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Number of items at this level: 76.


Henderson, Senka, Tomas Engel, Louisa, and King, Donna (2025) Does Topic Matter? Investigating Students’ Interest, Emotions and Learning when Writing Stories About Socioscientific Issues. Research in Science Education. (In Press)

Chinofunga, Musarurwa David, Chigeza, Philemon, and Taylor, Subhashni (2025) How can procedural flowcharts support the development of mathematics problem-solving skills? Mathematics Education Research Journal, 37. pp. 85-123.

Ahern, Tracey, Gooding, Tracey, and Biedermann, Narelle (2024) CONNECT:a framework to enhance student connection to their course content, peers, and teaching staff in online learning environments. Teaching and learning in nursing, 19 (2). e243-e248.

Daniel, Ryan (2024) Creativity and the doctor of philosophy: the case for creativity education within doctoral programs. Creativity Studies, 17 (1). pp. 165-177.

Bonato, Graeme, Dinan-Thompson, Marie, and Salter, Peta (2024) Investigating Indigenous games as Indigenous knowledges and perspectives in PETE: a systematic literature review. Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education, 15 (2). pp. 182-201.

Heward, Carolyn, Li, Wendy, and Wigg, Luisa (2024) Public humiliation is still a common teaching tool in medical education. Here’s how it leaves patients worse off. The Conversation.

Gwee, Susan, and Toh-Heng, Hwee Leng (2024) Transformative Learning: English Language Teachers’ Experience of Engagement in Classroom Research in Singapore. RELC Journal, 55 (2). pp. 514-528.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2024) Translanguaging as a transformative act in a reading classroom: perspectives from a Bangladeshi private university. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 23 (4). pp. 543-558.

McLaren, Sandra, Green, Eleanor, Anderson, Marion, and Finch, Melanie (2024) The importance of active-learning, student support, and peer teaching networks: A case study from the world’s longest COVID-19 lockdown in Melbourne, Australia. Journal of Geoscience Education, 72 (4). pp. 303-317.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2023) Blending translanguaging and CLIL: pedagogical benefits and ideological challenges in a Bangladeshi classroom. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 20 (1). pp. 20-45.

Chigeza, Philemon (2023) Preservice Teachers’ Wellbeing in Mathematics Education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 47 (12). 3. pp. 37-52.

Chaturvedi, Iti, Cambria, Erik, and Welsch, Roy E. (2023) Teaching Simulations Supported by Artificial Intelligence in the Real World. Education Sciences, 13 (2). 187.

Biedermann, Narelle, and Ahern, Tracey (2023) "Teaching Through Your Fingertips”: A Descriptive Study to Understand the Experiences and Needs of Online Educators in Postgraduate Nursing Education in Australia. SAGE Open Nursing, 9.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2023) Translanguaging and power in academic writing discourse: the case of a Bangladeshi university. Classroom Discourse, 14 (2). pp. 192-214.

ElKelish, Walaa Wahid, and Ahmed, Rafiuddin (2022) Advancing accounting education using LEGO® Serious Playsimulation technique. Accounting Education, 31 (2). pp. 167-183.

Dalitz, James William (2022) Checkpoints for online mathematics students with learning challenges. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 53 (3). pp. 717-727.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2022) Linguistic ecology of Bangladeshi higher education: a translanguaging perspective. Teaching in Higher Education, 27 (4). pp. 512-529.

Chinofunga, David (2022) Maths learning: plan to build on what students know. Campus Morning Mail, 14 August 2022.

Evans, Neus (Snowy), and Acton, Renae (2022) Narratives of teaching in outdoor and environmental education: What can we learn from a case study of outdoor education pedagogy? Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 22 (3). pp. 214-227.

Ambusaidi, Abdullah, Taylor, Neil, Quinn, Frances, Rizk, Nadya, and Taylor, Subhashni (2022) Omani senior secondary school students' knowledge of and attitudes to antibiotic resistance. PLoS ONE, 17 (2). e0264500.

Choate, Julia, Vojisavljevic, Danica, Carroll, Fiona Y., Carroll, David, Filby, Caitlin E., and Dichtl, Bernhard (2022) Recommendations for a ‘Wellbeing Curriculum’ to Mitigate Undergraduate Psychological Distress Associated with Lack of Careers Confidence and Poor University Engagement. Higher Education Studies, 12 (4). pp. 92-103.

Allen, Tammy, O'Loughlin, Mary, and Croker, Felicity (2022) Teaching health promotion competencies in undergraduate dentistry training: A unique pedagogical approach. Health Promotion Journal of Australia, 33 (S1). pp. 35-38.

