Putting ourselves in the big picture: a sustainable approach to project management for e-learning

Buchan, Janet (2010) Putting ourselves in the big picture: a sustainable approach to project management for e-learning. Journal of Distance Education, 24 (1). pp. 55-75.

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A case study of an Australian university is used to illustrate good practice in the management of e-learning, or educational technology projects. Firstly, by identifying possible funding sources for institutional projects. Secondly, by looking beyond the project and planning ongoing support for e-learning systems and educational technology. The use of a central project service centre is described as a way of facilitating transformational change in the institution. An integrated, multi-stakeholder approach to project management is described. Finally, the metaphor of panarchy is introduced into the educational discipline as a means of describing and understanding the complex interrelationships of multi-scale institutional projects and the influences of a variety factors on e-learning initiatives. The concept of para-analysis is introduced here as a management strategy. This can be used to map educational technology projects in time and institutional space and to predict the impacts the implementation of these might have on users.

Item ID: 33613
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1916-6818
Keywords: project management, e-learning, organisation, institution, para-analysis, strategy
Additional Information:

Article published originally in the Journal of Distance Education. Journal name changed to international Journal of e-learning and distance Education.

Abstract (French): Dans une étude de cas d'une grande université australienne, la métaphore de panar chie est employée afin de décrire et de comprendre les interrelations complexes de projets institutionnels à échelles multiples et les influences d'une variété de facteurs sur la réussite potentielle d'initiatives d'apprentissage en ligne. Le concept de la para-analyse est introduit en tant que stratégie de gestion pour détailler des projets de technologie éducationnelle en termes de temps et d'espace institutionnel et pour prédire les impacts que l'implantation de ceux-ci pourrait avoir sur les individus. Finalement, quatre lignes directrices sur les bonnes pratiques pour la gestion stratégique de projets d’apprentissage en ligne dans un grand établissement sont présentées.

Date Deposited: 17 Jul 2014 01:45
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