Coastal turbidity derived from PROBA-V global vegetation satellite

de Keukelaere, Liesbeth, Sterckx, Sindy, Adriaensen, Stefan, Bhatia, Nitin, Monbaliu, Jaak, Toorman, Erik, Cattrijsse, André, Lebreton, Carole, Van der Zande, Dimitry, and Knaeps, Els (2020) Coastal turbidity derived from PROBA-V global vegetation satellite. Remote Sensing, 12 (3). 463.

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PROBA-V (Project for On-Board Autonomy-Vegetation) is a global vegetation monitoring satellite. The spectral quality of the data and the coverage of PROBA-V over coastal waters provide opportunities to expand its use to other applications. This study tests PROBA-V data for the retrieval of turbidity in the North Sea region. In the first step, clouds were masked and an atmospheric correction, using an adapted version of iCOR, was performed. The resulted water leaving radiance reflectance was validated against AERONET-OC stations, yielding a coefficient of determination of 0.884 in the RED band. Next, turbidity values were retrieved using the RED band. The PROBA-V retrieved turbidity data was compared with turbidity data from CEFAS Smartbuoys and ad-hoc measurement campaigns. This resulted in a coefficient of determination of 0.69. Finally, a time series of 1.5 year of PROBA-V derived turbidity data was plotted over MODIS data to check consistencies in both datasets. Seasonal dynamics were noted with high turbidity in autumn and winter and low values in spring and summer. For low values, PROBA-V and MODIS yielded similar results, but while MODIS seems to saturate around 50 FNU, PROBA-V can reach values up till almost 80 FNU.

Item ID: 67255
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 2072-4292
Keywords: Coastal water, iCOR, PROBA-V, Turbidity
Copyright Information: © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Funders: Belgian Science Policy Office (BELSPO), European Space Agency (ESA)
Projects and Grants: BELSPO grant SR/00/326 (PROBA4COAST), ESA grant 4000114981/15/I-LG (PV-LAC)
Date Deposited: 06 May 2021 01:43
FoR Codes: 31 BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES > 3103 Ecology > 310305 Marine and estuarine ecology (incl. marine ichthyology) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 18 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT > 1802 Coastal and estuarine systems and management > 180201 Assessment and management of coastal and estuarine ecosystems @ 100%
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