Items where Subject is "16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1608 Sociology > 160806 Social Theory"
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- Fields of Research (57950)
- 1608 Sociology (725)
- 160806 Social Theory (116)
- 1608 Sociology (725)
Murphy, Peter (2015) Locomotion and imagination. Knowledge Cultures, 3 (3).
Osbaldiston, Nick (2015) A cultural sociological reading of lifestyle migration. Two Homelands, 42. pp. 25-36.
Murphy, Peter (2014) The enigma of capitalism and the French cul-de-sac. Thesis Eleven, 124 (1). pp. 71-89.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2014) Why aesthetic patterns matter: art and a "qualitative" social theory. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 44 (2). pp. 168-185.
Murphy, Peter (2014) Education, philosophy and political economy: the reclamation of the imagination. Knowledge Cultures, 2 (2). 3. pp. 27-37.
O'Brien, Peter, Osbaldiston, Nick, and Kendall, Gavin (2014) ePortfolios and eGovernment: from technology to the entrepreneurial self. Educational Philosophy and Theory , 46 (3). pp. 284-295.
Petray, Theresa (2013) Punishing truancy is not the answer in Indigenous communities. The Conversation, 17 December 2013.
Murphy, Peter (2013) Daniel Bell: conservative. Thesis Eleven, 118 (1). pp. 72-82.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2013) 'Profane' rather than 'secular': Daniel Bell as cultural sociologist and critic of modern culture. Thesis Eleven, 118 (1). pp. 105-115.
Murphy, Peter (2012) Daniel Bell and the need for the sacred. Quadrant, 56 (1/2). pp. 38-42.
Murphy, Peter (2012) Culture, power, and the university in the twenty-first century. Policy Futures in Education, 10 (1). pp. 51-58.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2011) Thou shall not commit a social science. The Australian, 25 August 2011. pp. 1-3.
Osbaldiston, Nick, and Petray, Theresa (2011) The role of horror and dread in the sacred experience. Tourist Studies, 11 (2). pp. 175-190.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2011) Signs and wonders: on profane media studies. Times Higher Education Supplement, 2 June 2011. pp. 1-4.
Murphy, Peter (2011) Systems of communication: information, explanation and imagination. International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science, 2 (2). pp. 1-15.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2011) From Tenth street to Studio 54: on the social life of creatives. Colloquy: Theory, Text, Critique, 22. pp. 113-129.
Osbaldiston, Nick (2011) The authentic place in the amenity migration discourse. Space and Culture, 14 (2). pp. 214-226.
Murphy, Peter (2011) The paradox of dialogue. Policy Futures in Education, 9 (1). pp. 22-28.
Stephens, Anne, Jacobson, Chris, and King, Christine (2010) Towards a feminist-systems theory. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 23 (5). pp. 371-386.
Stephens, Anne, Jacobson, Chris, and King, Christine (2010) Describing a feminist-systems theory. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 27 (5). pp. 553-566.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2010) Vampires latch on to learning. The Australian, 26 May 2010. pp. 1-5.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2009) Exemplary stories: on the uses of biography in recent sociology. Book review essay of "The disobedient generation: social theorists in the sixties" by A. Sica and S. Turner (eds), University of Chicago, 2005; "Sociolosits in a global age: biographical perspectives by M. Deflem (ed), Ashgate, 2007; and "The new inidividualism: the emotional costs of globalization" by A. Elliott and C. Lemert, Routledge, 2006. Thesis Eleven, 97. pp. 115-129.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2008) Traditionals understand theory. The Australian, 26 December 2008. pp. 1-4.
Faifua, Denis, and Harding, Sandra (2008) Broader rationalities and alternative forms of organisation: sociological insights into social strategic action. International Journal of Sociology, 28 (9/10). pp. 408-419.
Bell, Kirsten, and McNaughton, Darlene (2007) Feminism and the invisible fat man. Body and Society, 13 (1). pp. 107-131.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2007) On the promise of a sociological aesthetics: from Georg Simmel to Michel Maffesoli. Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, 8 (2). pp. 91-110.
Murphy, Peter (2006) American Civilization. Thesis Eleven, 85 (1). pp. 64-92.
Pauleen, David J., and Murphy, Peter (2006) Being "virtually" there: the role of social capital in networked consultancy. University of Auckland Business Review, 8 (1). pp. 61-67.
Murphy, Peter (2005) Knowledge capitalism. Thesis Eleven, 81 (1). pp. 36-62.
