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- 950402 Business Ethics (34)
- 9504 Religion and Ethics (165)
Yekini, Kemi C., Omoteso, Kamil, and Adegbite, Emmanuel (2021) CSR communication research: a theoretical-cum methodological perspective from semiotics. Business & Society, 60 (4). pp. 876-908.
Case, Peter, French, Robert, and Simpson, Peter (2012) From theoria to theory: leadership without contemplation. Organization, 19 (3). pp. 345-361.
Beverungen, Armin, and Case, Peter (2011) Editorial introduction: where is business ethics? Business Ethics, 20 (3). pp. 229-232.
Case, Peter, and Gosling, Jonathan (2010) The spiritual organization: critical reflections on the instrumentality of workplace spirituality. Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion, 7 (4). pp. 257-282.
French, Robert, Case, Peter, and Gosling, Jonathan (2009) Betrayal and friendship. Society and Business Review, 4 (2). pp. 146-158.
Case, Peter, and Gosling, Jonathan (2007) Wisdom of the moment: pre-modern perspectives on organizational action. Social Epistemology, 21 (2). pp. 87-111.
De Vita, Glauco, and Case, Peter (2003) Rethinking the internationalisation agenda in UK higher education. Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27 (4). pp. 383-398.
Grint, Keith, and Case, Peter (2002) The violent rhetoric of re-engineering: management consultancy on the offensive. Journal of Management Studies, 35 (5). pp. 557-577.
Case, Peter, and Selvester, Ken (2002) Watch your back: reflections on trust and mistrust in management education. Management Learning, 33 (2). pp. 231-247.
Case, Peter, and Selvester, Ken (2000) Close encounters: ideological invasion and complicity on an 'Intemational Management' Master's programme. Management Learning, 31 (1). pp. 11-23.
Case, Peter, Case, Susan, and Catling, Simon (2000) Please show you're working: a critical assessment of the impact of OFSTED inspection on primary teachers. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 21 (4). pp. 605-621.
Case, Peter (1999) Remember re-engineering? The rhetorical appeal of a managerial salvation device. Journal of Management Studies, 36 (4). pp. 419-441.
Case, Peter (1999) Organizational studies in space: Stanislaw Lem and the writing of social science fiction. Organization, 6 (4). pp. 649-671.
Case, Peter (1995) Representations of talk at work: performatives and 'performability'. Management Learning, 26 (4). pp. 423-443.
Book Chapter
McIntyre-Tamwoy, Susan (2014) Ethics of commercial archaeology: Australia. In: Smith, Claire, (ed.) Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology. Springer, New York, NY, USA, pp. 2474-2478.
Pelzer, Peter, and Case, Peter (2013) Leadership and Expectation: Thomas Pynchon. In: Gosling, Jonathan, and Villiers, Peter, (eds.) Fictional Leaders: heroes, villains and absent friends. Palgrave MacMillan, London, pp. 155-165.
Case, Peter, Turnbull, Sharon, and Khakwani, Abdul Shakoor (2012) Introduction: the emerging case for worldly leadership. In: Turnbull, Sharon, Case, Peter, Edwards, Gareth, Schedlitzki, Doris, and Simpson, Peter, (eds.) Worldly Leadership: Alternative Wisdoms for a Complex World. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, UK, pp. 3-16.
Khakwani, Shakoor, and Case, Peter (2012) Worldly leadership in Pakistan Seth organizations: an empirical challenge to the concept of global leadership. In: Turnbull, Sharon, Case, Peter, Edwards, Gareth, Schedlitzki, Doris, and Simpson, Peter, (eds.) Worldly Leadership: alternative wisdoms for a complex world. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, UK, pp. 192-205.
Case, Peter, French, Robert, and Simpson, Peter (2011) Philosophy of leadership. In: Bryman, Alan, Collinson, David, Grint, Keith, Jackson, Brad, and Uhl-Bien, Mary, (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Leadership. Sage, London, UK, pp. 242-254.
