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Azevedo-Santos, Valter M., Garcia-Ayala, James R., Fearnside, Philip M., Esteves, Francisco A., Pelicice, Fernando M., Laurance, William F., and Bernie, Ricardo C. (2016) Amazon aquatic biodiversity imperiled by oil spills. Biodiversity and Conservation, 25 (13). pp. 2831-2834.

Aslin, Heather J., and Lockie, Stewart (2013) Citizenship, engagement and the environment. In: Aslin, Heather J., and Lockie, Stewart, (eds.) Engaged Environmental Citizenship. Charles Darwin University Press, Darwin, NT, Australia, pp. 1-18.


Blythe, Jessica, Sulu, Reuben, Harohau, Daykin, Weeks, Rebecca, Schwarz, Anne-Maree, Mills, David, and Phillips, Michael (2017) Social dynamics shaping the diffusion of sustainable aquaculture innovations in the Solomon Islands. Sustainability, 9 (1).

Babacan, Hurriyet, Dale, Allan, Andrews, Peter, Beazley, Lyn, Horstman, Mark, Campbell, Andrew, Morris, Sheridan, Webb, Brad, Rowlands, Mary, Bowen, Luke, Callin, Rob, George, Melissa, and Miley, Damien (2012) Science engagement and tropical Australia: building a prosperous and sustainable future for the north. Report. Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, Kingston, ACT.

Buchan, Janet (2004) Successful sustainability education: adapting to the educational habitat. In: [Presented at the Educating for Sustainability Education Conference]. From: Effective Sustainability Education Conference: what works? why? where next? linking research and practice, 18-20 February 2004, Sydney, NSW, Australia.


Clements, Hayley S., Kerley, Graham I.H., Cumming, Graeme S., De Vos, Alta, and Cook, Carly N. (2019) Privately protected areas provide key opportunities for the regional persistence of large- and medium-sized mammals. Journal of Applied Ecology, 56 (3). pp. 537-546.

Christie, Patrick, Bennett, Nathan J., Gray, Noella J., Wilhelm, T. ‘Aulani, Lewis, Nai‘a, Parks, John, Ban, Natalie C., Gruby, Rebecca L., Gordon, Lindsay, Day, Jon, Taei, Sue, and Friedlander, Alan M. (2017) Why people matter in ocean governance: incorporating human dimensions into large-scale marine protected areas. Marine Policy, 84. pp. 273-284.


Day, Jon C. (2017) Effective public participation is fundamental for marine conservation-lessons from a large-scale MPA. Coastal Management, 45 (6). pp. 470-486.

Daley, Ben (2014) The Great Barrier Reef: an environmental history. Earthscan Oceans . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon, UK.

Doupe, R.G., and Knott, M.J. (2010) Rapid digestion of fish prey by the highly invasive ‘detritivore’ Oreochromis mossambicus. Journal of Fish Biology, 76 (4). pp. 1019-1024.

Doupe, Robert G., Knott, Matthew J., Schaffer, Jason, Burrows, Damien W., and Lymbery, Alan J. (2010) Experimental herbivory of native Australian macrophytes by the introduced Mozambique tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus. Austral Ecology, 35 (1). pp. 24-30.

Davis, Aaron M., and Perna, Colton (2009) Evidence for predation on terrestrial Cane Toads Bufo marinus by the Sooty Grunter Hephaestus fuliginosus in northern Australia. Northern Territory Naturalist, 21. pp. 45-48.

Doupe, Robert G., and Burrows, Damien W. (2008) Thirty years later, should we be more concerned for the ongoing invasion of Mozambique Tilapia in Australia? Pacific Conservation Biology, 14 (4). pp. 235-238.

Davis, Aaron (2007) Overview of research and environmental issues relevant to development of recommended farming practices for sugar cane farming in the Lower Burdekin region. Report. Australian Centre for Tropical Freshwater Research, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Foale, Simon (2013) "Fish and people": an innovative fisheries science learning tool for the Pacific. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 31. pp. 21-24.

