Effective behaviour management strategies for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: a literature review

Llewellyn, Linda, Boon, Helen, and Lewthwaite, Brian (2018) Effective behaviour management strategies for Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students: a literature review. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 43 (1).

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This paper reports findings from a systematic literature review conducted to identify effective behaviour management strategies which create a positive learning environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. The search criteria employed resulted in 103 documents which were analysed in response to this focus. Results identified eight themes underpinning strategies for effective behaviour management. Despite the suggested actions, the review highlights that little empirical research has been conducted to validate effective classroom behaviour management strategies; strategies which may also be used to inform teacher education. Considering the high representation of Indigenous students in statistics related to behaviour infringements and other negative school outcomes, this review affirms the urgent need for research to investigate and establish empirically what constitutes effective behaviour management for Indigenous students.

Item ID: 51921
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1835-517X
Keywords: behaviour management, Indigenous, Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Students
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Date Deposited: 12 Feb 2018 05:03
FoR Codes: 45 INDIGENOUS STUDIES > 4502 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education > 450210 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student engagement and teaching @ 100%
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