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Number of items at this level: 96.


Yew, San-Ho, Lim, Ming-Jie Keane, Haw, Yu-Xuan, and Gan, Samuel Ken-En (2015) The association between perceived stress, life satisfaction, optimism, and physical health in the Singapore Asian context. Asian Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3 (1). pp. 1-11.

Janik , Agnieszka B., Rezlescu, Constantin, and Banissy, Michael J. (2015) Enhancing anger perception with transcranial alternating current stimulation induced gamma oscillations. Brain Stimulation, 8 (6). pp. 1138-1143.

Szpak, Ancret, Loetscher, Tobias, Churches, Owen, Thomas, Nicole A., Spence, Charles J., and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2015) Keeping your distance: attentional withdrawal in individuals who show physiological signs of social discomfort. Neuropsychologia, 70. pp. 462-467.

Nicholls, Michael E.R., Loveless, Kellie M., Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, and Churches, Owen (2015) Some participants may be better than others: sustained attention and motivation are higher early in semester. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68 (1). pp. 10-18.

Thomas, Nicole A., Castine, Benjamin R., Loetscher, Tobias, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2015) Upper visual field distractors preferentially bias attention to the left. Cortex, 64. pp. 179-193.

Szpak, Ancrêt, Loetscher, Tobias, Bastian, John, Thomas, Nicole, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2015) Visual asymmetries for relative depth judgments in a three-dimensional space. Brain and Cognition, 99. pp. 128-134.

Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2014) Asymmetries in attention as revealed by fixations and saccades. Experimental Brain Research, 232 (10). pp. 3253-3267.

Cottrell, David, and Campbell, Megan E.J. (2014) Auditory perception of a human walker. Perception, 43 (11). pp. 1225-1238.

Nicholls, Michael E.R., Roden, Sally, Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, Spence, Charles J., and Forte, Jason D. (2014) Close to me: the effect of asymmetrical environments on spatial attention. Ergonomics, 57 (6). pp. 876-885.

Churches, Owen, Feuerriegel, Daniel, Callahan, Rebecca, Wells, Jeremy, Keage, Jocelyn, Keage, Hannah, Kohler, Mark, Thomas, Nicole A., and Nicholls, Mike (2014) Facing up to stereotypes: surgeons and physicians are no different in their emotional expressiveness. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain, and Cognition, 19 (5). pp. 585-590.

Thomas, Nicole A., Wignall, Sophie J., Loetscher, Tobias, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2014) Searching the expressive face: evidence for both the right hemisphere and valence-specific hypotheses. Emotion, 14 (5). pp. 962-977.

Jack, Bradley N., O'Shea, Robert P., Cottrell, David, and Ritter, Walter (2013) Does the ventriloquist illusion assist selective listening? Journal of Experimental Psychology: human perception and performance, 39 (5). pp. 1496-1502.

Nicholls, Michael E.R., Thomas, Nicole A., and Loetscher, Tobias (2013) An online means of testing asymmetries in seating preference reveals a bias for airplanes and theaters. Human Factors, 55 (4). pp. 725-731.

Nicholls, Michael E.R., Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, and Grimshaw, Gina M. (2013) The Flinders Handedness survey (FLANDERS): a brief measure of skilled hand preference. Cortex, 49 (10). pp. 2914-2926.

Banissy, Michael J., Tester, Victoria, Muggleton, Neil G., Janik, Agnieszka B., Davenport, Aimee, Franklin, Anna, Walsh, Vincent, and Ward, Jamie (2013) Synesthesia for color is linked to improved color perception but reduced motion perception. Psychological Science, 24 (12). pp. 2390-2397.

Kamke, Marc R., Vieth, Harrison E., Cottrell, David, and Mattingley, Jason B. (2012) Parietal disruption alters audiovisual binding in the sound-induced flash illusion. NeuroImage, 62 (3). pp. 1334-1341.

Kanai, Ryota, Bahnrami, Bahador, Duchaine, Brad, Janik, Agnieszka, Banissy, Michael J., and Rees, Geraint (2012) Brain structure links loneliness to social perception. Current Biology, 22 (20). pp. 1975-1979.

Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2012) Central fixations with rightward deviations: saccadic eye movements on the landmark task. Experimental Brain Research, 220 (1). pp. 29-39.

Thomas, Nicole A., Schneider, Oliver, Gutwin, Carl, and Elias, Lorin J. (2012) Dorsal stream contributions to perceptual asymmetries. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 18 (2). pp. 251-259.

