Townsville Views: Flute Quartet Opus 1

Salisbury, David (2008) Townsville Views: Flute Quartet Opus 1. [Creative Work]

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Serenata Quartet perform Townsville Views, an original three part concerto for flute and strings by David Salisbury.

Research Statement

Research Background The flute quartet is a highly under used form of quartet as a vehicle for four-part writing. Most notable is a series of four compositions by Mozart. As the string quartet has a more prominent position in chamber music literature, this composition examines the potential of this instrumental combination and historical significance of this compositional form.
Research Contribution This recording is a live performance that was presented at Umbrella Contemporary Art Studio in Townsville in 2008, in conjunction with the Australian Festival of Chamber Music. The composition is based on three iconic locations significant to Townsville. Movement 1 is titled Castle Hill Goat Track, the most prominent geographic feature in the city where people walk and jog for exercise. Movement 2 is title Queens Gardens and signifies the beauty and enchantment of the Gardens just below Castle Hill. Movement 3 is titled Cape Pallarenda, the wide expanse of the bay from Rowes Bay to Pallarenda where kite surfers fly and locals stroll along the beach.
Research Significance The use of contemporary harmonies focusing on 4th and 5th and in particular the employment of Lydian Chromatic concepts in movement 2, pioneered by jazz theorist George Russell of the United States represents a unique presentation and usage of this type of music form and instrumentation. The interface of Russell’s concepts in a classical context and how this type of harmonic language suits a more classical environment is the focus of this investigation.
Item ID: 9996
Item Type: Creative Work (Recorded/Rendered Work - Audio/visual recording - NTRO)
Media of Output: MP3 Download
Keywords: music, composition, flute, strings
Date Deposited: 20 Apr 2010 01:15
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1904 Performing Arts and Creative Writing > 190406 Music Composition @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950101 Music @ 100%
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