Foale, Simon, and Kelley, Russell (2012) Fish and people. [Creative Work]


Goldberg, Jeremy Adam (2016) Changing behaviour in a changing climate: an empirical study of influences on pro-environmental protective action among key stakeholder groups of the Great Barrier Reef. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Gordon, I.J., Evans, D.M., Garner, T.W.J., Katzner, T., Gompper, M.E., Altwegg, R., Branch, T.A., Johnson, J.A., and Pettorelli, N. (2014) Enhancing communication between conservation biologists and conservation practitioners: letter from the Conservation Front Line. Animal Conservation, 17 (1). pp. 1-2.

Gooch, Margaret, and Rigano, Donna (2010) Enhancing community-scale social resilience: what is the connection between healthy communities and healthy waterways? Australian Geographer, 41 (4). pp. 507-520.

Gilbert, Rob (2003) Ecotourism and education for sustainability: a critical approach. International Review for Environmental Strategies, 4 (1). pp. 75-83.


Hay, Rachel, and Eagle, Lynne (2016) Harnessing the Science of Social Marketing and Behaviour Change for Improved Water Quality in the GBR: a documentary analysis of Reef Trust Tender (Burdekin) and Reef Programme. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre Limited, Cairns, QLD, Australia.


Kingsford, Micheal, Pitt, Kylie, Llewellyn, Lyndon, O'Callaghan, Mark, Seymour, Jamie, and Richardson, Anthony (2016) Project 3.6: Establishing a research framework for future NESP investment into better understanding of the presence of box-jellyfishes (Irukandji) and risks in the Great Barrier Reef. Report. Reef and Rainforest Research Centre, Cairns, QLD, Australia.


Lymbery, A.J., Hassan, M., Morgan, D.L., Beatty, S.J., and Doupé, R.G. (2010) Parasites of native and exotic freshwater fishes in south-western Australia. Journal of Fish Biology, 76 (7). pp. 1770-1785.

Larson, Silva (2009) Communicating stakeholder priorities in the Great Barrier Reef region. Society & Natural Resources, 22 (7). pp. 650-664.


MacKeracher, Tracy, Diedrich, Amy, Gurney, Georgina, and Marshall, Nadine (2018) Who trusts who in the Great Barrier Reef? Exploring trust and communication in natural resource management. Environmental Science & Policy, 88. pp. 24-31.

MacGregor, Colin J., and Warren, Charles R. (2016) Evaluating the impacts of nitrate vulnerable zones on the environment and farmer' practices: a Scottish case study. Scottish Geographical Journal, 132 (1). pp. 1-20.

Moscardo, Gianna (2015) Tourism and sustainability: challenges, conflict and core knowledge. In: Moscardo, Gianna, and Benckendorff, Pierre, (eds.) Education for Sustainability in Tourism: a handbook of processes, resources and strategies. CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance . Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 25-43.

Macgregor, Colin J., and Warren, Charles R. (2006) Adopting sustainable farm management practices within a Nitrate Vulnerable Zone in Scotland: the view from the farm. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 113 (1-4). pp. 108-119.

Morgan, David L., Rowland, Andrew J., Gill, Howard S., and Doupe, Rob G. (2004) The implications of introducing a large piscivore (Lates calcarifer) into a regulated northern Australian river (Lake Kununurra, Western Australia). Lakes and Reservoirs: Research and Management, 9 (3). pp. 181-193.

McLane, James, Wüst, Raphael A.J., Porter, Brad, and Rutherford, John (2003) Flash-flood impacts and protection measures in the Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt. APT Bulletin, 34 (1). pp. 37-45.


Nicoll, Rob, and Day, Jon C. (2017) Correct application of the IUCN protected area management categories to the CCAMLR Convention Area. Marine Policy, 77. pp. 9-12.

Naum, Catherine (2012) The challenges of strategic climate change communication in the government workplace context. In: Proceedings of the International Public Communiation of Science and Technology Conference. pp. 101-104. From: 12th International Public Communiation of Science and Technology Conference, 18-20 April 2012, Florence, Italy.


Pert, Petina L., Hill, Rosemary, Maclean, Kirsten, Dale, Allan, Rist, Phil, Schmider, Joann, Talbot, Leah, and Tawake, Lavenie (2015) Mapping cultural ecosystem services with rainforest aboriginal peoples: integrating biocultural diversity, governance and social variation. Ecosystem Services, 13. pp. 41-56.

