Publications by: Jeremy VanDerWal

Also publishes as (Jeremy Vanderwal, Jeremy VanDerwal, Jeremy J. VanderWal, Jeremy J. VanDerWal, J. Vanderwal, J. VanDerWal, J.J. VanDerWal)

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Number of items: 97.

Perry, Justin J., Cook, Garry D., Graham, Erin, Meyer, C.P. (Mick), Murphy, Helen T., and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2020) Regional seasonality of fire size and fire weather conditions across Australia's northern savanna. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 29 (1).

Graham, Erin M., Reside, April E., Atkinson, Ian, Baird, Daniel, Hodgson, Lauren, James, Cassandra S., and VanderWal, Jeremy J. (2019) Climate change and biodiversity in Australia: a systematic modelling approach to nationwide species distributions. Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 26 (2). pp. 112-123.

Neilly, Heather, Nordberg, Eric J., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2018) Arboreality increases reptile community resistance to disturbance from livestock grazing. Journal of Applied Ecology, 55 (2). pp. 786-799.

Álvarez-Romero, Jorge G., Munguía-Vega, Adrián, Beger, Maria, Mancha-Cisneros, Maria del Mar, Suárez-Castillo, Alvin N., Gurney, Georgina G., Pressey, Robert L., Gerber, Leah R., Morzaria-Luna, Hem Nalini, Reyes-Bonilla, Héctor, Adams, Vanessa M., Kolb, Melanie, Graham, Erin M., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Castillo-López, Alejandro, Hinojosa-Arango, Gustavo, Petatán-Ramírez, David, Moreno-Baez, Marcia, Godínez-Reyes, Carlos R., and Torre, Jorge (2018) Designing connected marine reserves in the face of global warming. Global Change Biology, 24 (2). e671-e691.

Allan, Blake M., Nimmo, Dale G., Ierodiaconou, Daniel, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Koh, Lian Pin, and Ritchie, Euan G. (2018) Futurecasting ecological research: the rise of technoecology. Ecosphere, 9 (5). e02163.

Neilly, Heather, O'Reagain, Peter, Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Schwarzkopf, Lin (2018) Profitable and sustainable cattle grazing strategies support reptiles in tropical savanna rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 71 (2). pp. 205-212.

Meade, Jessica, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Storlie, Collin, Williams, Stephen, Gourret, Arnaud, Krockenberger, Andrew, and Welbergen, Justin A. (2018) Substantial reduction in thermo-suitable microhabitat for a rainforest marsupial under climate change. Biology Letters, 14 (12).

Warren, R., Price, J., VanDerWal, J., Cornelius, S., and Sohl, H. (2018) The implications of the United Nations Paris Agreement on climate change for globally significant biodiversity areas. Climatic Change, 147 (3-4). pp. 395-409.

Cheok, Jessica, Pressey, Robert L., Weeks, Rebecca, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Storlie, Collin (2018) The plans they are a-changin': more frequent iterative adjustment of regional priorities in the transition to local actions can benefit implementation. Diversity and Distributions, 24 (1). pp. 48-57.

Warren, R., Price, J., Graham, E., Forstenhaeusler, N., and VanDerWal, J. (2018) The projected effect on insects, vertebrates, and plants of limiting global warming to 1.5°C rather than 2°C. Science, 360 (6390). pp. 791-795.

Bell, Rayna C., Parra, Juan L., Badjedjea, Gabriel, Barej, Michael F., Blackburn, David C., Burger, Marius, Channing, Alan, Dehling, Maximilian, Greenbaum, Eli, Gvoždík, Václav, Kielgast, Jos, Kusamba, Chifundera, Lötters, Stefan, McLaughlin, Patrick J., Nagy, Zoltán T., Rödel, Mark-Oliver, Portik, Daniel M., Stuart, Bryan L., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Zassi-Boulou, Ange Ghislain, and Zamudio, Kelly R. (2017) Idiosyncratic responses to climate-driven forest fragmentation and marine incursions in reed frogs from Central Africa and the Gulf of Guinea Islands. Molecular Ecology, 26 (19). pp. 5223-5244.

