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- 970119 Expanding Knowledge through Studies of the Creative Arts and Writing (194)
Craven, Allison (2020) The joy of a Gothic fable: form, didacticism, and 'happy-ness' in Sonya Hartnett's The Ghost's Child and Jennifer Kent's The Babadook. Aeternum: The Journal of Contemporary Gothic Studies, 7 (1). pp. 1-16.
Daniel, Ryan (2019) Artists, identity, place: implications for higher education. Asia-Pacific Journal for Art Education, 18 (2). pp. 37-66.
Castro-Koshy, Estelle, and Guerre, Philippe (2019) "In my mind I see cross-roads for everything I believe in...": The way home in Alexis Wright's Croire en l'incroyable (Believe in the Unbelievable) and Le Pacte du serpent arc-en ciel. Antipodes, 33 (1). pp. 79-91.
Hansen, Claire (2019) “Tongues in trees”: reimagining the regions through pastoral place-based pedagogy. Text (Special Issue 54).
Menadue, Christopher Benjamin (2018) Farewell Ursula Le Guin – the One who walked away from Omelas. The Conversation, 25 January 2018.
Menadue, Christopher B. (2018) Cities in flight: a descriptive examination of the tropical city imagined in twentieth century science fiction cover art. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 17 (2). pp. 62-82.
McDowall, Ailie, and Ramos, Fabiane (2018) Doing decoloniality in the Writing Borderlands of the PhD. Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, 47 (1). pp. 54-63.
Craven, Allison (2018) Escape to the terraform tropics: geography and gender in marine adventure films from Queensland. Screening the Past, 43.
Lowe, Sebastian J., and Crawford, Peter I. (2018) Filming Ng ā Taonga Pūoro: the potential of experimental film in anthropological and ethnomusicological enquiry. Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies, 15 (1). pp. 120-142.
Kuttainen, Victoria (2017) This is rape culture, ladies and gentlemen. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 16 (2).
Daniel, Ryan, and Johnstone, Robert (2017) A preliminary exploration of frameworks for building artists’ resilience. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 3 (3). pp. 89-104.
Daniel, Ryan (2017) Creative and performing arts graduates: a pool of talent and industry insight. Nitro, 9. p. 1.
Murphy, Peter (2017) Design research: aesthetic epistemology and explanatory knowledge. She Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation, 3 (2). pp. 117-132.
Hurdley, Rachel, Biddulph, Mike, Backhaus, Vincent, Hipwood, Tara, and Hossain, Rumana (2017) Drawing as radical multimodality: salvaging Patrick Geddes's material methodology. American Anthropologist, 119 (4). pp. 748-753.
Menadue, Christopher Benjamin, and Cheer, Karen Diane (2017) Human culture and science fiction: a review of the literature, 1980-2016. SAGE Open, 7 (3). pp. 1-15.
Kuttainen, Victoria (2017) Illustrating mobility: networks of visual print culture and the periodical contexts of modern Australian writing. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 17 (2).
Daniel, Ryan, and Parkes, Kelly A. (2017) Music instrument teachers in higher education: an investigation of the key influences on how they teach in the studio. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 29 (1). pp. 33-46.
Menadue, Christopher B. (2017) Trysts tropiques: the torrid jungles of science fiction. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 16 (1). pp. 125-140.
Hansen, Claire (2017) Vivacious and unapologetic, The Rover's 17th-century feminism is painfully pertinent. The Conversation, 6 July 2017.
Daniel, Ryan (2017) The creative industries concept: stakeholder reflections on its relevance and potential in Australia. Journal of Australian Studies, 41 (2). pp. 252-266.
Ackland, Michael (2016) "The Young Man Will Go Far": educational nobility and Christina Stead's compositional practice in the early 1930s. Australian Literary Studies, 31 (6).
Larsen, Eileen, and Daniel, Ryan (2016) Building resilience in visual artists. NiTRO, 26 September 2016.
Dillon, Denise B. (2016) The author as the novel self: Shirley Lim's Sister Swing. Asian American Literature: Discourses & Pedagogies, 7. 8. pp. 78-87.
Glade-Wright, Robyn (2016) Patterns, pleasure, and the age of digital reproduction. International Journal of Designed Objects, 10 (1). pp. 1-10.