Murphy, Peter (2005) Communication and self-organization: why the manufacture of consent has always been a sunset industry. Southern Review, 37 (3). pp. 87-102.
Pauleen, David, and Murphy, Peter (2005) In praise of cultural bias. MIT Sloan Management Review, 46 (2). pp. 21-22.
Murphy, Peter (2005) Social phusis and the pattern of creation. Budhi, 9 (1). pp. 39-74.
Murphy, Peter (2005) The book of the dead: a response to Johann Arnason. Thesis Eleven, 80 (1). pp. 114-116.
Waters, Malcolm (2004) Modernist radicalism, postmodernization and orderings: the work of Stephen Cook. Journal of Sociology, 40 (3). pp. 213-219.
Bastin, Rohan (2004) Death of the Indian social. Social Analysis, 48 (3). pp. 205-213.
de la fuente, Eduardo (2004) Max Weber and Charles Ives: the puritan as cultural modernist. Journal of Classical Sociology, 4 (2). pp. 191-214.
Murphy, Peter (2004) Portal empire: plastic power and thalassic imagination. New Zealand Sociology, 19 (1). pp. 4-27.
Murphy, Peter (2003) Agnes Heller's Great Society. Thesis Eleven, 75 (1). pp. 96-107.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2003) Book review of "Profiles in Contemporary Social Theory" by Anthony Elliott and Bryan Turner (Eds.) London, UK, Sage 2001. ISBN: 978-0-7619-6589-3. Journal of Sociology, 39 (3). pp. 312-313.
Vick, Malcolm (2003) Danger on the roads! Masculinity, the car and safety. Youth Studies Australia, 22 (1). pp. 32-37.
Murphy, Peter (2002) The ethics of distance. Budhi: A Journal of Culture and Ideas, 6 (2/3). pp. 1-24.
Murphy, Peter (2001) Marine reason. Thesis Eleven, 67. pp. 11-37.
Croker, Felicity (2000) Book review of "Taking Care of Men: sexual politics in the public mind" by Anthony McMahon. Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1999. ISBN: 978-0-521-58820-1. Journal of Sociology, 36 (2). pp. 264-266.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2000) Sociology and aesthetics. European Journal of Social Theory, 3 (2). pp. 235-247.
Croker, Felicity (1999) Book review of "Community Health and Wellness: a socioecological approach" by Anne McMurray. Sydney, Australia, Mosby, 1999. ISBN: 978-1-875897-61-2. Journal of Sociology, 35 (2). pp. 241-243.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (1999) Book Review of "The New American Cultural Sociology" by Philip Smith (ed), Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 1998. ISBN 978-0-521-58634-4. Journal of Sociology, 35 (3). pp. 391-393.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (1999) Book review of "Time and Commodity Culture: essays in cultural theory and postmodernity" by John Frow, Oxford, UK, Clarendon Press, 1997. ISBN: 978-0-19-815948-3. Journal of Sociology, 35 (2). pp. 233-234.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (1999) Music as negative theology. Thesis Eleven, 56. pp. 57-79.
Book Chapter
Marchant, Jillian (2015) Australian definition of poverty. In: Odekon, Mehmet, (ed.) The SAGE Encyclopedia of World Poverty. Sage, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, pp. 90-92.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2015) Thinking contradictory thoughts: on the convergence of aesthetic and social factors in recent sociologies of art. In: Martin, Randy, (ed.) The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics. Routledge Companions . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 53-66.
Murphy, Peter (2014) Bureaucratic capitalism and the work of Cornelius Castoriadis. In: Karalis, Vrasidas, (ed.) Cornelius Castoriadis and Radical Democracy. Brill, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 137-157.
Osbaldiston, Nick (2014) Beyond ahistoricity and mobilities in lifestyle migration research. In: Benson, Michaela, and Osbaldiston, Nick, (eds.) Understanding Lifestyle Migration: theoretical approaches to migration and the quest for a better life. Palgrave Macmillan, Bassingstoke, UK, pp. 163-187.
Benson, Michaela, and Osbaldiston, Nick (2014) New horizons in lifestyle migration research: theorising movement, settlement and the search for a better life. In: Benson, Michaela, and Osbaldiston, Nick, (eds.) Understanding Lifestyle Migration: theoretical approaches to migration and the quest for a better life. Palgrave Macmillan, Bassingstoke, UK, pp. 1-23.