James, Cassandra S., Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Pearson, Richard G., Burrows, Damien, Capon, Samatha J., Harwood, Thomas D., Hodgson, Lauren, and Waltham, Nathan J. (2017) Sink or swim? potential for high faunal turnover in Australian rivers under climate change. Journal of Biogeography, 44 (3). pp. 489-501.

Reside, April Elizabeth, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Moran, Catherine (2017) Trade-offs in carbon storage and biodiversity conservation under climate change reveal risk to endemic species. Biological Conservation, 207. pp. 9-16.

Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Moilanen, Atte, and Graham, Erin M. (2017) Examining current or future trade-offs for biodiversity conservation in north-eastern Australia. PLoS One, 12 (2). e0172230.

Perry, Justin, Cook, Garry, Graham, Erin, Meyer, Mick, Murphy, Helen, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2017) Regionalisation of the late dry season date. Report. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Scheffers, Brett R., Shoo, Luke, Phillips, Ben, Macdonald, Stewart L., Anderson, Alex, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Storlie, Collin, Gourret, Arnaud, and Williams, Stephen E. (2017) Vertical (arboreality) and horizontal (dispersal) movement increase the resilience of vertebrates to climatic instability. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 26 (7). pp. 787-798.

Bateman, Brooke L., Pidgeon, Anna M., Radeloff, Volker C., Vanderwal, Jeremy, Thogmartin, Wayne E., Vavrus, Stephen J., and Heglund, Patricia J. (2016) The pace of past climate change vs. potential bird distributions and land use in the United States. Global Change Biology, 22 (3). pp. 1130-1144.

Hallgren, Willow, Beaumont, Linda, Bowness, Andrew, Chambers, Lynda, Graham, Erin, Holewa, Hamish, Laffan, Shawn, Mackey, Brendan, Nix, Henry, Price, Jeff, Vanderwal, Jeremy, Warren, Rachel, and Weis, Gerhard (2016) The biodiversity and climate change virtual laboratory: where ecology meets big data. Environmental Modelling & Software, 76. pp. 182-186.

Nowrouzi, Somayeh, Andersen, Alan N., Macfayden, Sarina, Staunton, Kyran M., Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Robson, Simon K.A. (2016) Ant diversity and distribution along elevation gradients in the Australian Wet Tropics: the importance of seasonal moisture stability. PLoS ONE, 11 (4). e0153420.

Neilly, H., Vanderwal, J., and Schwarzkopf, L. (2016) Balancing biodiversity and food production: a better understanding of wildlife response to grazing will inform off-reserve conservation on rangelands. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 69 (6). pp. 430-436.

Fordham, Damien A., Brook, Barry W., Hoskin, Conrad J., Pressey, Robert L., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Williams, Stephen E. (2016) Extinction debt from climate change for frogs in the wet tropics. Biology Letters, 12. 20160236. pp. 1-5.

Bateman, Brooke L., Pidgeon, Anna M., Radeloff, Volker C., Flather, Curtis H., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Akçakaya, H. Resit, Thogmartin, Wayne E., Albright, Thomas P., Vavrus, Stephen J., and Heglund, Patricia J. (2016) Potential breeding distributions of US birds predicted with both short-term variability and long-term average climate data. Ecological Applications, 26 (8). pp. 2718-2729.

Mathiesen, Dylan, Myers, Trina, Atkinson, Ian, and Vanderwal, Jeremy (2016) TerrainVis: collaborative, interactive, visualisation tool for engaging residents in disaster preparedness. In: Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering. pp. 110-117. From: CDVE 2016: 13th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering, 24-27 October 2016, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Reside, April E., Vanderwal, Jeremy, Garnett, Stephen T., and Kutt, Alex S. (2016) Vulnerability of Australian tropical savanna birds to climate change. Austral Ecology, 41 (1). pp. 106-116.