Churches, Owen, Callahan, Rebecca, Michalski, Dana, Brewer, Nicola, Turner, Emma, Keage, Hannah Amy Diane, Thomas, Nicole Annette, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2012) How academics face the world: a study of 5829 homepage pictures. PLoS ONE, 7 (7). e38940.

Thomas, Nicole A., and Elias, Lorin J. (2012) Perceptual asymmetries in greyscales: object-based versus space-based influences. Cortex, 48 (5). pp. 553-562.

Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, Clode, Danielle, and Nicholls, Michael E.R. (2012) Right-wing politicians prefer the emotional left. PLoS ONE, 7 (5). e36552.

Mok, Leh Woon (2012) Short-term retention of information from an emergent-processes perspective. International Journal of Psychology, 47 (Supplement 1). p. 117.

Mok, Leh Woon (2012) The effect of word semantic transparency on Chinese lexical unitisation: a window into lexical learning and organisation. International Journal of Psychology, 47 (Supplement 1). p. 117.

Nicholls, Michael E.R., Thomas, Nicole A., Loetscher, Tobias, Wignall, Sophie, Yates, Mark J., Forte, Jason D., and Spence, Charles J. (2012) The relationship between vertical stimulation and horizontal attentional asymmetries. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65 (12). pp. 2384-2396.

Gao, Xiao, Deng, Xiao, Chen, Nanjin, Luo, Wenbo, Hu, Li, Jackson, Todd, and Chen, Hong (2011) Attentional biases among body-dissatisfied young women: an ERP study with rapid serial visual presentation. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 82 (2). pp. 133-142.

Jackson, Todd, and Phillips, Heath (2011) Social comparison performance standards, threat, and tolerance for experimentally-induced pain. European Journal of Pain, 15 (10). pp. 1081-1086.

Au, Agnes (2011) Musos wanted. Cairns Sun, 2011 (1 June). p. 9.

Graham, Deborah (2011) Thinking about thinking. Issues, 95. pp. 8-11.

Au, Agnes (2011) Musical maestros sought for JCU memory trials. Cairns Post, 2011 (17 May). p. 4.

Li, Ou, Jackson, Todd, and Chen, Hong (2011) Attentional and memory biases among weight dissatisfied young women: evidence from a dichotic listening paradigm. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 35 (4). pp. 434-441.

Gao, Xiao, Wang, Quanchuan, Jackson, Todd, Zhao, Guang, Liang, Yi, and Chen, Hong (2011) Biases in orienting and maintenance of attention among weight dissatisfied women: an eye-movement study. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 49 (4). pp. 252-259.

McDine, David A., Livingston, Ian J., Thomas, Nicole A., and Elias, Lorin J. (2011) Lateral biases in lighting of abstract artwork. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain, and Cognition, 16 (3). pp. 268-279.

Hutchison, Jennifer, Thomas, Nicole A., and Elias, Lorin (2011) Leftward lighting in advertisements increases advertisement ratings and purchase intention. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain, and Cognition, 16 (4). pp. 423-432.

Thomas, Nicole A., and Elias, Lorin J. (2011) Upper and lower visual field differences in perceptual asymmetries. Brain Research, 1387. pp. 108-115.

Short, Alison, Gibb, Heather, and Holmes, Colin (2010) Integrating words, images, and text in BMGIM: finding connections through semiotic intertextuality. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 20 (1). pp. 3-21.

Thomas, Nicole A., and Elias, Lorin J. (2010) Do perceptual asymmetries differ in peripersonal and extrapersonal space? Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 16 (1). pp. 210-214.

Mok, Lehwoon, Estevez, Angeles F., and Overmier, J. Bruce (2010) Unique outcome expectations as a training and pedagogical tool. Psychological Record, 60 (2). pp. 227-247.

Jackson, Todd, Huang, Xiting, Chen, Hong, and Phillips, Heath (2009) Effects of threatening information on interpersonal responses to pain. European Journal of Pain, 13 (4). pp. 431-438.

Thomas, Nicole A., Stuckel, Dane, Gutwin, Carl, and Elias, Lorin J. (2009) Directional collisions during a route-following task. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 15 (2). pp. 225-230.

Mok, Leh Woon (2009) Word-superiority effect as a function of semantic transparency of Chinese bimorphemic compound words. Language and Cognitive Processes, 24 (7-8). pp. 1039-1081.

Au, Agnes, and Lovegrove, Bill (2008) The reading ability of good and poor temporal processors among a group of college students. Perception & Psychophysics, 70 (4). pp. 697-706.

