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- 9501 Arts and Leisure (808)
- 950103 Recreation (24)
- 9501 Arts and Leisure (808)
Arlinghaus, Robert, Cooke, Steven J., Lyman, Jon, Policansky, David, Schwab, Alexander, Suski, Cory, Sutton, Stephen G., and Thorstad, Eva B. (2007) Understanding the complexity of catch and release in recreational fishing: an integrative synthesis of global knowledge from historical, ethical social and biological perspectives. Reviews in Fisheries Science, 15 (1 & 2). pp. 75-167.
Caltabiano, Marie Louise, and Caltabiano, Nerina Jane (1994) Contextual aspects of women's leisure: study 2. Australian Journal of Leisure and Recreation, 4 (3). pp. 22-30.
Ditton, Robert B., and Sutton, Stephen G. (2004) Substitutability in recreational fishing. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 9 (2). pp. 87-102.
Engelberg, E. Terry, Moston, Stephen, and Skinner, James (2014) Tracking the Development of Attitudes to Doping: a longitudinal study of young elite athletes. Report. University of Canberra and Griffith University.
Engelberg, Terry, Skinner, James, and Zakus, Dwight H. (2011) Exploring the relationship between commitment, experience and self-assessed performance in youth sport organizations. Sport Management Review, 14 (2). pp. 117-125.
Engelberg-Moston, Terry (2007) Measuring the commitment of volunteers in community-based sport. In: Brown, Raymond, Finger, Glenn, and Rushton, Carole, (eds.) Educational Research : who needs it? Proceedings from the inaugural, 2006 Research Higher Degree Conference held at the School of Education and Professional Studies, Gold Coast Campus of Griffith University, Queensland. Proceedings from the Research Higher Degree Conference . Post Pressed, Teneriffe, QLD, Australia, pp. 99-110.
Engelberg, Terry, Skinner, James, and Zakus, Dwight H. (2006) The commitment of volunteers in community-based sport: a research review and agenda. Third Sector Review, 12 (2). pp. 81-96.
Hutchinson, Brendan, Moston, Stephen, and Engelberg, Terry (2018) Social validation: a motivational theory of doping in an online bodybuilding community. Sport in Society, 21 (2). pp. 260-282.
Henderson, Lynette, Eshet-Alkalai, Yoram, and Klemes, Joel (2008) Adolescent digital gamers and implications for classrooms. In: Proceedings of Australian Computers in Education Conference. pp. 186-194. From: Australian Computers in Education Conference (ACEC2008), 29 September - 2 October 2008, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Henderson, Lynette, Eshet-Alkalai, Yoram, and Klemes, Joel (2008) Digital gaming: a comparative international study of youth leisure in a peaceful and war zone country. Eludamos: journal for computer game culture, 2 (1). pp. 73-103.
Hillman, Wendy (2007) Travel authenticated?: postcards, tourist brochures, and travel photography. Tourism Analysis, 12 (3). pp. 135-148.
Koichi, Kana, Cottrell, Alison, K. Sangha, Kamalijit, and Gordon, Iain J. (2013) What determines the acceptability of wildlife control methods? A case study of feral pig management in the Wet Tropics World Heritage Area, Australia. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18 (2). pp. 97-108.
Koichi, Kana, Cottrell, Alison, Sangha, Kamaljit K., and Gordon, Iain J. (2012) Are feral pigs (Sus scrofa) a pest to rainforest tourism? Journal of Ecotourism, 11 (2). pp. 132-148.
Mohammadi, Zohre (2020) The orchestra model and children's holiday experiences. In: [Presented at the International Conference on Children's Studies]. From: International Conference on Children's Studies, 7 March 2020, London, UK.
Martín-Escudero, Pilar, Galindo Canales, Mercedes, Herrero, Helena, Marca Fuertes, César, Miguel-Tobal, Francisco, Engelberg, Terry, Moston, Stephen, and Fernández, Cristina (2015) Adaptación transcultural de un cuestionario para estudiar actitudes de adolescentes deportistas y no deportistas españoles ante el consumo de sustancias prohibidas [Transcultural adaptation of a questionnaire to assess the attitudes of Spanish adolescent athletes and non-athletes towards banned substances]. In: El fenomeno del dopaje desde la perspectiva de las Ciencias Sociales. pp. 264-285. From: IV. International Congress Sport, Doping and Society, 26 February - 1 March 2014, Madrid, Spain.
Martín-Escudero, Pilar, Varela, Amai, Canales, Mercedes Galindo, Herrero, Helena, Fuertes, César Marca, Miguel-Tobal, Franciso, Engelberg, Terry, Moston, Stephen, and Fernandez, Christina (2014) Questionnaire-based study on knowledge and attitudes towards doping and social drugs in Spanish adolscent athletes and non-athletes. In: Abstracts of the IV Congreso Internacional Deporte, Dopaje y Sociedad. 66. p. 25. From: IV Congreso Internacional Deporte, Dopaje y Sociedad, 26 February - 1 March 2014, Madrid, Spain.
Moston, Stephen, and Engelberg, Terry (2014) The doping age. Australasian Science, 35 (8). pp. 17-19.
Skinner, James, and Engelberg, Terry (2018) New problems, new challenges: embracing innovative approaches to sport research. Sport in Society, 21 (2). pp. 179-184.
Skinner, James, and Engelberg, Terry (2018) Research Methodologies for Sport Scholarship. Sport in the Global Society: contemporary perspectives . Routledge, Abingdon, UK.
Skinner, James, Moston, Stephen, and Engelberg, Terry (2012) The relationship between moral code, participation in sport, and attitudes towards performance enhancing drugs in young people. Report. World Anti-Doping Agency, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Simoncini, Kym Maree (2010) The hours after school: young school-aged children's care arrangements and activities. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Simpson, Graham, Ferns, Janine, Knight, Trevor, and Heron, Malcolm L. (2006) Medical standards for the use of 'Scubadoo' - a discussion paper. Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine, 36 (1). pp. 9-11.
Sutton, Stephen G., and Ditton, Robert B. (2005) The substitutability of one type of fishing for another. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 25 (2). pp. 536-546.
Sutton, Stephen G. (2005) Factors influencing boater satisfaction in Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park. Tourism in Marine Environments, 2 (1). pp. 13-22.