Daniel, Ryan, and Johnstone, Robert (2016) Becoming an artist: exploring the motivations of undergraduate students at a regional Australian University. Studies in Higher Education, 42 (6). pp. 1015-1032.
Buttacavoli, Matthew (2016) Book Review of "New Media, Development and Globalization, by Don Slater. Cambridge, UK, Polity Press, 2013. 210 pp. ISBN: 978-0-7456-3833-1. The Information Society, 32 (3). pp. 223-224.
Castro-Koshy, Estelle, Aurima-Devatine, Flora, Tehei'ura, Monana'ura, and Devatine, Tokainiua (2016) Discussion sur "Pina’ina’i: écho de l’esprit et des corps". Journal de la Société des Océanistes, 142-143 (2016). pp. 99-116.
Daniel, Ryan (2016) Exploring artistic identity and place in society: perspectives and insights from higher education students in Australia. Creative Industries Journal, 9 (1). pp. 15-28.
Castro-Koshy, Estelle, and Le Roux, Geraldine (2016) Introduction. Creative collaborations, dialogues, and reconfigurations: rethinking artistic, cultural, and sociopolitical values and practices with Indigenous people in Australia, French Polynesia, New Caledonia-Kanaky, and Papua New Guinea. Anthrovision, 4 (1). pp. 1-11.
Ackland, Michael (2016) Money is a steal:" Christina Stead's critique of finance capitalism in House of All Nations. Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia, 7 (1). pp. 39-49.
Ackland, Michael (2016) 'Reclaiming the rubbish': outcasts, transformation and the topos of the painter-seer in the work of Patrick White and David Malouf. Le Simplegadi, XIV (16). pp. 27-36.
Le Roux, Geraldine (2016) Transforming representations of marine pollution. For a new understanding of the artistic qualities and social values of ghost nets. Anthrovision, 4 (1). pp. 1-20.
Ackland, Michael (2016) Who are the biggest cannibals?: Colonial literary reckonings with the dark European Other in the Pacific region. Journal of New Zealand & Pacific Studies, 4 (1). pp. 43-52.
Hoey, Molly (2015) The failure to act: acting subjects and passive bodies in transgressive fiction. Journal of Comparative Media Arts, 2015. pp. 1-16.
Parkes, Kelly A., Daniel, Ryan, West, Tore, and Gaunt, Helena (2015) Applied music studio teachers in higher education: exploring the impact of identification and talent on career satisfaction. International Journal of Music Education, 33 (3). pp. 372-385.
Johnstone, Robert (2015) Busking the digital highway: the aesthetics of the exabyte. Knowledge Cultures, 3 (3). pp. 93-111.
Lord, Anne (2015) Empowering with image: arts based practice. Qualitative Research Journal, 15 (3). pp. 351-372.
Daniel, Ryan, and Daniel, Leah (2015) Success in the creative industries: the push for enterprising and entrepreneurial skills. Journal of Australian Studies, 39 (3). pp. 411-424.
Daniel, Ryan, and Parkes, Kelly (2015) The apprentice to master journey: exploring tertiary music instrument teachers' reflections on their experiences as learner. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4 (3). pp. 52-63.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Henry V meets the London Blitz and brings the house down. The Conversation, 16 June 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Review: love and war in All’s Well That Ends Well. The Conversation, 01 April 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2014) Hugo Weaving reveals Macbeth's weakness – and his unhappiness. The Conversation, 30 July 2014.
Hansen, Claire (2014) To b-day, or not to b-day: what a piece of work is Shakespeare. The Conversation, 23 April 2014.
Delante, Nimrod (2013) On Upper Thomson Road, feeling the tug of home., 13 August 2013. p. 1.
Marles, Janet Elizabeth (2013) AUTO/BIOGRAPHICAL ethics: the case of The Shoebox. Auto/Biography Studies, 28 (2). pp. 192-211.
Deger, Jennifer (2013) Book review of "Michael Riley: sights unseen". Edited by Brenda Croft. National Gallery of Australia. 2007. Oceania, 78 (2). pp. 238-240.
Johnstone, Robert (2013) Creating a coral symphony: sound art and sonification. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (2). pp. 191-196.
Pryor, Sally (2013) Tropicality and creative practice: temperature, temperament and temporality. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (2). pp. 107-118.
Deger, Jennifer (2013) The jolt of the new: making video art in Arnhem Land. Culture Theory & Critique, 54 (3). pp. 355-371.
