Browse by ANZSRC Socio-Economic Objective codes
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- SEO Codes (55583)
- 8304 Pasture, Browse and Fodder Crops (73)
- 830406 Sown Pastures (excl. Lucerne) (38)
- 8304 Pasture, Browse and Fodder Crops (73)
Gardiner, Chris, Fleury, Hector, and Fletcher, Jim (2020) Desmanthus on the rise. North Queensland Register. p. 17.
Aoetpah, A., Gardiner, C., Gummow, B., and Walker, G. (2018) Growth and eye muscle area of cross-bred Boer goats fed Desmanthus cultivar JCU 1 hay. Animal Production Science, 58. 2563. xxxvi-xxxvi.
Vandermeulen, Sophie, Singh, Sultan, Ramírez-Restrepo, Carlos Alberto, Kinley, Robert D., Gardiner, Christopher P., Holtum, Joseph A., Hannah, Iain, and Bindelle, Jérôme (2018) In vitro assessment of ruminal fermentation, digestibility and methane production of three species of Desmanthus for application in northern Australian grazing systems. Crop & Pasture Science, 69 (8). pp. 797-807.
Gardiner, Christopher, Lyons, Michael, and Kempe, Nick (2017) Aerial seeding of Progardes Desmanthus at Wambiana. Northern Muster, 2017 (44). p. 21.
Durmic, Zoey, Ramírez-Restrepo, Carlos A., Gardiner, Chris, O'Neil, Christopher J., Hussein, Eman, and Vercoe, Phillip E. (2017) Differences in the nutrient concentrations, in vitro methanogenic potential and other fermentative traits of tropical grasses and legumes for beef production systems in northern Australia. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 97 (12). pp. 4075-4082.
Lawn, R.J., and Bielig, L.M. (2016) Expression of amphicarpy in Vigna lanceolata morphotypes and their hybrids and implications for cultivar development. Crop & Pasture Science, 67 (9). CP16087. pp. 978-987.
Amar, Andi L., Congdon, Robert A., Gardiner, Christopher P., and Coventry, Ross J. (2016) Quality of seed produced by tropical forage legumes on low fertility soils. Agroland, 3 (1). pp. 1-13.
Koci, J., and Nelson, P.N. (2016) Tropical dairy pasture yield and nitrogen cycling: effect of urea application rate and a nitrification inhibitor, DMPP. Crop & Pasture Science, 67 (7). pp. 766-779.
Rangel, José Henrique de Albuquerque, Gardiner, Christopher Peter, and Burt, Robert Lewis (2015) Dormancy releasing mechanisms in soil seed banks of Desmanthus genotypes. Revista Caatinga, 28 (1). pp. 90-99.
Gardiner, Chris (2014) Stock do the deed for seed. Future Beef Northern Muster, 36. p. 24.
Stolz, Linda, Gardiner, Christopher, and Kempe, Nick (2014) Unlocking north's seed secret: results of Hughenden Progardes trial. Northern Muster, 24 April 2014. p. 26.
Gardiner, Christopher, Kempe, Nick, Hannah, Iain, and McDonald, Jim (2013) Progardes: a legume for tropical/subtropical semi-arid clay soils. Tropical Grasslands - Forrajes Tropicales, 1 (1). pp. 78-80.
Hannah, Iain, and Gardiner, Chris (2013) New legume capable of persisting in dry times. Queensland Country Life, 01 April 2013. pp. 1-3.
Gardiner, Christopher, Hannah, Iain, and Kempe, Nick (2013) Legume for semiarid clay sois: an update. Northern Muster, 31. p. 21.
Gardiner, Christopher, Kempe, Nick, and Hannah, Iain (2012) New pasture legumes for clay soils in dry environments. Northern Muster, 30 (30). pp. 27-28.
Kaur, Kamaljit, Jalota, Rajesh K., and Midmore, David J. (2010) Soil respiration rate and its sensitivity to temperature in pasture systems of dry-tropics. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil and Plant Science, 6 (5). pp. 407-419.
de A. Rangel, J.H., and Gardiner, C.P. (2009) Stimulation of wool growth by Desmanthus spp. as a supplement to a diet of Mitchell grass hay. Tropical Grasslands, 43 (2). pp. 106-111.
Noble, A.D., Middleton, C., Nelson, P.N., and Rogers, L.G. (2002) Risk mapping of soil acidification under Stylosanthes in northern Australian rangelands. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 40 (2). pp. 257-267.
Nelson, Paul N., Cotsaris, Evangelo, and Oades, J. Malcolm (1996) Nitrogen, phosphorus and organic carbon in streams draining two grazed catchments. Journal of Environmental Quality, 25 (6). pp. 1221-1229.
Gardiner, C.P., and Burt, R.L. (1995) Performance characteristics of Desmanthus virgatus in contrasting tropical environments. Tropical Grasslands, 29 (3). pp. 183-187.
Book Chapter
Gardiner, C.P. (2016) Developing and commercializing new pasture legumes for clay soils in the semi-arid rangelands of northern Australia: the new Desmanthus cultivars JCU 1–5 and the Progardes story. In: Lazier, John R., and Ahmad, Nazeer, (eds.) Tropical Forage Legumes: harnessing the potential of Desmanthus and other genera for heavy clay soils. CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 283-304.