Beaumont, Linda, Graham, Erin, Duursma, Daisy Englert, Wilson, Peter D., Cabrelli, Abigail, Baumgartner, John B., Hallgren, Willow, Esperon-Rodriguez, Manuel, Nipperess, David A., Warren, Dan L., Laffan, Shawn W., and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2016) Which species distribution models are more (or less) likely to project broad-scale, climate-induced shifts in species ranges? Ecological Modelling, 342. pp. 135-146.

Lawes, Michael J., Fisher, Diana O., Johnson, Chris N., Blomberg, Simon P., Frank, Anke S.K., Fritz, Susanne A., McCallum, Hamish, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Abbott, Brett N., Legge, Sarah, Letnic, Mike, Thomas, Colette R., Thurgate, Nikki, Fisher, Alaric, Gordon, Iain J., and Kutt, Alex (2015) Correlates of recent declines of rodents in Northern and Southern Australia: habitat structure is critical. PLoS ONE, 10 (6). e0130626. pp. 1-17.

Rosauer, Dan F., Catullo, Renee A., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Moussalli, Adnan, Hoskin, Conrad J., and Moritz, Craig (2015) Lineage range estimation method reveals fine-scale endemism linked to Pleistocene stability in Australian rainforest herpetofauna. PLoS ONE, 10 (5). e0126274. pp. 1-22.

Welbergen, Justin, Meade, Jessica, Storlie, Collin, Vanderwal, Jeremy, Dalziell, Anastasia, Hodgson, Lauren, Krockenberger, Andrew, and Williams, Stephen (2015) Climate change and the impacts of extreme events on Australia's Wet Tropics biodiversity. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Fisher, Diana O., Johnson, Chris N., Lawes, Michael J., Fritz, Susanne A., McCallum, Hamish, Blomberg, Simon P., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Abbott, Brett, Frank, Anke, Legge, Sarah, Letnic, Mike, Thomas, Colette R., Fisher, Alaric, Gordon, Iain J., and Kutt, Alex (2015) Response to commentary by Woinarski (Critical-weight-range marsupials in northern Australia are declining: a commentary on Fisher et al. (2014) 'The current decline of tropical marsupials in Australia: is history repeating?'). Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24 (1). pp. 123-125.

Mohring, Karl, Myers, Trina, Atkinson, Ian, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and van der Valk, Steven (2015) Sensors in heat: a pilot study for high resolution urban sensing in an integrated streetlight platform. In: Proceedings of 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP). pp. 1-6. From: IEEE ISSNIP 2015: 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing, 7-9 April 2015, Singapore.

Fancourt, Bronwyn A., Bateman, Brooke L., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Nicol, Stewart C., Hawkins, Clare E., Jones, Menna E., and Johnson, Christopher N. (2015) Testing the role of climate change in species decline: is the eastern quoll a victim of a change in the weather? PLoS One, 10 (6). e0129420. pp. 1-15.

Reside, April E., Welbergen, Justin A., Phillips, Ben L., Wardell-Johnson, Grant W., Keppel, Gunnar, Ferrier, Simon, Williams, Stephen E., and Vanderwal, Jeremy (2014) Characteristics of climate change refugia for Australian biodiversity. Austral Ecology, 39 (8). pp. 887-897.

Graham, Catherine H., Carnaval, Ana C., Cadena, Carlos Daniel, Zamudio, Kelly, Roberts, Trina E., Para, Juan Luis, Mccain, Christy M., Bowie, Rauri C.K., Moritz, Craig, Baines, Stephen B., Schneider, Christopher J., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Rahbek, Carsten, Kozak, Kenneth H., and Sanders, Nathan J. (2014) The origin and maintenance of montane diversity: integrating evolutionary and ecological processes. Ecography, 37 (8). pp. 711-719.

Garnett, Stephen T., Pavey, Chris R., Ehmke, Glenn, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Hodgson, Lauren, and Franklin, Donald C. (2014) Adaptation profiles for Australian birds that are both highly sensitive and highly exposed. In: Garnett, Stephen T., and Franklin, Donald C., (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Australian Birds. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 79-241.