Middleton, Craig (2013) The use of cinematic devices to portray mental illness. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 12 (2). pp. 180-190.
Ackland, Michael (2012) "I am thinking I am free": intransigent reality versus utopian thought in the later fiction of Christina Stead. Southerly, 72 (1). pp. 159-180.
Murphy, Peter (2011) Combination, collaboration and creation: the case of Jasper Johns. Colloquy, 22. pp. 130-138.
Murphy, Peter (2011) 'I and I': collaboration and the double act of musical creation. Musicology Australia, 33 (2). pp. 175-184.
Mercer, Sabine (2011) Truth and lies in Umberto Eco's Baudolino. Philosophy and Literature, 35 (1). pp. 16-31.
Gallagher, Donat (2011) Was Evelyn Waugh in danger of being shot by his men? Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 41 (3). pp. 13-16.
Pryor, Sally (2011) Who's afraid of integrationist signs: writing, digital art, interactivity and integrationism. Language Sciences, 33 (4). pp. 647-653.
Murphy, Peter (2011) The chariot of fire: terrorism, liberalism and the mystic attitude. Limbus: australisches Jahrbuch für germanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, 4. pp. 207-224.
Stockdale, Jacqueline (2010) "I dreamed of snow today": impediments to settler belonging in Northern Queensland as depicted in a selection of recent fiction. etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 9. pp. 1-10.
Stockdale, Jacqueline (2010) Anthology. Island, 122. pp. 31-33.
Taylor, Cheryl (2010) Book reviews: Rod Fisher, Boosting Brisbane and John R. Laverty, The making of a metropolis: Brisbane 1823-1925. Queensland Review, 17 (1). pp. 75-78.
Roshto, Barry L., Panouklia, Eleni, Holder, John, and Pryor, Sally (2010) Ephemeron: sculpting a collective consciousness and mapping a collaborative process. Leonardo, 43 (5). pp. 496-497.
Gallagher, Donatus (2010) 'I am Trimmer, you know...' Lord Lovat in Evelyn Waugh's Sword of Honour. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 41 (2). pp. 2-6.
Gallagher, Donat (2009) Graham Greene and Evelyn Waugh. Defendant: newsletter of the Australian Chesterton Society, 16 (4:63). pp. 7-8.
Fuary, Maureen (2009) Book Review - Life B'Long Ali Drummond: a Life in the Torres Strait; by Samantha Faulkner, 2007, Aboriginal Studies Press. Aboriginal History, 33. pp. 294-298.
Gallagher, Donatus (2009) Court of inquiry: additional Waugh bibliography. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 40 (2).
Taylor, Cheryl (2009) “This Fiction, It Don’t Go Away”: narrative as an index to Palm Island’s past and present. Queensland Review, 16 (1). pp. 35-67.
Ackland, Michael (2008) "A cold coming we had of it": the reception of T. S. Eliot, literary modernism and tradition in the work of James McAuley and the Sydney modernists. Literature & Aesthetics, 18 (1). pp. 112-121.
Ackland, Michael (2008) A view from the Orient Hotel: phobias, federation, and Albert Dorrington's Asia-Pacific nightmares. Antipodes, 22 (1). pp. 25-30.
Gallagher, Donat (2008) "Beefsteak Mind" and "Greatest Sonneteer since Shakespeare": Evelyn Waugh, Marie Stopes and Lord Alfred Douglas. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 39 (1). - .
Taylor, Cheryl (2008) Book review of "The Littoral Zone: Australian contexts and their writers" by C.A. Craston and Robert Zeller, Rodopi, New York, USA. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 8. pp. 152-155.
Ackland, Michael (2008) Realigning Christina Stead: A 'red Stead'. Overland, 192. pp. 49-53.
Ackland, Michael (2008) "What a history is that? What an enigma ...?": imagination, destiny and socialist imperatives in Christina Stead's Seven Poor Men of Sydney. Southerly, 68 (3). pp. 189-212.
Barrett, Gillian (2007) Remembering. LiNQ, 34. pp. 114-116.
Gallagher, Donat (2007) Additional Waugh bibliography. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 38 (2). - .