Taylor, Donnalee B., Johns, Kellie M., Reilly, Margaret L., and Hedlefs, Robert M. (2022) A career development program: Building resilience in veterinary undergraduates. Australian Journal of Career Development, 31 (1). pp. 26-41.

Chinofunga, Musarurwa, Chigeza, Philemon, and Taylor, Subhashni (2022) A framework for content sequencing from junior to senior mathematics curriculum. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 18 (4). em2100.

Udah, Hyacinth, and Francis, Abraham (2021) COVID-19: challenges, opportunities, and the future of social work. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 15 (1). pp. 54-74.

Burnett, Greg, Tikoduadua, Mereseini, and Lingam, Govinda I. (2021) Fijian teachers working across Pacific borders: teacher identities, pedagogies and sense of difference. Micronesian Educator, 30. pp. 9-16.

Littlewood, K.E., Beausoleil, N.J., Stafford, K.J., Stephens, C., Collins, T., Fawcett, A., Hazel, S., Lloyd, JK.F., Mallia, C., Richards, L., Wedler, N.K., and Zito, S. (2021) How decision-making about euthanasia for animals is taught to Australasian veterinary students. Australian Veterinary Journal, 99 (8). pp. 334-343.

Morgan, Anne-Marie (2021) International perspectives on trends in languages learning in the 2020s: part one: profiling the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Babel, 55 (3). pp. 4-33.

Semler, Liam E., Hansen, Claire, and Abbott Bennett, Kristen (2021) Shakespeare redrawn: reflections on Shakespeare Reloaded's COVID-19 lockdown activity. mETAphor, 1 (2). pp. 15-21.

Morgan, Anne-Marie (2020) Australian perspectives on trends in languages learning internationally, 1969 and 2019: a comparative sonata form case study. Babel, 55 (1-2). pp. 5-21.

Lhambo, Jambay, Miller, Judith, Wolodko, Brenda, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2020) Compassion in the Bhutanese Gross National Happiness (GNH) infused classrooms. Bhutan Journal of Research and Development, 9 (2). pp. 18-42.

Reeve, Carole, Johnston, Karen, and Young, Louise (2020) Health profession education in remote or geographically isolated settings: a scoping review. Journal of Medical Education and Curricular Development, 7.

Simes, Tracey, Roy, Sherre, O'Neill, Barbara, Ryan, Colleen, Lapkin, Samuel, and Curtis, Elizabeth (2018) Moving nurse educators towards transcendence in simulation comfort. Nurse Education in Practice, 28. pp. 218-223.

Scrimgeour, Andrew, Morgan, Anne-Marie, Cruickshank, Ken, and Hajek, John (2018) Refocusing on community languages. Babel, 53 (3). pp. 5-13.

Taylor, Neil, Taylor, Subhashni, and Coll, Richard K. (2003) Education for Sustainability in Regional New South Wales, Australia: An Exploratory Study of Some Teachers' Perceptions. International Research in Geographical and Environmental Education, 12 (4). pp. 291-311.

Coll, Richard K., Taylor, Neil, and Taylor, Subhashni (2003) Using work-based learning to develop education for sustainability: a proposal. Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 55 (2). pp. 169-182.

Taylor, Neil, Nathan, Subhashni, and Coll, Richard (2003) An evaluation of the 'Citizenship Education: the Global Dimension' teaching resource. Education Today, 53 (1). pp. 12-20.

Nathan, Subhashni, and Taylor, Neil (2001) Education for Sustainability: An appropriate concept for Pacific Island Schools? Pacific Curriculum Network, 10 (2). pp. 3-7.

Taylor, Neil, and Taylor, Subhashni (2001) Modelling a chain reaction in the classroom. School Science Review, 83. pp. 103-104.

Lowery, Roger, Taylor, Neil, and Nathan, Subhashni (2000) Some techniques for teaching about the structure and function of chromosomes. Australian Science Teachers' Journal, 46 (1). pp. 47-53.

Taylor, Neil, Macpherson, Colin, and Nathan, Subhashni (1998) Ideas in Conflict: Learning about Evolution in Fiji. Pacific-Asian Education, 10 (2). pp. 32-43.

Book Chapter

Daniel, Ryan, and Parkes, Kelly A. (2025) The Applied Music Studio: A Decade of Research and Inquiry. In: Daniel, Ryan, and Parkes, Kelly, (eds.) The Applied Studio Model in Higher Music Education: Critical Perspectives and Opportunities. Routledge Studies in Music Education . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 3-12.

