Effect of fire and heat on seed germination of Desmanthus virgatus accessions

Rangel, J.H. de A., and Gardiner, C.P. (1996) Effect of fire and heat on seed germination of Desmanthus virgatus accessions. In: Posters from the Future of Tropical Savannas: an Australian Perspective. 20. From: The Future of Tropical Savannas: an Australian Perspective, 19-22 July 1996, Townsville, QLD, Australia.

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Desmanthus seed has a high degree of dormancy related to its hard seat coat. Some seeds germinate readily with adequate soil moisture while others may remain dormant for years. Fire has been observed to promote germination of these dormant seeds. The effect of heat on a range of accessions was studied. The results may assist in the management of Desmanthus recruitment in savanna landscapes particularly where fire can be used.

Item ID: 40697
Item Type: Conference Item (Poster)
Date Deposited: 24 Nov 2016 03:52
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