Case, Peter, and Gosling, Jonathan (2011) Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge? A stoical perspective on personal knowledge management. In: Pauleen, David J., and Gorman, G.E., (eds.) Personal Knowledge Management: individual, organizational and social perspectives. Gower Publishing, Farnham, UK, pp. 17-41.
Grassman, Rickard, and Case, Peter (2009) Virtual intimacy: desire and ideology in virtual social networks. In: Panteli, Niki, (ed.) Virtual Social Networks: mediated, massive and multiplayer sites. Palgrave MacMillan, London, UK, pp. 175-193.
Case, Peter (2008) Organizational culture. In: Marturano , Antonio, and Gosling, Jonathan, (eds.) Leadership: the key concepts. Routledge Key Guides . Taylor & Francis, Oxon, UK, pp. 118-122.
Piñeiro, Erik, and Case, Peter (2008) Outsourcing in high-tech corporations: voices of dissent, resistance, and complicity in a computer programming community. In: Jemielniak, Dariusz, and Kociatkiewicz, Jerzy, (eds.) Management Practices in High-Tech Environments. IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, pp. 209-227.
Case, Peter (2008) Strategy. In: Gabriel, Yiannis, (ed.) Organizing Words: a critical thesaurus for social and organizational studies. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK, pp. 284-286.
Pelzer, Peter, and Case, Peter (2008) The displaced world of risk management: covert enchantment in a calculative world. In: Kostera, Monika, (ed.) Mythical Inspirations for Organizational Realities. Palgrave MacMillan, London, GBR, pp. 121-133.
Case, Peter (2003) From objectivity to subjectivity: pursuing subjective authenticity in organizational research. In: Westwood, Robert, and Clegg, Stewart, (eds.) Debating Organization: point-counterpoint in organization studies. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford UK, pp. 156-179.
Case, Peter (2002) Virtual stories of virtual working: critical reflections on CTI consultancy discourse. In: Clark, Timothy, and Fincham, Robin, (eds.) Critical Consulting: new perspectives on the management advice industry. Blackwell Publishers, Oxford, UK, pp. 93-114.
Grint, Keith, and Case, Peter (2000) 'Now where were we?' BPR lotus-eaters and corporate amnesia. In: Knights, David, and Willmott, Hugh, (eds.) The Reengineering Revolution: critical studies of corporate change. Sage Publications, London, GBR, pp. 26-49.
Grint, Keith, Case, Peter, and Willcocks, Leslie (1996) Business process reengineering reappraised: the politics and technology of forgetting. In: Orlikowski, Wanda J., Walsham, Geoff, Jones, Matthew R., and DeGross, Janice I., (eds.) Information Technology and Changes in Organizational Work. Chapman and Hall, London, pp. 39-61.
Conference Item
Senadheera, G.D.V. Rupika, Gamage, Helan R., and Karunaratne, H.D. (2013) Reflection of ethicality in business practices: perspectives of Sri Lankan entrepreneurs. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. pp. 463-469. From: ICMAC 2013: International Conference on Managing the Asian Century, 11-13 July 2013, Singapore.
Jieyi, Crystal Tang, and Foo, Koong Hean (2013) To hire foreign talents or groom locals? The Singaporean workforce dilemma. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Managing the Asian Century. pp. 609-618. From: ICMAC 2013: International Conference on Managing the Asian Century, 11-13 July 2013, Singapore.
Ahonen, Pasi, Case, Peter, and Knights, David (2012) Leadership, ethics and modalities of power. In: Proceedings of the 28th EGOS Colloquium. pp. 1-11. From: 28th EGOS Colloquium, 5-7 July 2012, Helsinki, Finland.
Case, Peter, and Gosling, Jonathan (2011) Abysmal leadership theory: a decolonized approach to catastrophe. In: Proceedings Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies. pp. 17-30. From: APROS 2011 Asia-Pacific Researchers in Organization Studies 14th biennial conference, 28 Nov - 1 Dec 2011, Auckland University of Technology, NZ.
Turnbull, Sharon, Case, Peter, Edwards, Gareth, Schedlitzki, Doris, and Simpson, Peter (2012) Worldly Leadership: Alternative Wisdoms for a Complex World. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills, UK.