Employer branding: strategic implications for staff recruitment

Wilden, Ralf, Gudergan, Siegfried, and Lings, Ian (2010) Employer branding: strategic implications for staff recruitment. Journal of Marketing Management, 26 (1-2). pp. 56-73.

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In many developed economies, changing demographics and economic conditions have given rise to increasingly competitive labour markets, where competition for good employees is strong. Consequently, strategic investments in attracting suitably qualified and skilled employees are recommended. One such strategy is employer branding. Employer branding in the context of recruitment is the package of psychological, economic, and functional benefits that potential employees associate with employment with a particular company. Knowledge of these perceptions can help organisations to create an attractive and competitive employer brand. Utilising information economics and signalling theory, we examine the nature and consequences of employer branding. Depth interviews reveal that job seekers evaluate: the attractiveness of employers based on any previous direct work experiences with the employer or in the sector; the clarity, credibility, and consistency of the potential employers’ brand signals; perceptions of the employers’ brand investments; and perceptions of the employers’ product or service brand portfolio.

Item ID: 75406
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1472-1376
Keywords: employer branding; recruitment; brand equity; signalling theory; qualitative research
Copyright Information: © 2010 Westburn Publishers Ltd.
Date Deposited: 27 Jun 2023 00:44
FoR Codes: 35 COMMERCE, MANAGEMENT, TOURISM AND SERVICES > 3506 Marketing > 350605 Marketing management (incl. strategy and customer relations) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 15 ECONOMIC FRAMEWORK > 1503 Management and productivity > 150303 Marketing @ 100%
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