Practical learning: achieving excellence in the human services

January 23-25 2008 Edinburgh International Conference Centre

Making a framework for good practice

Keywords: good practice, social services, social welfare, kite-marking, framework

Presenters: Patricia Kearney (Social Care Institute for Excellence); Prof. Mike Fisher (Social Care Institute for Excellence); Prof. Harry Ferguson (University of the West of England); Karen Jones (University of the West of England)

The Social Care Institute for Excellence has been asked by Government to develop a framework for best practice for the England social care sector. We propose that the framework should enable the sector to kite-mark practice claims. The work raises a number of challenges and problems for us : Why has a definition of good practice become central to the Government's Modernisation Agenda? How do we focus on direct practice and integrate this with other areas of social care practice such as commissioning, policy development and inspection? How do we demonstrate need for iterative relationships between these activities? How do we emphasise outcomes over processes and procedures? Can we avoid hierarchical categories of practice? How can we encourage the sector's interest and engagement in using and contributing to social care knowledge?


Date: Wednesday 23 January 2008, 1.30-3.00

Venue: Harris One

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Organised by the Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services in association with PEPE (Practical Experiences in Professional Education).