Ackland, Michael (2007) For love alone "Review of Dearest Munx: The Letters of Christina Stead and William J. Blake. Harris, Margaret (ed.) (2005). Paper in: On Love, Sex and Desire.". Meanjin, 66 (1). pp. 78-82.
Gallagher, Donat (2007) Inventing invention: Alan Munton, sword of honour and the invention of disillusion. Evelyn Waugh Newsletter and Studies, 37 (3). - .
Ackland, Michael (2007) Love and the great beyond: The spiritualist beliefs that sustained the love of Henry Handel Richardson for her husband and her family beyond the grave. Meanjin, 66 (1). pp. 72-77.
Ackland, Michael (2006) The lesson of "The Yellow Sand": Robert Drewe's dissection of "The Good Old Past" in The Drowner and Grace. Westerly, 51 ( ). pp. 88-107.
Reichardt, Dosia (2006) Another look at 'Amyntor's Grove': pastoral and patronage in Lovelace's poem. Early Modern Literary Studies, 11 (3). 5. - .
Ackland, Michael (2006) Breeding "reptiles of the mind": Blake's dialectics of vision and Stead's critique of pollitry in The Man Who Loved Children. Studies in the Novel, 38 (2). pp. 234-249.
Ackland, Michael (2006) Winning the peace?: rewriting Quadrant's past. Overland, 184 ( ). pp. 18-22.
Ackland, Michael (2006) The triumphant word: Malouf's Heideggerian vision in An Imaginary Life. Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies , 12 (1-2). pp. 239-244.
Ackland, Michael (2005) In the service of complex truths: the aims and art of Robert Drewe's fiction. Westerly, 50 ( 0). pp. 26-41.
Taylor, Cheryl (2005) Offshore vistas. Australian Book Review, 274. pp. 54-55.
Ackland, Michael (2005) Only 'a well-schooled interpreter': Henry Handel Richardson's final year at the Leipzig Conservatorium and its authorial recasting. Australian Literary Studies, 22 (1). pp. 51-60.
Ackland, Michael (2005) Henry Handel Richardson's years in Wilhelmine Germany: the "most cultured land in Europe"? English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, 48 (1). pp. 147-163.
Ackland, Michael (2004) Passion by proxy: Henry Handel Richardson's sapphic investment in her early fiction. Antipodes, 18 (2). pp. 147-152.
Ackland, Michael (2004) Master of Elusion. The Bulletin with Newsweek, 122 (6430). pp. 62-64.
Ackland, Michael (2004) Polemics anonymous: James McAuley's nom de plume contributions from Hermes to Quadrant. Southerly, 64 (3). pp. 180-190.
Ackland, Michael (2004) 'The argument of the broken pane': Henry Handel Richardson's response to the suffragette movement. Overland, 174 ( ). pp. 51-57.
Ackland, Michael (2003) "Wishing papa was dead?": Henry Handel Richardson's recasting of her troubled childhood in Myself When Young. Westerly, 48. pp. 102-116.
Ackland, Michael (2003) More than 'a henna gaijin': the shaping of Harold Stewart's affinity with Japan. Ritsumeikan Journal of Asia Pacific Studies, 11. pp. 85-95.
Ackland, Michael (2003) Whatever happened to Coppelius?: antecedents and design in Christina Stead's The Salzburg Tales. Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature, 2. pp. 53-66.
Fuary, Maureen (2001) Book review of "Secret Places: my life in New York and New Guinea" by Tobias Schneebaum, Madison and London: The University of Wisconsin Press. Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 2 (2). pp. 169-171.
Murphy, Peter (2001) Marine reason. Thesis Eleven, 67. pp. 11-37.
Hawthorne, Susan (1989) The politics of the exotic: the paradox of cultural voyerism. NWSA Journal, 1 (4). pp. 617-629.
Book Chapter
Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, and Deger, Jennifer (2020) The law of feeling: experiments in a Yolngu museology. In: Lewi, Hannah, Smith, Wally, vom Lehn, Dirk, and Cooke, Steven, (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of New digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 335-344.
Deger, Jennifer (2018) Phone-made poiesies: towards an ethnography of call and response. In: Bell, Joshua A., and Kuipers, Joel C., (eds.) Linguistic and Material Intimacies of Cell Phones. Routledge Studies in Anthropology . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 128-147.
