Grade repetition risk for Indigenous students in early schooling in Queensland, Australia

Anderson, Robyn (2014) Grade repetition risk for Indigenous students in early schooling in Queensland, Australia. Procedia: social and behavioral sciences, 114. pp. 744-748.

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This paper presents an analysis of the most recent grade repetition data accessed through Queensland's state education department, the Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE). Relative risk ratio was the method used to analyse the data and assess the relative risk of grade repetition for Indigenous students who are more often disadvantaged in education. Findings show that Indigenous students are overrepresented in grade repetition in all year levels of early schooling (Prep to Year 3). Contributing factors to the disproportionate over-representation of Indigenous students in early grade repetition are discussed and recommendations for policy are suggested.

Item ID: 31958
Item Type: Article (Research - C1)
ISSN: 1877-0428
Additional Information:

Papers in this volume of Procedia are from the 4th World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance WCPCG-2013 This is an open access article published under a CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.

Date Deposited: 02 Apr 2014 02:27
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