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Aslin, Heather J., and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Engaged Environmental Citizenship. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia.


Barrios-Garrido, Héctor A. (2018) Socio-economic drivers affecting marine turtle conservation status: causes and consequences. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Barrios-Garrido, H., Espinoza-Rodriguez, N., Rojas-Cañizales, D., Palmar, J., Wildermann, N., Montiel-Villalobos, M.G., and Hamann, M. (2017) Trade of marine turtles along the Southwestern Coast of the Gulf of Venezuela. Marine Biodiversity Records, 10. 15.

Boström, Magnus, Jönsson, Anna Maria, Lockie, Stewart, Mol, Arthur P.J., and Oosterveer, Peter (2015) Sustainable and responsible supply chain governance: challenges and opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 107. pp. 1-7.

Brewer, T.D., Cinner, J.E., Green, A., and Pressey, R.L. (2013) Effects of human population density and proximity to markets on coral reef fishes vulnerable to extinction by fishing. Conservation Biology, 27 (3). pp. 443-452.

Berkes, F., Hughes, T.P., Steneck, R.S., Wilson, J.A., Bellwood, D.R., Crona, B., Folke, C., Gunderson, L.H., Leslie, H.M., Norberg, J., Nyström, M., Olsson, P., Österblom, H., Scheffer, M., and Worm, B. (2006) Globalization, roving bandits, and marine resources. Science, 311 (5767). pp. 1557-1558.


Dale, Allan, Campbell, Andrew, Douglas, Michael, Robertson, Alistar, Wallace, Ruth, and Davies, Peter (2014) From myth to reality: new pathways for northern development. In: Papers from Northern Development Summit: creating the future Australia. From: ADC Forum: Northern Development Summit: creating the future Australia, 26-28 June 2014, Townsville, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)

Dibden, Jacqui, Potter, Clive, and Cocklin, Chris (2009) Contesting the neoliberal project for agriculture: productivist and multifunctional trajectories in the European Union and Australia. Journal of Rural Studies, 25 (3). pp. 299-308.

Dibden, Jacqui, and Cocklin, Chris (2009) `Multifunctionality': trade protectionism or a new way forward? Enviroment and Planning A, 41 (1). pp. 163-182.


Grasby, David, Lockie, Stewart, and McAllister, Jim (2000) The social basis of sustainable sugarcane production in Australia: preliminary report of a 1998 survey of Australian canegrowers. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Hong, Dayong, Xiao, Chenyang, and Lockie, Stewart (2014) China's economic growth and environmental protection. In: Lockie, Stewart, Sonnenfeld, David A., and Fisher, Dana R., (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 45-57.


Lockie, Stewart, Travero, Jose, and Tennent, Rebeka (2015) Private food standards, regulatory gaps and plantation agriculture: social and environmental (ir)responsibility in the Philippine export banana industry. Journal of Cleaner Production, 107. pp. 122-129.

Lockie, Stewart (2014) Neoliberalism by design: changing modalities of market-based environmental governance. In: Lockie, Stewart, Sonnenfeld, David A., and Fisher, Dana R., (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Social and Environmental Change. Routledge International Handbooks . Routledge, London, UK, pp. 70-80.

Lockie, Stewart (2013) Bastions of white privilege? Reflections on the racialization of alternative food networks. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 20 (3). pp. 409-418.

Lockie, Stewart, and Carpenter, David (2010) Agriculture, Biodiversity and Markets: livelihoods and agroecology in comparative perspective. Earthscan Publications, London, UK.

Lockie, Stewart (2009) Responsibility and agency within alternative food networks: assembling the "citizen consumer". Agriculture and Human Values, 26 (3). pp. 193-201.

Lockie, Stewart (2008) Conversion or co-option? The implications of 'mainstreaming' for producer and consumer agency with fair trade networks. In: Farnworth, Cathy Rozel, Jiggins, Janice, and Thomas, Emyr Vaughan, (eds.) Creating Food Futures: trade, ethics and the environment. Corporate Social Responsibility . Gower Publishing, Aldershot, Hampshire, UK, pp. 215-227.

Lockie, Stewart, Lyons, Kristen, Lawrence, G., and Halpin, Darren (2006) Going Organic: mobilizing networks for environmentally responsible food production. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.

Lockie, Stewart, and Goodman, Michael (2006) Neoliberalism and the problem of space: competing rationalities of governance in fair trade and mainstream agri-environmental networks. In: Marsden, Terry, and Murdoch, Jonathan, (eds.) Between the Local and the Global - Confronting Complexity in the Contemporary Agri-Food Sector. Research in Rural Sociology and Development, 12 . Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 95-117.

Lockie, Stewart, Halpin, Darren, and Pearson, David (2006) Understanding the market for organic food. In: Kristiansen, Paul, Taji, Acram, and reganold, John, (eds.) Organic agriculture: A global perspective. CABI Publishing & CSIRO, Collingwood, Victoria, pp. 245-258.

Lockie, Stewart, and Halpin, Darren (2005) The 'Conventionalisation' thesis reconsidered: structural and ideological transformation of Australian organic agriculture. Sociologia Ruralis, 45 (4). pp. 284-307.

Lockie, Stewart, Lawrence, Geoffrey, Lyons, Kristen, and Grice, Janet (2005) Factors underlying support or opposition to biotechnology among Australian food consumers and implications for retailer-led food regulation. Food Policy, 30 (4). pp. 399-418.

Lockie, Stewart, and Salem, Nell (2005) Governing consumption: mobilizing 'the consumer' within genetically modified and organic food networks. In: Higgins, Vaughan, and Lawrence, Geoffrey, (eds.) Agricultural governance: Globalization and the new politics of regulation. Routledge Advances in Sociology . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 153-168.

