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Number of items at this level: 41.


Gibson-Graham, J.K., Hill, Ann, and Law, Lisa (2016) Re-embedding economies in ecologies: resilience building in more than human communities. Building Research and Information, 44 (7). pp. 703-716.

Walker, G. (2011) Comparison of the impacts of Cyclone Tracy and the Newcastle earthquake on the Australian building and insurance industries. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, 11 (3). pp. 283-293.

Walker, George R. (2011) Modelling the vulnerability of buildings to wind — a review. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 38 (9). pp. 1031-1039.

Mphale, K.M., Luhanga, P.V.C., and Heron, M.L. (2008) Microwave attenuation in forest fuel flames. Combustion and Flame, 154 (4). pp. 728-739.

Mphale, Kgakgamatso, and Heron, Mal (2008) Measurement of Electrical Conductivity for a Biomass Fire. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 9 (8). pp. 1416-1423.

Jacob, M.V., Easton, C.D., Woods, G.S., and Berndt, C.C. (2008) Fabrication of a novel organic polymer thin film. Thin Solid Films, 516 (12). pp. 3884-3887.

Mphale, K.M., Letsholathebe, D., and Heron, M.L. (2007) Effective complex permittivity of a weakly ionized vegetation litter fire at microwave frequencies. Journal of Physics D: applied physics, 40 (21). pp. 6651-6656.

Mphale, Kgakgamatso, and Heron, Mal (2007) Absorption and transmission power coefficients for millimeter waves in a weakly ionised vegetation fire. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 28 (10). pp. 865-879.

Pamu, D., Narayana Rao, G.L., Raju, K.C. James, and Jacob, Mohan V. (2007) Effect of CuO on the sintering and cryogenic microwave characteristics of (Zr 0.8 Sn 0.2) TiO4 ceramics. Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, 8 (6). pp. 469-476.

Easton, C.D., Jacob, M.V., and Krupka, J. (2007) Non-destructive complex permittivity measurement of low permittivity thin film materials. Measurement Science and Technology, 18 (9). pp. 2869-2877.

Mphale, Kgakgamatso, and Heron, Malcom (2007) Wildfire plume electrical conductivity. Tellus. Series B: Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 59 (4). pp. 766-772.

Mphale, Kgakgamatso, and Heron, Mal (2007) Microwave measurement of electron density and collision frequency of a pine fire. Journal of Physics D: applied physics, 40 (9). pp. 2818-2825.

Jacob, M.V., Pamu, D., and Raju, K.C. James (2007) Cryogenic microwave dielectric properties of sintered (Zr 0.8 Sn 0.2) TiO4 doped with CuO and ZnO. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 90 (5). pp. 1511-1514.

Mphale, Kgakgamatso, Jacob, Mohan, and Heron, Mal (2007) Prediction and measurement of electron density and collision frequency in a weakly ionised pine fire. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves, 28 (3). pp. 251-262.

Mphale, K., Heron, M., and Verma, T. (2007) Effect of Wildfire-induced Thermal Bubble on Radio Communication. Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER), 68. pp. 197-228.

Mphale, K., and Heron, M. (2007) Ray Tracing Radio Waves in Wildfire Environments. Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIER), 67. pp. 153-172.

Liu, Yi, Jin, Feng, and Li, Qing (2006) A strength-based multiple cutout optimization in composite plates using fixed grid finite element method. Composite Structures, 73 (4). pp. 403-412.

Li, Wei, Li, Qing, Steven, Grant P., and Xie, Y.M. (2005) An evolutionary shape optimization for elastic contact problems subject to multiple load cases. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 194 (30-33). pp. 3394-3415.

Li, Qing, Steven, Grant P., Xie, Y.M., and Querin, Osvaldo M. (2004) Evolutionary topology optimization for temperature reduction of heat conducting fields. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 47 (23). pp. 5071-5083.

Li, Qing, and Li, Wei (2004) A contact finite element algorithm for the multileaf spring of vehicle suspension systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: journal of automobile engineering, 218 (3). pp. 305-314.

Vidonja Balanzategui, Bianka, and Debono, Barbara (2001) The Fronton: a Basque legacy in tropical North Queensland. Journal of the Society of Basque Studies in America, 21 (2001). 3. pp. 17-34.

Ginger, J.D., Reardon, G.F., and Whitbread, B.J. (2000) Wind load effects and equivalent pressures on low-rise house roofs. Engineering Structures, 22 (6). pp. 638-646.

