Items where Subject is "13 EDUCATION > 1303 Specialist Studies in Education > 130302 Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education"
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- Fields of Research (57950)
- 13 EDUCATION (2282)
- 1303 Specialist Studies in Education (966)
- 130302 Comparative and Cross-Cultural Education (36)
- 1303 Specialist Studies in Education (966)
- 13 EDUCATION (2282)
Salter, Peta (2017) Book Review of 'Asia Literate Schooling in the Asian Century', edited by C. Halse, London, UK, Routledge, 2015. ISBN 978-0-415-72853-8. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 37 (4). pp. 629-633.
Njaramba, Jane, Chigeza, Philemon, and Whitehouse, Hilary (2015) Financial literacy: the case of migrant African-Australian women entrepreneurs in the Cairns region. Entrepreneurship And Sustainability Issues, 3 (2). pp. 198-208.
Halbert, Kelsey, and Chigeza, Philemon (2015) Navigating discourses of cultural literacy in teacher education. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 40 (11). 9. pp. 155-168.
Pearce, Wendy, Williams, Cori, and Steed, William (2015) Dialectal grammatical differences in oral narratives of school-aged Indigenous Australian children. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17 (4). pp. 335-345.
Lewthwaite, Brian, Lim, Lai Kuan, and Carter, Margaret (2015) Editorial: Education Graduate Student Symposium 2014. Etropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics, 14 (1). pp. 1-4.
Salter, Peta (2015) A reconceptualisation of 'knowing Asia' in Australian education. Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 36 (6). pp. 781-794.
Lau, Debbie, and Chigeza, Philemon (2014) Educational expectations of Bhutanese refugee parents: have they been met post-settlement in Cairns, Far North Queensland. Australian Policy Online. pp. 2-14.
Salter, Peta (2014) Towards a multilateral analysis of 'knowing Asia': a policy trajectory approach. Historical Encounters, 1 (1). pp. 111-112.
Salter, Peta (2014) Teachers' cultural maps: Asia as a "tricky sort of subject matter" in curriculum inquiry. Curriculum Inquiry, 44 (2). pp. 204-227.
Salter, Peta (2014) Knowing Asia: creative policy translation in an Australian school setting. Journal of Education Policy, 29 (2). pp. 145-164.
Zou, Wuying, Anderson, Neil, and Tsey, Komla (2013) Middle-class Chinese parental expectations for their children's education. Procedia: Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106. pp. 1840-1849.
Salter, Peta (2013) The problem in policy: representations of Asia literacy in Australian education for the Asian Century. Asian Studies Review, 37 (1). pp. 3-23.
Nuttall, Joce, Brennan, Marie, Zipin, Lew, Tuinamuana, Katarina, and Cameron, Leanne (2013) Lost in production: the erasure of the teacher educator in Australian university job advertisements. Journal of Education for Teaching, 39 (3). pp. 329-343.
Frewen, Amie (2012) Exploring the emphasis of academic success amongst Asian families with kindergarten-aged children. International Journal of Psychology, 47 (supp 1). p. 298.
Klein, Mary (2012) How inconvenient assumptions affect preservice teachers' uptake of new interactional patterns in mathematics: analysis and aspiration through a bifocal lens. Educational Studies in Mathematics, 80 (1-2). pp. 25-40.
Vallack, Jocene (2012) News from Dodoma: a play about research in Tanzania. Creative Approach to Research, 5 (1). pp. 32-49.
Lewthwaite, Brian, and McMillan, Barbara (2010) "She can bother me, and that's because she cares": what Inuit students say about teaching and their learning. Canadian Journal of Education, 33 (1). pp. 140-176.
Lewthwaite, Brian (2007) From school in community to a community-based school: the influence of an Aboriginal principal on culture-based school development. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy (64). pp. 1-18.
Babacan, Hurriyet, and Babacan, Alpheran (2007) Cultural diversity and education in a globalised world: implications for the Asia-Pacific. Journal of Education for International Understanding, 3. pp. 7-25.
Walker, Karen (2004) Teachers and teacher world-views. International Education Journal, 5 (3). pp. 433-438.
