Pulling Alick Tipot's Girelal

Milledge, Russell (2011) Pulling Alick Tipot's Girelal. [Creative Work]

[img] Video (MP4) (Video documentation of Alick Tipoti's Geralel [compressed]) - Published Version
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Alick Tipoti is a leading Torres Strait Islander artist. In July 2011 Master Printmaker Theo Tremblay was commissioned to print the largest linocut to date from any Torres Strait Islander artist. The work 'Geralel' measures over 8 metres and depicts traditional Torres Strait creation narratives. The print commissioned by Australian Art Print Network was unveiled for the first time at Canopy Artspace Cairns, during the 2011 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair. Russell Milledge, School of Creative Arts James Cook University, captured the process of pulling the first print from the massive hand cut block using timelapse and other video and imaging techniques.

The subsequent video work was exhibited at the 2011 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, August 2011.

Research Statement

Research Background Story: The print depicts the cultural connection between the Islanders and their spiritual ancestors the Muruygal. It shows the stages and sequences of traditional chants and some of the totems and stories we dance about. Zugub Alick Tipoti Zenadh-Kes, Melanesian 2011
Research Contribution Cairns Indigenous Art Fair 2011 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair (CIAF) is a unique three-day event that merges an art market with a celebration of Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures. CIAF is the only art fair in Australia to welcome commercial art galleries and Indigenous art centres to sell and showcase art by Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists. The 2011 event was located at the Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal.
Research Significance Presented at the 2011 Cairns Indigenous Art Fair, Cairns Cruise Liner Terminal, August 2011. The work continues to be accessed by the Zenadh Kes Torres Strait Islander artist Alick Tipoti, his agent Michael Kershaw, Australian Art Print Network, Canopy Artspace, Theoadore Tremblay, Editions Tremblay, No Fixed Press.
Item ID: 18925
Item Type: Creative Work (Recorded/Rendered Work - Audio/visual recording - NTRO)
Media of Output: Video and Audio
Keywords: Alick Tipoti, Theo Tremblay, printmaking, Torres Strait Islands, Indigenous art, art fair, contemporary art, Melanesian, Cairns, CIAF
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Date Deposited: 02 Dec 2014 04:27
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190502 Fine Arts (incl Sculpture and Painting) @ 20%
19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190503 Lens-based Practice @ 80%
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