of professional development and improved practice Dr Donald Gray, Dr Dean Robson, Dr Laura Colucci-Gray (University of Aberdeen) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 341.ppt Preview Presentation
321 A triangulation multi-sites case study of abandoned young people in residential care and care leavers in Saudi Arabia Ahmed Albar (University of York, Imama University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 321.ppt Preview Presentation
371 Maps, gaps and traps: how can multi-disciplinary research contribute to better communication across the great professional divides? Kate Skinner (IRISS) Prof Stephen Baron (Strathclyde University) Prof Alan Gilloran (Queen Margaret University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 371.ppt Preview Presentation
381 Communities of practice: a social discipline of learning Dr. Etienne Wenger
391 Teachers learning for practice across, from and with other professions Tom Hamilton (General Teaching Council for Scotland)
332 Let's talk: a discursive approach to training professional community educators John Bamber (University of Edinburgh) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 332.ppt Preview Presentation
312 The practicum as a site for student teacher learning: Do the participants share understandings as to how this occurs? Dr Mavis Haigh (The University of Auckland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 312.ppt Preview Presentation
322 Learning to learn: the collaborative challenge Louise O'Connor (London South Bank University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 322.ppt Preview Presentation
382 A study of social presence in blended social work education Prof Walter LaMendola (University of Denver) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 382.ppt Preview Presentation
532 Key capabilities in child care and protection Margaret Bruce, Helen Whincup (University of Dundee) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 532.ppt Preview Presentation

Parallel sessions 4: research & practice papers, workshops & symposia - Thursday 24th January 2008 (11.30 - 12.30)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
471 Creative practice and research synergies: changing Lives through mentoring and listening to the voices of potentially excluded learners Dr Dina Sidhva, Nasra Bibi (Multi-Cultural Family Base), Mo McPhail (Open University), Cathy MacNaughton Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 471.ppt Preview Presentation
421 Making transitions from academic literacy to professional literacy: the nexus of the practical and the theoretical Dr Jan Millwater (Queensland University of Technology) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 421.ppt Preview Presentation
461 Recipients as resources: three examples of students helping other students to learn Stuart Eno, Bob Leeson (Perth & Kinross Council) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 461.ppt Preview Presentation
451 Identity and difference in the social work learning group: ageism exposed? Cathryn Holmstrom (University of Sussex)
431 Improving practice in initial teacher education Ashley Reid (University of Strathclyde) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 431.ppt Preview Presentation
481 Developing evidence based practice in a UK children's charity: the Barnardo's experience Sarah Frost, Dr Mary Duffy (Barnardo's)
441 Confidence and community: development needs of newly qualified social workers Tikki Immins, Lynne Rutter (Bournemouth University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 441.ppt Preview Presentation
411 Reflective, reflexive and research minded practice Pat Collingwood (University of Stirling / Learning Network S.E.)
452 Learning the language of multi-disciplinary practice Dr Stephen Loftus, Prof Charles Higgs (Charles Sturt University)
342 Bridging the gap between theory and practice Roisin McGoldrick (Glasgow School of Social Work)
442 Teachers mentoring teachers: a process of reflection and rejuvenation Dr Denise Beutel, Dr Rebecca Spooner-Lane (Queensland University of Technology) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 442.ppt Preview Presentation
432 Growing research in practice - messages for social work education Phil Harington, Liz Beddoe (University of Auckland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 432.ppt Preview Presentation
412 The use of co-operative inquiry in developing an inter-professional model of learning Valentine Scarlett (University of Dundee) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 412.ppt Preview Presentation


Parallel sessions 5: research & practice papers - Thursday 24th January 2008 (14.00 - 15.00)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
571 Formal learning in the workplace - more than just a qualification Karl Stern (Perth & Kinross Council) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 571.ppt Preview Presentation
521 How are mentor teachers assessing student teachers professional practice in school sites? How to validate their judgments? Alison Mander (University of Southern Queensland, Australia) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 521.ppt Preview Presentation
531 Learning together, working together? The Impact of multi-professional postgraduate education on practice in the field of autism spectrum Charlene Tait (National Centre for Autsim Studies - University of Strathclyde) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 531.ppt Preview Presentation
511 Preparation for practice: constructing a framework for learning Louise O'Connor (London South Bank University), Robert Cecil (Canterbury Christ Church University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 511.ppt Preview Presentation
551 Mentoring to enhance the learning of pre-service teachers on practicum Dr Ngaire Hoben (University of Auckland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 551.ppt Preview Presentation
541 Being a civic practitioner: the civic literacy component of professional practice Phil Harington (University of Auckland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 541.ppt Preview Presentation
561 Learning about learning from the evaluation of a national child protection training programme Kate Skinner (IRISS) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 561.ppt Preview Presentation
552 Dysgu: collaborative learning and systemic practice Bill Hardy, Kieran Vivian Byrne (The Family Institute, University Of Glamorgan) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 552.pptAdobe Acrobat Document 552.pdf Preview Presentation
522 Introducing students to a practice setting: university and field staff jointly evaluate students' readiness for practice Ruth Forbes (University of Edinburgh), Maura Daly (Circle Scotland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 522.ppt Preview Presentation
542 Crossing boundaries: hearing the voice of service users in social work education Jim Sinclair (Fife Council Social Work Department) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 542.ppt Preview Presentation
512 Contraceptive use and attitudes among female college students Prof Kellie Bryant (Long Island University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 512.ppt Preview Presentation