Daniel, Ryan, and Parkes, Kelly A. (2024) The Future of the Applied Music Studio in Higher Education. In: Daniel, Ryan, and Parkes, Kelly A., (eds.) The Applied Studio Model in Higher Music Education: Critical Perspectives and Opportunities. Routledge Studies in Music Education . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK, pp. 197-204.

Taylor, Subhashni, Taylor, Neil, and Baker, Penelope (2023) Educating about mass vaccinations in a post-truth era. In: Thomas, Gregory P, and Boon, Helen J., (eds.) Challenges in Science Education: Global Perspectives for the Future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 59-82.

Johnson, Claudia E., and Boon, Helen J. (2023) Identifying and Challenging the Narrow Cognitive Demands of Science Textbooks. In: Thomas, Gregory P., and Boon, Helen J., (eds.) Challenges in Science Education: Global Perspectives for the Future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 279-303.

Morgan, Rhian, and Moody, Lisa (2023) Promoting Equity and Inclusion through Critical Resilience Pedagogy. In: Castillo Planas, Melissa, and Castillo, Debra A., (eds.) Scholars in Covid Times. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY, USA, pp. 131-151.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad (2023) Students' Uptake of Translanguaging Pedagogies and Translanguaging-Oriented Assessment in an ELT Classroom at a Bangladeshi University. In: Khan, Rubina, Bashir, Ahmed, Basu, Bijoy Lal, and Uddin, Md Elias, (eds.) Local Research and Global Perspectives in English Language Teaching: Teaching in Changing Times. Springer, Singapore, pp. 31-45.

Cavalieri, John (2023) Using animals in education as a means of discovering meaningful contexts to enhance learning and motivate learners: Challenges and opportunities to integrate and broaden STEM education. In: Thomas, Gregory P., and Boon, Helen J., (eds.) Challenges in Science Education: Global Perspectives for the Future. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, Switzerland, pp. 229-249.

Manuel, Jacqueline, Hansen, Claire, and Semler, Liam E. (2023) An activist democratic model of teacher professional learning: The Teaching and Learning Caskets Imaginarium. In: Goodwyn, Andrew, Manuel, Jacqueline, Roberts, Rachel, Scherff, Lisa, Sawyer, Wayne, Durrant, Cal, and Zancanella, Don, (eds.) International Perspectives on English Teacher Development: From Initial Teacher Education to Highly Accomplished Professional. National Association for the Teaching of English, 4 . Taylor & Francis, Abingdon, England, pp. 200-214.

Dale, Allan, and Dale, Michele (2022) Chapter 31: Strengthening national governance systems to support local self-reliance. In: Dale, Allan, Curnow, Jayne, Campbell, Andrew, and Seigel, Michael, (eds.) Building global sustainability through local self-reliance: Lessons from landcare. ACIAR monograph series . Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, Australia, pp. 379-388.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad, and Morgan, Anne-Marie (2021) Translanguaging and academic writing in English-only classrooms: a case-study from Bangladeshi higher education. In: Ordeman, W., (ed.) Creating a Transnational Space in First Year Writing Classroom. Series in Literary Studies . Vernon Press, Malaga, Spain, pp. 17-40.

Ponnuswami, Ilango, and Harris, Nonie (2020) Decolonizing social work research education: reflections from India and Australia. In: Ponnuswami, Ilango, and Francis, Abraham, (eds.) Social Work Education, Research and Practice: perspectives from India and Australia. Springer Nature, Singapore, pp. 73-81.

Mackey-Smith, Kerrie, and Banfield, Grant (2018) "Changing worlds" through intentional dialogic engagements. In: Johnston, Kim A., and Taylor, Maureen, (eds.) The Handbook of Communication Engagement. Handbooks in Communication and Media . Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, USA, pp. 397-407.

Zehntner, Chris, Swabey, Karen, and McMahon, Jennifer Ann (2016) Using stories to investigate, reflect on and raise social conciousness in a sporting culture. In: Fan, Si, and Fielding-Wells, Jill, (eds.) What is Next in Educational Research? Sense Publishers, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 51-58.

Conference Item

Chinofunga, Musarurwa, Chigeza, Philemon, and Taylor, Subhashni (2022) Concept Maps as a Resource for Teaching and Learning of Mathematics. In: Mathematical Confluences and Journeys: proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. p. 584. From: MERGA 44: 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: mathematical confluences and journeys, 3-7 July 2022, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Bruce, Christine (2022) Information Literacy Ethics: Towards a Framework to Guide Professional Practices. In: [Presented at the Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom Symposium 2022]. From: Creating Informed Learners in the Classroom Symposium 2022, 12-14 July 2022, Online.