Conference Item
Gardiner, Chris, Kempe, Chloe, Kempe, Nick, Campbell, Greg, Fleury, Heitor, Malau-Aduli, Aduli, Walker, Glen, Suybeng, Benedicte, and Mwangi, Felista (2019) Progardes Desmanthus - an update. In: [Presented at the Northern Beef Research Update Conference]. 211. From: Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 19-22 August 2019, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Gardiner, Chris, Lyons, Michael, and Kempe, Nick (2017) Successful aerial seeding of Progades Desmanthus at Wambiana. In: Poster Abstracts from the International Tropical Agriculture Conference. 3.13. p. 85. From: TropAg2017: International Tropical Agriculture Conference, 22 - 22 November 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Ngo, Thuy, Parker, Anthony, and Gardiner, Chris (2017) The effects of diet preference on feed intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance of sheep given Iseilema spp. (Flinders grass) hay and/or Desmanthus leptophyllus cv JCU 1 Ad libitum. In: Poster Abstracts from the International Tropical Agriculture Conference. 3.14. p. 85. From: TropAg2017: International Tropical Agriculture Conference, 20-22 November 2017, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Gardiner, Chris, Ossiya, Sarah Ashanut, and Rangel, Jose Henrique de Alburquerque (2017) Discontinued legume trials yield potentially valuable genotypes. In: Proceedings of the 18th Australian Agronomy Conference. From: 18th Australian Agronomy Conference, 24-28 September 2017, Ballarat, VIC, Australia.
Vandermeulen, Sophie, Ramerez Restrepo, Carlos, Singh, Sultan, Kinley, Rob, Gardiner, Chris P., Holtum, Joseph A.M., Bindelle, Jereme, and Hannah, Iain (2016) Intra‐cultivar potential of Desmanthus spp. as a greenhouse gas mitigation strategy for tropical livestock pastoral systems. In: Abstracts from TropAg2015. P037. pp. 92-93. From: TropAg 2015: Tropical Agriculture Conference: meeting the productivity challenge in the Tropics, 16-18 November 2015, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Collins, Jason, Gardiner, Christopher, Kempe, Nick, and Hannah, Iain (2016) Successful pasture development at Cungelella: a grazier, a researcher and a seed company's perspective. In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference. p. 96. From: Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 15-18 August 2016, Rockhampton, QLD, Austalia.
Koci, Jack, Nelson, Paul N., and Rowlings, David (2014) Tropical dairy pasture yield and nitrogen cycling: effects of fertiliser rate and a nitrification inhibitor. In: Abstracts from the National Soil Science Conference. From: National Soil Science Conference, 23-27 November 2014, Melbourne, VIC, Australia.
Cox, Kendrick, and Gardiner, Christopher (2013) Pasture legumes in Queensland: a new wave? In: Proceedings of the Northern Beef Research Update Conference. pp. 15-20. From: Northern Beef Research Update Conference, 12-15 August 2013, Cairns, Queensland, Australia.
Gardiner, C., and Parker, A. (2012) Steer liveweight gains on Progardes desmanthus/buffel pastures in Queensland. In: Proceedings of Second Joint Conference of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production and the Australian Society of Animal Production (29) p. 1. From: Animal Production in Australia, 2-5 July 2012, Lincoln University, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Gardiner, C.P., and Swan, S. J. (2008) Abandoned pasture legumes offer potential economic and environmental benefits in semiarid clay soil rangelands. In: Australian Rangeland Conference. From: A climate of change in the rangelands, 28 September - 2 October 2008, Charters Towers, QLD, Australia.
Malau-Aduli, Aduli E.O. (2007) Energy and protein contents in pastures at different times of the year and feeding to meet animal nutrient requirements. In: Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the Grasslands Society of Southern Australia, Tasmania Branch (16) pp. 39-52. From: 16th Annual Conference of the Grasslands Society of Southern Australia, Tasmanian Branch, 2007, Launceston, TAS, Australia.
Gardiner, Christopher, Bielig, Leone, Schlink, Anthony, Coventry, Ross, and Waycott, Michelle (2004) Desmanthus a new pasture legume for the dry tropics. In: Proceedings of the 4th International Crop Science Congress . From: New directions for a diverse planet, 26 September - 1 October 2004, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.
Gardiner, Christopher (2003) An evaluation of tropical pasture legumes on gidgee soils in the semi-arid tropics. In: Proceedings of the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference. From: Solutions for a better environment, 2-6 February 2003, Geelong, VIC, Australia .
Gardiner, C.P., and Rangel, J.H. de A. (1996) Agronomic and nutritional aspects of Desmanthus virgatus. In: Posters from the Future of Tropical Savannas: an Australian Perspective. 8. From: The Future of Tropical Savannas: an Australian Perspective, 19-22 July 1994, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Rangel, J.H. de A., and Gardiner, C.P. (1996) Effect of fire and heat on seed germination of Desmanthus virgatus accessions. In: Posters from the Future of Tropical Savannas: an Australian Perspective. 20. From: The Future of Tropical Savannas: an Australian Perspective, 19-22 July 1996, Townsville, QLD, Australia.
Aoetpah, Aholiab (2019) Validation of metabolisable protein and energy systems to predict the productivity of meat goats fed tropical grass, legumes and protein supplements. PhD thesis, James Cook University.
Rangel, José Henrique de Albuquerque (2005) Agroecological studies of Desmanthus: a tropical forage legume. PhD thesis, James Cook University.