Thomas, Nicole A., Burkitt, Jennifer A., Patrick, Regan E., and Elias, Lorin J. (2008) The lighter side of advertising: investigating posing and lighting biases. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain, and Cognition, 13 (6). pp. 504-513.

McAnally, H.M., Poulton, R., Hancox, R.J., Prescott, J., and Welch, D. (2007) Psychosocial correlates of 6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP) ratings in a birth cohort. Appetite, 49 (3). pp. 700-703.

Prescott, John, and Wilkie, Jenell (2007) Pain tolerance selectively increased by a sweet-smelling odor. Psychological Science, 18 (4). pp. 308-311.

Jackson, Todd (2007) Interpersonal Transactions and Responses to Cold Pressor Pain among Australian Women and Men. Sex Roles, 56 (1-2). pp. 55-62.

White, Theresa L., and Prescott, John (2007) Chemosensory cross-modal Stroop effects: congruent odors facilitate taste identification. Chemical Senses, 32 (4). pp. 337-341.

Yeomans, Martin R., Tepper, Beverly J., Rietzschel, Julia, and Prescott, John (2007) Human hedonic responses to sweetness: role of taste genetics and anatomy. Physiology and Behavior, 91 (2-3). pp. 264-273.

Au, Agnes, and Lovegrove, Bill (2007) The contribution of rapid visual and auditory processing to the reading of irregular words and pseudowords presented singly and in contiguity. Perception & Psychophysics, 69 (8). pp. 1344-1359.

Mok, Leh Woon, and Overmier, J. Bruce (2007) The differential outcomes effect in normal human adults using a concurrent-task within-subjects design and sensory outcomes. Psychological Record, 57 (2). 2. pp. 187-200.

Au, Agnes, and Lovegrove, William (2006) Rapid visual processing by college students in reading irregular words and phonologically regular pseudowords presented singly and in contiguity. Annals of Dyslexia, 56 (2). pp. 335-360.

Thomas, Nicole A., Burkitt, Jennifer A., and Saucier, Deborah M. (2006) Photographer preference or image purpose? An investigation of posing bias in mammalian and non-mammalian species. Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain, and Cognition, 11 (4). pp. 350-354.

Burkitt, Jennifer A., Saucier, Deborah M., Thomas, Nicole A., and Ehresman, Crystal (2006) When advertising turns “cheeky”! Laterality: Asymmetries of Body, Brain, and Cognition, 11 (3). pp. 277-286.

Small, Dana M., and Prescott, John (2005) Odor/taste integration and the perception of flavor. Experimental Brain Research, 166 (3-4). pp. 345-357.

Prescott, John, Norris, Leslie, Kunst, Madeleine, and Kim, Sandra (2005) Estimating a "consumer rejection threshold" for cork taint in white wine. Food Quality and Preference, 16 (4). pp. 345-349.

Jackson, Todd, Iezzi, Tony, Chen, Hong, Ebnet, Stephanie, and Eglitis, Karen (2005) Gender, interpersonal transactions, and the perception of pain: an experimental analysis. Journal of Pain, 6 (4). pp. 228-236.

Althof, Stanley E., Rosen, Raymond C., DeRogatis, Leonard, Corty, Eric, Quirk, Frances, and Symonds, Tara (2005) Outcome measurement in female sexual dysfunction clinical trials: review and recommendations. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 31 (2). pp. 153-166.

Prescott, J., Soo, J., Campbell, H., and Roberts, C. (2004) Responses of PROP taster groups to variations in sensory qualities within foods and beverages. Physiology & Behavior, 82 (2-3). pp. 459-469.

Prescott, John, Johnstone, Victoria, and Francis, Joanne (2004) Odor-taste interactions: effects of attentional strategies during exposure. Chemical Senses, 29 (4). pp. 331-340.

Brooks, Anna, van der Zwan, Rick, and Holden, John (2003) An illusion of coherent global motion arising from single brief presentations of a stationary stimulus. Vision Research, 43 (23). pp. 2387-2392.

Smith, Stuart, Wenderoth, Peter, and Van der Zwan, Ricky (2001) Orientation processing mechanisms revealed by the plaid tilt illusion. Vision Research, 41 (4). pp. 483-494.

Rickard-Liow, S. J., Green, D., Yong, M. L., and Mok, Lehwoon (1996) Visual search and skilled reading: is there a connection? Australian Journal of Psychology, 48 (Supplement). p. 46.