Deger, Jennifer (2018) Pink cake, red eyes, coloured photos: desire, loss and Aboriginal aesthetics in northern Australia. In: Young, Diana, (ed.) Rematerializing Colour: from concept to substance. Sean Kingston Publishing, Canon Pyon, UK, pp. 45-65.
Deger, Jennifer (2018) Shimmer. In: Callan, Hilary, (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Anthropology. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 1-3.
Castro-Koshy, Estelle (2018) The poetics of relation in Carpentaria. In: Ng, Lynda, (ed.) Indigenous Transnationalism: Alexis Wright's Carpentaria. Giramondo Publishing, Sydney, NSW, Australia, pp. 118-135.
van Luyn, Ariella, and Gair, Susan (2017) Conclusion: showing inspiring qualitative research? Over to readers. In: Gair, Susan, and van Luyn, Ariella, (eds.) Sharing Qualitative Research: showing lived experience and community narratives. Routledge Advances in Research Methods, 21 . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 271-274.
van Luyn, Ariella (2017) Sharing place-based stories using digital tools: locative literature and regional writing communities. In: Gair, Susan, and van Luyn, Ariella, (eds.) Sharing Qualitative Research: showing lived experience and community narratives. Routledge Advances in Research Methods, 21 . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 235-252.
Murphy, Peter (2017) Topological creation and the homoeomorphic imagination. In: Dinesen, Cort Ross, Hyams, Inger Berling, Meldgaard, Morten, Michelsen, Anders, and Oxvig, Henrik, (eds.) Architecture Drawing Topology. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, pp. 235-246.
van Luyn, Ariella, Gair, Susan, and Saunders, Vicki (2017) 'Transcending the limits of logic': poetic inquiry as a qualitative research method for working with vulnerable communities. In: Gair, Susan, and van Luyn, Ariella, (eds.) Sharing Qualitative Research: showing lived experience and community narratives. Routledge Advances in Research Methods, 21 . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 79-95.
Murphy, Peter W. (2016) Combination, collaboration and creation: the case of Jasper Johns. In: Bacharach, Sondra, Fjærestad, S.B., and Booth, J.N., (eds.) Collaborative Art in the Twenty-First Century. Routledge, New York, NY, USA, pp. 179-186.
Ackland, Michael (2016) "What are men to rocks and mountains?": self-interest, civility and the unnameable in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. In: Colomba, Caterina, (ed.) Pride and Prejudice: a bicentennial bricolage. Università degli Studi di Udine, Udine, Italy, pp. 159-174.
Ackland, Michael (2016) A working-man's paradise?: Christina Stead's verdict on Antipodean socialism and injustice. In: Adair, Gigi, and Schwart, Anja, (eds.) Postcolonial Justice in Australia: reassessing the 'fair go'. Konzepte Orientierrungen Abhandlungen Lekturen Australien Studien, 12 . Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, Trier, Germany, pp. 127-137.
Fraser, Jenny, and Szymanski, Adam (2015) Superhighway across the sky - Aboriginal new media arts in Australia: a remix and email conversation between Adam Szymanski and Jenny Fraser. In: Pearson, Wendy Gay, and Knabe, Susan, (eds.) Reverse Shots: Indigenous Film and Media in an International Context. Wilfred Laurier University Press, Waterloo, ON, Canada, pp. 189-197.
Murphy, Peter, and de la Fuente, Eduardo (2014) Introduction: aesthetic capitalism. In: Murphy, Peter, and de la Fuente, Eduardo, (eds.) Aesthetic Capitalism. Brill, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 1-9.
Deger, Jennifer (2014) Call-and-Response. In: Deger, Jennifer, (ed.) Gapuwiyak calling: phone-made media from Arnhem Land. UQ Anthropology Museum, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Murphy, Peter (2014) The aesthetic spirit of modern capitalism. In: Murphy, Peter, and de la Fuente, Eduardo, (eds.) Aesthetic Capitalism. Social and Critical Theory, 15 . Brill, Boston, MA, USA, pp. 47-62.
Deger, Jennifer (2013) In-between. In: Schneider, Arnd, and Wright, Christopher, (eds.) Anthropology and Art Practice. Bloomsbury, London, UK, pp. 105-113.
Milledge, Russell (2012) The new Melanesian art of Brian Robinson. In: Mitchell, Beverley, (ed.) Brian Robinson: men and Gods. KickArts Contemporary Arts, Cairns, QLD, pp. 55-81.