Lockie, Stewart (2005) Interpreting the Australian-Philippines food trade in the context of debates on food security. In: Fold, Niels, and Pritchard, Bill, (eds.) Cross-continental food chains. Routledge Studies in Human Geography, 12 . Routledge, Abingdon, UK, pp. 94-108.

Lockie, Stewart (2004) Social nature: the environmental challenge to mainstream social theory. In: White, Rob, (ed.) Controversies in environmental sociology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 26-42.

Lockie, Stewart, Herbert-Cheshire, Lynda, and Lawrence, Geoffrey (2003) Rural sociology. In: McAllister, Ian, Dowrick, Steve, and Hassan, Riaz, (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Social Sciences in Australia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, pp. 604-625.

Lockie, Stewart, Lyons, Kristen, and Lawrence, Geoffrey (2000) Constructing "green" foods: corporate capital, risk, and organic farming in Australia and New Zealand. Agriculture and Human Values, 17 (4). pp. 315-322.

Lockie, Stewart, and Kitto, Simon (2000) Beyond the farm gate: production-consumption networks and agri-food research. Sociologia Ruralis, 40 (1). pp. 3-19.

Lockie, Stewart (1997) Is 'subsumption' still relevant?: the question of control in Australian broadacre agriculture. Rural Society, 7 (3-4). pp. 27-36.


McNaughton, Anne, and Lockie, Stewart (2017) Private actors in multi-level governance: GLOBALG.A.P. standard-setting for agricultural and food products. In: Daniell, Katherine A., and Kay, Adrian, (eds.) Multi-level Governance: Conceptual Challenges and Case Studies From Australia. ANU Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 385-402.


Newlands, Maxine (2012) Carbon trading in the city of undoing. In: Poynter, Gavin, MacRury, Iain, and Calcutt, Andrew , (eds.) London After Recession: a fictitious capital? Design and the Built Environment . Ashgate Publishing, Oxford, UK, pp. 199-212.


Reis, Julie, Lawrence, Geoffrey, and Lockie, Stewart (2001) A cultural economy study of beef as a commodity: a preliminary analysis from Central Queensland. Rural Society, 11 (3). pp. 225-241.


Sayer, Jeffrey A., Margules, Chris, Boedhihartono, Agni K., Sunderland, Terry, Langston, James D., Reed, James, Riggs, Rebecca, Buck, Louise E., Campbell, Bruce M., Kusters, Koen, Elliott, Chris, Minang, Peter A., Dale, Allan, Purnomo, Herry, Stevenson, James R., Gunarso, Petrus, and Purnomo, Agus (2016) Measuring the effectiveness of landscape approaches to conservation and development. Sustainability Science, 12 (3). pp. 465-476.

Sayer, Jeffrey, Margules, Chris, Boedhihartono, Agni Klintuni, Dale, Allan, Sunderland, Terry, Supriatna, Jatna, and Saryanthi, Ria (2015) Landscape approaches; what are the pre-conditions for success? Sustainability Science, 10 (2). pp. 345-355.

Skerratt, L.F., Beveridge, I., and Johnson, P.M. (2007) Inguinal and axillary dermatitis in wallabies in north Queensland due to the dermanyssid mite Thadeua serrata. Australian Veterinary Journal, 85 (12). pp. 510-512.

Skerratt, Lee Francis, Berger, Lee, Speare, Richard, Cashins, Scott, McDonald, Keith Raymond, Phillott, Andrea Dawn, Hines, Harry Bryan, and Kenyon, Nicole (2007) Spread of chytridiomycosis has caused the rapid global decline and extinction of frogs. EcoHealth, 4 (2). pp. 125-134.

Sánchez Herrera, Oscar, and Álvarez-Romero, Jorge G. (2006) Conservation status of the Morelet's crocodile (Crocodylus moreletii) in Mexico: a proposal for its reclassification in the U.S. Endangered Species Act (ESA). In: Crocodiles: proceedings of the 18th working meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN the World Conservation Union. pp. 255-265. From: 18th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group of the Species Survival Commission of IUCN the World Conservation Union, 19-23 June 2006, Montélimar, France.


Tennent, Rebeka, and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Private food standards, trade and institutions in Vietnam. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 6 (2). pp. 163-177.

Tennent, Rebeka, and Lockie, Stewart (2011) Production relations under GLOBALG.A.P: the relative influence of standards and retail market structure. Sociologia Ruralis, 52 (1). 17. pp. 31-47.

Tum, S., Puotinen, M.L., Skerratt, L.F., Chan, B., and Sothoeun, S. (2007) Validation of a geographic information system model for mapping the risk of fasciolosis in cattle and buffaloes in Cambodia. Veterinary Parasitology, 143 (3-4). pp. 364-367.


Van Oosterzee, Penny (2012) The integration of biodiversity and climate change: a contextual assessment of the carbon farming initiative. Ecological Management and Restoration, 13 (3). pp. 238-244.

Valentine, Peter S., Birtles, Alastair, Curnock, Matt, Arnold, Peter, and Dunstan, Andy (2004) Getting closer to whales - passenger expectations and experiences, and the management of swim with dwarf minke whale interactions in the Great Barrier Reef. Tourism Management, 25 (6). pp. 647-655.


Wang, Chao, Wood, Jacob, Geng, Xinrui, Wang, Yongjie, Qiao, Chunyan, and Long, Xingle (2020) Transportation CO₂ emission decoupling: empirical evidence from countries along the belt and road. Journal of Cleaner Production, 263. 121450.

Wong, Catherine Mei Ling (2010) Facing the storm through the market: harnessing carbon markets to power Southeast Asia's green development. In: Motesano, Michael J., and Onn, Lee Poh, (eds.) Regional Outlook. Regional Outlook, Southeast Asia 2010-2011 . Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore, pp. 72-78.

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