Roads: Sense of Place in the Tropics

Fleischmann, Katja (2013) Roads: Sense of Place in the Tropics. [Creative Work]

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Architecture, vegetation, light, smells, foods or people's clothing can contribute to creating a sense of place. From 'outside', the tropics are commonly associated with palm trees, white sandy beaches, turquoise blue water and bright sunlight. The tropics 'inside' are a social product with particular locales, shared experiences and meaning–places await to be explored. Roads are connecting us. Fly-in Fly-out is a characteristic of Townsville. People driving long distance to and from work. On each end are emotions, experiences not shared in this instance.

Research Statement

Research Background The tropics are significant in creating a sense of place. Architecture, vegetation, light, smells, foods or people’s clothing can contribute to creating a sense of place. From ‘outside’, the tropics are commonly associated with palm trees, white sandy beaches, turquoise blue water and bright sunlight. The tropics ‘inside’ are a social product with particular locales, shared experiences and meaning–places await to be explored.
Research Contribution "Sense of Place: Roads" relates to the geography of the tropics and its roads connecting far away places. Long distance relations, a life lived together but far apart; relations shaped by a roster (Fly-in Fly-out/Drive-in drive-out) and emotions lost in distance. Experiences made in solitude - are explored and are intentionally put centre-stage. Surviving separation is an area that needs further exploration and attention. "There are many anecdotal claims that FIFO has negative impacts ..., leading to an elevated risk of high stress levels, depression, binge drinking, recreational drug use and relationship break-ups" (Cliffford, 2009). Clifford, Susan, (2009). The effects of fly-in/fly-out commute arrangements...
Research Significance The significance of this research is to emphasise the distinctiveness of the tropics and its effect on people’s life and their lifestyle. Expressed through these two pieces of artwork which captivate moments, like the shadows casted by the clothing on the line (light and shadow; white and black) or traveling the road which is meant to connect people however unable to transport emotions across, as such displaying particularities of this place.
Item ID: 31094
Item Type: Creative Work
Media of Output: Mixed media
Event Details: Sweat - School of Creative Arts Staff Show
eMerge Gallery
17 September - 4 October 2013
Keywords: art, tropics, culture
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This work formed part of Sweat, the School of Creative Arts' Staff Exhibition, at eMerge Gallery, James Cook University, Townsville, QLD, Australia, 17 September - 4 October 2013.

Date Deposited: 06 Feb 2014 06:39
FoR Codes: 19 STUDIES IN CREATIVE ARTS AND WRITING > 1905 Visual Arts and Crafts > 190502 Fine Arts (incl Sculpture and Painting) @ 100%
SEO Codes: 95 CULTURAL UNDERSTANDING > 9501 Arts and Leisure > 950104 The Creative Arts (incl. Graphics and Craft) @ 100%
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