Deger, Jennifer (2012) Art + emergence. In: Gilchrist, Stephen, (ed.) Crossing Cultures: the Owen and Wagner collection of contemporary Aboriginal Australian art at the Hood Museum of Art. Hood Museum of Art, Hanover, NH, USA, pp. 74-81.
Campbell, John B., Ellwood, William J., and Winn, Nicola B. (2012) Invisible late Pleistocene rock art: lessons from northern Australia and the British Isles. In: Clottes, Jean, (ed.) L'Art Pleistocene dans le Monde. 2010 Actes du Congrès IFRAO . Prehistoric Society of Ariege-Pyrenees, pp. 182-183.
Murphy, Peter (2012) Winking at the State: social drama and multicultural claustrophobia. In: Besley, Tina, and Peters, Michael A., (eds.) Interculturalism, Education and Dialogue. Global Studies in Education, 13 . Peter Lang, New York, USA, pp. 65-75.
Marles, Janet (2011) Photographs from The Shoebox. In: Freund, Alexander, and Thomson, Alistair, (eds.) Oral History and Photography. Studies in Oral History . Palgrave Macmillan, New York, NY, USA, pp. 203-222.
Gallagher, Donat (2011) Guy Crouchback's disillusion: Crete, Beevor, and the Soviet alliance in Sword of Honour. In: Gallagher, Donat, Slater, Ann Pasternak, and Wilson, John Howard, (eds.) A Handful of Mischief: new essays on Evelyn Waugh. Farileigh Dickinson University Press. Co-published with Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Plymoutn, UK, pp. 172-219.
Kelso, Sylvia (2011) Thawing the frost garden: Komarr, by Lois McMaster Bujold. In: Broderick, Damien, and Ikin, Van, (eds.) Warriors of the Tao: the best of science fiction: a review of speculative literature. Wildside Press, Rockville, MD, USA, pp. 42-47.
Suvin, Darko, Blackford, Russell, Kelso, Sylvia, and Ikin, Van (2011) A colloquium with Darko Suvin: questions by Russell Blackford, Sylvia Kelso and Van Ikin. In: Broderick, Damien, and Ikin, Van, (eds.) Warriors of the Tao: the best of science fiction: a review of speculative literature. Wildside Press, Rockville, MD, USA, pp. 243-287.
Lansdown, Richard (2009) Romantic aftermaths. In: Pierce, Peter, (ed.) The Cambridge History of Australian Literature. Cambridge University Press, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, pp. 118-136.
Murphy, Peter (2009) Sacred icon: Jørn Utzon's Sydney Opera House. In: Paranjape, Makarand, (ed.) Sacred Australia: post-secular considerations. Clouds of Magellan, Melbourne, Vic, Australia, pp. 286-305.
Ackland, Michael (2007) "I vill dry and gure him": ambiguities of care in the mirror of Australian fiction. In: Callahan, David, (ed.) Australia: who cares? A P I Network, Perth, pp. 218-252.
Ackland, Michael, and Oliver, Pam (2007) Introduction. In: Ackland, Michael, and Oliver, Pam, (eds.) Unexpected encounters: neglected histories behind the Australia-Japan relationship. Monash University Press, Melbourne, VIC, xi-xxv.
Ackland, Michael (2007) Paths of wrath and reconciliation: homophobia, Japan and the life-work of Harold Stewart. In: Ackland, Michael, and Oliver, Pam, (eds.) Unexpected Encounters: neglected histories behind the Australia-Japan relationship. Monash University Press, Melbourne, VIC, pp. 89-111.
Ackland, Michael (2006) Kate Grenville. In: Samuels, Selina, (ed.) Australian Writers: 1975-2000. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 325 . Bruccoli Clark Layman, pp. 128-134.
Ackland, Michael (2006) Murray Bail. In: Samuels, Selina, (ed.) Australian Writers 1975-2000. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 325 . Bruccoli Clark Layman, pp. 24-30.
Ackland, Michael (2006) Robert Drewe. In: Samuels, Selina, (ed.) Australian Writers: 1975-2000. Dictionary of Literary Biography, 325 . Bruccoli Clark Layman, pp. 76-81.