Franklin, Donald C., Ehmke, Glenn, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Garnett, Stephen T. (2014) The exposure of Australian birds to climate change. In: Garnett, Stephen T., and Franklin, Donald C., (eds.) Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Australian Birds. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood, VIC, Australia, pp. 7-25.

Robson, Simon K.A., Edwards, Will, Inkster, Tamara, Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Williams, Steve (2014) Altitudinal gradients in bat community structure within the Australian Wet Tropics: temperature seasonality, not 'height above sea level', drives community structure. In: Abstracts from the 16th Australasian Bat Society Conference. From: 16th Australasian Bat Society Conference, 22-25 April 2014, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

de Novaes e Silva, Verônica, Pressey, Robert L., Machado, Ricardo B., Vanderwal, Jeremy, Wiederhecker, Helga C., Werneck, Fernanda P., and Colli, Guarino R. (2014) Formulating conservation targets for a gap analysis of endemic lizards in a biodiversity hotspot. Biological Conservation, 180. pp. 1-10.

Inkster, Tamara, Edwards, Will, Robson, Simon K.A., Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Williams, Steve (2014) Improved understanding of local biodiversity using global information: a case study of microbats in the Australian Wet Tropics. In: Abstracts from the 16th Australasian Bat Society Conference. From: 16th Australasian Bat Society Conference, 22-25 April 2014, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Weber, Lui C., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Schmidt, Susanne, McDonald, William J.F., and Shoo, Luke P. (2014) Patterns of rain forest plant endemism in subtropical Australia relate to stable mesic refugia and species dispersal limitations. Journal of Biogeography, 41 (2). pp. 222-238.

Carnaval, Ana Carolina, Waltari, Eric, Rodrigues, Miguel T., Rosauer, Dan, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Damasceno, Roberta, Prates, Ivan, Strangas, Maria, Spanos, Zoe, Rivera, Danielle, Pie, Marcio R., Firkowski, Carina R., Bornschein, Marcos R., Ribeiro, Luiz F., and Moritz, Craig (2014) Prediction of phylogeographic endemism in an environmentally complex biome. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 281 (1792). pp. 1-8.

Nowrouzi, Somayeh, Andersen, Alan, Robson, Simon, Macfadyen, Sarina, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Edwards, Will (2014) Spatial patterns of diversity in mountain chains: ants in the Australian Wet Tropics. In: Abstracts from the 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation. From: ATBC 2014: 51st Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 20-24 July 2014, Cairns, QLD, Australia.

Storlie, Collin, Merino-Viteri, Andres, Phillips, Ben, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Welbergen, Justin, and Williams, Stephen (2014) Stepping inside the niche: microclimate data are critical for accurate assessment of species' vulnerability to climate change. Biology Letters, 10 (9). 20140576. pp. 1-4.

Fisher, Diana O., Johnson, Chris N., Lawes, Michael J., Fritz, Susanne A., McCallum, Hamish, Blomberg, Simon P., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Abbott, Brett, Frank, Anke, Legge, Sarah, Letnic, Mike, Thomas, Colette R., Fisher, Alaric, Gordon, Iain J., and Kutt, Alex (2014) The current decline of tropical marsupials in Australia: is history repeating? Global Ecology and Biogeography , 23 (2). pp. 181-190.

Bateman, Brooke L., Murphy, Helen T., Reside, April E., Mokany, Karel, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2013) Appropriateness of full-, partial- and no-dispersal scenarios in climate change impact modelling. Diversity and Distributions, 19 (10). pp. 1224-1234.

Puschendorf, Robert, Hodgson, Lauren, Alford, Ross A., Skerratt, Lee F., and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2013) Underestimated ranges and overlooked refuges from amphibian chytridiomycosis. Diversity and Distributions, 19 (10). pp. 1313-1321.

Warren, R., Lowe, J.A, Arnell, N.W, Hope, C., Berry, P., Brown, S., Gambhir, A., Gosling, S.N., Nicholls, R.J., O'Hanley, J., Osborn, T.J., Osborn, T., Price, J., Raper, S.C.B., Rose, G., and Vanderwal, J. (2013) The AVOID programme's new simulations of the global benefits of stringent climate change mitigation. Climatic Change, 120 (1-2). pp. 55-70.

