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- SEO Codes (55583)
- 1002 Fisheries - aquaculture (190)
- 100206 Aquaculture rock lobster (8)
- 1002 Fisheries - aquaculture (190)
Giri, Nyoman Adiasmara, Irvin, Simon, Haryanti, Sudewi, Selamet, Bejo, Jones, Clive M., and Mujiono (2023) Growth Response of Lobster Panulirus homarus Reared in Tanks and in Floating Net Cages Fed with Compound and Fresh Feed. Sains Malaysiana, 52 (10). pp. 2747-2759.
Genodepa, Jerome, Zeng, Chaoshu, Militz, Thane A., and Southgate, Paul C. (2023) Influence of Moult Cycles on Digestive Enzyme Activities during Early Larval Stages of Panulirus ornatus. Aquaculture Research, 2023. 9956046.
Genodepa, Jerome, Zeng, Chaoshu, Militz, Thane A., and Southgate, Paul C. (2022) Influence of Food Density on Digestive Enzyme Activities in Newly Hatched Larvae of the Spiny Lobster, Panulirus ornatus. Journal of Shellfish Research, 41 (3). pp. 381-387.
Genodepa, Jerome, Zeng, Chaoshu, Militz, Thane A., and Southgate, Paul C. (2022) Ontogenetic variation in digestive enzyme activities within embryos and newly-hatched larvae of the tropical spiny lobster, Panulirus ornatus. Aquaculture, 548 (Part 1). 737595.
Genodepa, Jerome, Zeng, Chaoshu, Militz, Thane A., and Southgate, Paul C. (2022) Responses of digestive enzyme profiles to various scenarios of food availability in newly-hatched Stage I phyllosoma larvae of the tropical spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology-Part B: biochemistry & molecular biology, 261. 110751.
Nankervis, L., Barbero, G., Irving, A., Joyce, M., Pizzutto, M., Diedrich, A., and Condon, K. (2022) Future-proofing the NA aquaculture industry need for skilled staff to 2050. Report. CRC for Developing Northern Australia, Townsville.
Jones, Clive (2020) Research for development of lobster growout technology in Indonesia [Final report on ACIAR project FIS/2014/059]. Report. Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Conference Item
Sahidhir, Ibnu, Syahrul, Syafrizal, Dewiyanti, Irma, Jones, Clive M., and Rimmer, Michael A. (2023) Feeding management and appraisal of recirculating aquaculture system for spiny lobster Panulirus spp. weaning. In: E3S Web of Conferences (442) 02020. From: ISFFS 2023: 2nd International Seminar on Fish and Fisheries Sciences, 6-7 June 2023, Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia.