Jack Reacher's Rules - always keep your exit in view: using an ePortfolio from day 1 to foster work ready students

Lawson, Romy, Kuilboer, Alf, Murphy, Laurie, and Shircore, Mandy (2013) Jack Reacher's Rules - always keep your exit in view: using an ePortfolio from day 1 to foster work ready students. In: Papers from the International First Year in Higher Education Conference. From: FYHE 2013: International First Year in Higher Education Conference, 7-10 July 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

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Kift (2009) developed a transition pedagogy to enhance the first year experience. The principle of transition relates to providing students with explicit and consistent assistance to move from their earlier context to their new higher education context. When implemented effectively the first year curriculum will enable successful student transition into first year, through first year, into later years and ultimately out into the world of work, professional practice and career attainment. This paper showcases how an ePortfolio has been introduced to a degree program during orientation to engage students in their life post university, requiring them to collect, reflect and select evidence throughout their degree that can be used both in a final year work integrated learning capstone subject and beyond into the world of work.

Item ID: 32292
Item Type: Conference Item (Non-Refereed Research Paper)
ISBN: 978-0-646-90615-7
Keywords: eportfolio; transition pedagogy; work integrated learning
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Date Deposited: 16 Apr 2014 04:08
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