Osbaldiston, Nick, and Picken, Felicity (2014) Negotiating the value of "slow" in amenity migration. In: Moss, Laurence A.G., and Glorioso, Romella S., (eds.) Global Amenity Migration: transforming rural culture, economy & landscape. New Ecology Press, Kaslo, Canada, pp. 83-98.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2014) Neo-modernism: architecture in the age of aesthetic capitalism. In: Murphy, Peter, and de la Fuente, Eduardo, (eds.) Aesthetic Capitalism. Social and Critical Theory, 15 . Brill, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 128-148.
Osbaldiston, Nick (2013) Consuming space slowly: reflections on authenticity, place and the self. In: Osbaldiston, Nick, (ed.) Culture of the Slow: social deceleration in an accelerated world. Consumption and Public Life . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, pp. 71-93.
de la Fuente, Eduardo, and Walsh, Michael (2013) Framing through the senses: sight and sound in the shaping of everyday life. In: Kristensen, Tore, Michelsen, Anders, and Wiegand, Frauke, (eds.) Boundaries and Creative Openings. Transvisuality: The Cultural Dimension of Visuality, 1 . Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, UK, pp. 207-222.
Murphy, Peter (2012) Winking at the State: social drama and multicultural claustrophobia. In: Besley, Tina, and Peters, Michael A., (eds.) Interculturalism, Education and Dialogue. Global Studies in Education, 13 . Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 65-75.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2011) Aesthetic explanations of the social bond: from Simmel to Maffesoli. In: Mele, Vincenzo, (ed.) Sociology, Aesthetics and the City. University of Pisa Press, Pisa, Italy, pp. 59-75.
Murphy, Peter W (2011) From information to imagination: multivalent logic and system creation in personal knowledge management. In: Pauleen, David J., and Gorman, G.E., (eds.) Personal Knowledge Management: individual, organisational and social perspectives. Gower, Farnham, England, pp. 43-58.
Murphy, Peter (2011) Portal, system and sacred order: America. In: Locker, Markus, (ed.) Systems Theory and Theology: the living interplay between science and religion. Pickwick Publications, Eugene, Oregon, USA, pp. 143-175.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2010) Beyond the academic "iron cage": education and the spirit of aesthetic capitalism. In: Araya, Daniel, and Peters, Michael A., (eds.) Education in the Creative Economy: knowledge and learning in the age of innovation. Peter Lang, New York, NY, USA, pp. 551-564.
Murphy, Peter (2010) Creation. In: Murphy, Peter, Peters, Michael A., and Marginson, Simon, (eds.) Imagination: three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, US, pp. 57-86.
Murphy, Peter (2010) Creative economies and research universities. In: Araya, Daniel, and Peters, Michael, (eds.) Education in the Creative Economy: knowledge and learning in the age of innovation. Peter Lang Publishing, New York, USA, pp. 331-358.
Murphy, Peter (2010) Discovery. In: Murphy , Peter, Peters, Michael A., and Marginson, Simon, (eds.) Imagination: three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, US, pp. 87-135.
Murphy, Peter (2010) Imagination. In: Murphy, Peter, Peters, Michael A., and Marginson, Simon, (eds.) Imagination: three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, US, pp. 23-56.
Murphy, Peter (2010) Portal power and thalassic imagination. In: Marginson, Simon, Murphy, Peter, and Peters, Michael A., (eds.) Global Creation: space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York City, NY, USA, pp. 51-76.
Murphy, Peter (2010) The enigma of distance. In: Marginson, Simon, Murphy, Peter, and Peters, Michael A., (eds.) Global Creation: space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York City, NY, USA, pp. 18-50.
Murphy, Peter (2010) The world circumference. In: Marginson, Simon, Murphy, Peter, and Peters, Michael A., (eds.) Global Creation: space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York City, NY, USA, pp. 77-116.
Murphy, Peter (2009) Communication is the enemy of innovation, or can we go back to the German mode? In: Deiters, Franz-Josef, Fliethmann, Axel, Lang, Birgit, Lewis, Alison, and Weller, Christiane, (eds.) Limbus: australisches Jahrbuch für germanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft. Rombach Verlag, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, pp. 227-245.
Murphy, Peter (2009) Creativity and knowledge economies. In: Peters, Michael A., Marginson, Simon, and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 149-184.
Murphy, Peter (2009) Defining knowledge capitalism. In: Peters, Michael A., Marginson, Simon, and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 23-50.
Murphy, Peter, and Pauleen, David (2009) Managing paradox in a world of knowledge. In: Peters, Michael A., Marginson, Simon, and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 257-276.