Storlie, C.J., Phillips, B.L., VanDerWal, J.J., and Williams, S.E. (2013) Improved spatial estimates of climate predict patchier species distributions. Diversity and Distributions, 19 (9). pp. 1106-1113.

Warren, R., VanDerWal, J. , Price, J., Welbergen, J.A., Atkinson, I., Ramirez-Villegas, J., Osborn, T.J., Jarvis, A., Shoo, L.P., Williams, S.E., and Lowe, J. (2013) Quantifying the benefit of early climate change mitigation in avoiding biodiversity loss. Nature Climate Change, 3. pp. 678-682.

Bradshaw, Corey J.A., Bowman, David M.J.S., Bond, Nick R., Murphy, Brett P., Moore, Andrew D., Fordham, Damien A., Thackway, Richard, Lawes, Michael J., McCallum, Hamish, Gregory, Stephen D., Dalal, Ram C., Boer, Matthuas M., Lynch, A. Jasmyn J., Bradstock, Ross A., Brook, Barry W., Henry, Beverley K., Hunt, Leigh P., Fisher, Diana O., Hunter, David, Johnson, Christopher N., Keith, David A., Lefroy, Edward C., Penman, Trent D., Meyer, Wayne S., Thomson, James R., Thornton, Craig M., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Williams, Richard J., Keniger, Lucy, and Specht, Alison (2013) Brave new green world: consequences of a carbon economy for the conservation of Australian biodiversity. Biological Conservation, 161. pp. 71-90.

Garnett, Stephen T., Franklin, Donal C., Ehmke, Glenn, VanDerWal, Jeremy J., Hodgson, Lauren, Pavey, Chris, Reside, April E., Welbergen, Justin A., Butchart, Stuart G.M., Perkins, Genevieve C., and Williams, Stephen E. (2013) Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Australian Birds. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Phillips, Ben L., Shoo, Luke P., Rosauer, Dan F., Anderson, Barbara, Welbergen, Justin A., Moritz, Craig, Ferrier, Simon, Harwood, Thomas D., Williams, Kristen J., Mackey, Brendan, Hugh, Sonia, and Williams, Stephen E. (2013) Climate Change Refugia for Terrestrial Biodiversity: defining areas that promote species persistence and ecosystem resilience in the face of global climate change. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Fuchs, Jerome, Parra, Juan L., Goodman, Steven M., Raherilalao, Marie Jeanne, Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Bowie, Rauri C.K. (2013) Extending ecological niche models to the past 120000 years corroborates the lack of strong phylogeographic structure in the Crested Drongo (Dicrurus forficatus forficatus) on Madagascar. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 108 (3). pp. 658-676.

VanDerwal, Jeremy, Murphy, Helen T., Kutt, Alex S., Perkins, Genevieve C., Bateman, Brooke L., Perry, Justin J., and Reside, April E. (2013) Focus on poleward shifts in species' distribution underestimates the fingerprint of climate change. Nature Climate Change, 3. pp. 239-243.

James, Cassandra, Vanderwal, Jeremy, Capon, Samantha, Hodgson, Lauren, Waltham, Nathan, Ward, Doug, Anderson, Barbara, and Pearson, Richard (2013) Identifying Climate Refuges for Freshwater Biodiversity Across Australia: identification and characterisation of freshwater refuges in the face of climate change. National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia.

Jerry R., Dean, Smith-Keune, Carolyn, Hodgson, Lauren, Pirozzi, Igor, Carton, A. Guy, Hutson, Kate S., Brazenor, Alexander K., Trujillo Gonzalez, Alejandro, Gamble, Stephen, Collins, Geoff, and Vanderwal, Jeremy (2013) Vulnerability of an Iconic Australian Finfish (Barramundi - Lates calcarifer) and Aligned Industries to Climate Change across Tropical Australia. Report. Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, Douglas, QLD, Australia.