Ackland, Michael (2004) Professing the new: personalities, institutions and the case of James McAuley. In: Heinze, Helmut, and Weller, Christiane, (eds.) Worlds of Reading: on the theory, history and sociology of cultural practice; Festschrift for Walter Veit. Forschungen zur Literatur- und Kulturgeschichte . Peter Lang, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, pp. 141-150.
Murphy, Peter (2002) The city. In: Leontis, A, Talalay, L.E, and Taylor , K, (eds.) What These Ithakas Mean. Readings in Cavafy. University of Michigan, Michigan, USA, p. 74.
Murphy, Peter (2001) Architectonics. In: Arnason, Johann P., and Murphy, Peter, (eds.) Agon, Logos, Polis: the Greek achievement and its aftermath. Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart, pp. 207-232.
Fuary, Maureen (2000) Tales of Torres Strait: the historical novel and localised memories. In: Kleinert , Sylvia, and Neale, Margo, (eds.) Oxford Companion to Aboriginal Art and Culture. Oxford University Press, Melbourne, VIC, pp. 444-447.
Fuary, Maureen (1998) Thinking Cairns and Cambridge: some aspects of the relationship between anthropology and Torres Strait. In: Mosby, Tom, and Robinson, Brian, (eds.) Ilan Pasin: this is our way. Cairns Regional Gallery, Cairns, QLD, Australia, pp. 121-125.
Milledge, Russell, and Law, Lisa (2020) State of the arts in Cairns report 2019 (SoARTS). External Commissioned Report. Cairns Regional Council, Cairns.
Daniel, Ryan, Fleischmann, Katja, and Welters, Riccardo (2015) Growing the creative industries in Townsville. Report. City of Townsville, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Milledge, Russell, and Youdell, Rebecca (2011) Collective Future: a consultation with the the Creative and Cultural Sector in Cairns 2011. Report. UNSPECIFIED, Cairns, QLD. (Unpublished)
Barrett, Gillian (2006) The Ghosts of Henry Lawson. Working Paper. UNSPECIFIED. (Unpublished)
Conference Item
Ramoutsaki, Helen (2023) Collaborative narratives: participation and perspectives for more-than-human worlds. In: [Presented at Environmental Communication: Science Inspired and Arts Delivered Symposium]. From: Environmental Communication: Science Inspired and Arts Delivered Symposium, 5 May 2023, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Ramoutsaki, Helen (2023) "I'm not greedy but I like a lot": attitudes to consumption in an oversized teacup. In: [Presented at the James Cook University Research for Ethical Development 2023 Symposium]. From: James Cook University Research for Ethical Development 2023 Symposium: A Broken Promise? The 2030 Agenda’s commitment to Leave No One Behind, 27-29 September 2023, Cairns, QLD, Australia.
Ramoutsaki, Helen (2018) Plaiting perspectives: transdisciplinary connection-making. In: [Presented at] Creative Ecologies. From: Creative Ecologies Workshop, 16 March 2018, Cairns, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Menadue, Christopher B. (2017) Proximal Reading: a network-scaled approach to digital literature analysis. In: [Presented at the CASE HDR Conference 2017]. From: CASE HDR Conference 2017: Intersecting Fields, 30-31 October 2017, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Castro-Koshy, Estelle (2016) Visual poetics, history-places, and Australian Indigenous philosophy in Romaine Moreton’s films The Farm and The Oysterman (Poésie visuelle, lieux-histoires, et philosophie aborigène dans les films de Romaine Moreton The Farm and The Oysterman). In: [recorded presentation]. From: Le théâtre des opérations: mise en scène de l’action, coordination des mouvements et transformation du monde, 14 December 2015, Paris, France.
Menadue, Christopher B. (2016) Through a lens, brightly: how the worldview of science fiction reflects the spirit of the age. In: [Presented at Digital Humanities@JCU, 2016]. From: Digital Humanities@JCU, November 3, 2016, James Cook University.
Parkes, Kelly, and Daniel, Ryan (2016) Professional development for applied studio pedagogues: experiences and reflections from current higher education practitioners. In: Proceedings of the International Society for Music Education. pp. 254-261. From: ISME 2016: 32nd World Conference of International Society for Music Education, 25-29 July 2016, Glasgow, UK.