Liu, T., Karunasena, W.M., Kitipornchai, S., and Veidt, M. (2000) The influence of backward wave transmission on quantitative ultrasonic evaluation using Lamb wave propagation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 107 (1). pp. 306-314.

Ginger, John D. (2000) Internal pressures and cladding net wind loads on full-scale low-rise building. Journal of Structural Engineering, 126 (4). pp. 538-543.

Wilkinson, Barry, Leggett, Chris, and Patarapanich, Somsong (1986) National ideology, technology and employment: the construction industry in Singapore. New Technology, Work and Employment, 1 (1). pp. 67-76.


Boughton, G., and Falck, D. (2007) Tropical Cyclone George: damage to buildings in the Port Hedland area. Report. James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Conference Item

Peng, Zhongxiao, Wang, Meiling, and Yin, Ling (2012) Investigation of nano-mechanical properties of cartilages of sheep knee joints. In: Proceedings of the 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics. pp. 315-321. From: 7th Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 9-12 December 2012, University of Adelaide, SA.

Jacob, Mohan, Subodh, G., Sebastian, Mailadil, Krupka, Jerzy, Mazierska, Janina, and Bialkowski, M (2007) Microwave characterisation of MgTe2O5 using quasi TE0np mode dielectric resonator technique. In: Proceedings of 2007 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference. pp. 1481-1483. From: APMC Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference: Technology Convergence: Microwave for Life Sciences, 11-14 December 2007, Bangkok, Thailand.

Jacob, M.V., and Raju, K.C. James (2007) Microwave characterisation of dielectric materials - an overview. In: Proceedings on International Conference on Advanced Materials and Composites. pp. 765-772. From: International Conference on Advanced Materials and Composites, 24-26 October 2007, Thiruvananthapuram, India.

Mathew, Vincent, and Jacob, Mohan V. (2007) Simulation of microstrip structures on LTCC substrates. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Materials and Composites. pp. 696-700. From: International Conference on Advanced Materials and Composites, 24-26 October 2007, Thiruvananthapuram, India.

Jacob, Mohan V. (2007) Temperature dependence of the complex permittivity of Greentapes. In: Proceedings of Symposium P: Electromagnetic Materials (ICMAT 2007). pp. 44-47. From: International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies 2007, 1-6 July 2007, Singapore.

Loughran, J.G., Anderson, S.I., Camuglia, J., and Trapp, N. (2005) Enhancing the life of shredder hammer tungsten carbide tips. In: Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists. pp. 508-518. From: 27th Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, 3 - 6 May 2005, Bundaberg, QLD, Australia.

Loughran, J.G., and Anderson, S.I. (2005) Simulation and modeling of the penetration of brittle-ductile assemblies under large deformation. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference in Engineering in Materials 2004. From: 1st International Conference in Engineering in Materials 2004, 12-14 July 2004, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

Li, Q., and Loughran, J. (2005) A continuum sensitivity based design procedure for multi-stage metal forming processes. In: Proceedings of the Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics. pp. 433-438. From: Fourth Australasian Congress on Applied Mechanics, 16-18 February 2005, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.

Loughran, J.G., Leonardi, C.R., and Anderson, S. (2004) DEM of bulk flow through complex transitions. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storge, Handling and Transportation. pp. 1-5. From: 8th International Conference on Bulk Materials Storage, Handling and Transportation, 5-8 July 2004, University of Wollongong.

Hughes, W.D., and Karunasena, W.M. (2004) Factors affecting debonding of FRP (fiber-reinforced polymer) rehabilitated concrete beams. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics. pp. 871-880. From: 3rd International Conference on Advances in Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2-4 Sep 2004, Seoul, Korea.

Loughran, J.G., and Anderson, S. (2004) Large strain deformation and fracture of quai-brittle materials with application to process comminution equipment. In: Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on Computational Mechanics. pp. 1-9. From: Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 5-10 September 2004, Beijing, China.

Karunasena, W.M. (2004) Numerical modelling of obliquely incident guided wave scattering by a crack in a laminated composite plate. In: Proceedings of Structural Integrity and Fracture Conference 2004. pp. 181-187. From: Structural Integrity and Fracture, 26-29 September 2004, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.

Li, Wei, Li, Qing, and Steven, Grant P. (2004) Shape optimization for contact problems with multiple load cases. In: Proceedings of Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics. From: Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 5-10 September 2004, Beijing, China.


Rankine, Briony Rachelle (2007) Assessment and analysis of Queensland clay behaviour. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Johnson, Kate (2005) Load-deformation behaviour of foundations under vertical and oblique loads. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

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