Potter, Martin (2011) The floating cinema: environmental education documentaries. [Creative Work]

Pratt, D.G., Macmillan, D.C., and Gordon, I.J. (2004) Local community attitudes to wildlife utilisation in the changing economic and social context of Mongolia. Biodiversity and Conservation, 13 (3). pp. 591-613.


Rundle-Thiele, Sharyn, David, Patricia, Willmott, Taylor, Pang, Bo, Eagle, Lynne, and Hay, Rachel (2019) Social marketing theory development goals: an agenda to drive change. Journal of Marketing Management, 35 (1-2). pp. 160-181.


Stevenson, Robert B., Mannion, Greg, and Evans, Neus (Snowy) (2018) Childhoodnature pedagogies and place: an overview and analysis. In: Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Malone, Karen, and Barratt Hacking, Elisabeth, (eds.) Research handbook on childhoodnature: Assemblages of childhood and nature research. Springer International Handbooks of Education . Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Stevenson, Robert B., Wals, Arjen E.J., Heimlich, Joe E., and Field, Ellen (2017) Critical environmental education. In: Russ, Alex, and Krasny, Marianne E., (eds.) Urban Environmental Education. Cornell University Press, New York, NY, USA, pp. 51-58.

Sangha, Kamaljit K., Le Brocque, Andrew, Costanza, Robert, and Cadet-James, Yvonne (2015) Ecosystems and indigenous well-being: an integrated framework. Global Ecology and Conservation, 4. pp. 197-206.

Sutton, Stephen G., and Oh, Chi-Ok (2015) How do recreationists make activity substitution decisions? A case of recreational fishing. Leisure Sciences, 37 (4). pp. 332-353.

Sabetian, Armagan, and Foale, Simon (2006) Evolution of the artisanal fisher: case studies from Solomon Islands and Papua New Guinea. Traditional Marine Resource Management and Knowledge Information Bulletin, 20. pp. 3-10.


Thorburn, Peter, Davis, Aaron, Attard, Steve, Milla, Rob, Anderson, Toni, and McShane, Tom (2007) Best management practices to improve the quality of water leaving irrigated sugarcane farms: guidelines for the Burdekin region. Report. Burdekin Dry Tropics NRM, Townsville, QLD, Australia.


Unsworth, Richard K.F., McKenzie, Len J., Collier, Catherine J., Cullen-Unsworth, Leanne C., Duarte, Carlos M., Eklöf, Johan S., Jarvis, Jessie C., Jones, Benjamin L., and Nordlund, Lina M. (2019) Global challenges for seagrass conservation. Ambio, 48. pp. 801-815.


Whitehouse, Hilary, Evans, Neus, Jackson, Clifford, and Thorne, Marcia (2018) Children caring for the Australian wet tropics as a response to the anthropocene. In: Cutter-Mackenzie, Amy, Malone, Karen, and Barratt Hacking, Elisabeth, (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature: Assemblages of Childhood and Nature Research. Springer International Handbooks of Education . Springer, Cham, Switzerland.

Wynveen, Christopher J., Wynveen, Brooklynn J., and Sutton, Stephen G. (2015) Applying the value-belief-norm theory to marine contexts: implications for encouraging pro-environmental behavior. Coastal Management, 43 (1). pp. 84-103.

Wynveen, Christopher J., and Sutton, Stephen G. (2015) Engaging the public in climate change-related pro-environmental behaviors to protect coral reefs: the role of public trust in the management agency. Marine Policy, 53. pp. 131-140.

Wong, Catherine Mei Ling (2012) The developmental state in ecological modernization and the politics of environmental framings: the case of Singapore and implications for East Asia. Nature and Culture, 7 (1). pp. 95-119.

Whitehouse, Hilary (2001) 'Not greenies' at school: investigating the discourses of environmental activism in regional Australia. Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 17 (2001). pp. 71-76.


Zuchowski, Ines (2011) Engaging with resistance to facilitate education for sustainability. In: De Novo '11 International Conference Abstracts. p. 30. From: De Novo '11 International Conference: eco-social justice: issues, challenges and ways forward, 8-11 November 2011, Kochin, Kerala, India.

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