Daniel, Ryan, Fleischmann, Katja, Welters, Riccardo, and Millcock, Simon (2015) Regional economic development through creative industries: a research project and partnership between Townsville City Council and James Cook University. In: Presentations from the National Economic Development Conference 2015. pp. 1-52. From: NEDC 2015: National Economic Development Conference 2015, 7-11 September 2015, Moreton Bay, QLD, Australia.
Daniel, Ryan, and Daniel, Leah (2014) Breaking down barriers: the implementation of work integrated learning strategies to transition creative and performing artists to industry. In: Proceedings of the 2014 Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference. pp. 12-15. From: ACEN 2014: Australian Collaborative Education Network National Conference: work integrated learning: building capacity, 1-3 October 2014, Tweed Heads, NSW, Australia.
Taylor, Cheryl (2011) Thea Astley's poems: chronological order of writing. In: UNSPECIFIED. pp. 1-6. From: Fryer Library Lecture, 14 March 2011, University of Queensland Library, St Lucia. (Unpublished)
O'Sullivan, Jill (2009) Chorography: reflections on its place in visual literacy and creative arts. In: Proceedings of 3rd Global Conference Visual Literacies. pp. 1-11. From: 3rd Global Conference Visual Literacies , 14-16th July 2009, Mansfield College, Oxford, UK.
Phillips, Louise Gwenneth, and Bunda, Tracey (2018) Research through, with and as storying. Routledge, Abingdon, UK.
Castro-Koshy, Estelle (2017) Un Homme de Sagesse - Paroles de Banjo Clarke, Aborigène Australien, à Camilla Chance. Au Vent des Iles, Papeete, French Polynesia.
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Furduj, Boris (2019) Virtual orchestration: a film composer's creative practice. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
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Creative Work
Ramoutsaki, Helen (2018) MC Nannarchy's plastic wrap. [Creative Work]
Forbes, Amy, and Van Rossum, Adrian (2016) Celebrating Townsville: the city's visual history drawn from the JCU art collection. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer, and Gurrumuruwuy, Paul (2016) Ringtone. [Creative Work]
Lane, Richard (2015) The intuitive landscape. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer, Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, and Mackenzie, David (2014) Blue skirt series [3 x videos: compass, what a feeling, sweet dreams]. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer, Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, and MacKenzie, David (2014) Christmas Birrimmbirr: julens ånd blandt aboriginere i Australien [Christmas Spirit among Aborigines in Australia]. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer, Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Gurruwiwi, Warren Balpatji, Ganambarr, James Bangaliwuy, Wunungmurra, Enid Gurungulmiwuy, Wanambi, Kayleen Djingadjingawuy, Wunungmurra, Meredith Balanydjarrk, and Wyatt, Evan (2014) Gapuwiyak Calling: phone-made media from Arnhem Land. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer (2014) Gapuwiyak calling: phone-made media from Arnhem Land [exhibition catalogue]. UQ Anthropology Museum, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Deger, Jennifer (2014) Om at dele julens ånd [Sharing Christmas Spirit]. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer, and Marrawakamirr, Susan (2013) Christmas with Wawa. [Creative Work]
Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Deger, Jennifer, Yangathu, Fiona, and Mackenzie, David (2012) Manapanmirr, in Christmas spirit. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer (2012) My red Yolngu heart. [Creative Work]
Brown, James (2011) REFERENCING THE OLD WITH THE NEW: a solo art exhibition at Milton House Gallery, 88 Milton St., Mackay, from 25th June–7th July 2011. [Creative Work]
Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr (Christmas Spirit) [curated exhibition, Darwin 2011]. [Creative Work]
Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Wanambe, Fiona Y., Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr: Christmas Spirit [installation artwork]. [Creative Work]
Deger, Jennifer (2011) Gularri: that brings unity. [Creative Work]
Gurrumuruwuy, David Bukulatjpi, Deger, Jennifer, and Marrawakamirr, Susan (2009) Djalkiri #1 and #2. [Creative Work]
NTRO Portfolio
Gurrumuruwuy, Paul, Yangathu, Fiona, Deger, Jennifer, and Mackenzie, David. (2011) Christmas Birrimbirr (Christmas Spirit)[portfolio]. [NTRO Portfolio]
Castro-Koshy, Estelle, and Masson, Dominique (2014) Flora Aurima-Devatine, 5 Questions pour Île en île [Interview with Flora Aurima-Devatine]. Île en île.
Stockdale, Jacqueline (2011) AustLit Author Biographies. AustLit.