Browse by ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective codes
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- SEO Codes (55577)
- 9405 Work and Institutional Development (106)
- 940599 Work and Institutional Development not elsewhere classified (31)
- 9405 Work and Institutional Development (106)
Davis, S.R., Edelman, Alex, and Croker, Felicity (2014) Underpinning Development: health and health workforce in northern Australia. In: Regional Australia Institute, James Cook Univeristy, Central Queensland University, University of Notre Dame and Ninti One (eds.) Green Paper on Developing Northern Australia. pp. 23-33. Report Section. Regional Australia Institute, Barton, ACT, Australia.
Eley, Robert, Francis, Karen, and Hegney, Desley (2014) Nursing and the nursing workplace in Queensland, 2001-2010: what the nurses think. International Journal of Nursing Practice, 20 (4). pp. 366-374.
Eley, Diann, and Young, Louise (2008) Long-term rural general practitioners: their original interest and considerations towards a change in rural medicine. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 16 (4). pp. 241-244.
Eley, Diann, Young, Louise, and Shrapnel, Marilyn (2008) Rural temperament and character: a new perspective on retention of rural doctors. Australian Journal of Rural Health, 16 (1). pp. 12-22.
Floyd, Louise (2011) Book review of "Wikileaks and the age of transparency" by Micah L. Sifry, Scribe Publications, Melbourne, VIC, Australia. Hearsay, 50. p. 1.
Floyd, Louise Willans (2011) Whistle-blowing and compulsory medical examinations: recent developments in Australian public sector employment law and their relevance to Hong Kong. Hong Kong Law Journal, 41 (1). pp. 155-176.
Floyd, Louise (2011) The case that wasn't: why Australian law and codes on the use of animals in the media need to be strengthened. Australian Business Law Review, 39 (3). pp. 200-204.
Floyd, Louise (2010) "Commercial morality" as a legal concept: the full federal court decision in Re CSR Ltd. Company and Securities Law Journal, 28 (6). pp. 411-415.
Floyd, Louise (2009) Restraint and anti-poaching clauses; IP & confidentiality: (squabbles at the end of your job?). In: Presentations from the Lexis Nexis Masterclass Series 2009 (Employment Law). From: 2009 Brisbane Lexis Nexis Masterclass Series (Employment Law), 2009, Brisbane, QLD, Australia. (Unpublished)
Floyd, Louise (2007) Commentary on section 19 of the Workplace Relations Act 1996: Australian Fair Pay Commission. Federal Industrial Law, 2007-2008. pp. 2841-2847.
Floyd, Louise (1999) Weipa and the wharves: Australian strike law. University of Tasmanian Law Review, 18 (1). pp. 65-125.
Floyd, Louise Willians (1997) To thine own self be true: enterprise bargaining and the rise of the individual in Australian industrial law and trade. International Trade and Business Law Annual, 3. pp. 263-276.
Gair, Susan (2013) Recognition of prior learning (RPL) in Australian Social Work Field Education: a standpoint promoting human rights and social justice? Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 10 (1). pp. 72-85.
Herrmann, Judith (2012) A comparison of conflict coaching and mediation as conflict resolution processes in the workplace. Australasian Dispute Resolution Journal, 23 (1). pp. 43-51.
Kuah, Adrian T.H., Le Queux, Stéphane, and Hassan, Suhaimy (2017) L'ultra-corporatisme au service du (Singaporean Core) [The ultra-corporatism in the service of "Singaporean Core"]. Chronique Internationale de l'IRES, 156. 5. pp. 60-74.
Knights, Janice Anna, and Kennedy, Barbara Jean (2005) Psychological contract violation: impacts on job satisfaction and organizational commitment among Australian senior public servants. Applied H.R.M. Research, 10 (2). pp. 57-72.
Leggett, Chris, Kuah, Adrian T.H., and Gan, Bernard (2017) Employers' associations in Singapore: tripartite engagement. In: Benson, John, Zhu, Ying, and Gospel, Howard, (eds.) Employers’ Associations in Asia: Employer collective action. Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia . Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, UK, pp. 82-101.
Lee-Ross, Darren, and Pryce, Josephine (2010) Human resources and tourism: skills, culture and industry. Aspects of Tourism Texts , 2 . Channel View Publications, Bristol, UK.
Mills, David J., Tilley, Alexander, Pereira, Mario, Hellebrandt, Denis, Pereira Fernandes, Avelino, and Cohen, Philippa J. (2017) Livelihood diversity and dynamism in Timor-Leste; insights for coastal resource governance and livelihood development. Marine Policy, 82. pp. 206-215.
McShane, Connar, and Atkinson, Margaret (2016) Why come, why stay, why bother? The challenge of recruiting and retaining skilled workers in Northern Australia. In: [Presented at Developing Northern Australia Conference 2016]. From: Developing Northern Australia Conference 2016, 19-23 June 2016, Darwin, NT.
Mensinga, Jo (2016) 'No coughing for me, but I'm okay!' - Mapping a human service workers' body stories as she engages with traumatised women in a domestic violence service. In: [Presented at the Childhood Trauma Conference]. pp. 1-24. From: Childhood Trauma Conference, 6-10 June 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Mandal, Purnendu, Mukhopadhyay, Somnath, Bagchi, Kallol, and Gunasekaran, Angappa (2012) The impact of organisational strategy, culture, people and technology management on organizational practice and performance: an empirical analysis. International Journal of Information Systems and Change Management, 6 (2). pp. 160-176.
Miles, Debra (2011) Relationships, power and emotion in feminist organisations. Outskirts: feminisms along the edge, 24. 3. 1- 12.
Noble, Keith Andrew (2016) Resilience: a lived experience. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Rodgers-Healey, Diann (2009) Women Getting Into Boards. Report. Australian Center for Leadership for Women, Minnamurra, NSW.
Simpson, Lindsay (2006) The Curer of Souls. Random House, Sydney, Australia.
Thomas, Yvonne, Gray, Marion Alexandra, and McGinty, Sue (2017) The occupational wellbeing of people experiencing homelessness. Journal of Occupational Science, 24 (2). pp. 181-192.
Vidonja Balanzategui, Bianka (2020) The Hawai'ian Sugar Planters' Association and the Herbert River Farmers' Association: regional articulations of agricultural associations on the periphery. International Journal of Regional and Local History, 15 (2). pp. 111-130.
Vidonja Balanzategui, Bianka (2019) Small farmers, their association, and the transformation of the Australian sugar industry. Arcadia, Summer (26).
Zumrah, Abdul Rahim, and Boyle, Stephen (2015) The effects of perceived organizational support and job satisfaction on transfer of training. Personnel Review, 44 (2). pp. 236-254.
Zumrah, Abdul Rahim, Boyle, Stephen, and Fein, Erich C. (2013) The consequences of transfer of training for service quality and job satisfaction: An empirical study in the Malaysian public sector. International Journal of Training and Development, 17 (4). pp. 279-294.