Book Chapter

Graham, Deborah G. (2015) Lost to view: the resilience of Indigenous Australians in the face of systematic racism. In: Pulla, Venkat, and Mamidi, Bharath Bhushan, (eds.) Some Aspects of Community Empowerment and Resilience. Allied Publishers, Mumbai, India, pp. 49-62.

Flick, Brigitta, Spencer, Hugh, and Van der Zwan, Ricky (2011) Are hand-raised flying-foxes (Pteropus conspicillatus) better learners than wild-raised ones in an operant conditioning situation? In: Law, Bradley, Eby, Peggy, Lunney, Daniel, and Lumsden, Lindy, (eds.) The Biology and Conservation of Australasian Bats. Royal Zoological Society of New South Wales, Mosman, NSW, Australia, pp. 86-91.

Prescott, John, Bartoshuk, Linda M., and Prutkin, Jordan (2004) 6-n-propylthiouracil tasting and the perception of nontaste oral sensations. In: Prescott, John, and Tepper, Beverly J., (eds.) Genetic Variations in Taste Sensitivity. Marcel Dekker, New York, NY, USA, pp. 89-104.

Mok, Leh Woon, Tan, Raymond, and Ng, Boon Lui (1997) Are you Icarus or Daedalus? In: Tan, Richard, (ed.) To Seek, to Save, to Serve: Issues in Military Medicine. HQ Medical Corps, Singapore Armed Forces, Singapore, pp. 48-51.

Conference Item

Balaji, Shweta, and McLoughlin, Aoife (2017) Multitasking and ad enjoyment: does our perception of time's passage mediate the relationship between multitasking and ad enjoyment. In: Timing and Time Perception Reviews: Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference of the Timing Research Forum. From: 1st Conference of the Timing Research Forum, 23-25 October 2017, Strasbourg, France.

Cottrell, David, Broadhurst, Solveigh, and Brooks, Anna (2016) Why being called "Davy" is a bad idea: sound symbolism and the perception of social dominance. In: [Presented at the Australian Experimental Psychology Conference]. From: EPC 2016: Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 30 March - 2 April 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

McLoughlin, Aoife, and Wu, Ruth Xueyi (2015) Time perception and embodied rejection. In: [Presented at Embodied Perception of the Human World]. From: Embodied Perception of the Human World, 9-10 April 2015, Limerick, Ireland.

Cottrell, David, and Doyle, Eleanor (2013) Attention,
 speech. In: Abstract Book of the International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. p. 40. From: 11th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics, 20 - 23 March 2013, Tenerife, Spain. (Unpublished)

Hansen, Louise, Graham, Deborah, and Cottrell, David (2012) The effect of presentation procedure on behavioural measures of hemispheric specialisation. In: International Journal of Psychology (47) p. 371. From: XXX International Congress of Psychology, 22-27 July 2012, Cape Town, South Africa.

Cottrell, David (2012) The rhythm of life is a powerful beat: sensitivity to auditory biological motion cues. In: International Journal of Psychology (47) p. 112. From: XXX International Congress of Psychology, 22-27 July 2012, Cape Town, South Africa.

McLoughlin, Aoife (2011) Got the time? Examining the effect of technological advancement on temporal judgements. In: [Presented at the British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference 2011]. From: British Psychological Society Cognitive Section Annual Conference 2011, 6-8 September 2011, Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK.

McLoughlin, Aoife (2011) What's the time? Examining whether technological advances are affecting our temporal judgements. In: [Presented at the TIMELY workshop on the Psychophysical, Computational, and Neuroscience Models of Time Perception]. From: TIMELY (Time In MEntaL activitY): Workshop on the Psychophysical, Computational, and Neuroscience Models of Time Perception, 6 April 2011, Groningen, Netherlands.

Cottrell, D., and Campbell, M. (2010) Sensitivity to auditory biological motion stimuli. In: Combined Abstracts of 2010 Australian Psychology Conferences. p. 10. From: 37th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 17-19 April 2010, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Cottrell, David, and Murdoch, Suzannah (2009) Stroop interference in native users of sign language. In: Program, Information and Abstracts of the HCSNet Perception and Action Workshop: tools and techniques for conducting EEG and MEG experiments. p. 15. From: HCSNet Perception and Action Workshop: tools and techniques for conducting EEG and MEG experiments, 8-9 August 2009, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Young, C., and Cottrell, D. (2009) How ambiguous is an audio-visual impact? In: Combined Abstracts of 2009 Australian Psychology Conferences. p. 15. From: 36th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 17-19 April 2009, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

Cottrell, D., and van der Zwan, R. (2008) Does sound really disambiguate movement in the Sekuler effect? In: Australian Journal of Psychology: combined abstracts of 2008 psychology conferences: the abstracts of the 35th Australasian experimental psychology conference (60) p. 65. From: EPC08: 35th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 28-30 March 2008, Fremantle, WA, Australia.

