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Number of items at this level: 21.


Archer, Ben (2024) Faith and Futures: Exploring the Impact of Religious Beliefs on Career Choices in Rural High Schools. In: [Presented at the Australian Association for the Study of Religion Annual Conference]. From: Australian Association for the Study of Religion Annual Conference 2024, 29-30 November 2024, Canberra, ACT, Australia.


Churiyah, Madziatul, Pratikto, Heri, Susanti, Evi, Filianti, Wibowo, Lili Adi, and Voak, Adam (2021) Halal Tourism, Implementation and What is Needed: Indonesia Case. In: Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research: Proceedings of the BISTIC Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference (193) From: BISTIC 2021: Business Innovation Sustainability and Technology International Conference, 27-28 July 2021, Malang, Indonesia and Online.


Foley, Toni (2023) Exploring perceptions of interreligious learning and teaching and the interplay with religious identity. PhD thesis, James Cook University.

Foley, Toni, and Dinan-Thompson, Maree (2019) Identity and dialogue: Learnings from a personal interreligious encounter. In: Buchanan, Michael T., and Gellel, Adrian-Mario, (eds.) Global Perspectives on Catholic Religious Education in Schools. Springer, Singapore, pp. 563-573.

Foley, Toni, and Dinan-Thompson, Maree (2019) Other Religions and No Religion: A Classroom approach to interreligious dialogue in religious education. In: Rymarz, Richard, and Sharkey, Paul, (eds.) Moving from Theory to Practice - religious educators in the classroom. Vaughan Publishing, Mulgrave, VIC, Australia, pp. 308-325.


Hoogeveen, Suzanne, Haaf, Juila M., Bulbulia, Joseph A., Ross, Robert M., McKay, Ryan, Altay, Sacha, Bendixen, Theiss, Berniunas, Renatas, Cheshin, Arik, Gentili, Claudio, Georgescu, Raluca, Gervais, Will M., Hagel, Kristin, Kavanagh, Christopher, Levy, Neil, Neely, Alejandra, Qiu, Lin, Rabelo, Andre, Ramsay, Jonathan E., Rutjens, Bastiaan T., Turpin, Hugh, Uzarevic, Filip, Wuyts, Robin, Xygalatas, Dimitris, and van Elk, Michiel (2022) The Einstein effect provides global evidence for scientific source credibility effects and the influence of religiosity. Nature Human Behaviour, 6. pp. 523-535.


Khafidin, Khafidin, Wahyuni, Hana Catur, and Voak, Adam (2023) What are the risks of halal cosmetic products? Journal of Digital Marketing and Halal Industry, 5 (1). pp. 77-96.

King, David (2022) Hearing Minority Voices: Institutional Discrimination Towards LGBTQ in Disaster and Recovery. Journal of Extreme Events, 8 (4). 2241005.


Malife'o, Tracie, Archer, Ben, and Renfrew, Colin (2024) Adventist Families in Australia. In: [Presented at the SSSRC 2024 Seminar Series]. From: SSSRC Seminar Series, 31 October 2024, Cooranbong, NSW, Australia.

Maguire, John Patrick (1984) Prologue: a history of the Catholic Church as seen from Townsville 1863-1983. Masters (Research) thesis, James Cook University of North Queensland.


Noor, Nurhafihz (2025) Halal service quality: systematic review, conceptual model and future research. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. (In Press)

Noor, Nurhafihz, Sharifonnasabi, Fatemehghazalnaz, and Nallarasan, Nitheesh Kumar (2025) Halal servicescape in the metaverse. Journal of Islamic Marketing. (In Press)

Noor, Nurhafihz (2025) A closer look at halal brand image: systematic review and future directions. Journal of Islamic Marketing. (In Press)

Noor, Nurhafihz (2024) Book Review of "The Routledge Handbook of Halal Hospitality and Islamic Tourism" by C. Michael Hall and Girish Prayag. London, UK, Routledge 2020. ISBN: 9781032401461. International Journal of Islamic Marketing and Branding, 6 (2). pp. 180-184.

Noor, Nurhafihz (2024) Technology acceptance model in halal industries: a systematic literature review and research agenda. Journal of Islamic Marketing, 15 (11). pp. 3156-3173.

Noor, Nurhafihz (2024) A scoping review of artificial intelligence in halal service. Journal of Halal Service Research, 5 (1).


Pratiko, Henri, Taufiq, Ahmad, Voak, Adam, Deuraseh, Nurdeng, Nur, Hadi, Dahlan, Winai, Purnomo, Idris, and Purnomo, Agus (2021) Halal Development: Trends, Opportunities and Challenges: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Halal Development. Taylor and Francis, Leiden, The Netherlands.


Ramsay, Jonathan E., Khong, Zhi Yin, and Yeo, Joey S.E. (2023) The God of Big (And Good) Things: Religious Priming, Event Properties, and Supernatural Explanations. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 33 (2). pp. 89-106.


Teoh, S.J.Y., Low, P.K., and Ramsay, J.E. (2023) In Search of Safe Spaces: An Exploratory Study of the Anticipated Help-Seeking Needs and Preferences of Protestant Christian Women in Singapore with Respect to a Hypothetical Abortion Scenario. Journal of Religion and Health, 62. pp. 819-838.


Ying Teoh, S.J., and Low, Frederick P.K. (2023) The Attitudes of Asian Anglicans towards Women Bishops and the Gender Beliefs that Influence Them. International Journal of Asian Christianity, 6 (2). pp. 273-294.


Zainol, Zahirah, Noor, Nurhafihz, and Tong, Ashley (2024) Faithful and luxurious: Mediating halal with luxury through self-congruity. Journal of Global Fashion Marketing, 15 (4). pp. 422-439.

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