Chinofunga, Musarurwa David, Chigeza, Philemon, and Taylor, Subhashni (2022) Procedural Flowcharts can Enhance Senior Secondary Mathematics. In: Mathematical Confluences and Journeys: proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia. pp. 130-137. From: MERGA 44: 44th Annual Conference of the Mathematics Education Research Group of Australasia: mathematical confluences and journeys, 3-7 July 2022, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Addanki, Kranthi, Holdsworth, Jason, Hardy, Dianna, and Myers, Trina (2022) A preliminary study using academagogy to uncover the problems that block adult online learner engagement. In: Proceedings of the ACE '22: Australasian Computing Education Conference. pp. 95-104. From: ACE '22: Australasian Computing Education Conference, 14-18 February 2022, Virtual.

Dunk, Vicki, Megaw, Pam, Doyle, Tanya, and Boon, Helen (2021) Effects of self-regulated learning training on foundation bioscience students. In: Proceedings of the Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education. p. 22. From: ACSME 2021: Australian Conference on Science and Mathematics Education, 29 September - October 2021, Online.

Chaw, Lee Yen, and Tang, Chun Meng (2021) Exploring the fit between learner characteristics and learning environments. In: Proceedings of the 20th European Conference on e-Learning. pp. 89-97. From: ECEL 2021: 20th European Conference on e-Learning, 28-29 October 2021, Berlin, Germany.

Boulard, Florence (2021) Humanising pedagogy: the new normal in Australia's French language classrooms. In: [Presented at the MLTAQ-FATFA Conference]. From: MLTAQ-FATFA Conference, 17-18 April 2021, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Morgan, Rhian, and Moody, Lisa (2020) Pedagogy, technology, and pandemic: Embedding resilience in curriculum through an integrated design framework. In: Humanities in the Regions. From: Humanities in the Regions 2020, 5 May 2020, Townsville, Queensland.

Maguire, Emma (2020) Teaching life reading and life writing through archives. In: [Presented at the International Auto/Biography Association: Teaching Life Writing Conference]. From: International Auto/Biography Association: Teaching Life Writing Conference, 10-11 December 2020, Virtual.

Jones, Tamra (2017) How Fundamental Movement Skills are framed to offer policy 'solutions'. In: AARE Conference Papers. From: AARE 2017: Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 26–30 November 2017, Canberra, ACT, Australia.

Kaminski, Bridgette, Wasinger, Rainer, Norris, Kimberley, Zehntner, Chris, Xu, Shuxiang, Chinthammit, Winyu, and Duh, Henry (2016) Learning through shared note-taking visualisations in the classroom. In: Proceedings of the 28th Australian Computer-Human Interaction Conference, OzCHI 2016. pp. 576-580. From: OzCHI'16: 28th Australian Conference on Computer-Human Interaction, 29 November - 2 December 2016, Launceston, TAS, Australia.

Jones, Tamra (2015) If fundamental movement skills are part of the solution, what is the problem? In: AARE Conference Papers. From: AARE 2015: Australian Association for Research in Education Conference, 29 November - 3 December 2015, Freemantle, WA, Australia.


Parkes, Kelly A., and Daniel, Ryan (2024) The Applied Studio Model in Higher Music Education: Critical Perspectives and Opportunities. Routledge Studies in Music Education . Routledge, London, UK.

Boulard, Florence (2021) Pacific French Intermediate Workbook. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Addanki, Kranthi (2023) Enhancing learning management systems to support online learning using academagogy. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Foley, Toni (2023) Exploring perceptions of interreligious learning and teaching and the interplay with religious identity. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Dunk, Vicki (2023) Metacognition and self-regulated learning strategy use of Nursing and Allied Health students studying Bioscience. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Rafi, Abu Saleh Mohammad (2022) Pedagogical benefits, ideological and practical challenges and implementational spaces of a translanguaging education policy: the case of Bangladeshi higher education. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Schulz, Kristie A. (2022) Transdisciplinary STEM curriculum enactment: an exploratory case study in the Queensland context. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

Chinofunga, Musarurwa David (2022) An investigation into supporting the teaching of calculus-based senior mathematics in Queensland. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Garrett, Lisa (2021) A case study inquiry into the implementation of a professional learning intervention in cultural competence and culturally responsive pedagogy to support refugee students. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Guirguis, Frederick (2020) Andragogy - the art and science of teaching adults: a personal study of occupational health and safety education in South Korean shipyards. Professional Doctorate (Research) thesis, James Cook University.

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