The principle-centered process consultant working in schools today

Carter, Margaret (2013) The principle-centered process consultant working in schools today. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 93. pp. 1236-1241.

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The interactive training program reported in this study is a principle-centered program concentrates on developing consultants who engage with clients in principle driven client centered deliberative communicative ways. This study reports the findings of a preliminary investigation involving 13 senior staff who completed 'The art and science of authentic helpfulness; an interactive consultancy. This training was part of their professional development agenda in the primary and secondary schools in Warragul (Diocese of Sale, Victoria). Respondents were asked to complete a 14 question online survey specific to their perceptions and observations of (1) the impact of PCPC when working with clients; (2) the impact on clients when using PCPC. An independent sample t-test observed that no significant difference between Diocesan consultant (M=3.70, SD =1.16) and School based personnel (M=4.33, SD=.58) when rating their overall effectiveness on PCPC, t(11)=-.89, p>.05. A one way ANOVA observed no significant difference when comparing the year participants completed the program and the time they have worked in the field as consultants (2010: M=5.00, SD=.00, 2011: M=3.57, SD=1.13, 2012: M=3.85, SD=.96), F(2,10)=1.54, p>.05. Findings were positive with 31% of respondents indicating that PCPC always influences the way they view clients and their practice as consultants when working with clients. 38% indicated that PCPC processes often enables them to be more effective when working with clients; 46% reported PCPC sometimes helps them develop more power in their client-counsellor partnerships. 62% acknowledged that client empowerment is often evident when using PCPC and that there is often evidence of change in perception of clients, and client ownership for the problem of initiative being processed during PCPC.

Item ID: 25002
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1877-0428
Keywords: process consultancy; principle centered consultancy; authentic helpfulness; contemporary consultancy, value added consultancy
Additional Information:

Articles from this volume of Procedia were from the 3rd World Conference on Learning,Teaching and Educational Leadership edited by Hatice Ferhan Odabasi.

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Date Deposited: 26 Nov 2013 04:06
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