Parallel sessions 6: research & practice papers, workshops & symposia - Thursday 24 January 2008 (15.30 - 16.30)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
661 Is It My Job? Supporting the development and implementation of inter-agency protocols relating to children affected by parental substance misuse
Joyce Nicholson, Edel Walsh, Patricia Gray (STRADA) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 661.ppt Preview Presentation
641 Values in work with older people - research in two care homes Moira Dunworth (Independent) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 641.ppt Preview Presentation
621 Beyond the classroom: integrating legal knowledge, practice learning and user experience to prepare students for ethical practice in the human services Prof Suzy Braye (University of Sussex) Michael Preston-Shoot, Amanda Thorpe (University of Bedfordshire) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 621.ppt Preview Presentation
611 Mirror, mirror on the wall who enhances integration of learning most of all? Dr Gary Clapton, Ruth Forbes (University of Edinburgh) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 611.ppt Preview Presentation
631 Formalised mentoring programs in the public sector: a structured review of the literature Dr Lisa Ehrich, Prof Brian Hansford (School of Learning & Professional Studies, Queensland University of Technology) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 631.ppt Preview Presentation
651 Not just for romance: applications of speed dating in social work education Associate Professor Beth Crisp, Jane Maidment (Health and Social Development, Deakin University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 651.ppt Preview Presentation
632 Findings of research on peer supervision in rural and remote australia using technology Amanda Nickson (James Cook University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 632.ppt Preview Presentation
612 Integration of learning and practice: a mentoring model for researching practice in modern child care social work services in scotland Raymond Taylor (Glasgow Centre for the Child and Society), Maggie Mellon (Children 1st) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 612.ppt Preview Presentation

Parallel sessions 7: research & practice papers, workshops & symposia - Friday 25 January 2008 (11.30 - 12.30)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
721 Social work practice: combining inter professional learning , research and service delivery within a higher education institution Jane Mclocklan (University of Hull)
751 Scoping exercise of work-based assessment programmes for health professionals in scotland Joan McDowell, William Wright (University of Glasgow), Kenneth McHardy (Aberdeen Royal Infirmary), Graham Leese (Ninewells Hospital, Dundee) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 751.ppt Preview Presentation
761 Making it work - social work education in NHS Settings Marianne Hughes (Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations Council), Debbie Lowson (Substance Misuse Services NHS Lothian), Wilma Easton (Scottish Drugs Forum) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 761.ppt Preview Presentation
731 Service-user led learning and teaching materials for social work education Trish Hafford-Letchfield, Wendy Couchman (London South Bank University), Kate Leonard, Bee Harris Adobe Acrobat Document 731_paper.pdf
711 Facilitated communication in the learning and practice setting: a service user and facilitator's perspective Margaret Bryan, Aman Lee (Eight Miles Out)
741 The involvement and role of service users and carers in the regulatory and quality enhancement functions of the UK care councils Dr Brenda Gillies (The Scottish Social Services Council) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 741.ppt Preview Presentation
771 Involving people who use human services - it is rocket science! Mike Tait (Edinburgh Voluntary Organisations' Council) Monica Hunter (People First - Scotland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 771.ppt Preview Presentation
732 Who are the outsiders inside teacher education: school-based teacher educators' perception of their place? Wendy Hastings (Charles Sturt University) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 732.ppt Preview Presentation
752 Authentic learning for effective human services practice Neil Ballantyne (IRISS) Dr. Alan Knowles (Grant MacEwan College) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 752.ppt Preview Presentation
722 Social Work Education: a developmental perspective Dr Atalia Mosek (Tel Hai Academic College), Miriam Ben-Oz (Tel Hai Academic College) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 722.ppt Preview Presentation
772 Building & Maintaining Bridges: learning the lessons on the journey to involvement Jim Sinclair (Fife Council Social Work Service), John Dow (University of Dundee CU Group), Richard Ingram (University of Dundee) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 772.ppt Preview Presentation


Parallel sessions 8: workshops & symposia - Friday 25 January 2008 (13.30 - 15.00)
Code Title Speakers Download Preview
861 Developing a sustainable infrastructure to support learning in the workplace Dr Colette Ferguson, Carol Watson, Leigh Willocks (NHS Education for Scotland), Karen Lockhart (Scottish Executive Health Department)
811 The users' voice: an instrument for learning about the management of long term conditions Lesley Moore, Dr Jane Bridger (University of the West of England) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 811.ppt Preview Presentation
831 We're here tae make a difference Jeremy Millar (The Robert Gordon University) John Thomson, William Rae, Alexander Horne (The Group-a voice of reason) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 831.ppt Preview Presentation
841 Increasing social work's evidence base: the development of a social work wiki Dr Harriet W Meek (New Mexico State University)
871 Service users and carers as co-educators of social work students Robert Mackay (Robert Gordon University)
842 Digital literacies for human service practitioners: learning, knowing & networking in the 21st Century Ellen Daly, Neil Ballantyne (IRISS) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 842.ppt Preview Presentation
812 Lecturer / practitioner roles: a tale of two professions Jim Sinclair (Fife Council Social Work Service) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 812.ppt Preview Presentation
821 Ending the oppression of marginalized populations: the critical link between training and practice Jaimie Page (The University of Texas at Arlington)
241 Supporting a community of practice for Nursing, Midwifery and Allied health Professions (NMAHP) Practice Education Facilitators using the NHS e-library's 'shared space' Paul Lambert, Simon Sikora (NHS Education for Scotland) Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation 241.ppt Preview Presentation