Cottrell, D., Wilson, J., van der Zwan, R., and Brooks, A. (2008) Masking the sound induced flash illusion. In: Australian Journal of Psychology: combined abstracts of 2008 psychology conferences: the abstracts of the 35th Australasian experimental psychology conference (60) pp. 65-66. From: EPC08: 35th Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 28-30 March 2008, Fremantle, WA, Australia.

Cottrell, David (2008) Visual-spatial cues in disambiguating multiple spoken messages. In: HCSNet SummerFest 2008 Conference Handbook. p. 49. From: HCSNet SummerFest 2008, 1-5 December 2008, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Cottrell, David, Prescott, John, and Purves, Collette (2007) Spatial congruency and the sound-induced flash illusion. In: Paper presented at 8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum. 4. p. 43. From: IMRF2007: 8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, 5-7 July 2007, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

van der Zwan, Ricky, Cottrell, David, Reid, Russell, and Brooks, Anna (2007) The sound-induced flash illusion: auditory modulation of visual M-pathway activity. In: Paper presented at 8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum. 113. p. 121. From: IMRF2007: 8th Annual Meeting of the International Multisensory Research Forum, 5-7 July 2007, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Bartsch, Lauren, Van der Zwan, Rick, Cottrell, David, and Brooks, Anna (2007) Auditory biological motion processing: the eyes alone don't have it! In: Proceedings of the 42nd Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference. From: 42nd Annual Conference of the Australian Psychological Society, 25-29 September 2007, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Loh, P.R., Piek, J.P., and Barrett, N.C. (2007) Error corrections in children with ADHD and DCD. In: Posters from the 7th Developmental Coordination Disorder Conference. p. 1. From: DCD 7: 7th Developmental Coordination Disorder Conference, 2007, Melbourne, Australia.

Au, A., and Lovegrove, B. (2006) Better the temporal processes, better the processing of certain types of text. In: Proceedings of the The Abstracts of the 33rd Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (58) p. 61. From: 33rd Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 20-23 April 2006, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Au, A., and Lovegrove, B. (2006) Examining the validity of IQ-discrepancy definition in dyslexia: what do temporal processes tell us? In: Proceedings of the The Abstracts of the 33rd Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference (58) p. 61. From: 33rd Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, 20-23 April 2006, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Loh, Pek Ru, Piek, Jan P., and Barrett, Nicholas C. (2005) Motor dysfunctions in ADHD and DCD: an examination of the error correction mechanisms. In: Posters from the 6th Developmental Coordination Disorder Conference. p. 1. From: DCD 6: 6th Developmental Coordination Disorder Conference, 2005, Trieste, Italy.

Mok, Lehwoon (2004) Piece-wise repeated-measure Poisson regression illuminates time-course of differential outcomes effect in adult humans. In: Abstracts of the Psychonomic Society (9) p. 114. From: 45th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, 18-21 November 2004, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA.

Mok, L.W., and Chua, F.K. (2004) The role of semantic transparency in Chinese compound word representation. In: Proceedings of the British Psychological Society (12) p. 178. From: The British Psychological Society Annual Conference, 15-17 April 2004, Imperial Colllege, London, UK.

Mok, Lehwoon, and Overmier, J. Bruce (2003) Differential Rewards Help Me Learn. In: APS 15th Annual Convention Program Book. From: American Psychological Society 15th Annual Convention.

Dinsdale, Elizabeth A. (2003) Indicators to assess coral reef conditions: integrating views of society. In: Proceedings of the World Congress on Aquatic Protected Areas 2002. pp. 415-420. From: Aquatic Protected Areas: what works best and how do we know?, August 2002, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Mok, Lehwoon, and Chua, F.K. (2000) The representation of Chinese bi-morphemic compounds in the lexicon. In: Abstracts of the 9th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics. From: 9th International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, 26-28 June 2000, Singapore. (Unpublished)


Larson, Michael (2012) Error management, the speaker-bias, and lie-rarchy in the evolution of deception avoidance. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Lodge, Jason Micheal (2011) Mere exposure to a distracting stimulus: like it or not? PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Brooks, Anna (2004) The neural correlates of the jitter illusion. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Huff, Samuel (2002) An empirical and theoretical study of stereoscopic illusory contours and surfaces. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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