Murphy, Peter (2007) Politics. In: Ritzer, George, (ed.) The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 3463-3467.
Murphy, Peter (2007) The art of systems: the cognitive-aesthetic culture of portal cities and the development of meta-cultural advanced knowledge economies. In: Pauleen, David J., (ed.) Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Knowledge Management. Libraries Unlimited knowledge management series . Libraries Unlimited, Westport, USA, pp. 35-63.
Murphy, Peter (2006) Sealanes. In: Beilharz, Peter, and Hogan, Trevor, (eds.) Sociology: Place, Time and Division. Oxford University Press, South Melbourne, pp. 38-44.
Murphy, Peter (2005) Designing intelligence and civic power: maritime political economy from Athens to Australia. In: Camilleri, Joseph A., Kahn, Joel S., and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Australian Perspectives on Southeast Asia, the United States, and the World: the PASN inaugural week lectures. Ateneo de Manila University, Manila, Philippines, pp. 39-72.
Murphy, Peter (2005) France's Mediterranean antipodes. In: Peressini, Mauro, and Hadj-Moussa, Ratiba, (eds.) The Mediterranean Reconsidered: representations, emergences, recompositions. Mercury Series . Canadian Museum of Civilization Corporation, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, pp. 249-260.
Murphy, Peter (2004) Trust, rationality and virtual teams. In: Pauleen, David J., (ed.) Virtual Teams: Projects, Protocols and Processes. Idea Group Publishing, Hershey, USA, pp. 316-342.
Murphy, Peter (2002) The city. In: Leontis, A, Talalay, L.E, and Taylor , K, (eds.) What These Ithakas Mean. Readings in Cavafy. University of Michigan, Michigan, USA, p. 74.
Murphy, Peter (2001) Architectonics. In: Arnason, Johann P., and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Agon, Logos, Polis: the Greek achievement and its aftermath. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, pp. 207-232.
Arnason, Johann P., and Murphy, Peter (2001) Introduction. In: Arnason, Johann P., and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Agon, Logos, Polis: the Greek achievement and its aftermath. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, pp. 7-14.
Crook, S.A. (2001) Risks, regulations and rhetorics. In: Hindmarsh, R., and Lawrence, R., (eds.) Altered Genes II: The Future? Scribe Publications, Victoria, Australia, pp. 126-140.
Crook, S.A. (2001) Social theory and the postmodern. In: Ritzer, G., and Smart, B., (eds.) Handbook of Social Theory. Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 308-323.
Dawes, G.D., Liljegren, A., and Svahn, C. (2001) The ghost rockets: anatomy of a moral panic. In: Bartholomew, R.E., (ed.) Little Green Men, Meowing Nuns and Head-Hunting Panic: A Study of Mass Psychogenic Illness and Social Delusion. McFarland & Company, North Carolina, pp. 183-196.
Davies, Bronwyn, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2000) Australian men talk about becoming environmentalists. In: Davies, Bronwyn, (ed.) (In)scribing Body/Landscape Relations. Rowman & LIttlefield, Oxford, UK, pp. 63-86.
Crook, S.A. (2000) Utopia and dystopia. In: Browning, G., Halcli, A., and Webster, F., (eds.) Understanding Contemporary Society: Theories of the Present. Sage Publications, London, UK, pp. 205-218.
Conference Item
Lewis, Ellen, and Stephens, Anne (2017) Inclusive systemic thinking supporting the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. In: Proceedings of the 61st Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences. From: ISSS Vienna 2017, 10-14 July 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Stephens, Anne (2016) Systemic evaluation for gender equality, environments and voices from the margins: a new approach for the SDG era. In: Proceedings of the American Evaluation Association Conference 2016. From: Evaluation 2016, 24-29 October 2016, Atlanta, GA, USA.