Bateman, Brooke L., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Williams, Stephen E., and Johnson, Christopher N. (2012) Biotic interactions influence the projected distribution of a specialist mammal under climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 18 (9). pp. 861-872.

Anderson, Alex S., Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy J., Shoo, Luke P., Pearson, Richard G., and Williams, Stephen E. (2012) Immigrants and refugees: the importance of dispersal in mediating biotic attrition under climate change. Global Change Biology, 18 (7). pp. 2126-2134.

Moritz, Craig, Langham, Gary, Kearney, Michael, Krockenberger, Andrew, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Williams, Stephen (2012) Integrating phylogeography and physiology reveals divergence of thermal traits between central and peripheral lineages of tropical rainforest lizards. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367 (1596). pp. 1680-1687.

Bateman, Brooke L., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Johnson, Christopher N. (2012) Nice weather for bettongs: using weather events, not climate means, in species distribution models. Ecography, 35 (4). pp. 306-314.

Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Kutt, Alex S. (2012) Projected changes in distributions of Australian tropical savanna birds under climate change using three dispersal scenarios. Ecology and Evolution, 2 (4). 705 -718.

Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Kutt, Alex, Watson , Ian, and Williams, Stephen (2012) Fire regime shifts affect bird species distributions. Diversity and Distributions, 18 (3). pp. 213-225.

Cadena, Carlos Daniel, Kozak, Kenneth H., Gómez, Juan Pablo, Parra, Juan Luis, McCain, Christy M., Bowie, Rauri C.K., Carnaval, Ana C., Moritz, Craig, Rahbek, Carsten, Roberts, Trina E., Sanders, Nathan J., Schneider, Christopher J., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Zamudio, Kelly R., and Graham, Catherine H. (2012) Latitude, elevational climatic zonation and speciation in New World vertebrates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 279 (1726). pp. 194-201.

Phillips, Benjamin, Puschendorf, Robert, Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Alford, Ross (2012) There is no evidence for a temporal link between pathogen arrival and frog extinctions in North-Eastern Australia. PLoS ONE, 7 (12). e52502. pp. 1-7.

Ponce-Reyes, Rocio, Reynoso-Rosales, Victor-Hugo, Watson, James E.M., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Fuller, Richard A., Pressey, Robert L., and Possingham, Hugh P. (2012) Vulnerability of cloud forest reserves in Mexico to climate change. Nature Climate Change, 2 (6). pp. 448-452.

Hoskin, Conrad J., Tonione, Maria, Higgie, Megan, Mackenzie, Jason B., Williams, Stephen E., Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Moritz, Craig (2011) Persistence in peripheral refugia promotes phenotypic divergence and speciation in a rainforest frog. American Naturalist, 178 (5). pp. 561-578.

Januchowski-Hartley, S.R., Hermos, V., Pressey, R.L., Linke, S., Kool, J., Pearson, R.G., Pusey, B.J., and VanDerWal, J. (2011) Coarse-filter surrogates do not represent freshwater fish diversity at a regional scale in Queensland, Australia. Biological Conservation, 144 (10). pp. 2499-2511.

Puschendorf, Robert, Hoskin, Conrad J., Cashins, Scott D., McDonald, Keith, Skerratt, Lee F., Vanderwal, Jeremy, and Alford, Ross A. (2011) Environmental refuge from disease-driven amphibian extinction. Conservation Biology, 25 (5). pp. 956-964.

Murray, Kris A., Retallick, Richard W.R., Puschendorf, Robert, Skerratt, Lee F., Rosauer, Dan, McCallum, Hamish I., Berger, Lee, Speare, Rick, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2011) Assessing spatial patterns of disease risk to biodiversity: implications for the management of the amphibian pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48 (1). pp. 163-173.

Murray, Kris A., Retallick, Richard W.R., Puschendorf, Robert, Skerratt, Lee F., Rosauer, Dan, McCallum, Hamish I., Berger, Lee, Speare, Richard, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2011) Issues with modelling the current and future distribution of invasive pathogens. Journal of Applied Ecology, 48 (1). pp. 177-180.

