Practical learning: achieving excellence in the human services

January 23-25 2008 Edinburgh International Conference Centre

A triangulation multi-sites case study of abandoned young people in residential care and care leavers in Saudi Arabia

Keywords: linking practice and practice, involving service users and service providers, listen to unheard voices of young people, learn how to review religious and cultural applications in practice and policy

Author: Ahmed Albar (University of York, Imama University)

The study aims to explore various needs of young people in residential care and care leavers: financial, social, emotional, marital, vocational and educational; how the subjects were impacted by being born of unknown parents and by being placed at residential care (stigma and identity as a big themes); how the provided programmes, services and policies were perceived by service users and service providers in helping young people meet their needs; and lastly whether there is a need for further services and programmes young people may need through care and after leaving care.
The implicit aims were to see how young people about to leave care and care leavers were ready and prepared to leave care. What sort of programmes might they need more of and why? In what ways do they need the leaving care services? Enhancing social justice, empowering service users and promote their welfare and improve their situation while in care and after leaving care are the implicit objectives of this study (Butler,2002). Triangulation of a variety of data collection methods both quantitative but mainly qualitative methods had been methodological triangulation. That included questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, observation, field notes or field log and documents analysis.

The implication of this study should improve the provided services and polices young people receive while in care and after leaving (policy implication). It also tended to suggest valuable skills and strategies service providers in general and practitioners in particular need to consider when providing care for this population (practice implication) and it will help Saudi researchers to think of conducting qualitative researches and maybe mixed methods instead of focusing on one approach, mainly quantitative, in investigating some evidence.

Date: Wednesday 23 January 2008, 3.30-4.00

Venue: Carrick Two

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Organised by the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services in association with PEPE (Practical Experiences in Professional Education).