Day, Catherine, and McGinty, Sue (2003) Teaching the value of diversity against the national discourse of the 'war on terror'. International Journal of the Humanities, 1. pp. 927-939.
Henderson, Lynette, Klemes, Joel, and Eshet, Yoram (2000) Just playing a game? Educational simulation software and cognitive outcomes. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 12 (1). pp. 105-129.
Book Chapter
Carter, Margaret, and McNulty, Yvonne (2014) International school teachers' professional development in response to the needs of third culture kids in the classroom. In: Christiansen, Bryan, (ed.) Handbook of Research on Global Business Opportunities. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 367-389.
Babacan, Hurriyet (2007) Education and social cohesion. In: Jupp, James, Nieuwenhuysen, John, and Dawson, Emma, (eds.) Social Cohesion in Australia. Cambridge University Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 142-157.
Raciti, Maria, Eagle, Lynne, and Hay, Rachel (2016) Social Marketing Strategies for Low SES Communities. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Conference Item
Darwen, Paul (2016) Undergraduate statistics: an empirical comparison of blended and traditional learning, and national origin. In: [Presented at the Australian Council for Computers in Education Conference]. From: ACCE 2016: Australian Council for Computers in Education Conference, 29 September - 2 October 2016, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Taylor, Pauline, and Garrett, Lisa (2014) Effective teaching of students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds: a critical literature review. In: Proceedings of the Australian Teacher Education Association Annual Conference. pp. 242-255. From: ATEA 2014: Australian Teacher Education Association Annual Conference, 6-9 July 2014, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Geerlings, Lennie, Lundberg, Anita, and Thompson, Claire (2013) Transnational psychology: a case study of South East Asia. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. pp. 73-79. From: ICMAC 2013: International Conference on Managing the Asian Century, 11-13 July 2013, Singapore.
Salter, Peta (2011) The gatekeepers: negotiating a place for Asia literate curriculum in schools. In: AARE 2011 Conference Proceedings. 00328. pp. 1-15. From: AARE 2011 Australian Association for Research in Education Conference: researching across boundaries, 27 November - 2 December 2011, Hobart, TAS, Australia.
Salter, Peta (2009) Teacher education: crossing the cultural borders of Australia and Asia. In: Proceedings of the annual Conference of the 2009 Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA). From: 2009 Australian Teacher Education Association (ATEA) Conference, 28 June - 1 July 2009, Albury, NSW, Australia.
Salter, Peta (2009) Defining 'Asia' - refashioning of the Australian curriculum. In: Proceedings of the AARE 2009 International Education Research Conference. From: AARE 2009 International Education Research Conference, 29 November - 3 December 2009, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Adam, Raoul J. (2009) Sociocognitive conflict and cultural diversification: problems and strategies for teachers. In: Proceedings of the AARE 2008 International Education Research Conference. pp. 1-14. From: AARE 2008 International Education Research Conference, 30 November - 4 December 2008, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Maley, Claire R. (2007) A cross-cultural examination of the Goodenough-Harris drawing test. In: Presentations from PROMS 2007: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium. From: PROMS 2007: Pacific Rim Objective Measurement Symposium, July 2007, Taipei, Taiwan.
Burke, Maureen, Ahmed, Soheil, and McKenzie, Malcolm (2004) Different students, different needs, different times: a re-theorisation of tertiary transition. In: Proceedings of the 12th Improving Student Learnig Symposium. Improving Student Learning: diversity and inclusivity. pp. 285-298. From: 12th Improving Student Learnig Symposium, 6-8 September 2004, Birmingham, UK.
Kessaris, T., and Lenoy, M. (2003) Minority group educational success: a review of research in the United States and Australia. In: 2nd Australian Indigenous Education Conference. pp. 159-168. From: Minority Group Educational Success: A View of Research in the United States and Australia. Sharing success: An Indigenous perspective, 2-4 July 2002, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
Salter, Peta (2013) Towards a multilateral analysis of 'knowing Asia': a policy trajectory approach. PhD thesis, James Cook University.