Shoo, Luke P., Storlie, Collin, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Little, Jeremy, and Williams, Stephen E. (2011) Targeted protection and restoration to conserve tropical biodiversity in a warming world. Global Change Biology, 17 (1). pp. 186-193.

Januchowski-Hartley, Stephanie, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Sydes, Damon (2011) Effective control of aquatic invasive species in tropical Australia. Environmental Management, 48 (3). pp. 568-576.

Reside, April E., Watson, Ian, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Kutt, Alex S. (2011) Incorporating low-resolution historic species location data decreases performance of distribution models. Ecological Modelling, 222 (18). pp. 3444-3448.

Murphy, Helen T., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Lovett-Doust, Jon (2011) One, two and three-dimensional geometric constraints and climatic correlates of North American tree species richness. Ecography, 34 (2). pp. 267-275.

Myers, Trina, Trevathan, Jarrod, Atkinson, Ian, Cook, Rob, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2011) The Tropical Data Hub (TDH) – a virtual research environment for tropical science knowledge innovation and discovery. In: eResearch Australasia Conference 2011: presentations. 35. pp. 1-2. From: eResearch Australasia Conference 2011, 6-11 November 2011, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Parsons, Jennifer G., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Robson, Simon K.A., and Shilton, Louise A. (2010) The implications of sympatry in the spectacled and grey headed flying-fox, Pteropus conspicillatus and P. poliocephalus (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae). Acta Chiropterologica, 12 (2). pp. 301-309.

Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy J., Kutt, Alex S., and Perkins, Genevieve C. (2010) Weather, not climate, defines distributions of vagile bird species. PLoS ONE, 5 (10). e13569. pp. 1-9.

Murphy, Helen T., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Lovett-Doust, Jon (2010) Signatures of range expansion and erosion in eastern North American trees. Ecology Letters, 13 (10). pp. 1233-1244.

Roubicek, A.J., VanDerWal, J., Beaumont, L.J., Pitman, A.J., Wilson, P., and Hughes, L. (2010) Does the choice of climate baseline matter in ecological niche modelling? Ecological Modelling, 221 (19). pp. 2280-2286.

Januchowski, S.R., Pressey, R.L., VanDerWal, J., and Edwards, A. (2010) Characterizing errors in digital elevation models and estimating the financial costs of accuracy. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 24 (9). pp. 1327-1347.

Williams, S., VanDerWal, J., Isaac, J., Shoo, L.P., Storlie, C., Fox, S., Bolitho, E.E., Moritz, C., Hoskin, C.J., and Williams, Y.M. (2010) Distributions, life history specialisation, and phylogeny of the rainforest vertebrates in the Australian Wet Tropics. Ecology, 91 (8). Ecological Archives E091-1. p. 2493.

Graham, Catherine, VanDerWal, Jeremy, Phillips, Steven, Moritz, Craig, and Williams, Stephen (2010) Dynamic refugia and species persistence: tracking spatial shifts in habitat through time. Ecography, 33 (6). pp. 1062-1069.

Skerratt, Lee F., Phillott, Andrea D., Cashins, Scott D., Webb, Rebecca, Puschendorf, Robert, Windmiller, Bryan, James, Rebecca, Robbins, Alison, Berger, Lee, Voyles, Jamie, Speare, Rick, Alford, Ross A., McDonald, Keith, Mendez, Diana, VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Garland, Stephen (2010) Experimental Research to Obtain a Better Understanding of the Epidemiology, Transmission and Dispersal of Amphibian Chytrid Fungus in Australian Ecosystems. Report. Australian Government Department of Environment and Heritage.

Reside, April E., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Watson, Ian, and Kutt, Alex (2010) Incorporating altered fire frequency scenarios in species distribution models improves climate change predictions for tropical savanna birds. In: ATBC 2010 Schedule of Presentations and Abstracts. pp. 192-193. From: ATBC 2010: The 2010 International Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, 19-23 July 2010, Bali, Indonesia.