Petray, Theresa L. (2012) Can theory disempower? Making space for agency in theories of Indigenous issues. In: Theorising Indigenous Sociology: Australian Perspectives Workshop Proceedings. pp. 1-6. From: Theorising Indigenous Sociology: Australian Perspectives Workshop, 22-29 November 2012, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
de La Fuente, Eduardo (2012) Having your meta-theoretical cake and micro-eating it too: a few observations on sociological theorizing. In: [Presented at the 2012 Australian Sociological Society Conference]. From: TASA 2012: Australian Sociological Society Conference: emerging and enduring inequalities, 26-29 November 2012, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Petray, Theresa Lynn (2012) Prefigurative activism, state engagement, and agency in the Townsville Aboriginal movement. In: Proceedings of The Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association. pp. 1-12. From: 2012 Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association, 26–29 November 2012, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
Page, Alexander, and Petray, Theresa (2012) The duality of agency and the Australian settler-state in the twenty first century: the Palm Island riot of 2004 and the aftermath. In: Proceedings of The Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association. pp. 1-8. From: 2012 Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association, 26–29 November 2012, Brisbane, Qld, Australia.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2011) Plenary panel: social scientist and diagnostician of the times: Daniel Bell in memoriam. In: Local Lives/Global Networks: The Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association. pp. 24-25. From: Local Lives/Global Networks: The Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association, 28 November-1 December 2011, University of Newcastle.
Osbaldiston, Nick, and Petray, Theresa (2009) Horror, dread, awe and disgust: revisiting Durkheim and place. In: TASA 2009 Conference Proceedings: the future of sociology (2009) From: TASA Australian Sociological Association 2009 Annual Conference, 1 - 4 December 2009, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2008) The artwork made me do it: Alfred Gell and Jeff Alexander on aesthetic agency. In: Abstracts from the Australian Psychological Society Annual Conference. p. 54. From: Annual Conference of the Australian Sociological Association 2008: re-imagining sociology, 2-5 December 2008, University of Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Carling-Burzacott, Rachel, and Galloway, Greta (2004) Using relationship as a key organising concept in research with the (modernist) other. In: Proceedings of ANZTSR Building Bridges and Strengthening Bonds Conference. pp. 392-405. From: ANZTSR Building Bridges and Strengthening Bonds Conference, 24-26 November 2004, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Cannizzo, Fabian, and Osbaldiston, Nick (2019) The Social Structures of Global Academia. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.
Benson, Michaela, and Osbaldiston, Nick (2014) Understanding Lifestyle Migration: theoretical approaches to migration and the quest for a better life. Palgrave Macmillan, Bassingstoke, UK.
Murphy, Peter, and de la Fuente, Eduardo (2014) Aesthetic capitalism. Social and Critical Theory, 15 . Brill, Boston, MA, USA.
Osbaldiston, Nick (2013) Culture of the Slow: social deceleration in an accelerated world. Consumption and Public Life . Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK.
Murphy, Peter (2012) The Collective Imagination: the creative spirit of free societies. Ashgate, Farnham, UK.
Osbaldiston, Nick (2012) Seeking Authenticity in Place, Culture and the Self: the great urban escape. Cultural Sociology . Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, USA.
Howard-Wagner, Deirdre, Habibis, Daphne, and Petray, Theresa (2012) Theorising Indigenous Sociology: Australian perspectives. The Australian Sociological Association, Sydney.
de la Fuente, Eduardo (2011) Twentieth Century Music and the Question of Modernity. Advances in Sociology . Routledge, New York, NY, USA.
Marginson, Simon, Murphy, Peter, and Peters, Michael A. (2010) Global Creation: space, mobility and synchrony in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York City, NY, USA.
Murphy, Peter, Peters, Michael A., and Marginson, Simon (2010) Imagination: three models of imagination in the age of the knowledge economy. Peter Lang, New York, US.
Peters, Michael A., Marginson, Simon, and Murphy, Peter (2009) Creativity and the Global Knowledge Economy. Peter Lang, New York, USA.
Hercus, Cheryl M. (2005) Stepping out of Line: becoming and being feminist. Perspectives on Gender . Routledge, New York, US.
Hayes-Jonkers, Charmaine S. (2015) Bouncers, brutes and brawn: are bouncers being discriminated against in news reports? A critical discourse analysis. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Stephens, Nina (Anne) (2011) Feminist-systems thinking: principles and practice. PhD thesis, University of Queensland.
Bainbridge, Roxanne (2009) Cast all imaginations: Umbi speak. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Carling-Jenkins, Rachel (2007) Footprints, wheel tracks, and stirrings of a movement: positioning people with a disability and the Disability Rights Movement within Australia. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Bugeja, Irene (2007) A critique of post modernism(s) in nursing literature from the perspective of Habermas' critical theory. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Hardcastle, Mary-Ann Rose (2004) The dialectic of control: A critical ethnography of renal nurses’ decision-making. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Duffield, Lee R. (2002) Graffiti on the wall: reading history through news media: the role of news media in historical crises, in the case of the collapse of the Eastern bloc in Europe 1989. PhD thesis, James Cook University.