'From being caught in the middle of a war' to 'getting everything and more': social work students experiences in placements with external supervision

Zuchowski, Ines (2012) 'From being caught in the middle of a war' to 'getting everything and more': social work students experiences in placements with external supervision. In: Presentations from the Association of Social Work and Welfare Education Symposium. From: Association of Social Work and Welfare Education 2012 Symposium: cultural diversity: social work and human services education working with difference, 27-28 September 2012, Adelaide, SA, Australia.

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Globally, economic, social and political changes are impacting on social work practice, social work practitioners and social work organisations, may require rethinking of approaches to field education. Social Work placements with external supervision are becoming more prevalent, however, are often considered out of the norm. This presentation provides interim findings of my current PhD research into exploring 'Social Work Student Placements with External Supervision'.

My research is concerned with exploring the experiences of all key stakeholders in social work field education with external supervision and developing practice in this area. I have conducted interviews with students, external supervisors, task supervisors and liaison people. In my presentation I will focus on the experiences of students in field education with external supervision. Students who participated in this research spoke about their experiences in placements with external supervision, the supervisory relationships, the challenges and opportunities these placements posed and the considered the qualities the key players in these set-ups should bring. Interim reflections suggest that from the students’ point of view placement preparation, the matching of students, placements and supervisors, and the relationships between the parties involved need to be considered more carefully in these placement set-ups.

Item ID: 28269
Item Type: Conference Item (Presentation)
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Date Deposited: 09 Sep 2013 00:02
FoR Codes: 16 STUDIES IN HUMAN SOCIETY > 1607 Social Work > 160799 Social Work not elsewhere classified @ 100%
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