Luly, J.G., Blair, David, Parsons, Jennifer G., Fox, Samantha, and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2010) Last Glacial Maximum habitat change and its effects on the grey-headed flying fox (Pteropus poliocephalus Temminck 1825). In: Haberle, Simon G., Stevenson, Janelle, and Prebble, Matthew, (eds.) Altered Ecologies: fire, climate and human influence on terrestrial landscapes. Terra Australis, 32 . ANU E Press, Canberra, ACT, Australia, pp. 83-100.

Williams, Stephen, Williams, Yvette M., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Isaac, Joanne L., Shoo, Luke P., and Johnson, Christopher N. (2009) Ecological specialization and population size in a biodiversity hotspot: how rare species avoid extinction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106. pp. 19737-19741.

Johnson, Chris N., and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2009) Evidence that dingoes limit abundance of a mesopredator in eastern Australian forests. Journal of Applied Ecology, 46 (3). pp. 641-646.

Puschendorf, Robert, Carnaval, Ana C., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Zumbado-Ulate, Héctor, Chaves, Gerardo, Bolaños, Federico, and Alford, Ross A. (2009) Distribution models for the amphibian chytrid Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in Costa Rica: proposing climatic refuges as a conservation tool. Diversity and Distributions, 15 (3). pp. 401-408.

Moritz, C., Hoskin, C.J., MacKenzie, J.B., Phillips, B.L., Tonione, M., Silva, N., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Williams, S.E., and Graham, C.H. (2009) Identification and dynamics of a cryptic suture zone in tropical rainforest. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London Series B, Biological Sciences, 276 (1660). pp. 1235-1244.

Isaac, Joanne L., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Johnson, Christopher N., and Williams, Stephen (2009) Resistance and resilience: quantifying relative extinction risk in a diverse assemblage of Australian tropical rainforest vertebrates. Diversity and Distributions, 15 (2). pp. 280-288.

VanDerWal, Jeremy, Shoo, Luke P., Graham, Catherine, and Williams, Stephen E. (2009) Selecting pseudo-absence data for presence-only distribution modeling: How far should you stray from what you know? Ecological Modelling, 220 (4). pp. 589-594.

VanDerWal, Jeremy, Shoo, Luke P., and Williams, Stephen E. (2009) New approaches to understanding late Quaternary climate fluctuations and refugial dynamics in Australian wet tropical rain forests. Journal of Biogeography, 36 (2). pp. 291-301.

VanDerWal, Jeremy, Shoo, Luke P., Johnson, Christopher N., and Williams, Stephen (2009) Abundance and the environmental niche: environmental suitability estimated from niche models predicts the upper limit of local abundance. American Naturalist, 174 (2). pp. 282-291.

VanDerWal, Jeremy, Murphy, Helen T., and Lovett-Doust, Jon (2008) Three-dimensional mid-domain predictions: geometric constraints in North American amphibian, bird, mammal and tree species richness patterns. Ecography, 31 (4). pp. 435-449.

Shoo, Luke P., and VanDerWal, Jeremy (2008) No simple relationship between above-ground tree growth and fine-litter production in tropical forests. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 24 (3). pp. 347-350.

Steiner, Florian M., Schlick-Steiner, Birgit C., VanDerWal, Jeremy, Reuther, Keefe D., Christian, Erhard, Stauffer, Christian, Suarez, Andrew V., Williams, Stephen E., and Crozier, Ross H. (2008) Combined modelling of distribution and niche in invasion biology: a case study of two invasive Tetramorium ant species. Diversity and Distributions, 14. pp. 538-545.

Thickett, K., VanDerWal, J., Lovett-Doust, L., and Anderson, T.R. (2007) A method for screening soybean seedlings for resistance to northern stem canker caused by Diaporthe phaseolorum var. caulivora. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 87 (2). pp. 443-446.

Murphy, Helen T., VanDerWal, Jeremy, and Lovett-Doust, Jon (2006) Distribution of abundance across the range in eastern North American trees. Global Ecology and Biogeography , 15 (1). pp. 63-71.

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