Watersheds and Basins

Lord, Anne (2006) Watersheds and Basins. [Creative Work]

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[img] HTML (Exhibition with catalogue and link to MDP web site)
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[img] Microsoft Word (Invitation for Watersheds and Basins)
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Image (JPEG) (Aerial photograph over n w Qld )
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Image (JPEG) (dry river from the air)
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Image (JPEG) (Ephemeral Milestone (wood and humus) )
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Image (JPEG) (Falling peg (image of disintegrating humus) )
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[img] Microsoft Word (Front page of catalogue )
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[img] Microsoft Word (Catalogue of works (Text only))
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Image (JPEG) (Surveyors peg on rotting log Lithograph 56 x 76 cm)
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Image (JPEG) (Vertical cast survey peg, actual size )
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[img] Microsoft Word (Catalogue documentation for Watersheds and Basins)
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[img] Microsoft Word (Media Release)
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[img] Microsoft Word (Contribution for Muray Darling Palimpsest website )
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View at Publisher Website: http://www.mwaf.com.au/palimpsest/html/a...


The acknowledged practice of ephemera, most active since the 1960s, and the unacknowledged omission of practice akin to ephemera, emerging in Australia through culture and shared space over the last two hundred years lead to concepts of no contingency (Buskirk 2003) and no archive (Bond 2005) in visual arts. ‘no contingency’ and ‘no archive’ emerge in the capacity they provide for us to realize that Ephemera exists in the conscious and unconscious development of culture and philosophy. The work investigates ephemeral art, or art that changes, and its potential to question an accepted position, mapping, or status quo. Ephemeral art can disintegrate, instead of holding a position in time, and act as a visual metaphor for art’s intention. It exposes concepts and has the capacity to reposition attitudes through the subversive and inquiring nature of certain work.

Research Statement

Research Background Watersheds and Basins includes an exhibition, catalogue, presented paper and contribution to MDP website. Many artists present their experiences of Australia, to highlight environmental concerns and I use my background/upbringing in n w Queensland to create dialogue about Australia's great underground water basins.
Research Contribution Images were investigated and developed over two years of PhD data collection. They contribute to catalogue, papers and thesis.
Research Significance Art works were reviewed and contribute to perceptions of water usage for people from Townsville and Mildura and beyond. An artist’s talk was delivered in Mildura and extended the meaning of the project.
Item ID: 11007
Item Type: Creative Work
Media of Output: work on paper
Event Details: Murray Darling Palimpsest
Townsville and Mildura
August 2005 and April 2006
Related URLs:
Date Deposited: 17 Jun 2010 00:53
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190502 Fine Arts (incl Sculpture and Painting) @ 35%
19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts @ 30%
19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190504 Performance and Installation Art @ 35%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 50%
95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9599 Other Cultural Understanding > 959999 Cultural Understanding not elsewhere classified @ 50%
Downloads: Total: 1186
Last 12 Months: 23
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Available Versions of this Item

  • Watersheds and Basins. (deposited 17 Jun 2010 00:53) [Currently Displayed]

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